After the Certificate

Questions? Contact Us!

Steve Barger
Program Director

Donna Kehr
Program Coordinator

Kristin Hixenbaugh
Program Advisor

Take the next step ... let DMACC help you earn a degree online

​Consider one of our Criminal Justice two-year Associate Degrees (AA or AAS). DMACC also offers hundreds of other degree programs​ for you to explore if you are not sure of your goal currently. 

And the best part about it is, as a current DMACC student you've already been accepted! Let us help you transition and find the most efficient and cost e​ffective way to meet your educational goals. There may be financial aid, scholarship, deferred tuition, TSA tuition reimbursement programs, or other TSA Programs, that can help you reach your goals. We will be happy to help you explore options at no cost or obligation.

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