Make A Report
Help us keep our community safe
DMACC is committed to creating a safe, supportive learning and working environment
for all members of the campus community. Campus safety is our top priority and we
take all reports seriously to protect everyone's health and well-being.
The College depends on community members to identify and report behaviors of concern
so that the College can provide distressed students and employees with appropriate
support services and resources. We are all responsible for campus safety. If you see
something, say and do something about it - report any concerning behavior or suspicious
activity using the forms below.
Select the link to the category to see additional details and information. If this
is the appropriate category, click the "Make a Report" button to submit a report.
Academic Integrity / Misconduct
- Cheating
- Plagiarism
- Fabrication
- Multiple submissions
- Inappropriate use of a third-party resource
Student Conduct
- Disruptive Behavior
- Verbally or Physically Threatening Behavior
- Cause Concern for the Health & Safety of Others
- Other Concerning Behavior Threatening the Safety & Well Being of Others
General Student Complaint
- Mistreatment by a Staff Member
- Departmental Policies and Procedures Unclearly Written or Inconsistently Applied
- A Student Has Extenuating Circumstances That May Directly Affect the Educational Process
Student and/or Employee Sexual Misconduct / Title IX
- Domestic Violence
- Dating Violence
- Sexual Assault/Harassment
- Stalking
Security Incident, Crime, Accident, or Injury
- Crimes Against Persons, Property, or Damage to Property
- Personal Injury/Accident/Illness
Individual of Concern / CARE Team (College Assessment, Response, & Evaluation Team)
- Student Threatening to Harm Themselves or Others
- Erratic or Unstable Behavior