

Fall Schedule Available March 31

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Search Results

ASEP - General Motors

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20119 ATG312 1 4 GM Specialized Electronics Trn
Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP)
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
20621 ATG320 1 4 GM Brake Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP)
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:30PM 02:40PM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 17 Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 02:40PM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A
20121 ATG328 1 3 Diagnosis/Repair-GM Elect Sys
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program, MAT 772, AUT 114. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ATG 312.
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:30AM Armbrecht,Mark 02/12/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 11:30AM Armbrecht,Mark 02/12/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
20120 ATG329 1 3 Technical Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program, MAT 772, AUT 114, ATG 322. Prerequisite/Corequisite: ATG 312, ATG 320.
7 0 0 0 Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20323 ATG333 1 3 Major Service Proc/GM Engines
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. 15 hours of lecture will be held virtually in Blackboard Collaborate; dates TBD. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program and ATG 327.
7 0 0 0 MTWR 10:40AM 12:35PM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44 Tuition
MTWR 10:40AM 12:35PM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
20307 ATG350 1 3 Technical Internship IV
8-week course. 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATG 340
8 0 0 0 Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20306 ATG354 1 5 Advanced GM Motors Systems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program
7 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:25AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:25AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
F 08:00AM 11:35AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/14/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
F 08:00AM 11:35AM Olesen,Bjarne 03/14/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42

ASSET - Ford

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23073 ATF324 1 3 Ford Steering/Suspension
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 317 Corequisite: ATF 328
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:35AM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
MTWRF 10:10AM 11:35AM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
T R 09:00AM 10:00AM Russell,Aaron 01/14/25 03/06/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
23074 ATF325 1 3 Ford Brakes Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 317 Corequisite: ATF 328
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:00PM 01:50PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 01:50PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
23075 ATF328 1 5 Ford Electronic Systems Diag
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 312 and ATF 317
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 02:00PM 04:30PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
MTWRF 02:00PM 04:30PM Russell,Aaron 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
21582 ATF330 1 3 Technical Internship II
Must be accepted into the Ford ASSET Program. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 320
7 0 0 0 MTWRF Russell,Aaron 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21233 ATF344 1 2 Ford Driveline & 4x4 Diag/Rpr
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
8 0 0 0 T R 11:00AM 02:00PM Langner,Eric 03/11/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109 Tuition
T R 11:00AM 02:00PM Langner,Eric 03/11/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
23773 ATF346 1 4 Ford Transmission & Transaxle
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
8 15 0 15 M W F 12:00PM 03:45PM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
M W F 12:00PM 03:45PM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
21232 ATF350 1 3 Technical Internship IV
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 340
9 0 0 0 MTWRF Langner,Eric 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21234 ATF352 1 3 Ford Systems/Tech. Update
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be accepted into Ford ASSET (4002) Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
8 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 11:45AM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130 Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 11:45AM Langner,Eric 03/12/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23519 ACC104 1 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Late start. 12-week course. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 0 0 0 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Klinker,Kristine 02/04/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01 Tuition
23522 ACC104 WW1 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Late start. 12-week course. Proctored Exams Required.
3 0 0 0 Klinker,Kristine 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23523 ACC104 WW2 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Late start. 12-week course. Proctored exams required.
6 0 0 0 Smith,Bob 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21059 ACC124 1 3 Accounting Professionalism
2 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Reed,Lauren 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
20173 ACC131 UBM 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
13 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208 Tuition
20180 ACC131 B 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
5 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Bond,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20181 ACC131 C 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
3 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Bond,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20182 ACC131 D 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Eastman,Sam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16 Tuition
20183 ACC131 F 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
2 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Eastman,Sam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16 Tuition
20339 ACC131 BC 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
3 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 09:55AM Murphy,John 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
20399 ACC131 WW1 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
3 15 0 15 Bond,William 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20460 ACC131 WW2 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
6 15 0 15 Bond,William 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20611 ACC131 WW3 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
4 15 0 15 Bond,William 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21476 ACC131 WW4 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
0 15 0 15 Meredith,Macy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23083 ACC131 WW5 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
5 15 0 15 Meredith,Macy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24090 ACC131 WW6 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required.
7 15 0 15 Eastman,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26185 ACC131 WWA 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Smith,Bob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20184 ACC132 B 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Bond,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20185 ACC132 C 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Bond,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
20186 ACC132 A 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 11B Tuition
20277 ACC132 WA 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
11 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 118E Tuition
20340 ACC132 BD 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
6 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Murphy,John 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
20380 ACC132 WW1 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
1 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20454 ACC132 UBM 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
19 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Nasereddin,Samar 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208 Tuition
20518 ACC132 WW2 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
3 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21546 ACC132 WW3 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
3 15 0 15 Huseman,Margaret 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24028 ACC132 WW4 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
4 15 0 15 Huseman,Margaret 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26423 ACC132 E1 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
11 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 10:00PM Dodds,Gregory 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
21369 ACC161 WW1 3 Payroll Accounting
Proctored Exams Required.
7 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24416 ACC161 UAA 3 Payroll Accounting
17 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
26187 ACC161 WW5 3 Payroll Accounting
Proctored Exams Required.
5 15 0 15 Reed,Lauren 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20705 ACC165 WW1 2 Payroll Certification Review
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21405 ACC165 WW2 2 Payroll Certification Review
Proctored exams required. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23627 ACC237 WW1 4 Intermediate Accounting
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 132 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 Meredith,Macy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22667 ACC252 WW1 4 Gov't & Nonprofit Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
3 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22735 ACC252 WW2 4 Gov't & Nonprofit Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
6 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23084 ACC265 WW1 4 Income Tax Accounting
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
4 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23085 ACC265 WW2 4 Income Tax Accounting
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
12 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21136 ACC314 1 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Eastman,Sam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
21165 ACC314 WW1 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. Class requires a PC. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Check with your instructor if a paper copy is required. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
6 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21542 ACC314 WW2 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. Class requires a PC. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your instructor if a paper copy is required. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
5 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22799 ACC314 WW3 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Check with your instructor if a paper copy is required. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
9 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22466 ACC353 1 4 Excel for Entrepreneurs
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACC 104 or ACC 131
5 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Eastman,Sam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
26549 ACC353 WW1 4 Excel for Entrepreneurs
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACC 104 or ACC 131
5 15 0 15 Murphy,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22705 ACC850 WB1 3 Tax Assistance Institute
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 265 or equivalent with a grade of "C" or above
17 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/13/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
F 09:00AM 01:35PM Westphal Murphy,Kelly 01/17/25 03/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 107


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20464 ADM105 WW1 1 Intro to Keyboarding
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Reserved for students accepted into the following programs: Accounting Specialist, Accounting & Bookkeeping Diploma, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Hospitality Management, Health Information Technology, Patient Access.
3 15 0 15 Turner,Celina 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20465 ADM105 WW2 1 Intro to Keyboarding
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Reserved for students accepted into the following programs: Accounting Specialist, Accounting & Bookkeeping Diploma, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Hospitality Management, Health Information Technology, Patient Access.
4 15 0 15 Turner,Celina 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23016 ADM105 WW3 1 Intro to Keyboarding
Late-start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session
4 15 0 15 Johnston,Toni 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23017 ADM154 WW1 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Manock,Julianne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26188 ADM154 WW2 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Manock,Julianne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26504 ADM154 WW3 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21302 ADM157 A 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Turner,Christina 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
23572 ADM157 WW1 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23934 ADM157 WW2 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26189 ADM157 B 3 Business English
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Turner,Christina 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
23012 ADM221 WW1 2 Career Development Skills
Recommend taking this course the semester prior to internship or your last semester.
1 15 0 15 Lueth,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26190 BCA152 WW2 3 Comprehensive Spreadsheets
Uses Microsoft Excel 2021/365 in a Windows environment. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Young,Casey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20466 BCA212 WW1 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21451 BCA212 WW3 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Johnston,Toni 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22801 BCA212 A 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05 Tuition
26191 BCA212 3 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
14 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Smith,Chima 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05 Tuition
26539 BCA212 WW4 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26760 BCA212 WW2 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Young,Casey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Aging Services Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21221 ASM240 A 1 Pract. I: Social Services
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
15 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21222 ASM241 A 1 Pract.II: Dietary
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21223 ASM242 A 1 Pract.III:Legal Asp.& Gov.Org
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
15 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21224 ASM243 A 1 Pract. IV: Nursing
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
15 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21225 ASM244 A 1 Pract. V: Environmental Serv.
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21226 ASM245 A 1 Pract. VI:Act./Community
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21227 ASM246 A 1 Pract. VII: Business Admin.
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21228 ASM247 A 1 Pract. VIII: Admin. Org.
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21229 ASM248 A 1 Pract. IX: HR Management
This course is restricted for students in LTC tracks.
14 15 0 15 Reddy,Raj 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20843 AGA129 1 3 Intro to Sustainable Agricul
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:05AM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 209 Tuition
20200 AGA154 1 3 Fundamentals of Soil Science
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
7 0 0 0 M W 12:50PM 01:45PM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:50PM Doud,Timothy 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253
20203 AGA211 1 3 Grain and Forage Crops
Reserved for Agri Business students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor or AGA 381, 114, 154
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:50PM 01:45PM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
21235 AGA211 2 3 Grain and Forage Crops
Reserved for Agribusiness students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor or AGA 381, 114, 154
10 0 0 0 MTWRF 01:55PM 02:50PM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
20715 AGA284 B 3 Pesticide Application Cert.
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGB 235 B and AGS 319 B. Reserved for Agribusiness students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:05AM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
20955 AGA284 C 3 Pesticide Application Cert.
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGB 235 C and AGS 319 C. Reserved for Agribusiness students. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
5 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
24361 AGA284 A 3 Pesticide Application Cert.
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
2 0 0 0 MTWRF 09:05AM 10:00AM Campbell,Emily 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 213 Tuition
20717 AGB235 B 3 Intro to Agricultural Markets
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGA 284 B and AGS 319 B. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
0 0 0 0 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Lautner,Travis 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216
20956 AGB235 C 3 Intro to Agricultural Markets
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGA 284 C and AGS 319 C. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
5 0 0 0 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
T R 09:05AM 10:00AM Lautner,Travis 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216
24365 AGB235 A 3 Intro to Agricultural Markets
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
2 0 0 0 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
T R 10:10AM 11:05AM Lautner,Travis 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216
20204 AGB330 1 3 Farm Business Management
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
11 0 0 0 MTWRF 01:55PM 02:50PM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 209 Tuition
20957 AGB330 2 3 Farm Business Management
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:50PM 01:45PM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 216 Tuition
22422 AGB336 1 3 Agricultural Selling
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 03:00PM 03:55PM Lautner,Travis 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 212 Tuition
20848 AGB440 WW1 3 Agricultural Niche Marketing
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 10 0 10 Campbell,Emily 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21050 AGB802 A 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 Rouse,Andrea 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21051 AGB802 B 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite.
2 0 0 0 Doud,Timothy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21052 AGB802 C 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 Lautner,Travis 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21053 AGB802 D 2 Agribusiness Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 Campbell,Emily 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21054 AGB812 A 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AGB 802
0 0 0 0 Doud,Timothy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21055 AGB812 B 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: AGB 802
8 0 0 0 Lautner,Travis 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21056 AGB812 C 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: AGB 802
2 0 0 0 Rouse,Andrea 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23782 AGB812 D 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has prerequisite. Prerequisite: AGB 802
5 15 0 15 Campbell,Emily 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21522 AGC314 WW1 2 Leadership in Agriculture
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Restricted to DMACC Agricultural, Horticultural Program Students and Pearson Scholars.
15 15 0 15 Rouse,Andrea 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20844 AGC420 1 3 Agricultural Issues
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Rouse,Andrea 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 209 Tuition
24375 AGS214 1 3 Domestic Animal Physiology
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGS 113 Minimum Grade D-
16 15 0 15 M 08:00AM 08:55AM Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 03/31/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255 Tuition
Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB
T F 08:00AM 09:30AM Fertig,Amy 01/14/25 04/01/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255
20451 AGS319 B 3 Animal Nutrition
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGB 235 B and AGS 319 B. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 09:05AM 10:00AM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition
20716 AGS319 C 3 Animal Nutrition
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in AGA 284 C and AGB 235 C. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 11:05AM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition
24366 AGS319 A 3 Animal Nutrition
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
1 1 0 1 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Doud,Timothy 01/13/25 04/02/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 253 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22662 ANI453 WA 3 Illustration for Animation
Reserved for students in animation program. Prerequisite: ANI 410
5 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 10:55AM Khalandovskiy,Igor 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22663 ANI467 WA 3 After Effects for Motion Grap
Reserved for students in the Animation program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 439
7 15 0 15 T R 03:10PM 05:00PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22661 ANI485 WA 3 Animation 1
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 483
8 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:55PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22664 ANI490 WA 3 Intro to Maya Animation
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 487
9 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
22665 ANI492 WA 6 Demo Reel Production
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 487
9 15 0 15 M W F 01:00PM 04:35PM Sinclair,Christopher 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20308 ANT105 WC1 3 Cultural Anthropology
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Simmons-Curtis,Emma 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 210E Tuition
20345 ANT105 WW2 3 Cultural Anthropology
2 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20476 ANT105 D 3 Cultural Anthropology
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Lahart,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
20581 ANT105 WW1 3 Cultural Anthropology
1 15 0 15 Simmons-Curtis,Emma 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21418 ANT105 WW3 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21488 ANT105 B 3 Cultural Anthropology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
18 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Lahart,Melanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 17 Tuition
21489 ANT105 C 3 Cultural Anthropology
16 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Lahart,Melanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
21491 ANT105 WW4 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27154 ANT105 WW5 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Price,Gretchen 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20995 ANT202 WW1 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
3 15 0 15 O'Connor De Los Rios,Divinity 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21176 ANT202 WW2 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
4 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21490 ANT202 A 3 Human Origins
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Lahart,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06 Tuition
21492 ANT202 WW3 3 Human Origins
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 O'Connor De Los Rios,Divinity 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21518 ANT202 WW4 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26804 ANT202 B 3 Human Origins
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Lahart,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition

Architectural Technologies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21018 ARC115 1 2 Arch 3D Computer Modeling
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: ARC-111 with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
17 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 10:45AM Gatzke,Mike 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21022 ARC133 1 3 Commercial Architecture/BIM I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ARC-124 with a C better and ARC-115 with a C or better or Instructor Approval
15 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 11:20AM Gatzke,Mike 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
23534 ARC134 1 3 Commercial Architecture/BIM II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a pre/co-requisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ARC 133 with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
17 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 11:55AM Gatzke,Mike 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21019 ARC172 1 2 Materials & Assemblies III
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Course has a pre-requisite. Prerequisite: ARC-170 with a C or better or Instructor Approval
17 0 0 0 T R 10:55AM 12:45PM Gatzke,Mike 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21020 ARC173 1 2 Materials & Assemblies IV
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a pre/co-requisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ARC-172 with a C or better or Instructor Approval.
19 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Gatzke,Mike 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
21021 ARC187 1 2 Contract Doc Tech I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course is reserved for students accepted into the Architectural Technologies program.
19 0 0 0 T R 10:00AM 11:50AM Gatzke,Mike 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20001 ART101 WB2 3 Art Appreciation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
7 15 0 15 Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20
20002 ART101 WB3 3 Art Appreciation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
9 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20 Tuition
Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20273 ART101 WB5 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
13 15 0 15 Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:15PM Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 205
20278 ART101 WA 3 Art Appreciation
21 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 09:30AM Snapper,Clarissa 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20916 ART101 WB4 3 Art Appreciation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20 Tuition
Wolter,Krista 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21009 ART101 WW1 3 Art Appreciation
2 15 0 15 Benna,Kyle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21010 ART101 WW2 3 Art Appreciation
4 15 0 15 Rendal,Camille 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21401 ART101 WW6 3 Art Appreciation
3 15 0 15 Backhaus,Sasha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21415 ART101 WW4 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Stenstrom,Melissa 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21416 ART101 WW3 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Alcoser,Maria 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21484 ART101 WW5 3 Art Appreciation
2 15 0 15 Benna,Kyle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22886 ART101 WH1 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 12-week course. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
8 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 07:45PM Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Stenstrom,Melissa 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23036 ART101 WW7 3 Art Appreciation
3 15 0 15 Benna,Kyle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23072 ART101 UAE 3 Art Appreciation
11 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Weatherly,Ryan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231 Tuition
26857 ART101 WW8 3 Art Appreciation
2 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27234 ART101 WW9 3 Art Appreciation
5 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27366 ART101 WWA 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21379 ART133 WV1 3 Drawing
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
15 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 12:25PM Connell,Rachel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23108 ART136 A 3 Life Drawing
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 03:50PM Lundberg,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 15 Tuition
20003 ART143 A 3 Painting
2 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 12:00PM Wolter,Krista 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 15 Tuition
22443 ART204 WW1 3 Art History II
1 15 0 15 Alcoser,Maria 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20545 PEV115 BA 1 Varsity Baseball
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
14 0 0 0 Mishler,Nic 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20543 PEV121 BA 1 Varsity Basketball, Men
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
24 0 0 0 Sandquist,Blake 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20544 PEV122 BA 1 Varsity Basketball, Women
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
22 0 0 0 Kovarik,Jocelyn 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
21523 PEV130 BA 1 Varsity Cross Country
18 15 0 15 Melchert,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 - Tuition
20649 PEV140 BA 1 Varsity Golf
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
23 0 0 0 Seaboch,Chris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20902 PEV160 BA 1 Varsity Softball
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
20 0 0 0 Ligouri,Robert 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition
20546 PEV170 BA 1 Varsity Volleyball
Prerequisite: Permission of the head coach
24 15 0 15 Lopez,Danielle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - GYM Tuition

Auto Collision Repair

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
24362 CRR206 1 5 Fundamentals of Vehicle Design
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
7 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:30AM Youngwirth,Joe 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
26124 CRR206 2 5 Fundamentals of Vehicle Design
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
7 0 0 0 MTWR 11:40AM 03:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22 Tuition
24363 CRR312 1 4 Blueprinting
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150, CRR 311
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:30AM Youngwirth,Joe 03/06/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
26125 CRR312 2 4 Blueprinting
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150, CRR 311
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:40AM 03:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 03/06/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
24364 CRR521 1 2 Masking Techniques
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
5 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:35AM Youngwirth,Joe 04/21/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition
26126 CRR521 2 2 Masking Techniques
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Auto Collision Technology program. Prerequisite: CRR 150
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:40AM 03:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 04/21/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B Tuition

Auto Mechanics Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20720 AUT114 1 4 Shop Fund & Minor Service
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
3 0 0 0 MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
20128 AUT163 1 3 Automotive Engine Repair
Course has a prerequisite. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 114 or AUT 111.
0 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 02:55PM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 02:55PM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38
23902 AUT254 1 5 Basic Automotive Powertrain
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:30PM 03:40PM Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18B Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 03:40PM Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38
26256 AUT255 1 5 Adv Automotive Powertrain
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 254
5 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 12:20PM Wersinger,Keith 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 12:20PM Wersinger,Keith 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44
26257 AUT255 2 5 Adv Automotive Powertrain
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 254
1 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 12:25PM Wersinger,Keith 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 12:25PM Wersinger,Keith 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B
20129 AUT404 2 4 Basic Suspension & Steering
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
9 0 0 0 MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Davis,Dave 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
23687 AUT404 1 4 Basic Suspension & Steering
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
8 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
20723 AUT524 1 4 Auto Brake Systems & Service
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and Honda programs.
10 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Cornelius,Curt 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 17
20742 AUT524 2 4 Auto Brake Systems & Service
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Intended for new Auto Mechanics Spring start students only.
6 0 0 0 MTWR 08:30AM 11:15AM Grems,Tyler 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25 Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 11:15AM Grems,Tyler 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B
22435 AUT524 3 4 Auto Brake Systems & Service
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and Honda programs.
6 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:40PM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B
20130 AUT535 1 5 Advanced Auto Brakes & Alignme
Course has a prerequisite. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 404 Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 524
6 0 0 0 MTWR 12:00PM 03:45PM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 03:45PM Olesen,Bjarne 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
22438 AUT535 2 5 Adv Auto Brakes & Alignment
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and Honda programs. Prerequisite: AUT 404 Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 524
0 15 0 15 MTWR 12:05PM 04:00PM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A Tuition
MTWR 12:05PM 04:00PM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25
27099 AUT612 1 4 Auto Electrical II
Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 601.
0 0 0 0 T RF 09:50AM 11:40AM Wollesen,Eric 01/14/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
20724 AUT615 1 4 Auto Electricity/Electronics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Intended for spring start Auto Mechanics students only.
4 0 0 0 MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Armbrecht,Mark 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42 Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Armbrecht,Mark 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B
20743 AUT652 2 3 Adv Automotive Electricity
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 615
3 0 0 0 MTWR 09:00AM 11:20AM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 17 Tuition
MTWR 09:00AM 11:20AM Cornelius,Curt 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22A
22436 AUT652 3 3 Adv Automotive Electricity
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. This class is for Auto Mechanics and Honda Students. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 615
2 15 0 15 MTWR 08:30AM 10:45AM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 10:45AM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44
23024 AUT652 4 3 Adv Automotive Electricity
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Auto Collison Student Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 615
6 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:15AM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:15AM Jamison,Kirk 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A
23903 AUT709 1 3 Auto Heating & AC
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision, Auto Chassis, Auto Engines, Auto Maintenance and Honda PACT programs.
0 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
23904 AUT709 2 3 Auto Heating & AC
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 MTWR 01:00PM 03:45PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:45PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A
26624 AUT709 3 3 Auto Heating & AC
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Auto Mechanics, Auto Collision, Auto Chassis, Auto Engines, Auto Maintenance and Honda PACT programs.
7 0 0 0 MTWR 12:00PM 02:15PM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:15PM Davis,Dave 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B
20744 AUT823 1 4 Advanced Automotive Tune-up
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 842
6 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18B
20127 AUT834 1 4 Automotive Fuel Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 114 and AUT 615.
3 0 0 0 MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A Tuition
MTWR 08:30AM 11:10AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
20721 AUT842 1 4 Auto Computerized Eng Controls
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics and CAP program. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AUT 834. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 652.
9 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 03:40PM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:40PM Jamison,Kirk 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A
20722 AUT842 2 4 Auto Computerized Eng Controls
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite: AUT 834. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 652.
7 0 0 0 MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18B Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 03:15PM Boots,Shane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
23172 AUT842 3 4 Auto Computerized Eng Controls
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 834. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 652.
8 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
22437 AUT847 1 3 Electrical Systems Diagnosis
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite: AUT 615 , AUT 652
7 15 0 15 MTWR 12:30PM 02:45PM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38B Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 02:45PM Armbrecht,Mark 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42
23690 AUT847 2 3 Electrical Systems Diagnosis
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is for students in the Auto Mechanics program. Prerequisite: AUT 615 , AUT 652
3 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 03:20PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14 Tuition
MTWR 01:00PM 03:20PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A
26258 AUT849 1 3 Electric Vehicle and ADAS
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 615, AUT 652
2 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:20AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
27100 AUT870 1 2 Automotive Service Management
0 0 0 0 M W 09:50AM 11:40AM Wollesen,Eric 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
21355 AUT933 2 3 Technical Internship I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
20 0 0 0 Olesen,Bjarne 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
24138 AUT933 1 3 Technical Internship I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
19 0 0 0 Boots,Shane 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
27143 AUT933 3 3 Technical Internship I
Reserved for students accepted into the Auto Mechanics Technology program. Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
19 0 0 0 Boots,Shane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20491 BIO104 NA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
18 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:10PM Abbott,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 136 Tuition
20548 BIO104 UA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Hedrick,Christine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
20564 BIO104 WBG 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 08:00AM 10:00AM Guerra,Anthony 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20659 BIO104 WBH 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 11:15AM 01:15PM Moe,Jenna 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20861 BIO104 WBC 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Mathrubutham,Mahesh 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E Tuition
20862 BIO104 WC3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Nowinski,Nicole 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E Tuition
20872 BIO104 WB1 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Travis,Kathleen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 08:00PM Travis,Kathleen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205
21026 BIO104 UB 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 T R 09:05AM 11:05AM Borth,Leahann 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
21027 BIO104 UC 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Larscheid,Mary 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
21029 BIO104 WB2 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 M 03:00PM 03:55PM Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225 Tuition
Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 03:00PM 04:50PM Guinness,Drew 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
21030 BIO104 WB7 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Kinkead,Lauren 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 10:10AM 12:00PM Kinkead,Lauren 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
W 10:10AM 11:05AM Kinkead,Lauren 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 200
21090 BIO104 WW2 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21091 BIO104 WB3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Schwalbach,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 05:00PM 07:00PM Schwalbach,Nicole 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
21093 BIO104 UD 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Hedrick,Christine 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
21201 BIO104 WB4 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Travis,Kathleen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 08:00PM Travis,Kathleen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205
21252 BIO104 WW1 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Thistle,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21281 BIO104 WBK 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 08:00AM 10:00AM Guerra,Anthony 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
21505 BIO104 WBA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Schwalbach,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 05:00PM 07:00PM Schwalbach,Nicole 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
21509 BIO104 UE 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:50PM Hedrick,Christine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
22445 BIO104 WA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:40PM Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E Tuition
24166 BIO104 WBB 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
7 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTWR 02:15PM 03:05PM Judson,Savanna 01/13/25 05/08/25 -
24174 BIO104 WW3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24175 BIO104 WW4 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Borth,Leahann 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26755 BIO104 WW5 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
14 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27121 BIO104 WB5 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
F 09:05AM 11:05AM Guerra,Anthony 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
27122 BIO104 WW6 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Keomanivong,Faithe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20294 BIO112 BA 4 General Biology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208 Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:15PM Bergin,Timothy 01/14/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
20297 BIO112 UA 4 General Biology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
4 15 0 15 T 09:40AM 12:10PM Goodrich,Tony 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 213 Tuition
R 09:40AM 12:10PM Goodrich,Tony 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
20300 BIO112 B 4 General Biology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
4 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Vaughn,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
R 10:30AM 12:30PM Vaughn,Stacy 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
20758 BIO112 C 4 General Biology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Alford,Aaron 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:50PM Alford,Aaron 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
20873 BIO112 WB8 4 General Biology I
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 Keomanivong,Faithe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 05:00PM 07:00PM Keomanivong,Faithe 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
21503 BIO112 WB2 4 General Biology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
1 15 0 15 M 05:00PM 08:00PM Soto Burgos,Junmarie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
Soto Burgos,Junmarie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
22447 BIO112 WB1 4 General Biology I
Meets at West Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 Reimer,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:00AM Reimer,Amy 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E
26536 BIO112 A 4 General Biology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
1 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 09:00AM Dubansky,Gabbi 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
R 08:00AM 10:00AM Dubansky,Gabbi 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
26787 BIO112 WB3 4 General Biology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
8 15 0 15 Larscheid,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 10:10AM 12:10PM Larscheid,Mary 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
20295 BIO113 BA 4 General Biology II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
9 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:45PM Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208 Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:50PM Bergin,Timothy 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
F 12:50PM 01:45PM Bergin,Timothy 01/17/25 05/02/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
20507 BIO113 UB 4 General Biology II
It is recommended that students take BIO 112 prior to this course. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:30AM Goodrich,Tony 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 213 Tuition
F 08:00AM 10:00AM Goodrich,Tony 01/17/25 05/02/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
20741 BIO113 B 4 General Biology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Alford,Aaron 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09 Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Alford,Aaron 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
20860 BIO113 WB2 4 General Biology II
Meets at West Campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
12 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 10:10AM 12:10PM Walkup,Kristina 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E
20949 BIO113 WB1 4 General Biology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
14 15 0 15 Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 06:00PM 07:50PM Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
21200 BIO113 E1 4 General Biology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 M 05:30PM 08:00PM Uthe,Jolita 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05 Tuition
W 05:30PM 08:00PM Uthe,Jolita 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 09
21357 BIO145 WW1 3 Ecology of Iowa
3 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21364 BIO146 A 3 Genetics
Prerequisite: BIO 112 or BIO 186
5 15 0 15 M W 12:20PM 01:45PM Vaughn,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15 Tuition
21048 BIO151 WW1 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21057 BIO151 WW2 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21067 BIO151 WW4 3 Nutrition
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21128 BIO151 WW5 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 2nd 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21173 BIO151 WW6 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
2 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21174 BIO151 WW7 3 Nutrition
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21242 BIO151 WW8 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21424 BIO151 WWA 3 Nutrition
8-week course; 2nd 8 weeks. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21428 BIO151 WWB 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24309 BIO151 WWC 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
17 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23604 BIO157 WB1 4 Human Biology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 Bradley,Jane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:05AM 12:05PM Bradley,Jane 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
23734 BIO157 A 4 Human Biology
4 15 0 15 Bradley,Jane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 09:05AM 12:05PM Bradley,Jane 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
21244 BIO164 WB1 5 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology and H.S. Chemistry or equivalent.
1 15 0 15 M 03:00PM 05:00PM Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07 Tuition
Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 03:00PM 05:00PM Jackson,Maya 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
26608 BIO164 WB2 5 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology and H.S. Chemistry or equivalent.
3 15 0 15 Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 03:00PM 05:00PM Jackson,Maya 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
20674 BIO168 WBA 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 07:50PM Wojcik,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225 Tuition
Wojcik,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20985 BIO168 NA 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
13 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 03:15PM Abbott,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 136 Tuition
20992 BIO168 WB1 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 12:10PM Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
20993 BIO168 UB 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
2 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 03:20PM Borth,Leahann 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
20998 BIO168 WBI 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
3 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:50PM Davis,Michael 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
R 01:55PM 02:50PM Davis,Michael 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20999 BIO168 WBJ 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
3 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Davis,Michael 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
R 10:10AM 11:05AM Davis,Michael 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
21180 BIO168 WB6 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
4 15 0 15 M 10:10AM 12:00PM O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 200 Tuition
O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 10:10AM 12:00PM O'Donnell,Juliet 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
21182 BIO168 WB2 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
2 15 0 15 O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 08:00AM 09:50AM O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
W 08:00AM 09:50AM O'Donnell,Juliet 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
21202 BIO168 WBK 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
4 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:05AM 11:05AM Davis,Michael 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
F 09:05AM 10:00AM Davis,Michael 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
21270 BIO168 WB9 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets at Urban Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
2 15 0 15 Chawla,Charu 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:40AM 11:30AM Chawla,Charu 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212
21317 BIO168 WB3 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets at Urban Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Schmitt,Connor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 06:00PM 07:50PM Schmitt,Connor 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
21366 BIO168 WBL 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
3 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 03:00PM 05:00PM Davis,Michael 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
R 03:00PM 03:55PM Davis,Michael 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
21381 BIO168 WB5 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
2 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:05AM 10:00AM Moe,Jenna 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
R 09:05AM 11:05AM Moe,Jenna 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
21482 BIO168 WBO 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets on Carroll campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
0 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWRF 01:25PM 02:10PM Lawton,Amber 01/14/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 125
21497 BIO168 WA 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
7 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 03:15PM Thistle,Jessica 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 126E Tuition
23718 BIO168 WB4 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Schmitt,Connor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Schmitt,Connor 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
24173 BIO168 WB8 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
4 15 0 15 Sabri,Ethan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
F 09:05AM 12:05PM Sabri,Ethan 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
24453 BIO168 WBB 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
5 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:30AM Thistle,Jessica 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 126E Tuition
Thistle,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26628 BIO168 WB7 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
0 15 0 15 M 09:05AM 12:05PM Sabri,Ethan 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05 Tuition
Sabri,Ethan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26756 BIO168 WBC 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Goodrich,Tony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208 Tuition
Goodrich,Tony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
27123 BIO168 WBD 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Stapleford,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 04:00PM 05:50PM Stapleford,Kevin 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212
27290 BIO168 WBE 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
14 15 0 15 Sabri,Ethan 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:50PM Sabri,Ethan 02/04/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212
20574 BIO173 WB4 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
4 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 10:10AM 12:10PM Moss,Qian 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
W 11:15AM 12:10PM Moss,Qian 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
20577 BIO173 WB1 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:50AM Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208 Tuition
Fitzgerald,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20578 BIO173 WB2 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
5 15 0 15 Wojcik,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:00PM Wojcik,Jennifer 01/14/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
R 10:10AM 12:00PM Wojcik,Jennifer 01/16/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
20633 BIO173 WB9 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
1 15 0 15 McFadgen,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 05:15PM 08:15PM McFadgen,Kevin 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
20637 BIO173 WB5 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:40PM Goodrich,Tony 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208 Tuition
Goodrich,Tony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20927 BIO173 UB 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
0 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:40AM Borth,Leahann 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
F 10:10AM 12:10PM Borth,Leahann 01/17/25 05/02/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212
20994 BIO173 WA 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
4 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 12:10PM Thistle,Jessica 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 126E Tuition
21047 BIO173 NA 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 03:15PM Abbott,Matthew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 136 Tuition
21065 BIO173 WBB 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
0 15 0 15 O'Donnell,Juliet 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 09:45AM O'Donnell,Juliet 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
21198 BIO173 WB6 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets at Urban Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
3 15 0 15 Spray,Lydia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 10:10AM 12:10PM Spray,Lydia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
21382 BIO173 WB8 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
0 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 11:05AM Moe,Jenna 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
W 09:05AM 11:05AM Moe,Jenna 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
21459 BIO173 WBF 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
1 15 0 15 Stapleford,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 06:00PM 08:00PM Stapleford,Kevin 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212
21479 BIO173 WBM 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
3 15 0 15 Moss,Qian 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 12:50PM 02:50PM Moss,Qian 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
W 12:50PM 01:45PM Moss,Qian 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
26267 BIO173 WB3 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
6 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:05AM 10:55AM Lawton,Amber 01/14/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 125
26268 BIO173 WB7 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
8 15 0 15 Wojcik,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Wojcik,Jennifer 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
26533 BIO173 WBA 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
3 15 0 15 Gilkeson,Luke 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 01:45PM Gilkeson,Luke 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
R 12:50PM 02:50PM Gilkeson,Luke 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
26758 BIO173 WBC 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
3 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 03:50PM Sabri,Ethan 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05 Tuition
Sabri,Ethan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26788 BIO173 WBD 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
14 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 07:50PM Stapleford,Kevin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
Stapleford,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20790 BIO186 WB1 4 Microbiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
1 15 0 15 Gauthier,Miranda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Gauthier,Miranda 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20791 BIO186 BA 4 Microbiology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
14 15 0 15 TWR 12:50PM 02:50PM Hanlin,Mary Beth 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225 Tuition
20792 BIO186 WBA 4 Microbiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
3 15 0 15 Larscheid,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 10:10AM 11:40AM Larscheid,Mary 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 308
20793 BIO186 WB2 4 Microbiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
1 15 0 15 Gauthier,Miranda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 02:30PM 04:00PM Gauthier,Miranda 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
20794 BIO186 E2 4 Microbiology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
11 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 08:00PM Delvaux,Michelle 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
20983 BIO186 WB5 4 Microbiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
2 15 0 15 Larscheid,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 09:30AM Larscheid,Mary 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 308
21143 BIO186 WB3 4 Microbiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
1 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:35AM Gauthier,Miranda 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
Gauthier,Miranda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20358 BIO249 A 3 Biotechnology Internship
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
5 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21434 BIO250 WB1 5 Cell & Molec Bio-Nucleic Acids
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: BIO 112 and BIO 146; Pre- or Corequisite: BIO 146
6 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Julie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Gonzalez,Julie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 14
20631 BIO251 WB1 5 Cell & Molecular Bio-Proteins
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: BIO 112, CHM 132 or CHM 175, MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: BIO 112
7 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Julie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Gonzalez,Julie 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 14
22756 BIO733 WB1 3 Health Science Anatomy
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & Chemistry or equivalent
3 15 0 15 Jackson,Maya 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 11:15AM 01:15PM Jackson,Maya 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
26537 BIO733 WW1 3 Health Science Anatomy
This section is reserved to students in the Mortuary Science and Funeral Services programs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & Chemistry or equivalent
2 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26789 BIO733 WW2 3 Health Science Anatomy
This section is restricted to students in the Mortuary Science and Funeral Services programs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & Chemistry or equivalent
10 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23267 BIO734 A 3 Health Science Physiology
Prerequisite: BIO 733, 164 or equivalent
17 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:50PM Travis,Kathleen 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05 Tuition

Business Administration

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20174 BUS102 UAM 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Hanson,Joe 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
20205 BUS102 A 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Lindquist,Mitch 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 13 Tuition
20207 BUS102 B 3 Introduction to Business
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 09:30AM Sinha,Reggie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 18 Tuition
20363 BUS102 K 3 Introduction to Business
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. The above section is reserved for ASEP students through December 1 . OPEN FOR ALL STUDENTS on December 2. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 T R 01:20PM 04:20PM Smith,Chima 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 18 Tuition
20381 BUS102 WW1 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20582 BUS102 WW3 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21188 BUS102 WW4 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Coslin,Dave 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23258 BUS102 WW2 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Mueggenberg,Brent 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24080 BUS102 WW5 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Boorman,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24210 BUS102 WW6 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Budd,Thomas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24419 BUS102 WA 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Boorman,John 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 210E Tuition
26192 BUS102 WWB 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26193 BUS102 WWC 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26194 BUS102 WWD 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Harle,Jason 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26791 BUS102 WW7 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Boldt,Jacki 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27114 BUS102 WW8 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Mueggenberg,Brent 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27191 BUS102 WWA 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Boldt,Jacki 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20482 BUS112 WW1 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
2 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20511 BUS112 WW2 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
1 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20698 BUS112 A 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
8 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Daines,Josh 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
26196 BUS112 C 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
11 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Daines,Josh 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 13 Tuition
26745 BUS112 WW4 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
5 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20521 BUS220 WW1 3 Intro International Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20433 BUS260 WW1 3 Introduction to Insurance
3 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24422 BUS295 WW1 2 Workplace Professionalism
3 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26507 BUS295 WW2 2 Workplace Professionalism
0 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20866 BUS902 WW1 1 Career Seminar
Instructor or Chair approval and concurrent enrollment in BUS 932 required. Prerequisite: ADM 221 - Career Development Skills Completed 30 credit hours towards degree, and Instructor or Advisor Approval Corequisite: BUS 932
1 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20868 BUS932 WW1 2 Internship
Instructor or Chair approval and concurrent enrollment in BUS 902 required. Prerequisite: Completed 30 credit hours towards degree, and Instructor or Advisor Approval Corequisite: BUS 902
1 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20222 FIN121 A 3 Personal Finance
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
13 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Lindquist,Mitch 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 11B Tuition
20393 FIN121 WW1 3 Personal Finance
4 15 0 15 Keime,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20394 FIN121 WW2 3 Personal Finance
7 15 0 15 Keime,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21327 FIN121 WW5 3 Personal Finance
0 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26203 FIN121 WW6 3 Personal Finance
1 15 0 15 Keime,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26746 FIN121 WW4 3 Personal Finance
5 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20638 FIN180 WW2 3 Introduction to Investments
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Business Entrepreneurship

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20522 BUS131 2 3 Small Business Mgmt Strategies
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Grantham,Vada 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
20434 BUS138 WW1 3 Small Business Marketing
1 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20766 BUS141 WW1 3 Small Business Start-Up
1 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22893 BUS141 WW2 3 Small Business Start-Up
1 15 0 15 Grantham,Teresa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20346 BUS148 B 3 Small Business Management
5 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Grantham,Vada 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 19 Tuition
20403 BUS148 WW1 3 Small Business Management
0 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23937 BUS148 WW2 3 Small Business Management
11 15 0 15 Grantham,Teresa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Business Law

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20225 BUS185 J 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Ash,Lisa 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 19 Tuition
20286 BUS185 F 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Ash,Lisa 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 19 Tuition
20370 BUS185 WW1 3 Business Law I
Webcam may be required for exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Ash,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20396 BUS185 A 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Ash,Lisa 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 18 Tuition
20404 BUS185 WW3 3 Business Law I
Webcam may be required for exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Ash,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20468 BUS185 WW4 3 Business Law I
Webcam may be required for exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Mitchell,Susan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20882 BUS185 WW2 3 Business Law I
Webcam may be required for exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21326 BUS185 WW5 3 Business Law I
Webcam may be required for exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Murray,Logan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24001 BUS185 B 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Weber,Thomas 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 13 Tuition
24185 BUS185 WW6 3 Business Law I
Webcam may be required for exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26199 BUS185 E 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Ash,Lisa 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 19 Tuition
26200 BUS185 UAM 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Weber,Thomas 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 110 Tuition
27196 BUS185 WW7 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21544 BUS186 WW1 3 Business Law II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Webcam may be required for exams. Prerequisite: BUS 185
4 15 0 15 Holmes,Russell 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21517 CHM105 WW1 3 Survey of Chemistry
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Roberts,Richard 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21543 CHM105 WW2 3 Survey of Chemistry
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 Vanderlinden,David 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26784 CHM105 WW3 3 Survey of Chemistry
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
18 15 0 15 Jessen,Nadine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20009 CHM122 WB6 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
12 15 0 15 Gamble,William 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:05PM 09:05PM Gamble,William 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
20191 CHM122 WBP 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
11 15 0 15 Duncan,Rachel 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 10:10AM 12:10PM Duncan,Rachel 01/13/25 05/05/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231
W 10:10AM 12:10PM Duncan,Rachel 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313
20885 CHM122 WB5 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
3 15 0 15 Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 01:55PM 02:50PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
W 01:55PM 03:55PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
21038 CHM122 WB3 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
3 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 01:15PM Keasler,Sam 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24 Tuition
Keasler,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 11:15AM 12:10PM Keasler,Sam 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15
21356 CHM122 WB9 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
11 15 0 15 van Aardt,Theunis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:00PM van Aardt,Theunis 01/14/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 220
R 10:10AM 12:00PM van Aardt,Theunis 01/16/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 220
23037 CHM122 WW1 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Late start. 12-week course. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
5 15 0 15 Duncan,Rachel 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23076 CHM122 WBE 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
16 15 0 15 Kosgei,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 05:00PM 07:00PM Kosgei,Peter 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313
23729 CHM122 WW2 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
6 15 0 15 Keasler,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23730 CHM122 WW3 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
6 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21203 CHM132 A 4 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry
Prerequisite: CHM 122 or Equivalent
2 15 0 15 M W 01:55PM 03:20PM Zhou,Lan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A Tuition
R 01:55PM 03:55PM Zhou,Lan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
26546 CHM132 E1 4 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry
Prerequisite: CHM 122 or Equivalent
2 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 07:25PM Turpin,Erick 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20 Tuition
20010 CHM165 A 4 General Chemistry I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. The above class meets all days and times listed above. Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
6 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:30AM Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A Tuition
R 08:00AM 11:00AM Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
20660 CHM165 B 4 General Chemistry I
Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
9 15 0 15 MT R 11:15AM 12:10PM Curtis,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20 Tuition
W 09:05AM 12:05PM Curtis,Sean 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
20759 CHM165 C 4 General Chemistry I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
3 15 0 15 M W 10:45AM 12:10PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A Tuition
R 12:20PM 03:20PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
20807 CHM165 WB2 4 General Chemistry I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
13 15 0 15 van Aardt,Theunis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:40PM van Aardt,Theunis 01/14/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 220
R 12:50PM 03:40PM van Aardt,Theunis 01/16/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 220
23193 CHM165 WB3 4 General Chemistry I
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
0 15 0 15 Kosgei,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 05:00PM 07:00PM Kosgei,Peter 01/13/25 05/05/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313
W 05:00PM 07:00PM Kosgei,Peter 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313
20011 CHM175 A 4 General Chemistry II
Prerequisite: CHM 165 or Equivalent
1 15 0 15 M WR 12:50PM 01:45PM Curtis,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A Tuition
T 12:50PM 03:50PM Curtis,Sean 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
23736 CHM175 1 4 General Chemistry II
Prerequisite: CHM 165 or Equivalent
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Keasler,Sam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15 Tuition
F 08:00AM 11:00AM Keasler,Sam 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
26538 CHM175 WB1 4 General Chemistry II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CHM 165 or Equivalent
15 15 0 15 M 10:10AM 12:00PM Kosgei,Peter 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 220 Tuition
Kosgei,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 10:10AM 01:00PM Kosgei,Peter 01/15/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 220
27291 CHM175 WB3 4 General Chemistry II
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements Prerequisite: CHM 165 or Equivalent
17 15 0 15 T 12:50PM 03:40PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 02/04/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313 Tuition
Karunatilaka,Chandana 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
R 12:50PM 03:40PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 02/06/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313
24454 CHM263 WB2 5 Organic Chemistry I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CHM 175 or equivalent, with a grade of C- or better.
9 15 0 15 Curtis,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Curtis,Sean 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A
F 08:00AM 12:00PM Curtis,Sean 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
23038 CHM273 WB1 5 Organic Chemistry II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CHM 263 or equivalent, with a grade of C- or better
11 15 0 15 Duncan,Rachel 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:55PM 02:50PM Duncan,Rachel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231
R 12:50PM 01:45PM Duncan,Rachel 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231
R 01:55PM 04:50PM Duncan,Rachel 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 303


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20814 FLC142 WV1 4 Elementary Chinese II
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: FLC 141 or instructor permission
13 15 0 15 T R 05:30PM 07:30PM Huang,Ko-hsing 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition

Chrysler Automotive Program

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20487 ATC320 1 3 Technical Internship I
Prerequisite: AUT 114, 615. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 404, 524.
17 0 0 0 Grems,Tyler 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Civil Engineering Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23167 CET110 WB1 3 Materials Testing
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. To register for this section, contact Jean Ostrander,
13 15 0 15 Van Winkle,Clint 01/13/25 02/17/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Van Winkle,Clint 01/21/25 01/21/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 145
W 09:00AM 04:00PM Van Winkle,Clint 01/22/25 01/22/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 145
R 09:00AM 04:00PM Van Winkle,Clint 01/23/25 01/23/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 145
F 09:00AM 04:00PM Van Winkle,Clint 01/24/25 01/24/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 145
23658 CET130 WB1 4 Surveying Fundamentals
Late start. 5 week course, 2nd 5 week session. Includes a $120 course fee. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 02/18/25 02/18/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142 Tuition
Bassett,Samuel 02/18/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 03/04/25 03/04/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 03/11/25 03/11/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 03/25/25 03/25/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
22721 CET158 WB1 4 Introduction to Drafting
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. To register for this section, contact Jean Ostrander,
1 15 0 15 Wahl,Jamison 01/13/25 03/10/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 01/13/25 01/13/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
M 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 02/03/25 02/03/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
M 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 02/24/25 02/24/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
22722 CET180 WB1 4 Engineering Surveying
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. To register for this section, contact Jean Ostrander, Class includes $120 CET Equipment fee. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CET 130 or instructor approval
0 15 0 15 Bassett,Samuel 04/03/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 04/03/25 04/03/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 04/15/25 04/15/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Bassett,Samuel 04/29/25 04/29/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
22848 CET210 WB1 3 PCC/HMA Plant Inspection
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. To register for this section, contact Jean Ostrander, Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 Van Winkle,Clint 02/18/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTWRF 09:00AM 04:00PM Van Winkle,Clint 02/24/25 02/28/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 145
26780 CET220 WB1 3 Soils and Erosion Control
10 15 0 15 Van Winkle,Clint 04/03/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
RF 09:00AM 04:00PM Van Winkle,Clint 04/24/25 04/25/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 145
23606 CET255 WW1 4 Roadway/Highway Design
To register for this section, contact Jean Ostrander, Prerequisite or Corequisite: CET 215 or instructor approval
16 15 0 15 Van Winkle,Clint 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

College: Planning Your Success

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20008 SDV108 A 1 The College Experience
6 15 0 15 R 08:05AM 09:00AM Lundahl,Josh 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14 Tuition
20190 SDV108 UCM 1 The College Experience
18 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 12:15PM Herold,Josh 01/13/25 05/05/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 213 Tuition
20287 SDV108 WV7 1 The College Experience
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. If a Face-to-Face component is expected, it is listed on the course with the anticipated meeting dates and location.
5 15 0 15 W 09:05AM 10:00AM Whitver-Soyer,Kristina 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20314 SDV108 WV1 1 The College Experience
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
8 15 0 15 T 05:25PM 06:20PM Miller,Sveta 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20315 SDV108 C 1 The College Experience
3 15 0 15 M 09:05AM 10:00AM Baskerville III,K 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E Tuition
20316 SDV108 D 1 The College Experience
6 15 0 15 W 11:15AM 12:10PM Borchardt,Erin 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 20B Tuition
20317 SDV108 WWG 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 Von Muenster,Lori 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20318 SDV108 WWE 1 The College Experience
8 15 0 15 Baskerville III,K 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20319 SDV108 WV2 1 The College Experience
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
10 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 12:10PM Beath,Melanie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20320 SDV108 F 1 The College Experience
7 15 0 15 M 01:55PM 02:50PM Tweedy,Thomas 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05 Tuition
20321 SDV108 G 1 The College Experience
6 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 08:55AM Baskerville III,K 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 20B Tuition
20322 SDV108 H 1 The College Experience
8 15 0 15 T 11:15AM 12:10PM Pugh,Allison 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
20328 SDV108 UAM 1 The College Experience
13 15 0 15 W 09:05AM 10:00AM Papian,Rebecca 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 315 Tuition
20329 SDV108 WW3 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 McClure,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20330 SDV108 WW4 1 The College Experience
8 15 0 15 McClure,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20523 SDV108 WW1 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 Borchardt,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20569 SDV108 WW2 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 Peterson,Shannon 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20898 SDV108 I 1 The College Experience
9 15 0 15 W 03:00PM 03:55PM O'Hara,Samantha 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 02 Tuition
20899 SDV108 J 1 The College Experience
7 15 0 15 T 12:50PM 01:45PM Clark,George 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02 Tuition
20900 SDV108 K 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 R 11:15AM 12:10PM Clark,George 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14 Tuition
20901 SDV108 M 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 M 10:10AM 11:05AM Baskerville III,K 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A Tuition
20906 SDV108 UAE 1 The College Experience
17 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 06:55PM Herold,Josh 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
20907 SDV108 UBM 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 W 10:10AM 11:05AM Herold,Josh 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231 Tuition
20912 SDV108 BB 1 The College Experience
11 15 0 15 T 11:15AM 12:10PM Zahnd,Lori 01/14/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128 Tuition
20913 SDV108 AM1 1 The College Experience
13 15 0 15 R 12:50PM 01:45PM Lee,Stacy 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 110 Tuition
20914 SDV108 WC 1 The College Experience
17 15 0 15 T 11:15AM 12:10PM Hays,Lindsey 01/14/25 05/06/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20915 SDV108 WD 1 The College Experience
16 15 0 15 W 11:15AM 12:10PM Nelson,Meridith 01/15/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 123E Tuition
20960 SDV108 WW5 1 The College Experience
4 15 0 15 Peterson,Shannon 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20961 SDV108 WW6 1 The College Experience
2 15 0 15 Lundahl,Josh 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20966 SDV108 WW7 1 The College Experience
3 15 0 15 Ferreira Julio de Paula,Fabiana 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21015 SDV108 WW8 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 Ferreira Julio de Paula,Fabiana 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21129 SDV108 WW9 1 The College Experience
9 15 0 15 Ploeger,Alyssa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21130 SDV108 WWA 1 The College Experience
4 15 0 15 Ploeger,Alyssa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21170 SDV108 P 1 The College Experience
This class is designed for students in the automotive and diesel programs. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
12 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:20PM Schneiderman,Matthew 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 14 Tuition
21271 SDV108 WWC 1 The College Experience
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Stepleton Hardin,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21533 SDV108 WWB 1 The College Experience
5 15 0 15 Vaccaro,Michelle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21534 SDV108 WWD 1 The College Experience
3 15 0 15 Gregory,Kimberlee 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23161 SDV108 WWJ 1 The College Experience
This section is reserved for culinary and hospitality students.
16 15 0 15 Austin,Jeremy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23469 SDV108 WWK 1 The College Experience
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Donovan,Morgan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23867 SDV108 B 1 The College Experience
12 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 06:55PM Tweedy,Thomas 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02 Tuition
24315 SDV108 WWL 1 The College Experience
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Cappaert,Aly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21262 COM146 A 3 Gender, Sexuality and Media
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Christiansen,Karen 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 17 Tuition
23109 COM146 WW1 3 Gender, Sexuality and Media
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Christiansen,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23928 COM146 WW2 3 Gender, Sexuality and Media
1 15 0 15 Prochaska,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26761 COM146 WW3 3 Gender, Sexuality and Media
0 15 0 15 Schares,Evan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20045 COM703 A1 3 Communication Skills
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Wainwright,Katie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
20046 COM703 A4 3 Communication Skills
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Reserved for Building Trades Diploma, Construction Mgmt AAS, HVAC diploma and HVAC AAS students through December 1. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 T R 03:00PM 05:00PM Clark,Victor 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A Tuition
20342 COM703 A7 3 Communication Skills
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Platt,Dan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
20387 COM703 A2 3 Communication Skills
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 11:15AM Toledo Parada,Carlos 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 16 Tuition
20537 COM703 WB2 3 Communication Skills
This class is restricted to Newton Campus students enrolled in the ELT Program. Meets at Newton Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Clark,Victor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 02:30PM 03:55PM Clark,Victor 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
21177 COM703 WH2 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Slechta,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Slechta,Scott 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21178 COM703 WH1 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Slechta,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 07:30PM Slechta,Scott 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21532 COM703 A5 3 Communication Skills
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Automotive students through December 20. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 M W F 01:20PM 03:30PM Toledo Parada,Carlos 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 17 Tuition
23120 COM703 WB4 3 Communication Skills
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Huber,Lindsey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 09:50AM Huber,Lindsey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 110B

Computer Aided Design Tech

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20312 CAD148 1 3 Intro to Finite Element Analys
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: CAD 152, 153, 182, 246, MAT 773
6 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 102 Tuition
21349 CAD152 2 6 CAD Graphics II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: CAD 151, MAT 772
6 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 10:40AM Green,Travis 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition
20486 CAD154 2 3 CAD Applications II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: CAD 153, 182, 246 & MAT 773
6 15 0 15 M W F 10:00AM 11:20AM Shelley,Mike 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 102 Tuition
24488 CAD182 1 3 SolidWorks CAD I
Course has a prerequisite. Corequisite: CAD 152
7 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Green,Travis 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition
23107 CAD242 2 3 Manufacturing Interfaces
Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: CAD 151. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772
4 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Stall,Joshua 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106 Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Stall,Joshua 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122
20485 CAD248 2 3 Parametric CAD II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: CAD 153, 246, MAT 773
6 15 0 15 T R 12:45PM 02:35PM Green,Travis 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition
20484 CAD254 2 5 Design Project II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: CAD 153, 215, 252, 246, 182, 242.
6 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:00PM Shelley,Mike 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 102 Tuition

Computer Informatics

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20818 INF110 WW1 3 Fundamental Informatics
1 15 0 15 Patton,Belinda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Computer Information Systems

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20368 CIS125 WH1 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
Late start. 12-week course. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
21 15 0 15 Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 07:30PM Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 02/05/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20369 CIS125 WB1 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/l
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:40AM 11:05AM Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
21354 CIS125 WW1 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21402 CIS125 WW2 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21433 CIS125 WW3 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23082 CIS125 WW4 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
12 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23933 CIS125 WB3 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/l
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 02:25PM 03:50PM Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
23783 CIS137 WB1 3 Intro. to Cloud Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CIS 125 OR Instructor Approval
15 15 0 15 Deitenbeck,Becky 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 11:15AM 12:40PM Deitenbeck,Becky 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
26246 CIS153 WW1 4 Data Structures
Prerequisite: CIS 161 with a minimum grade of C- OR CIS 169 with a minimum grade of C- OR CIS 171 with a minimum grade of C- OR CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C- OR Instructor Approval
3 15 0 15 Ruse,Michelle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26248 CIS153 WB1 4 Data Structures
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CIS 161 with a minimum grade of C- OR CIS 169 with a minimum grade of C- OR CIS 171 with a minimum grade of C- OR CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C- OR Instructor Approval
15 15 0 15 Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 11:15AM 12:40PM Burkhardt,Bryan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
20405 CIS161 WW1 3 C++
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Wagner,Rick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21380 CIS161 WB1 3 C++
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Wagner,Rick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:15PM Wagner,Rick 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
24191 CIS161 WW2 3 C++
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Wagner,Rick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21399 CIS164 WW1 3 Advanced C++
Prerequisite: CIS 161 with a minimum grade of C-
11 15 0 15 Struss,Joseph 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21119 CIS169 WW1 3 C#
Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIS 125
3 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23087 CIS169 WB1 3 C#
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIS 125
14 15 0 15 Wagner,Rick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:15PM Wagner,Rick 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
20390 CIS171 WW1 3 Java
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: CIS 125 OR NET 202 OR CIS 189 OR Instructor Approval
3 15 0 15 Patton,Belinda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23660 CIS171 WB1 3 Java
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: CIS 125 OR NET 202 OR CIS 189 OR Instructor Approval
9 15 0 15 Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:15PM Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
22421 CIS174 WH1 3 Advanced C# Programming
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CIS 169 with a minimum grade of C-
14 15 0 15 Hennis,Evan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 07:25PM Hennis,Evan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22755 CIS174 WB1 3 Advanced C# Programming
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CIS 169 with a minimum grade of C-
14 15 0 15 Julius,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:15PM Julius,Matthew 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A
22469 CIS175 WW1 3 Java II
Prerequisite: CIS 171 with a minimum grade of C-
1 15 0 15 Patton,Belinda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22747 CIS175 WH1 3 Java II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CIS 171 with a minimum grade of C-
16 15 0 15 Patton,Belinda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:15PM Patton,Belinda 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21481 CIS189 WH2 3 Python
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 Trampel,Chris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:25PM Trampel,Chris 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21538 CIS189 WW1 3 Python
2 15 0 15 Peppers,Joseph 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22420 CIS189 WW2 3 Python
3 15 0 15 Triveri,James 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23088 CIS189 WB1 3 Python
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
3 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:15PM Koel,Peter 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A
23868 CIS189 WW3 3 Python
3 15 0 15 Peppers,Joseph 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26215 CIS189 WB4 3 Python
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
9 15 0 15 M 09:40AM 11:05AM Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17 Tuition
Koel,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26421 CIS189 WB5 3 Python
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
13 15 0 15 Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 11:15AM 12:40PM Bell,Chris 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A
22419 CIS289 WW1 3 Python II
Prerequisite: CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C-
7 15 0 15 Buys,Jonathan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23183 CIS289 WB1 3 Python II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C-
11 15 0 15 Jameson,Liam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 11:15AM 12:40PM Jameson,Liam 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
23899 CIS289 WW2 3 Python II
Prerequisite: CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C-
3 15 0 15 Buys,Jonathan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20469 CIS303 WW1 3 Introduction to Database
This course requires Windows and Office 2016/365. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs.
6 15 0 15 Macuga,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20929 CIS303 WB1 3 Introduction to Database
This course requires Windows and Office 2016/365. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 Julius,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 09:55AM 11:05AM Julius,Matthew 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
21537 CIS303 WW2 3 Introduction to Database
This course requires Windows and Office 2016/365. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs.
6 15 0 15 Macuga,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22748 CIS303 WW3 3 Introduction to Database
5 15 0 15 Macuga,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27210 CIS303 WW4 3 Introduction to Database
11 15 0 15 Macuga,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20365 CIS332 WB1 3 Database and SQL
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CIS 303
2 15 0 15 Julius,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 11:15AM 12:40PM Julius,Matthew 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
21397 CIS332 WW1 3 Database and SQL
Prerequisite: CIS 303
2 15 0 15 Zylstra,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22502 CIS332 WW2 3 Database and SQL
Prerequisite: CIS 303
7 15 0 15 Zylstra,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21199 CIS338 WW1 3 SQL/Oracle
Prerequisite: CIS 332
3 15 0 15 Riley,Kimberly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22357 CSC116 WB6 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
12 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 10:10AM 11:35AM Hanson,Joe 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 214
22359 CSC116 WB3 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Sabin,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:15PM Sabin,Jeff 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05
22360 CSC116 WB4 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Sabin,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:15PM Sabin,Jeff 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05
22361 CSC116 WB2 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 11:15AM 12:40PM Hanson,Joe 01/13/25 05/05/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 214
22364 CSC116 WW1 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22365 CSC116 WW2 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Ukwute,Nkem 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22366 CSC116 WW3 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
12 15 0 15 Klocke,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22367 CSC116 WW4 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Macuga,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22368 CSC116 WW5 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Masters,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22369 CSC116 WW6 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Gakinya,Loise 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22370 CSC116 WW8 3 Information Computing
This course requires Windows and Office 2019/365. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Ukwute,Nkem 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22371 CSC116 WW7 3 Information Computing
This course requires Windows and Office 2019/365. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Masters,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22428 CSC116 WB1 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:15PM Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 218 Tuition
Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23070 CSC116 WW9 3 Information Computing
This course requires Windows and Office 2019/365. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 Klocke,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23090 CSC116 WB7 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:15PM Smith,Chima 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A Tuition
Smith,Chima 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23091 CSC116 WB8 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M 02:25PM 03:50PM Martin,Greg 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A Tuition
Martin,Greg 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23659 CSC116 WB5 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:40AM 11:05AM Lentz-O'Loughlin,Karen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17
24192 CSC116 WB9 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Eiland,Bex 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 10:10AM 11:45AM Eiland,Bex 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A
24449 CSC116 WBA 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 Smith,Chima 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:15PM Smith,Chima 01/15/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 123E
26449 CSC116 WBB 3 Information Computing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 Charles,Rick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 05:00PM 06:50PM Charles,Rick 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 112
27301 CSC116 WWA 3 Information Computing
Late start. 12-week course. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Deitenbeck,Becky 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22426 DAT201 WW1 3 Data Science I
3 0 0 0 Cook,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23089 DAT201 WB1 3 Data Science I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
16 0 0 0 Christiansen,Tyler 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 07:35PM 09:00PM Christiansen,Tyler 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A
22425 DAT202 WW1 3 Data Science II
Prerequisite: CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C- and DAT 201 with a minimum grade of C- Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIS 289 and (MAT 156 or MAT 162)
17 0 0 0 Cook,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Construction Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20132 CON341 1 2 Construction Drafting & Design
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: CON 337
0 15 0 15 T R 09:55AM 12:00PM Negrete,Adam 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 10 Tuition
T R 09:55AM 12:00PM Negrete,Adam 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
20683 CON341 2 2 Construction Drafting & Design
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Prerequisite: CON 337
2 15 0 15 T R 09:55AM 12:00PM Schwind,Tim 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02 Tuition
T R 09:55AM 12:00PM Schwind,Tim 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 20
20133 CON342 1 3 Interior Trim Practices
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: CON 334
0 15 0 15 M W F 12:15PM 02:10PM Negrete,Adam 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 10 Tuition
M W F 12:15PM 02:10PM Negrete,Adam 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
T R 12:35PM 02:30PM Negrete,Adam 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
T R 12:35PM 02:30PM Negrete,Adam 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 10
20684 CON342 2 3 Interior Trim Practices
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Prerequisite: CON 334
0 15 0 15 M W F 12:15PM 02:10PM Schwind,Tim 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 20 Tuition
M W F 12:15PM 02:10PM Schwind,Tim 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
T R 12:35PM 02:30PM Schwind,Tim 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
T R 12:35PM 02:30PM Schwind,Tim 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 20
22442 CON347 1 3 Concrete Systems and Forming
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Prerequisite: CON 336
0 15 0 15 M W F 09:00AM 11:25AM Negrete,Adam 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 10 Tuition
M W F 09:00AM 11:25AM Negrete,Adam 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
22753 CON347 2 3 Concrete Systems and Forming
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Prerequisite: CON 336
3 15 0 15 M W F 09:00AM 11:25AM Schwind,Tim 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 20 Tuition
M W F 09:00AM 11:25AM Schwind,Tim 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
20134 CON480 1 5 Const Procedure/Application I
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Course has a prerequisite. This course will be held at various building project locations to be announced. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CON 333, CON 347, CON 342
0 15 0 15 MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Negrete,Adam 04/03/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 12:40PM 02:30PM Negrete,Adam 04/03/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
22754 CON480 2 5 Const Procedure/Application I
This course will be held at various building project locations to be announced. Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CON 333, CON 347, CON 342
4 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:40PM 02:30PM Schwind,Tim 04/03/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 20 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Schwind,Tim 04/03/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 20
22773 CON615 1 5 Technical Internship I
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session.
23 15 0 15 Negrete,Adam 04/03/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
22774 CON615 2 5 Technical Internship I
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session.
14 15 0 15 Schwind,Tim 04/03/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Criminal Justice

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20012 CRJ100 A 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Roosa,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13 Tuition
20473 CRJ100 WW1 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Galien,Danielle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20475 CRJ100 WW2 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Sakanovic,Emma 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21400 CRJ100 WW3 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 McSheehy,Shane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21422 CRJ100 WW4 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Sprague,Jeremy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21494 CRJ100 B 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Roosa,Julie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 08 Tuition
22732 CRJ101 A 3 Ethics in Criminal Justice
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Roosa,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 02 Tuition
22796 CRJ101 C 3 Ethics in Criminal Justice
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Kratky,Matt 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
22797 CRJ101 WW1 3 Ethics in Criminal Justice
10 15 0 15 Roosa,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22819 CRJ101 WW2 3 Ethics in Criminal Justice
4 15 0 15 Rodriguez Ordaz,Alfredo 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26793 CRJ101 WW3 3 Ethics in Criminal Justice
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Thomas,Barry 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21329 CRJ107 A 3 Survey Crim Justice Agencies
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
7 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Kratky,Matt 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 08 Tuition
21562 CRJ107 WW1 3 Survey Crim Justice Agencies
4 15 0 15 O'Bryan,Patrick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21316 CRJ109 A 3 Theories of Interviewing
11 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Kratky,Matt 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
20726 CRJ111 A 3 Police and Society
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRJ 100 or instructor approval
16 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Kratky,Matt 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
21332 CRJ120 WW1 3 Introduction to Corrections
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Urtz,Peggy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20761 CRJ128 A 3 Victimology
1 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM O'Hara,Samantha 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
20696 CRJ141 WW1 3 Criminal Investigation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: CRJ 100 or instructor approval
3 15 0 15 Breckenridge,Wes 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22508 CRJ178 WW1 3 E-Crime Investigative Methods
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24440 CRJ196 WW1 2 Crime Scene Investigation 1
13 0 0 0 Galien,Danielle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20981 CRJ197 E1 2 Crime Scene Investigation 2
8 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Galien,Danielle 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 26 - 110 Tuition
23643 CRJ198 E1 2 Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
11 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Galien,Danielle 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 26 - 110 Tuition
22407 CRJ200 B 3 Criminology
1 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM O'Hara,Samantha 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
22408 CRJ200 WW1 3 Criminology
3 15 0 15 Dierenfeld,Angela 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22467 CRJ200 WW2 3 Criminology
2 15 0 15 Dierenfeld,Angela 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22500 CRJ200 A 3 Criminology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM O'Hara,Samantha 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
23250 CRJ200 WW3 3 Criminology
3 15 0 15 McSheehy,Shane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26473 CRJ200 WB1 3 Criminology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
12 15 0 15 Tuxhorn,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:30AM 12:20PM Tuxhorn,Rebecca 01/14/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 146
22410 CRJ201 WW1 3 Juvenile Delinquency
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Peck,Mike 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26631 CRJ201 WW2 3 Juvenile Delinquency
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Peck,Mike 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23043 CRJ220 WW1 3 Community-Based Corrections
Prerequisite: CRJ 100 Prerequisite or Corequisite: CRJ 120 or instructor approval
13 15 0 15 Rodriguez Ordaz,Alfredo 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20890 CRJ237 A 3 Criminal & Constitutional Law
Prerequisite: CRJ 100 or instructor approval
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Roosa,Julie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13 Tuition
20891 CRJ237 WW1 3 Criminal & Constitutional Law
Prerequisite: CRJ 100 or instructor approval
3 15 0 15 Greiner,Brendan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20836 CRJ292 A 1 Police Phys Fitness and Cond
Class meets at Legacy Fitness 1450 SW Vintage Parkway, Ankeny, IA in The District.
17 15 0 15 F 10:10AM 12:10PM Richter,Christopher 01/17/25 05/02/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21548 CRJ293 WW1 1 Crim Justice Report Writing
19 15 0 15 Urtz,Peggy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21457 CRJ294 A 3 CJ Communication Strategies
Prerequisite: CRJ 100 or instructor approval
4 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Kratky,Matt 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
21458 CRJ297 E1 1 Death & Injury Investigations
15 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 08:00PM Galien,Danielle 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 26 - 110 Tuition
20972 CRJ302 WW1 3 Transportation & Border Sec
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
7 15 0 15 Schmick,Paul 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21283 CRJ303 WW1 3 Intel Analysis & Sec Mgmt
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: CRJ 301
19 15 0 15 Crawley,Ward 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24439 CRJ317 WW1 3 White Collar Crime
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: CRJ 100
6 15 0 15 Balas,Mike 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22733 CRJ327 WW1 3 Exercise Design & Evaluation
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
16 15 0 15 Miller,Allan 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22734 CRJ328 WW1 3 Disaster Response & Recovery
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Titze,Tina 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22474 CRJ329 WW1 3 Mitigation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
16 15 0 15 Titze,Tina 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22501 CRJ333 WW1 2 CSI & Forensic Photography
Professional SLR camera and lens required. Cell phones, smart devices, or point and shoot cameras will not suffice. Contact the instructor for specific equipment requirements.
23 15 0 15 Galien,Danielle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20013 CRJ932 WB1 3 Internship
Open to both day and evening students. Meets face-to-face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 O'Hara,Samantha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
O'Hara,Samantha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB

Culinary Arts

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20259 HCM100 1 2 Sanitation & Safety
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation.
6 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:00AM Havlovic,Andy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
20362 HCM124 2 2 Advanced Baking
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Prerequisite: HCM 110, 270
2 0 0 0 M 08:00AM 03:00PM Johnson-Spratt,Tai 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
23645 HCM124 4 2 Advanced Baking
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Prerequisite: HCM 110, 270
2 15 0 15 M 08:00AM 03:00PM Brown,Randall 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
M 08:00AM 03:00PM Brown,Randall 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132
M 08:00AM 03:00PM Brown,Randall 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132
20260 HCM143 1 3 Food Preparation I
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation. Corequisite: HCM 144
7 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:30AM Lumley,Logan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
23173 HCM143 2 3 Food Preparation I
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation. Corequisite: HCM 144
12 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:30AM Lumley,Logan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
20261 HCM144 1 3 Food Preparation I Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Corequisite: HCM 143
1 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 01:15PM Dell,Mike 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
20283 HCM144 2 3 Food Preparation I Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Corequisite: HCM 143
3 15 0 15 M W 01:25PM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
20384 HCM144 3 3 Food Preparation I Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Corequisite: HCM 143 Corequisite: HCM 143
0 15 0 15 T R 09:05AM 12:10PM Havlovic,Andy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
22372 HCM144 4 3 Food Preparation I Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Corequisite: HCM 143 Corequisite: HCM 143
3 15 0 15 T R 12:20PM 03:25PM Dell,Mike 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
26454 HCM144 5 3 Food Preparation I Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Corequisite: HCM 143 Corequisite: HCM 143
2 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 08:05PM Havlovic,Andy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 118 Tuition
20250 HCM168 1 2 Advanced Culinary Cuisine
Prerequisite: HCM 167. Corequisite: HCM 170
5 15 0 15 M 03:30PM 05:30PM Kim,Jake 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
20676 HCM168 2 2 Advanced Culinary Cuisine
Prerequisite: HCM 167. Corequisite: HCM 170
4 15 0 15 M 03:30PM 05:30PM Kim,Jake 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
21273 HCM170 1 3 Culinary Cuisine Lab
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
3 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 02:00PM Kim,Jake 01/15/25 01/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117 Tuition
M 08:00AM 02:00PM Kim,Jake 02/24/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
TWRF 08:00AM 03:00PM Kim,Jake 02/25/25 03/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
21274 HCM170 2 3 Culinary Cuisine Lab
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
1 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 02:00PM Kim,Jake 01/16/25 01/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117 Tuition
M 08:00AM 02:00PM Kim,Jake 03/24/25 04/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
TWRF 08:00AM 03:00PM Kim,Jake 03/25/25 04/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
21275 HCM170 3 3 Culinary Cuisine Lab
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
1 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 02:00PM Kim,Jake 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117 Tuition
M 08:00AM 02:00PM Kim,Jake 02/03/25 02/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
TWRF 08:00AM 03:00PM Kim,Jake 02/04/25 02/21/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
23646 HCM170 4 3 Culinary Cuisine Lab
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
2 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 02:00PM Kohl,Rebekah 01/17/25 01/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117 Tuition
M 08:00AM 02:00PM Kohl,Rebekah 04/14/25 04/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
TWRF 08:00AM 03:00PM Kohl,Rebekah 04/15/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 117
20245 HCM175 1 3 International Cuisine Lab II
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Prerequisite: HCM 172, 173
3 0 0 0 T 08:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/21/25 01/21/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
M 09:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/27/25 01/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
W 09:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/29/25 01/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 10:00AM 11:00PM Dell,Mike 01/30/25 01/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 02/18/25 02/18/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 02/20/25 02/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 03/25/25 03/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 03/27/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/03/25 04/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
F 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/04/25 04/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
S 12:00PM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 04/05/25 04/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
20288 HCM175 2 3 International Cuisine Lab II
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Prerequisite: HCM 172, 173
1 0 0 0 W 08:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/22/25 01/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
T 09:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/28/25 01/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 10:00AM 11:00PM Dell,Mike 01/30/25 01/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
S 01:00PM 11:00PM Dell,Mike 02/01/25 02/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 02/11/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 02/13/25 02/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 03/11/25 03/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/15/25 04/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 04/17/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
20364 HCM175 3 3 International Cuisine Lab II
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Prerequisite: HCM 172, 173
2 0 0 0 R 08:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/23/25 01/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
W 09:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/29/25 01/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
F 10:00AM 11:00PM Dell,Mike 01/31/25 01/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
S 01:00PM 11:00PM Dell,Mike 02/01/25 02/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 02/25/25 02/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 02/27/25 02/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/03/25 04/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
F 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/04/25 04/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
S 12:00PM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 04/05/25 04/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/22/25 04/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 04/24/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
23647 HCM175 4 3 International Cuisine Lab II
Attendance to course orientation required January 13, 9-10am. Attendance is required for daily French Chef Demonstrations, January 21-24. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. Prerequisite: HCM 172, 173
2 0 0 0 F 08:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/24/25 01/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145 Tuition
M 09:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/27/25 01/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:30PM Dell,Mike 01/28/25 01/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
F 10:00AM 11:00PM Dell,Mike 01/31/25 01/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 02/11/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 02/13/25 02/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 03/04/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 03/06/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
T 09:00AM 04:00PM Dell,Mike 04/08/25 04/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
R 11:00AM 10:00PM Dell,Mike 04/10/25 04/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 145
20262 HCM200 1 2 Dining Room Service
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 02:10PM Donnelly,Lisa 01/14/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
20263 HCM200 2 2 Dining Room Service
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 15 0 15 W F 10:10AM 02:10PM Prine,Christina 01/15/25 03/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
20285 HCM200 3 2 Dining Room Service
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 02:10PM Prine,Christina 01/14/25 01/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
T R 10:10AM 02:10PM Prine,Christina 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
20510 HCM200 4 2 Dining Room Service
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 15 0 15 W F 10:10AM 02:10PM Jensen,Tim 01/15/25 01/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
W F 10:10AM 02:10PM Jensen,Tim 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
21061 HCM215 1 2 Fine Dining Experience 2 Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 0 0 0 R 04:00PM 07:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/16/25 01/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
R 04:00PM 07:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/23/25 01/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/30/25 01/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
F 03:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/31/25 01/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 03:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 02/01/25 02/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 02/13/25 02/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 02/27/25 02/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 01:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 04/05/25 04/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 04/10/25 04/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 04/24/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
21062 HCM215 2 2 Fine Dining Experience 2 Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 0 0 0 R 04:00PM 07:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/16/25 01/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
R 04:00PM 07:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/23/25 01/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/30/25 01/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
F 03:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 01/31/25 01/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 03:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 02/01/25 02/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 02/20/25 02/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 03/06/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 03/27/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 01:00PM 11:00PM Anderson,Dana 04/05/25 04/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 04/17/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Anderson,Dana 04/24/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
21063 HCM215 3 2 Fine Dining Experience 2 Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 0 0 0 R 04:00PM 07:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/16/25 01/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
R 04:00PM 07:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/23/25 01/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/30/25 01/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
F 03:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/31/25 01/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 03:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 02/01/25 02/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 02/13/25 02/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 02/27/25 02/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 01:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 04/05/25 04/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 04/10/25 04/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 04/24/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
21064 HCM215 4 2 Fine Dining Experience 2 Lab
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. "All Clean Day" will take place on Tuesday, May 6, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor.
0 0 0 0 R 04:00PM 07:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/16/25 01/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116 Tuition
R 04:00PM 07:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/23/25 01/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/30/25 01/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
F 03:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 01/31/25 01/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 03:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 02/01/25 02/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 02/20/25 02/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 03/06/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 03/27/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
S 01:00PM 11:00PM Lumley,Logan 04/05/25 04/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 04/17/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
R 03:00PM 10:00PM Lumley,Logan 04/24/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 116
20264 HCM231 1 2 Nutrition
6 15 0 15 T 04:00PM 06:00PM Cook,Annie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
20265 HCM231 2 2 Nutrition
7 15 0 15 T 04:00PM 06:00PM Cook,Annie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
21164 HCM231 NA 2 Nutrition
This class reserved for students admitted into the Baking program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee.
12 15 0 15 R 12:50PM 02:40PM Binney,Ryan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition
20953 HCM250 1 2 Purchasing
Prerequisite: Any AAS Core Math
3 15 0 15 M 10:00AM 12:45PM Jensen,Tim 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
M 10:00AM 12:45PM Jensen,Tim 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131
22448 HCM250 3 2 Purchasing
Prerequisite: Any AAS Core Math
2 15 0 15 M 10:00AM 12:45PM Jensen,Tim 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
M 10:00AM 12:45PM Jensen,Tim 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131
20266 HCM300 E1 2 Beverage Management
Students will be required to purchase course textbook/materials at total out-of-pocket cost of approximately $105. These items will not be available through the book store. Instructor will provide specific details.
2 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 08:00PM Taylor,Sandra 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
20607 HCM300 E2 2 Beverage Management
Students will be required to purchase course textbook/materials at total out-of-pocket cost of approximately $105. These items will not be available through the book store. Instructor will provide specific details.
2 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 08:00PM Taylor,Sandra 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
20341 HCM320 1 2 Intro to Hospitality Industry
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation.
2 15 0 15 M 01:30PM 03:35PM Havlovic,Andy 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 114 Tuition
23684 HCM320 2 2 Intro to Hospitality Industry
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation.
6 15 0 15 M 01:30PM 03:35PM Jensen,Tim 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 114 Tuition
26623 HCM320 ND 2 Intro to Hospitality Industry
This class reserved for students admitted into the Baking program.
8 15 0 15 F 07:30AM 09:30AM Binney,Ryan 01/17/25 05/02/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition
22381 HCM347 NA 2 International Pastries
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Baking program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116, HCM 224
11 15 0 15 WR 10:10AM 11:40AM Binney,Ryan 01/15/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition
26225 HCM347 N1 2 International Pastries
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116, HCM 224
6 15 0 15 WR 07:30AM 09:30AM Binney,Ryan 01/15/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition
20310 HCM510 1 3 Work Experience
Student must be employed in the foodservice industry prior to enrolling in this course. Please see program director and/or DMACC career center for assistance.
14 15 0 15 Jensen,Tim 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23055 HCM514 NA 2 Plated Desserts
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Baking & Pastry Arts Diploma Program at the Newton Campus. Prerequisite: HCM 116 and HCM 224
11 15 0 15 MT 10:10AM 12:10PM Binney,Ryan 01/13/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition
26226 HCM514 NC 2 Plated Desserts
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116 and HCM 224
6 15 0 15 MT 07:30AM 09:30AM Binney,Ryan 01/13/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23760 ELT368 1 3 DC & AC Fundamentals
8 15 0 15 M W 01:30PM 03:00PM Helleso,Ryan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 43 Tuition
22698 NET179 WB2 3 Digital Forensic Analysis I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: NET 373
11 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:00AM 10:50AM Elrick,Doug 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44
23640 NET179 WB1 3 Digital Forensic Analysis I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: NET 373
6 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 01:00PM 02:50PM Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44
23046 NET182 1 3 IT and Security Fundamentals
7 15 0 15 T 05:00PM 08:10PM McQuade,Melanie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
27128 NET182 WW1 3 IT and Security Fundamentals
9 15 0 15 Riley,Kimberly 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23047 NET193 1 3 Server Administration
Prerequisite: NET 182
11 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:25AM Ray,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 49 Tuition
23048 NET193 2 3 Server Administration
Prerequisite: NET 182
12 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:25PM Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 49 Tuition
24379 NET207 WB1 2 Applied Computer Security Lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite or Corequisite: NET 182
5 15 0 15 Jennings,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 05:00PM 08:00PM Jennings,Scott 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50
26673 NET207 WB2 2 Applied Computer Security Lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite or Corequisite: NET 182
4 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 03:15PM 04:40PM Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51
23029 NET208 1 3 Cyber Ethics and Legal Issues
8 15 0 15 R 01:00PM 03:45PM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
23625 NET208 2 3 Cyber Ethics and Legal Issues
1 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 11:45AM Elrick,Doug 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 18 Tuition
23054 NET373 WW1 4 Forensic Prac Cybersecurity
Restricted to Digital Forensics students. Please contact Doug Elrick at to register for this section. Prerequisite or Corequisite: NET 182 - IT and Security Fundamentals
15 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21431 NET377 WB1 4 Ethical Hacking Prac Cybersec
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.. Reserved for students in Cybersecurity AAS and Cybersecurity Certificate Programs.
10 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 03:00PM 05:00PM Howe,Jeffrey 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35
21501 NET377 WB2 4 Ethical Hacking Prac Cybersec
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Reserved for students in Cybersecurity AAS and Cybersecurity Certificate Programs.
2 15 0 15 M W 03:10PM 05:10PM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26541 NET377 WB3 4 Ethical Hacking Prac Cybersec
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.. Reserved for students in Cybersecurity AAS and Cybersecurity Certificate Programs.
7 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 05:15PM 07:15PM Howe,Jeffrey 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35
23050 NET402 2 3 Linux Network Administration
Enrollment is restricted to ITNA students or with instructor approval.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:00AM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
23051 NET402 WB1 3 Linux Network Administration
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 M W 10:00AM 12:00PM Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51 Tuition
Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23053 NET484 WB1 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
2 15 0 15 Anderson,Garrett 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 08:00AM 10:50AM Anderson,Garrett 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36
26220 NET484 WB2 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
9 15 0 15 Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:00PM 02:50PM Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 49
26221 NET484 WB3 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Ray,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 49
26222 NET484 WB4 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
1 15 0 15 Anderson,Garrett 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:00AM 10:50AM Anderson,Garrett 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36
22699 NET708 1 4 Database Concepts for Cyber
7 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:50PM Burkhardt,Bryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44 Tuition
22700 NET708 2 4 Database Concepts for Cyber
6 15 0 15 M W 08:05AM 10:55AM Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44 Tuition
20700 NET932 1 3 Internship
9 15 0 15 Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
27268 NET932 2 3 Internship
15 15 0 15 Burkhardt,Bryan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Dental Assistant

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
26195 DEA260 1 1 Dental Science II
Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 323 ,DEA 265 , DEA 417 , DEA 707
6 15 0 15 T 11:15AM 12:10PM Nithang,Marcia 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
26201 DEA265 1 1 Dental Anatomy II
Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 417 , DEA 707
6 15 0 15 R 11:15AM 12:10PM Nithang,Marcia 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
26207 DEA323 1 2 Radiology II
Costs include $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 417 , DEA 707
3 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:50PM Nithang,Marcia 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D Tuition
M 11:15AM 12:10PM Nithang,Marcia 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03
26208 DEA323 2 2 Radiology II
Costs include $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 417 , DEA 707
0 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 12:10PM Nithang,Marcia 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
M 03:00PM 05:00PM Nithang,Marcia 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D
26209 DEA323 3 2 Radiology II
Costs include $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 417 , DEA 707
3 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 12:10PM Nithang,Marcia 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:50PM Nithang,Marcia 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D
26210 DEA323 4 2 Radiology II
Costs include $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 417 , DEA 707
0 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 12:10PM Nithang,Marcia 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
W 03:00PM 05:00PM Nithang,Marcia 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D
26211 DEA417 1 2 Dental Materials II
Costs include $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 707
3 15 0 15 T 10:10AM 11:05AM Nithang,Marcia 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:50PM Nithang,Marcia 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 06
26212 DEA417 2 2 Dental Materials II
Costs include $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 707
3 15 0 15 T 10:10AM 11:05AM Nithang,Marcia 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:50PM Nithang,Marcia 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 06
20237 DEA615 1 5 Clinical Dental Assisting
Course has a prerequisite. Cost includes a $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 707
0 0 0 0 M 12:50PM 02:50PM Bouma,Sarah 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 06 Tuition
M 08:00AM 11:05AM Bouma,Sarah 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03
W 12:50PM 02:50PM Bouma,Sarah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D
20353 DEA615 2 5 Clinical Dental Assisting
Course has a prerequisite. Cost includes a $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 707
6 15 0 15 M 08:00AM 11:05AM Bouma,Sarah 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
M 03:00PM 05:00PM Bouma,Sarah 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 06
W 03:00PM 05:00PM Bouma,Sarah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D
W 03:00PM 05:00PM Bouma,Sarah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 06
26213 DEA707 1 2 Dental Office Procedures
Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256, DEA 413 , DEA 249 Corequisite: DEA 615 , DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265, DEA 417
6 15 0 15 W 10:10AM 12:10PM Bouma,Sarah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition

Dental Hygiene

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20243 DHY141 A 3 General & Oral Pathology
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: BIO 164, DHY 121, 114
2 0 0 0 R 09:05AM 12:05PM Pourian,Ali 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 01 Tuition
20239 DHY181 A 2 Dental Hygiene I
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DHY 170, 171. Corequisite: DHY 182
2 0 0 0 M 12:50PM 02:50PM Hoffman,Melissa 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 01 Tuition
20240 DHY182 A 4 Clinical Dental Hygiene I
Course has a prerequisite Cost includes a $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DHY 170, 171. Corequisite: DHY 181,164
2 0 0 0 W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Hoffman,Melissa 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D Tuition
20938 DHY230 A 2 Oral Health Nutrition
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: BIO 164, CHM 132
2 0 0 0 M 08:00AM 10:00AM Kollasch,Jacquelyn 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 01 Tuition
20241 DHY251 A 3 Community Oral Health
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DHY 261
3 0 0 0 M W 12:50PM 02:50PM Bemisdarfer,Karissa 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
20244 DHY301 A 2 Dental Hygiene IV
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DHY 292, 291. Corequisite: DHY 302
3 0 0 0 M 10:10AM 12:10PM Bemisdarfer,Karissa 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 01 Tuition
20242 DHY302 A 5 Clinical Dental Hygiene IV
Course has a prerequisite Cost includes a $75 lab fee. Prerequisite: DHY 292, 291. Corequisite: DHY 301
3 0 0 0 T R 12:30PM 04:00PM Bemisdarfer,Karissa 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D Tuition
T R 08:00AM 12:00PM Bemisdarfer,Karissa 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D

Diesel Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20157 DSL145 1 5 Basic Electricity
1 0 0 0 M W F 12:30PM 03:45PM Gross,Tyler 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 07 Tuition
M W F 12:30PM 03:45PM Gross,Tyler 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 08
20731 DSL145 2 5 Basic Electricity
2 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 11:15AM Friesth,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 02 Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 11:15AM Friesth,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 03
22856 DSL145 BA 5 Basic Electricity
Reserved for Van Wall students ONLY. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 0 0 0 MT 01:30PM 04:15PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
MT 10:20AM 01:00PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus -
WR 01:30PM 04:20PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/15/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
20170 DSL155 1 4 Advanced Electricity
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DSL 145
6 0 0 0 T R 12:45PM 04:15PM Gross,Tyler 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 07 Tuition
T R 12:45PM 04:15PM Gross,Tyler 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 08
20144 DSL356 1 6 Diesel Engines I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
T R 08:00AM 12:45PM Holloway,Michael 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A
T R 08:00AM 12:45PM Holloway,Michael 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
20145 DSL366 1 6 Diesel Engines II
Course has a prerequisite. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: DSL 356
2 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 12:45PM Holloway,Michael 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A Tuition
T R 08:00AM 12:45PM Holloway,Michael 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A
20162 DSL409 1 5 Diesel Electronics
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DSL 145
5 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 12:00PM Gross,Tyler 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 08 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 12:00PM Gross,Tyler 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 07
20889 DSL438 1 5 Diesel Fuel Systems
Course has a prerequisite. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: DSL 366
5 0 0 0 M W F 12:30PM 02:30PM Gooch,Mike 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09A Tuition
M W F 12:30PM 02:30PM Gooch,Mike 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 10
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Gooch,Mike 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09A
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Gooch,Mike 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 10
20146 DSL546 1 6 Power Trains I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 0 0 0 M W F 08:00AM 11:30AM Ward,Scott 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05B Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 11:30AM Ward,Scott 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 06
T R 08:00AM 12:30PM Ward,Scott 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 06
T R 08:00AM 12:30PM Ward,Scott 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05B
20324 DSL555 1 5 Power Trains II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: DSL 546, 606
6 0 0 0 M W F 12:30PM 02:45PM Ward,Scott 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05B Tuition
M W F 12:30PM 02:45PM Ward,Scott 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 06
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Ward,Scott 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05B
M W F 08:00AM 12:00PM Ward,Scott 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 06
20888 DSL606 1 6 Hydraulics and Brakes
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 01:10PM Gooch,Mike 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 22 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 01:10PM Gooch,Mike 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09A
M W F 08:00AM 11:45AM Gooch,Mike 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09A
M W F 08:00AM 11:45AM Gooch,Mike 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 22
23237 DSL733 BA 3 Air Conditioning
This section is reserved for Van Wall Students. Class meets at Van Wall Cite Center in Boone. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
7 0 0 0 M W 07:55AM 10:15AM Kokemuller,Roy 03/12/25 05/07/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20165 DSL845 1 5 Heavy Equipment Repair
Course has a prerequisite. Meets at Ankeny campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: DSL 366, 546, 606, 145
5 0 0 0 M W 08:00AM 09:30AM Parsons,Shea 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:25AM Parsons,Shea 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14
F 08:00AM 09:45AM Parsons,Shea 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09B
20168 DSL855 1 5 Truck Repair
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DSL 366, 546, 606, 145
5 0 0 0 M W 09:40AM 11:10AM Parsons,Shea 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14 Tuition
T R 10:35AM 12:30PM Parsons,Shea 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14
T R 10:35AM 12:30PM Parsons,Shea 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09B
F 10:05AM 11:20AM Parsons,Shea 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09B
F 10:05AM 11:20AM Parsons,Shea 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14
23768 DSL912 BA 2 Fuel Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
6 0 0 0 MT 07:30AM 10:15AM Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23236 DSL913 BA 3 Small Engines
This section is reserved for Van Wall Students. Class meets at Van Wall Cite Center in Boone. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
6 0 0 0 WR 08:00AM 12:50PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/15/25 03/06/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Digital Forensic Investigation

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22698 NET179 WB2 3 Digital Forensic Analysis I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: NET 373
11 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:00AM 10:50AM Elrick,Doug 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44
23640 NET179 WB1 3 Digital Forensic Analysis I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: NET 373
6 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 01:00PM 02:50PM Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44
23046 NET182 1 3 IT and Security Fundamentals
7 15 0 15 T 05:00PM 08:10PM McQuade,Melanie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
22373 NET202 1 3 Programming for Net Admins
10 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:55PM Bell,Chris 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
22374 NET202 2 3 Programming for Net Admins
10 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
24377 NET202 WW1 3 Programming for Net Admins
Restricted to Digital Forensics students. Please contact Bryan Burkhardt at to register for this section.
19 15 0 15 Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24379 NET207 WB1 2 Applied Computer Security Lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite or Corequisite: NET 182
5 15 0 15 Jennings,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 05:00PM 08:00PM Jennings,Scott 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50
23029 NET208 1 3 Cyber Ethics and Legal Issues
8 15 0 15 R 01:00PM 03:45PM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
23625 NET208 2 3 Cyber Ethics and Legal Issues
1 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 11:45AM Elrick,Doug 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 18 Tuition
23054 NET373 WW1 4 Forensic Prac Cybersecurity
Restricted to Digital Forensics students. Please contact Doug Elrick at to register for this section. Prerequisite or Corequisite: NET 182 - IT and Security Fundamentals
15 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23050 NET402 2 3 Linux Network Administration
Enrollment is restricted to ITNA students or with instructor approval.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:00AM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
23051 NET402 WB1 3 Linux Network Administration
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 M W 10:00AM 12:00PM Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51 Tuition
Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23053 NET484 WB1 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
2 15 0 15 Anderson,Garrett 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 08:00AM 10:50AM Anderson,Garrett 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36
26220 NET484 WB2 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
9 15 0 15 Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:00PM 02:50PM Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 49
26221 NET484 WB3 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Ray,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Ray,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 49
26222 NET484 WB4 4 Netplus Certification
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
1 15 0 15 Anderson,Garrett 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:00AM 10:50AM Anderson,Garrett 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36
22699 NET708 1 4 Database Concepts for Cyber
7 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:50PM Burkhardt,Bryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44 Tuition
22700 NET708 2 4 Database Concepts for Cyber
6 15 0 15 M W 08:05AM 10:55AM Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44 Tuition
20700 NET932 1 3 Internship
9 15 0 15 Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20014 DRA101 A 3 Introduction to Theatre
7 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Bode,Sarah Kate 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
20689 DRA101 WW1 3 Introduction to Theatre
5 15 0 15 Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21212 DRA101 WW2 3 Introduction to Theatre
7 15 0 15 Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21461 DRA125 A 3 Introduction to Play Analysis
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 M W F 12:50PM 01:45PM Lindberg,Carl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 27 Tuition
20015 DRA130 A 3 Acting I
4 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Wendel,Alex 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 27 Tuition
22701 DRA132 A 3 Acting II
Prerequisite: DRA 130
0 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Lindberg,Carl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
26177 DRA139 A 3 Acting for the Camera
8 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 04:15PM Lindberg,Carl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 27 Tuition
21462 DRA180 A 1 Theatre Lab I
Late start. 12-week course. Instructor approval required to register for this course. Please contact Carl Lindberg at for permission to register.
25 15 0 15 M 06:30PM 09:00PM Lindberg,Carl 02/10/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
21463 DRA181 A 1 Theatre Lab II
Late start. 12-week course. Instructor approval required to register for this course. Please contact Carl Lindberg at for permission to register. Prerequisite: DRA 180
29 15 0 15 T 06:30PM 09:00PM Lindberg,Carl 02/04/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
23182 DRA199 A 3 Musical Theatre Dance
9 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Sweere,Brynn 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
24441 DRA221 A 3 Audition Technique
2 15 0 15 M W F 01:55PM 02:50PM Lindberg,Carl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 27 Tuition
23041 DRA223 A 3 Performing Musical Theatre
Prerequisite or Corequisite: DRA 130
6 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Sweere,Brynn 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 29 Tuition
24443 DRA232 A 3 Advanced Movement for Actors
Prerequisite or Corequisite: DRA 148
10 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Douglas,Napoleon 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
21464 DRA280 A 1 Theatre Lab III
Late start. 12-week course. Instructor approval required to register for this course. Please contact Carl Lindberg at for permission to register. Prerequisite: DRA 181
30 15 0 15 W 06:30PM 09:00PM Lindberg,Carl 02/05/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
21465 DRA281 A 1 Theatre Lab IV
Late start. 12-week course. Instructor approval required to register for this course. Please contact Carl Lindberg at for permission to register. Prerequisite: DRA 280
30 15 0 15 R 06:30PM 09:00PM Lindberg,Carl 02/06/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
21348 DRA945 BA 2 Practicum I
10 15 0 15 MTWR 02:30PM 03:30PM Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/08/25 - Tuition
20139 DRA946 BA 3 Practicum II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
25 15 0 15 MTWRF 02:30PM 05:00PM Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/08/25 - Tuition
20140 DRA948 BA 4 Practicum III
20 15 0 15 MTWRF 02:30PM 05:00PM Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/08/25 - Tuition

Early Childhood Education

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20798 ECE103 WW1 3 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
3 15 0 15 Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24413 ECE103 WB1 3 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
Cost includes a $15 materials fee. Background checks are required. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Please contact course instructor with questions.
8 15 0 15 M W 02:25PM 03:10PM Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28 Tuition
Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
27183 ECE103 WW2 3 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
Cost includes a $15 materials fee. Background check required.
7 0 0 0 Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24302 ECE106 WB2 1 Child Dev Associate Standard
This section is reserved for the Infant/Toddler CDA students. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisites: ECE 103, 133, 243, 343, and 158 or ECE 221, or instructor permission
12 15 0 15 Garner,Monica 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Garner,Monica 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26426 ECE114 WW1 3 Dual Language Learners in ECE
This course requires an ECE dual language observation site approved by the instructor in the first week of class. Placement support is available. Background check required. Cost includes a $15 materials fee. Contact Katherine Champlin with questions at Prerequisite: 12 credits in ECE or instructor permission. Completed criminal history, including background and fingerprinting check.
18 15 0 15 Parmerlee,Catherine 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20230 ECE130 E1 1 Emergency Care
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Cost includes $22 AHA fee.
0 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Gunther,Sadie 04/01/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115 Tuition
20762 ECE133 WW1 3 Child Health,Safety &Nutrition
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Montavon,Molly 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22887 ECE133 WW2 3 Child Health,Safety &Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Montavon,Molly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21539 ECE151 WW1 3 Individualizing for Children
Background check required; fee covers background check. Course requires classroom observation at approved site. Contact instructor with questions.
16 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20849 ECE158 WW1 3 Early Childhood Curriculum I
2 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20729 ECE159 A 3 Early Childhood Curriculum II
Students enrolled in this section must enroll in ECE 359. Contact instructor for registration and waitlist information at Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade or "C" or better or instructor approval. Corequisite: ECE 359 or instructor approval.
8 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Champlin,Katherine 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28 Tuition
24388 ECE159 WW1 3 Early Childhood Curriculum II
Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade or "C" or better or instructor approval. Corequisite: ECE 359 or instructor approval.
5 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20738 ECE170 A 3 Child Growth & Development
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28 Tuition
20802 ECE215 WW1 3 Home, School & Comm Relations
3 15 0 15 Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20801 ECE221 WW1 3 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ.
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Background check required; fee covers background check.
2 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20865 ECE221 WB1 3 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ.
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Background check required; fee covers background check.
2 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Champlin,Katherine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28 Tuition
Champlin,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20728 ECE243 WW1 3 Early Childhood Guidance
Students in ECE 243-WH1 must also register for ECE 343-WW1. Corequisite: ECE 343 or instructor permission
3 15 0 15 Parmerlee,Catherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21195 ECE343 WW1 1 Early Childhood Guidance Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Lab course will be complete at workplace. Students are required to use video for teaching observations. Contact Katie Champlin at for more information. Includes additional fees. Corequisite: ECE 243 or instructor permission
0 0 0 0 Winslow,Amanda 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22439 ECE343 WW2 1 Early Childhood Guidance Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Head Start Partnership students. Contact Katie Champlin at for more information. Includes additional fees. Corequisite: ECE 243 or instructor permission
0 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20734 ECE359 A 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
2 4 0 4 M 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
20735 ECE359 B 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ECE 158. Corequisite: ECE 159. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
1 4 0 4 T 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 01/14/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
20736 ECE359 C 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
2 4 0 4 W 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 01/15/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
20737 ECE359 D 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
1 4 0 4 R 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 01/16/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
21070 ECE359 E 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
0 0 0 0 W 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
21071 ECE359 F 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
1 0 0 0 T 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 03/11/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
21072 ECE359 WW1 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159 WW1. Students in this section must be working with children ages 2-5 in a group setting or request placement. Students are required to use video for teaching observations. Contact Julie Clark at  Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
2 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20725 ECE932 WW1 2 Internship
Application deadline is October 25, 2024; Mandatory orientation December 6. Prerequisites: ECE 103, 133, 170; "C" or better in ECE 159, 243, 343, and 359; 2.5 program GPA. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions and Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Certification. Internship application is required the semester prior to enrollment in the course. Criminal background check required. Prerequisite OR corequisite: ECE 215, 221, or instructor approval
14 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20115 ECN120 BA 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
18 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Cook,Kevin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 152 Tuition
20177 ECN120 UAM 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
15 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Karim,Reza 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
20253 ECN120 A 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM McCoy,Susan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04A Tuition
20254 ECN120 B 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM McCoy,Susan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04A Tuition
20302 ECN120 F 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
20383 ECN120 WW1 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
5 15 0 15 Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20397 ECN120 WC 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Friestad-Tate,Jill 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 213W Tuition
20398 ECN120 WW2 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
9 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20525 ECN120 WW3 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
9 15 0 15 Friestad-Tate,Jill 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20562 ECN120 G 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
0 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM McCoy,Susan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04A Tuition
20910 ECN120 WW4 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
5 15 0 15 Cook,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21214 ECN120 WW6 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
4 15 0 15 Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21576 ECN120 WW5 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
2 15 0 15 Cook,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24184 ECN120 WW7 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
4 15 0 15 Bergan,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24236 ECN120 WW8 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
4 15 0 15 Duerson,Brad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26202 ECN120 H 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Karim,Reza 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01F Tuition
26519 ECN120 C 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
4 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Friestad-Tate,Jill 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16 Tuition
20116 ECN130 BB 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Cook,Kevin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 171 Tuition
20255 ECN130 A 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
20256 ECN130 B 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM McCoy,Susan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04A Tuition
20257 ECN130 C 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM McCoy,Susan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04A Tuition
20258 ECN130 F 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
5 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
20354 ECN130 BC 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Cook,Kevin 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 171 Tuition
20382 ECN130 WW1 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
7 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20421 ECN130 WW2 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
4 15 0 15 Friestad-Tate,Jill 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20494 ECN130 WA 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
6 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Friestad-Tate,Jill 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 213W Tuition
20559 ECN130 WW3 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
8 15 0 15 Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20697 ECN130 D 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17B Tuition
20911 ECN130 WW4 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
4 15 0 15 Bledsoe,Tamara 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21500 ECN130 WW6 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
3 15 0 15 Duerson,Brad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21577 ECN130 WW7 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
5 15 0 15 Bergan,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24155 ECN130 WW5 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
4 15 0 15 Bledsoe,Tamara 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24237 ECN130 WW8 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
9 15 0 15 Bergan,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24424 ECN130 UAM 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
12 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Karim,Reza 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
24425 ECN130 1 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130.
3 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Karim,Reza 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21263 EDU210 WB1 3 Foundations of Education
For questions, contact Patsy Steffen at Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 Katch,Laura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Katch,Laura 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14
21264 EDU210 WH2 3 Foundations of Education
For questions, contact Patsy Steffen at 965-7048 or Meets virtually for scheduled portion. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
8 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Steffen,Patsy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21265 EDU210 WB3 3 Foundations of Education
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. For questions, contact Patsy Steffen at Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
13 15 0 15 Darling,Dominique 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 09:00PM Darling,Dominique 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14
20652 EDU218 WB1 2 Initial Field Experience
There is a required background check for enrollment in this course. Please email Patsy Steffen, Program Chair, for further information. All sections of EDU218 will include a 60 hour field experience in the K12 school setting. This will be arranged through the DMACC Education Department. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: EDU-210 with a C- or better
4 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 11:15AM 12:10PM Steffen,Patsy 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14
Steffen,Patsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -
21266 EDU218 WB2 2 Initial Field Experience
There is a required background check for enrollment in this course. Please email Patsy Steffen, Program Chair, for further information. All sections of EDU218 will include a 60 hour field experience in the k-12 school setting. This will be arranged through the DMACC Education Department. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: EDU-210 with a C- or better
20 15 0 15 Kopecky,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Kopecky,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
R 08:00AM 08:55AM Kopecky,Julie 01/16/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128
23214 EDU218 WV2 2 Initial Field Experience
The class meets virtually through Canvas on Wednesdays. Required: Background check completed and passed. The instructor will contact students two weeks prior to class on how to complete the background check. All sections of EDU218 will include 60 work experience/observation hours in an elementary and secondary classroom setting to be arranged by the DMACC Education Department. Prerequisite: EDU-210 with a C- or better
4 15 0 15 Phillips,Lori 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
W 04:15PM 05:10PM Phillips,Lori 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23686 EDU218 WB3 2 Initial Field Experience
The class meets on the Urban Campus Tuesday evening. Required: Background check completed and passed. The instructor will contact students two weeks prior to class on how to complete the background check. All sections of EDU218 will include 60 work experience/observation hours in an elementary and secondary classroom setting to be arranged by the DMACC Education Department. Prerequisite: EDU-210 with a C- or better
8 15 0 15 Katch,Laura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Katch,Laura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
T 06:00PM 07:00PM Katch,Laura 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 104
20447 EDU245 WB1 3 Exceptional Learner
For questions, contact Patsy Steffen at Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
10 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Katch,Laura 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14 Tuition
Katch,Laura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20856 EDU245 WW1 3 Exceptional Learner
8-week course; 1st 8-week course. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23679 EDU245 WW3 3 Exceptional Learner
Late start 8-week: 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23680 EDU245 WW4 3 Exceptional Learner
Late start 8-week: 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Katch,Laura 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21508 EDU253 WW1 3 Behavior Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Robson,Kristine 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22492 EDU255 WW1 3 Technology in the Classroom
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Darling,Dominique 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23676 EDU255 WW3 3 Technology in the Classroom
8-week course; 1st 8-week session
1 15 0 15 Katch,Laura 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24169 EDU255 WW4 3 Technology in the Classroom
Late start, 8-week course, 2nd 8-week session
3 15 0 15 Katch,Laura 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Electric Utility Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23025 ELE243 1 3 Electric Utility III
Late Start 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: ELE 236  and ELE 239 
6 15 0 15 T F 07:30AM 11:30AM Finn,Don 03/11/25 05/06/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition
23026 ELE249 1 4 Electric Utility IV
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. 1 hour lunch and breaks will be determined by instructor. Prerequisite: ELE 236 and ELE 239  Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ELE 243 
6 15 0 15 T F 07:30AM 02:45PM Finn,Don 01/14/25 03/07/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition
23027 ELE252 1 5 Transmission & Distribution
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Lunch and break times will be determined by instructor. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ELE 243 and ELE 249 
6 15 0 15 WR 07:30AM 04:00PM Finn,Don 01/15/25 03/06/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition
23756 ELE253 1 4 Power Equipment Safety
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Lunch and breaks will be determined by instructor. Prerequisite: ELE 236
6 15 0 15 WR 07:30AM 02:45PM Finn,Don 03/12/25 05/08/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition
23028 ELE265 1 1 Diagrams and Staking Sheets
Late Start 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: ELE 236 and ELE 239 
6 15 0 15 T 01:30PM 03:30PM Finn,Don 03/11/25 05/06/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition
23530 ELE275 1 1 Electric Uti Workplace Skills
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. To register contact Erika Berry at
0 15 0 15 T 03:40PM 05:40PM Finn,Don 01/14/25 03/04/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition

Electrical Construction Trades

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
24450 ELT106 NA 3 Basic Math for Electronics
Contact advisor at Newton to get registered.
4 15 0 15 W 11:25AM 02:25PM Hafkey,George 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142 Tuition
20539 ELT172 WB1 3 NEC Commercial/Industrial
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
1 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:30AM 10:30AM Ehler,Dan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
23678 ELT172 WB2 3 NEC Commercial/Industrial
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
4 25 0 25 Ehler,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 09:30AM 10:30AM Ehler,Dan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
24259 ELT172 CA1 3 NEC Commercial/Industrial
24 15 0 15 M 09:40AM 11:40AM Reiling,Eric 01/13/25 05/05/25 Templeton Regional Center - 112 Tuition
T 09:40AM 10:40AM Reiling,Eric 01/14/25 05/06/25 Templeton Regional Center - 112
20538 ELT173 WB1 4 NEC Commercial/Industrial Lab
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
1 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 11:00AM 04:50PM Ehler,Dan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 144
22429 ELT173 WB2 4 NEC Commercial/Industrial Lab
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
4 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 11:00AM 04:50PM Ehler,Dan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 144
24258 ELT173 CA1 4 NEC Commercial/Industrial Lab
24 15 0 15 T 10:45AM 11:40AM Reiling,Eric 01/14/25 05/06/25 Templeton Regional Center - 112 Tuition
WRF 09:40AM 11:40AM Reiling,Eric 01/15/25 05/08/25 Templeton Regional Center - 112

Electronics Engineering

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20833 ELT131 WB1 3 Motor Controls
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
8 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 08:55AM 10:55AM Ehler,Dan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 143
W 08:55AM 10:55AM Ehler,Dan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
20303 ELT387 1 3 Electric Circuit Analysis II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: ELT 383, 384. Corequisite: ELT 388
14 15 0 15 M W 02:00PM 03:30PM Gordon,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 30 Tuition
21134 ELT388 1 2 Elec Circuit Analysis II Lab
Prerequisite: ELT 383, 384. Corequisite ELT 387
4 15 0 15 M W 11:05AM 01:00PM Gordon,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 40 Tuition
21250 ELT393 1 4 Fabrication Techniques
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ELT 383 or Prerequisite: ELT 325.
2 15 0 15 T R 09:05AM 11:55AM Sheaff,Elliot 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 41 Tuition
21113 ELT642 1 4 Pro. Control & Instrumentation
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ELT 303, ELT 324, and ELT 325 or ELT383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 644
13 15 0 15 T R 08:30AM 10:20AM Helleso,Ryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 43 Tuition
20114 ELT644 1 2 Process Control Instr Lab
Prerequisite: ELT 303, ELT 324 and ELT 325 or ELT 383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 642
10 15 0 15 T R 10:30AM 12:20PM Helleso,Ryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 101 Tuition
20373 ELT816 1 2 Systems Troubleshooting
Prerequisites: ELT 474, 475. Corequisite: ELT 817
12 15 0 15 T R 12:30PM 01:30PM Gordon,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 43 Tuition
20372 ELT817 1 3 Systems Troubleshooting Lab
Prerequisite: ELT 474, 475. Corequisite: ELT 816
12 15 0 15 T R 01:45PM 04:30PM Gordon,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 43 Tuition

Emergency Medical Services

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23746 EMS214 PR1 6 Emergency Medical Technician
All meeting times listed above are required for this course. Students must show proof of successful and current completion of AHA BLS CPR or Red Cross BLS training. Students cannot enroll after the first class meeting. Students will be dropped if they fail to attend the first class night. Costs include $70 background check fee. Practicum hours to be arranged after the start of class. To register contact Dottie VanZee at Prerequisite: High School Diploma or GED, American Red Cross BLS (Basic Life Support)Card or American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) Card, 17 years of age, and must attend an information session.
14 15 0 15 M R 06:00PM 10:00PM Thomason,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 208 Tuition
Thomason,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -
23747 EMS214 CL1 6 Emergency Medical Technician
All meeting times listed above are required for this course. Students must show proof of successful and current completion of AHA BLS CPR or Red Cross BLS training. Students cannot enroll after the first class meeting. Students will be dropped if they fail to attend the first class night. Costs include $70 background check fee. Practicum hours to be arranged after the start of class. To register contact Dottie VanZee at . Prerequisite: High School Diploma or GED, American Red Cross BLS (Basic Life Support)Card or American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) Card, 17 years of age, and must attend an information session.
22 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 10:00PM Madsen,Michele 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 142 Tuition
M W 06:00PM 10:00PM Madsen,Michele 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 142
Madsen,Michele 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20681 EGR100 A 1 Engineering Orientation
14 15 0 15 F 10:10AM 11:05AM Yu,Tim 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
20853 EGR151 A 2 Engineering Visual BASIC
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 61 OR Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 130 OR MAT 211
6 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Yu,Tim 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
23191 EGR152 A 2 Engineering MATLAB
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 61 OR Prerequisite/Corequisite: MAT 130 OR MAT 211
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Tenboer,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
23188 EGR161 A 2 Engineering Computations
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 130 or MAT 211
2 15 0 15 M W 03:00PM 03:55PM Tenboer,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
23759 EGR161 B 2 Engineering Computations
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 130 or MAT 211
5 15 0 15 T R 03:00PM 03:55PM Tenboer,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
22669 EGR180 A 3 Statics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: PHY 213. Corequisite: MAT 217 must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Tenboer,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20045 COM703 A1 3 Communication Skills
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Wainwright,Katie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
20046 COM703 A4 3 Communication Skills
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Reserved for Building Trades Diploma, Construction Mgmt AAS, HVAC diploma and HVAC AAS students through December 1. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 T R 03:00PM 05:00PM Clark,Victor 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02A Tuition
20342 COM703 A7 3 Communication Skills
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Platt,Dan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
20387 COM703 A2 3 Communication Skills
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 11:15AM Toledo Parada,Carlos 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 16 Tuition
20537 COM703 WB2 3 Communication Skills
This class is restricted to Newton Campus students enrolled in the ELT Program. Meets at Newton Campus for scheduled portion. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Clark,Victor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 02:30PM 03:55PM Clark,Victor 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
21177 COM703 WH2 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Slechta,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Slechta,Scott 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21178 COM703 WH1 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Slechta,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 07:30PM Slechta,Scott 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21532 COM703 A5 3 Communication Skills
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Automotive students through December 20. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 M W F 01:20PM 03:30PM Toledo Parada,Carlos 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 17 Tuition
23120 COM703 WB4 3 Communication Skills
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 09:50AM Huber,Lindsey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 110B Tuition
Huber,Lindsey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23633 COM703 UAM 3 Communication Skills
Ford Asset Program Offering (open to all interested students). 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 09:55AM Sandoval,Lorenzo 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109 Tuition
26164 COM703 WH3 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Tisdale,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 08:00PM Tisdale,Heather 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20351 ENG060 UBM 3 College Preparatory Writing I
The above course does not count in degree requirements
9 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Castaneda,Abigail 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 127 Tuition
20355 ENG061 WH1 3 College Preparatory Writing II
The above course does not count in degree requirements. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Lee,Stacy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Lee,Stacy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23525 ENG097 WW4 2 Strategies for Composition
Late start. 12-week course. This class is a co-requisite to ENG 105. Students who enroll in ENG 097 BA must also enroll in ENG 105. Please see course description for placement information into ENG 097/105. Corequisite: ENG 105
6 15 0 15 Robinson-Rabon,Jessica 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23526 ENG097 A14 2 Strategies for Composition
Late start. 12-week course. This class is a corequisite of ENG 105-A14. Students who enroll in ENG 097-A14 must also enroll in ENG 105-A14. Please see course description for placement information into ENG 097/105. Corequisite: ENG 105
1 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:35PM Gard,Jeff 02/04/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12D Tuition
23527 ENG097 WW1 2 Strategies for Composition
Late start. 12-week course. This class is a corequisite to ENG 105. Students who enroll in ENG 097 WW1 must also enroll in ENG 105. Please see the course description for placement information into ENG 097/105. Corequisite: ENG 105
3 15 0 15 McBee,Ann 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23735 ENG097 WW2 2 Strategies for Composition
Late start. 12-week course. Students who register for ENG 097 must also register for ENG 105. Corequisite: ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27339 ENG097 WW5 2 Strategies for Composition
Late start. 12-week course. This class is a corequisite to ENG 105. Students who enroll in ENG 097 WW2 must also enroll in ENG 105. Please see the course description for placement information into ENG 097/105. Corequisite: ENG 105
4 15 0 15 Castaneda,Abigail 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27388 ENG097 WW6 2 Strategies for Composition
Late start. 12-week course. Corequisite: ENG 105
4 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20016 ENG105 WB2 3 Composition I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
4 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Gard,Jeff 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 07 Tuition
Gard,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20017 ENG105 A5 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class.
2 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Mann,Cynthia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 08 Tuition
20018 ENG105 A7 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Tisdale,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
20019 ENG105 WWO 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class.
3 15 0 15 Nelles,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20020 ENG105 A8 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Laptops are required for this section. Students will be expected to bring their laptops to class.
6 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Toubes,Rose Marie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 15 Tuition
20021 ENG105 A6 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class.
3 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Zhang,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 14 Tuition
20022 ENG105 A11 3 Composition I
5 15 0 15 M W F 01:55PM 02:50PM Taylor,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
20023 ENG105 A10 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 M W F 12:50PM 01:45PM Taylor,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 07 Tuition
20024 ENG105 WWM 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 Toubes,Rose Marie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20025 ENG105 WWN 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Robinson-Rabon,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20026 ENG105 WWP 3 Composition I
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Lauer,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20027 ENG105 A4 3 Composition I
Computer keyboard skills required for the above course.
2 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Wells,Seth 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 07 Tuition
20141 ENG105 BA 3 Composition I
If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Chesmore,Cody 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 219 Tuition
20192 ENG105 UAB 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Lauer,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 105 Tuition
20193 ENG105 UAE 3 Composition I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Bonnstetter,Jesup 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 105 Tuition
20194 ENG105 UBA 3 Composition I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Mann,Cynthia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 104 Tuition
20280 ENG105 WC 3 Composition I
7 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Doke-Kerns,Jennie 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 117W Tuition
20385 ENG105 UIM 3 Composition I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Robinson-Rabon,Jessica 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 215 Tuition
20406 ENG105 WW1 3 Composition I
6 15 0 15 Robinson-Rabon,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20426 ENG105 A3 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Tisdale,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
20435 ENG105 WW2 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Meyer,Natalie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20442 ENG105 UAA 3 Composition I
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Robinson-Rabon,Jessica 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 105 Tuition
20445 ENG105 WH1 3 Composition I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
11 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 07:50PM Hartline,Nile 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Hartline,Nile 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20470 ENG105 WW3 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 Fandel,Nancy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20670 ENG105 A2 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Duke,Shaun 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 20B Tuition
20755 ENG105 WA 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM McBee,Ann 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 125E Tuition
20763 ENG105 WBF 3 Composition I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Waddle,Sarah 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 219
20764 ENG105 WW5 3 Composition I
7 15 0 15 Foote,Alexandra 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20782 ENG105 WW7 3 Composition I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Dickhut,Elizabeth 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20783 ENG105 WW8 3 Composition I
9 15 0 15 Glover Howell,Angela 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20817 ENG105 WW9 3 Composition I
7 15 0 15 Davenport,Joanne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20823 ENG105 WWA 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 Fandel,Nancy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20825 ENG105 WWB 3 Composition I
6 15 0 15 Glover Howell,Angela 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20829 ENG105 WWC 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Zhang,William 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20852 ENG105 WB1 3 Composition I
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion.
2 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Vogler,Nicole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 214 Tuition
Vogler,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20887 ENG105 WWD 3 Composition I
5 15 0 15 Glover Howell,Angela 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20996 ENG105 WWG 3 Composition I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Brock,Jessi 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21168 ENG105 A9 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Wells,Seth 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
21215 ENG105 WWH 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 Davenport,Joanne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21260 ENG105 WH5 3 Composition I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
1 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Fridinger,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Fridinger,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21394 ENG105 WB3 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 Sharp,Holly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTWR 12:50PM 01:45PM Sharp,Holly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 232
21511 ENG105 WWJ 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Zhang,William 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21578 ENG105 WWK 3 Composition I
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session.
2 15 0 15 Foote,Alexandra 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21580 ENG105 WWL 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Zhang,William 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22690 ENG105 A12 3 Composition I
6 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Bonnstetter,Jesup 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
22691 ENG105 A13 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Tisdale,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
22692 ENG105 E1 3 Composition I
3 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 09:00PM Sharp,Holly 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02 Tuition
22714 ENG105 A15 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Zhang,William 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 21 Tuition
22768 ENG105 A22 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Toubes,Rose Marie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
23146 ENG105 AM 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Brock,Jessi 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 112 Tuition
24196 ENG105 WW4 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
1 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24262 ENG105 WWQ 3 Composition I
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session.
4 15 0 15 Vernon,Susan 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24263 ENG105 WWR 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
0 15 0 15 Oakley,Thomas 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24303 ENG105 WWS 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Farrell,Danielle 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24415 ENG105 A1 3 Composition I
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Gard,Jeff 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 16 Tuition
27127 ENG105 WWE 3 Composition I
5 15 0 15 Wells,Seth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27188 ENG105 WWT 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Brock,Jessi 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27208 ENG105 WWF 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
6 15 0 15 Dickhut,Elizabeth 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27271 ENG105 WWI 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
2 15 0 15 Lee,Stacy 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27272 ENG105 WWU 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
2 15 0 15 Jefferies,Stephen 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27273 ENG105 WWV 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
4 15 0 15 Lehman,Crystal 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27328 ENG105 WWX 3 Composition I
Late start. 12-week course.
7 15 0 15 Jefferies,Stephen 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27390 ENG105 WW6 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Tisdale,Heather 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27407 ENG105 WWW 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Foote,Alexandra 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20007 ENG106 WB4 3 Composition II
Meets on Carroll Campus for scheduled portion. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Soloy,BJ 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 148 Tuition
Soloy,BJ 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20028 ENG106 A4 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
4 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Kreimeyer,Breanna 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 02 Tuition
20029 ENG106 A12 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Rhodes,Ellen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12D Tuition
20030 ENG106 A6 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Hogan,Colin 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
20031 ENG106 E1 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
6 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 09:00PM Brummel,Cassidy 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05 Tuition
20033 ENG106 WHP 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
4 15 0 15 Lauer,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Lauer,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20034 ENG106 A11 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Wells,Seth 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
20035 ENG106 WWL 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Dickhut,Elizabeth 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20036 ENG106 A3 3 Composition II
Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
6 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Kreimeyer,Breanna 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
20037 ENG106 A9 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
10 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Setnes Dale,Sarah 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12D Tuition
20038 ENG106 WB9 3 Composition II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
8 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Bauman,Allen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
Bauman,Allen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20039 ENG106 A5 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite. Computer keyboarding skills required for the above class. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
6 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Dickinson,Marc 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
20040 ENG106 A2 3 Composition II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
2 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Setnes Dale,Sarah 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
20042 ENG106 A1 3 Composition II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
2 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Duke,Shaun 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12D Tuition
20147 ENG106 WW1 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Sandoval,Lorenzo 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20148 ENG106 BB 3 Composition II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
7 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Prochaska,Amy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 219 Tuition
20195 ENG106 UAM 3 Composition II
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Alberhasky,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 105 Tuition
20196 ENG106 WWM 3 Composition II
This class will be taught using computers. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Grout,Bradley 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20197 ENG106 WB1 3 Composition II
Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
10 15 0 15 Hartline,Nile 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 08:00PM Hartline,Nile 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 105
20199 ENG106 UHM 3 Composition II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Langager,Aimee 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 232 Tuition
20422 ENG106 W2 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Hyatt,Valerie 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 119E Tuition
20471 ENG106 WW2 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20489 ENG106 WWN 3 Composition II
This class will be taught using computers. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 McBee,Ann 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20493 ENG106 WI 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
10 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Hyatt,Valerie 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 119E Tuition
20566 ENG106 WW3 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 Lauer,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20567 ENG106 WW4 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Gard,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20669 ENG106 WW6 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 Dickhut,Elizabeth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20767 ENG106 WW7 3 Composition II
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Sandoval,Lorenzo 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20775 ENG106 WW5 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Schmiel,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20784 ENG106 WW8 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Grout,Bradley 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20785 ENG106 BA 3 Composition II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
5 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Chesmore,Cody 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 219 Tuition
20838 ENG106 WWA 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Vernon,Susan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20869 ENG106 A15 3 Composition II
Keyboarding skills required for the above class. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Thornton,Janelle 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 07 Tuition
20928 ENG106 WWB 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
2 15 0 15 Duke,Shaun 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20930 ENG106 WWD 3 Composition II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Schmiel,Erin 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20997 ENG106 WWF 3 Composition II
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Oakley,Thomas 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21013 ENG106 WBC 3 Composition II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Waddle,Sarah 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 219
21014 ENG106 WWG 3 Composition II
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 Oakley,Thomas 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21217 ENG106 WWH 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
2 15 0 15 Brummel,Cassidy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21268 ENG106 A10 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
5 15 0 15 M W F 01:55PM 02:50PM Duke,Shaun 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
21531 ENG106 WWK 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22440 ENG106 WWP 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
2 15 0 15 Robinson-Rabon,Jessica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22693 ENG106 A16 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Rhodes,Ellen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12D Tuition
22694 ENG106 A18 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Toubes,Rose Marie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
22695 ENG106 A20 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Duke,Shaun 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
22708 ENG106 WBF 3 Composition II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
0 15 0 15 Fridinger,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 01:00PM 03:00PM Fridinger,Julie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 110B
22713 ENG106 A21 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
2 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Lauer,Tiffany 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B Tuition
22718 ENG106 WB7 3 Composition II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Bauman,Allen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
Bauman,Allen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
22778 ENG106 A22 3 Composition II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
5 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Kreimeyer,Breanna 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 15 Tuition
23722 ENG106 WWC 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
4 15 0 15 Lauer,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24389 ENG106 AM2 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
14 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Tisdale,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 112 Tuition
26158 ENG106 WA 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
5 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Hyatt,Valerie 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 119E Tuition
26626 ENG106 P2 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
1 0 0 0 M W 01:45PM 03:15PM Kaufman,Linda 01/13/25 05/07/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 110 Tuition
27270 ENG106 WWO 3 Composition II
Late start. 12-week course. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
3 15 0 15 Lehman,Crystal 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20748 ENG108 WW1 3 Comp II: Technical Writing
Prerequisite: ENG 105
2 15 0 15 Borell,Melissa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21571 ENG108 WW2 3 Comp II: Technical Writing
Prerequisite: ENG 105
2 15 0 15 Borell,Melissa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20043 ENG221 WW1 3 Creative Writing
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Toubes,Rose Marie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23935 ENG221 WW2 3 Creative Writing
3 15 0 15 Tisdale,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20420 ENG230 A1 3 Creative Writing: Fiction
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Dickinson,Marc 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
23044 ENG235 WV1 3 Playwriting and Screenwriting
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
15 15 0 15 T R 03:30PM 05:00PM Keeler,Lee 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23045 ENG235 WV2 3 Playwriting and Screenwriting
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
9 15 0 15 M W 03:30PM 05:00PM Keeler,Lee 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition

English Language Learner

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23078 ELL098 UAM 4 Reading and Comm Fluency
Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score 50-81
12 15 0 15 M W 09:35AM 12:00PM Parry,Saem 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 215 Tuition
23058 ELL099 UBM 4 Grammar and Writing Fluency
Late start. 12-week course. Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score 50-81
7 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 12:35PM Parry,Saem 02/04/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 214 Tuition
21466 ELL108 WV1 4 Reading and Comm Accuracy
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of a "C" or higher in ELL 098 and ELL 099.
15 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 07:25PM Bassis,Irina 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
T R 07:35PM 08:35PM Bassis,Irina 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
26259 ELL108 UAA 4 Reading and Comm Accuracy
Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of a "C" or higher in ELL 098 and ELL 099.
7 15 0 15 M W 12:15PM 02:40PM Parry,Saem 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 215 Tuition
21467 ELL109 UAM 4 Grammar and Writing Accuracy
Late start. 12-week course. Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of ELL 098 and ELL 099 with a "C" or higher.
8 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:35AM Dysart,Marilyn 02/04/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
T R 11:35AM 12:35PM Dysart,Marilyn 02/04/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 215

Environmental Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20751 ENV103 WW1 1 Sustainable Living
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
6 15 0 15 Abbott,Matthew 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20005 ENV115 B 3 Environmental Science
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Alford,Aaron 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 09 Tuition
20136 ENV115 WB2 3 Environmental Science
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208 Tuition
Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20457 ENV115 WB3 3 Environmental Science
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Nowinski,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Nowinski,Nicole 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 119E
20500 ENV115 WW1 3 Environmental Science
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20520 ENV115 WW2 3 Environmental Science
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Abbott,Matthew 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20524 ENV115 WW3 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Nzokwe,Richard 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20632 ENV115 D 3 Environmental Science
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Alford,Aaron 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 09 Tuition
20675 ENV115 WB1 3 Environmental Science
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Bergin,Timothy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208
20768 ENV115 WW4 3 Environmental Science
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Krings,Brooklyn 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20840 ENV115 WW5 3 Environmental Science
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20841 ENV115 WW6 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20908 ENV115 WW7 3 Environmental Science
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Walter,Craig 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21408 ENV115 WH5 3 Environmental Science
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
7 15 0 15 Fisk,Jessica 01/13/25 03/10/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Fisk,Jessica 01/14/25 03/04/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22412 ENV115 WW8 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24310 ENV115 WW9 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Wojcik,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26547 ENV115 WB4 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 02/18/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 09:05AM 10:00AM Sadeghpour,Melanie 02/24/25 05/05/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209
27357 ENV115 WWA 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20006 ENV116 B 1 Environmental Science Lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
0 15 0 15 T 12:50PM 02:45PM Alford,Aaron 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 09 Tuition
20137 ENV116 BA 1 Environmental Science Lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
18 15 0 15 R 09:05AM 10:55AM Bergin,Timothy 01/16/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 208 Tuition
20401 ENV116 WW3 1 Environmental Science Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
4 15 0 15 Nzokwe,Richard 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20606 ENV116 WW1 1 Environmental Science Lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
3 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20654 ENV116 WW2 1 Environmental Science Lab
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
6 15 0 15 Abbott,Matthew 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20842 ENV116 WW4 1 Environmental Science Lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
3 15 0 15 Krings,Brooklyn 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22413 ENV116 WW5 1 Environmental Science Lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
7 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22415 ENV116 WW7 1 Environmental Science Lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
11 15 0 15 Walter,Craig 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22416 ENV116 WW8 1 Environmental Science Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
0 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21439 APP109 1 3 Creative Design Foundations
This course requires the purchase of art supplies for various projects. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 01:05PM Gadbury,Ann 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 20 Tuition
23610 APP209 WW1 3 Textile Science
Section reserved for Interior Design Majors.
1 15 0 15 Bohling,Gretchen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21440 APP235 WB1 3 Visual Merchandising Studio
Fees include $30 lab fee. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Henry,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:35PM Henry,Karen 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09
23013 APP255 1 3 Intro to Garment Construction
Fees include $30 lab fee for machine maintenance. This course requires purchase of proper sewing materials and supplies. 10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
6 15 0 15 M W 03:30PM 06:30PM Bohling,Gretchen 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 20 Tuition
M W 03:30PM 06:30PM Bohling,Gretchen 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 18
21384 APP265 1 3 Fashion Styling
1 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Conlin,Courtney 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09 Tuition
21441 APP300 1 3 Fashion Events & PR
Required commitment: Fashion Gala 4/23/2023-4/27/2023. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: APP 109, APP 261
6 15 0 15 T R 02:00PM 04:25PM Gadbury,Ann 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09 Tuition
21442 APP600 1 3 Industry Career Development
Includes a $300 study tour fee. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
9 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Mintle,Alecia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09 Tuition
26223 APP600 UAM 3 Industry Career Development
Includes a $300 study tour fee.
12 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Davidson,Pam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208 Tuition
23892 APP602 1 3 Internship I
Prerequisite or Corequisite: APP 600
4 0 0 0 Mintle,Alecia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
27329 APP702 1 3 Internship II
Prerequisite: APP 600, APP 602
0 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
22383 MKT160 A 3 Principles of Retailing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Mintle,Alecia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20222 FIN121 A 3 Personal Finance
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
13 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Lindquist,Mitch 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 11B Tuition
20393 FIN121 WW1 3 Personal Finance
4 15 0 15 Keime,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20394 FIN121 WW2 3 Personal Finance
7 15 0 15 Keime,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21327 FIN121 WW5 3 Personal Finance
0 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20638 FIN180 WW2 3 Introduction to Investments
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Fire Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20947 FIR124 1 3 Building Construction
Prerequisite: FIR 101 or Instructor Approval
3 15 0 15 M 09:05AM 12:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02 Tuition
22798 FIR129 1 3 Hydraulics and Water Supply
Prerequisite: FIR 101 or Instructor Approval and demonstration of a competency in high school level algebra or the equivalent. ALEKS score of 30% or higher or ACT of 14 or higher or completion of MAT 063 with a grade of "C' or better or program Chair approval.
1 15 0 15 T 01:00PM 05:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02 Tuition
T 01:00PM 05:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 01
26148 FIR129 2 3 Hydraulics and Water Supply
Prerequisite: FIR 101 or Instructor Approval and demonstration of a competency in high school level algebra or the equivalent. ALEKS score of 30% or higher or ACT of 14 or higher or completion of MAT 063 with a grade of "C' or better or program Chair approval.
7 15 0 15 R 01:00PM 05:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 01 Tuition
R 01:00PM 05:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02
23169 FIR138 1 3 Principles of Fire Prevention
Corequisite: FIR 127 , FIR 101
3 15 0 15 M 01:00PM 04:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02 Tuition
23170 FIR152 1 3 Fire Protection Systems
Prerequisite: FIR 127, FIR 101 or Instructor Approval
10 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 12:00PM Conklin,Brent 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02 Tuition
20948 FIR235 1 3 Fire Investigation I
Prerequisite: FIR 199 , FIR 127 Prerequisite or Corequisite: FIR 124
12 15 0 15 W 04:30PM 08:45PM Kraemer,John 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02 Tuition

Fitness & Sports Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22470 PEA144 1 2 Physical Fitness and Condition
11 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Ness,Andrew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 207 Tuition
21396 PEA248 BB 2 Adv. Strength & Conditioning
6 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
20590 PEC110 WW1 1 Coaching Ethics, Tech & Theory
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Davis,Rick 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21454 PEC110 WW3 1 Coaching Ethics, Tech & Theory
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Davis,Rick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21455 PEC115 WW1 1 Athletic Dev and Human Growth
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Donahue,Michael 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21456 PEC115 WW2 1 Athletic Dev and Human Growth
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Donahue,Michael 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21193 PEC122 WW1 1 Intro Anat & Phys for Coaching
3 15 0 15 Frost-Busch,Samantha 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21453 PEC122 WW2 1 Intro Anat & Phys for Coaching
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
15 15 0 15 Frost-Busch,Samantha 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20378 PEH102 WB1 3 Health
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
9 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173
20897 PEH102 WW1 3 Health
2 15 0 15 Rembert,Michelle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20982 PEH110 WW1 2 Personal Wellness
2 15 0 15 Koester,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27132 PEH110 WW2 2 Personal Wellness
5 15 0 15 Koester,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20377 PEH141 BA 2 First Aid
Includes $22 fee for CPR/First Aid certification card
8 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
20131 PEH162 WB1 3 Intro to Physical Education
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
22743 PEH162 WB2 3 Intro to Physical Education
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:00PM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 207
20750 PEH178 WW1 3 Sports Diversity
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 Smith,Jenny 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27134 PEH178 WW2 3 Sports Diversity
14 15 0 15 Smith,Jenny 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20693 PEH190 WW1 2 Sports Nutrition
4 15 0 15 Koester,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20713 PEH190 WW2 2 Sports Nutrition
3 15 0 15 Koester,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27090 PEH190 WW3 2 Sports Nutrition
2 15 0 15 Koester,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20483 PEH255 WW1 3 Principles -Sports Management
4 15 0 15 Vos Tulp,Rosalie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22382 PEH262 WW1 3 Wellness Prog/Planning/Organiz
11 15 0 15 Rembert,Michelle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23266 PEH266 BA 3 Leadership Tech Fitness Prog
Prerequisite: PEA 144
17 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
20565 PEH920 BA 2 Field Experience
13 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20547 PET110 WB1 2 Intro to Athletic Training
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
12 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Frost-Busch,Samantha 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 152 Tuition
Frost-Busch,Samantha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21181 PET110 WW1 2 Intro to Athletic Training
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Vos Tulp,Rosalie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24234 PET110 WW2 2 Intro to Athletic Training
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Vos Tulp,Rosalie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27133 PET110 WW3 2 Intro to Athletic Training
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
10 15 0 15 Frost-Busch,Samantha 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20629 FLF151 WBA 5 Elementary French I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
2 15 0 15 MTWR 10:10AM 11:05AM Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 08 Tuition
Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20630 FLF151 WHA 5 Elementary French I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
1 15 0 15 Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTWR 10:10AM 11:05AM Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
26152 FLF151 WH1 5 Elementary French I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:40PM Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26163 FLF151 WB1 5 Elementary French I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:40PM Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 08 Tuition
Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20622 FLF152 WBA 5 Elementary French II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLF 151 or instructor permission
0 15 0 15 Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Nelson,Maura 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 08
20623 FLF152 WHA 5 Elementary French II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLF 151 or instructor permission
3 15 0 15 Nelson,Maura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:20PM Nelson,Maura 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20477 GEO111 WW1 3 Intro to Geography
5 15 0 15 Balichek,Brooke 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20499 GEO111 WW2 3 Intro to Geography
Late start. 8-week course, 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Balichek,Brooke 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20769 GEO111 WW3 3 Intro to Geography
0 15 0 15 Glass,Caroline 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20776 GEO111 B 3 Intro to Geography
9 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Dudgeon,Joanne 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
20777 GEO111 C 3 Intro to Geography
6 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Dudgeon,Joanne 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
20964 GEO111 WW4 3 Intro to Geography
0 15 0 15 Glass,Caroline 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21016 GEO111 WW5 3 Intro to Geography
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Allen,Chadrick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21312 GEO111 WW6 3 Intro to Geography
2 15 0 15 Balichek,Brooke 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22468 GEO124 WW1 3 Reg Geog of the NonWest World
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Lund,Carl 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Global Studies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21239 GLS200 WW1 3 Country Study
Country Study: Norway. Focus on indigenous rights, international governance regimes, great power politics, Nordic culture, climate change and human security. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 Neil,Cindy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26433 GLS210 WB1 3 International Year Seminar
International year seminar studying Morocco. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: A 3.5 GPA or higher, with a minimum of 12 hours or instructor approval
8 15 0 15 Linhart,Laurie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 02:25PM 04:15PM Linhart,Laurie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13

Graphic Design

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20172 GRD301 1 3 Intro to Desktop Publishing
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. Open to all students.
11 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:50PM Foster,Candice 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
23615 GRD405 1 3 Typography I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: GRD 459, or instructor approval
6 15 0 15 M W 03:00PM 04:55PM Blair,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
23616 GRD405 2 3 Typography I
Prerequisite: GRD 459, or instructor approval
7 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:55PM Blair,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
23617 GRD405 3 3 Typography I
Prerequisite: GRD 459, or instructor approval
0 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Blair,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
23618 GRD411 1 3 Communication Design II
Prerequisite: GRD 403
7 15 0 15 M W 10:05AM 12:00PM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
23619 GRD411 2 3 Communication Design II
Prerequisite: GRD 403
0 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
23620 GRD411 3 3 Communication Design II
Prerequisite: GRD 403
3 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 09:55AM Riggins,Steve 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
20402 GRD424 1 3 Graphic Design Internship
Reserved for Graphic Design students. Prerequisite: instructor approval
12 15 0 15 M 09:05AM 10:00AM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
Sumners-Purdy,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -
20732 GRD424 2 3 Graphic Design Internship
Reserved for Graphic Design students. Prerequisite: instructor approval
9 15 0 15 Sumners-Purdy,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
T 09:05AM 10:00AM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02
20430 GRD430 1 3 InDesign II
Course has a prerequisite. Reserved for students in the Graphic Design and Visual Communications programs. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: GRD 415
0 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:55PM Vial,Allison 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition
20799 GRD430 3 3 InDesign II
Course has a prerequisite. Reserved for students in Graphic Design and Visual Communications programs. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: GRD 415
6 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Vial,Allison 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition
20800 GRD430 2 3 InDesign II
Course has a prerequisite. Reserved for students in Graphic Design and Visual Communications programs. Prerequisite: GRD 415
3 15 0 15 M W 10:05AM 12:00PM Vial,Allison 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
20142 GRD437 1 3 Communication Design IV
Course has prerequisite. Reserved for students in Graphic Design program. Course uses Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: GRD 426 and GRD 430
0 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Blair,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
20884 GRD437 2 3 Communication Design IV
Course has prerequisite. Reserved for students in Graphic Design program. Course uses Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: GRD 426 and GRD 430
0 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Vial,Allison 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
20143 GRD463 1 3 Photoshop
Reserved for students in the Graphic Design and Visual Communications programs.
4 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Ceperley,Drew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition
20311 GRD463 2 3 Photoshop
Reserved for students in the Graphic Design and Visual Communications programs.
1 15 0 15 T R 10:05AM 12:00PM Riggins,Steve 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition
20733 GRD463 3 3 Photoshop
Reserved for students in the Graphic Design and Visual Communications programs.
1 15 0 15 M W 10:05AM 12:00PM Ceperley,Drew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition

Health Administration

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22399 ADM147 WW1 3 Customer Service Health Care
6 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23779 HIT121 WW1 2 Pharmacology
3 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22384 HIT125 WW1 2 Essentials of Health Records
4 15 0 15 Uknes,Carole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26559 HIT125 WW2 2 Essentials of Health Records
Reserved for students in Medical Billing and Coding or Health Administration Specialist program.
6 15 0 15 Oliver,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22462 HIT233 WW1 4 ICD-10 Coding
Prerequisite: HSC 114 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAP141
2 15 0 15 Gray,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26497 HIT233 WW2 4 ICD-10 Coding
Reserved for students in the Medical Billing & Coding program. Prerequisite: HSC 114 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAP141
20 15 0 15 Gray,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22460 HIT280 WW1 3 CPT-4 Coding
Prerequisite: HSC 114. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAP 141
2 15 0 15 Uknes,Carole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20851 HIT290 WW1 3 Reimbursement Methods
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Health Information Technology and Health Administration Specialist program. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with a additional online content. A computer or tablet with werbcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
2 15 0 15 Eide,Joshua 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22386 HSC114 WW1 3 Medical Terminology
1 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22387 HSC114 WW2 3 Medical Terminology
3 15 0 15 Oliver,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22388 HSC114 WW3 3 Medical Terminology
4 15 0 15 Gray,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22389 HSC114 WW4 3 Medical Terminology
2 15 0 15 Eide,Joshua 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22390 HSC114 WW5 3 Medical Terminology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Schwartz,Kimberly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24307 HSC114 WW6 3 Medical Terminology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Tosunbegovic,Maya 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24428 HSC114 WB1 3 Medical Terminology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 05:00PM 06:30PM Noel,Emily 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 202
26790 HSC114 WW7 3 Medical Terminology
0 15 0 15 Lloyd,Krystal 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27250 HSC114 WW8 3 Medical Terminology
1 15 0 15 Lloyd,Krystal 01/13/25 05/08/25 WEB - ONLINE Tuition
27382 HSC114 WW9 3 Medical Terminology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Tosunbegovic,Maya 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22385 HSC128 WW1 3 Anatomy & Phys for Allied
Students who have successfully completed Anatomy and Physiology II, contact your academic advisor before registering. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: HSC 114
2 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23253 HSC128 WW2 3 Anatomy & Phys for Allied
Students who have successfully completed Anatomy and Physiology II, contact your academic advisor before registering. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: HSC 114
5 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20604 MAP141 WW1 3 Medical Insurance
The above class reserved for students in the Medical Office Specialist Programs and the Health Administration Specialist Program. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HSC 114 with a "C" or better
4 15 0 15 Lockridge,Bekah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22430 MAP141 WW2 3 Medical Insurance
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Restricted to Medical Office and Health Administration Specialist Programs. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HSC 114 with a "C" or better
3 15 0 15 Schwartz,Kimberly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20828 MAP150 WW1 3 Adv. Medical Billing/Coding
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Medical Billing & Coding diploma. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAP 141, HIT 233 and HIT 280 with a "C" or better
11 15 0 15 Toomsen,Susan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22465 MAP220 WW1 3 Medical Administrative Proc
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Health Administration Specialist, Medical Billing & Coding diploma, Medical Office Specialist, Medical Insurance and Coding certificate. and Patient Access certificate.
3 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20587 MAP532 WW1 3 Human Body - Health & Disease
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Medical Office Specialist and Health Administration Specialist programs. Students not in these programs may take the course with completion of the prerequisite and permission from the instructor. Prerequisite: HSC 114 with a "C" or better
2 15 0 15 Lockridge,Bekah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26558 MAP532 WW2 3 Human Body - Health & Disease
Reserved for students in the Health Administration Specialist and Medical Billing and Coding programs. Prerequisite: HSC 114 with a "C" or better
14 15 0 15 Lockridge,Bekah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22739 MAP547 WW1 3 Professional Practice Exp
Prerequisite: Completion of the first two semesters of MAP and HIT courses with a GPA of 2.0 and a 2.0 in all MAP and HIT courses, or instructor approval. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAP 532 Corequisite: MAP 150 , MAP 220
7 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB

Health Sciences

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22730 HSC300 WW1 2 Med Term for Health Sciences
6 15 0 15 Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22731 HSC300 WW2 2 Med Term for Health Sciences
5 15 0 15 Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Heating AC & Refrigeration

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20325 HCR253 1 5 Residential Heating & AC
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: HCR 307
5 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 12:00PM Hansman,David 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 07 Tuition
T R 08:05AM 12:00PM Hansman,David 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 05
20348 HCR290 1 5 Commercial HVAC/Refrigeration
Prerequisite: HCR 270, 506
8 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:05PM Smith,Scott 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 04 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 12:05PM Smith,Scott 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 12
20326 HCR440 1 5 Electrical Controls & Circuits
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: HCR 404
5 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:05PM Hansman,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 07 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 12:05PM Hansman,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 05
20327 HCR515 1 3 Sheet Metal Fabrication
Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: HCR 260
5 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 11:30AM Hansman,David 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 07 Tuition
F 12:00PM 02:05PM Hansman,David 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 05
F 12:00PM 02:05PM Hansman,David 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 07
F 08:00AM 11:30AM Hansman,David 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 05
20350 HCR803 1 5 Environmental Controls
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: HCR 307, 440, 506. Corequisite: HCR 290
8 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 12:00PM Smith,Scott 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 04 Tuition
T R 08:05AM 12:00PM Smith,Scott 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 12
20349 HCR840 1 2 Computer Load Calculations
Prerequisite: HCR 506
8 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 11:25AM Smith,Scott 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 12 Tuition
F 08:00AM 11:25AM Smith,Scott 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 04


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23030 HIS110 WB1 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Meets at Ames Hunziker campus for scheduled portion.
12 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Irwin,Charles 02/18/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 227 Tuition
Irwin,Charles 02/18/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23031 HIS110 WW1 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
2 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23123 HIS110 A 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
5 15 0 15 M W 02:25PM 03:50PM Dudgeon,Joanne 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13 Tuition
23124 HIS110 C 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Dudgeon,Joanne 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
23125 HIS110 E 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
10 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Dudgeon,Joanne 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
23129 HIS110 WW3 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
1 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23133 HIS110 WW4 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
4 15 0 15 Allen,Chadrick 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24396 HIS110 WB2 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 203 Tuition
Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
26636 HIS110 WW2 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
3 15 0 15 Seagle,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27118 HIS110 WW5 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
6 15 0 15 Griffin,Tom 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27155 HIS110 WW6 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Seagle,Scott 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27284 HIS110 WW7 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Griffin,Tom 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23032 HIS111 WW1 3 Western Civilization: Early..
5 15 0 15 Woten,Rick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23033 HIS111 BA 3 Western Civilization: Early..
10 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Irwin,Charles 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156
23127 HIS111 C 3 Western Civilization: Early..
7 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Lahart,Melanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25A Tuition
23128 HIS111 G 3 Western Civilization: Early..
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Danielson,Joseph 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
23136 HIS111 WW2 3 Western Civilization: Early..
1 15 0 15 Dunham,Christopher 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23137 HIS111 WW3 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23636 HIS111 UAM 3 Western Civilization: Early..
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Walsh,Matt 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 212 Tuition
26639 HIS111 WW4 3 Western Civilization: Early..
3 15 0 15 Imbarak,Lilia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27283 HIS111 WW5 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Imbarak,Lilia 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23034 HIS151 BA 3 U.S. History to 1877
17 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23130 HIS151 B 3 U.S. History to 1877
8 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Kromrie,Brad 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02 Tuition
23131 HIS151 E 3 U.S. History to 1877
0 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Danielson,Joseph 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25A Tuition
23138 HIS151 WW1 3 U.S. History to 1877
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
6 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23139 HIS151 WW2 3 U.S. History to 1877
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Woten,Rick 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23140 HIS151 WW3 3 U.S. History to 1877
11 15 0 15 Wilson,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23141 HIS151 WW4 3 U.S. History to 1877
3 15 0 15 Kromrie,Brad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26161 HIS151 UAA 3 U.S. History to 1877
13 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Walsh,Matt 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
27285 HIS151 WW5 3 U.S. History to 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Imbarak,Lilia 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23057 HIS152 UAM 3 U.S. History since 1877
9 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Walsh,Matt 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 212 Tuition
23119 HIS152 WA 3 U.S. History since 1877
10 5 0 5 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Danielson,Joseph 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 213W Tuition
23132 HIS152 B 3 U.S. History since 1877
9 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Byrd,Paul 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
23134 HIS152 C 3 U.S. History since 1877
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Kresal,Jacqueline 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25A Tuition
23142 HIS152 WW1 3 U.S. History since 1877
1 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23143 HIS152 WW2 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23144 HIS152 WW3 3 U.S. History since 1877
4 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23145 HIS152 WW4 3 U.S. History since 1877
7 15 0 15 Wilson,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26638 HIS152 WW5 3 U.S. History since 1877
3 15 0 15 Schmidt,Olivia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27286 HIS152 WW6 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Schmidt,Olivia 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20481 HIS201 WW1 3 Iowa History
1 15 0 15 Kromrie,Brad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20561 HIS257 A 3 African-American History
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
17 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Danielson,Joseph 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06 Tuition
20583 HIS257 WW1 3 African-American History
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Stumpf,Erik 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20718 HIS257 WW2 3 African-American History
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Stumpf,Erik 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22771 HIS274 WW1 3 Women's History: United States
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Kinker,Matt 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24157 HIS274 WW2 3 Women's History: United States
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Sibbel,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21566 HON100 WW1 2 Introduction to Honors
Reserved for Honors Students only. Honors students must meet with Honors advisor to register.
7 0 0 0 Walker,Tiesha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24227 HON100 WW2 2 Introduction to Honors
Reserved for fully online Honors students. Honors students must meet with Honors advisor to register.
4 0 0 0 Miller,Sveta 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24269 HON100 WW3 2 Introduction to Honors
Reserved for Honors students only. Honors students must meet with honors advisor to register.
1 0 0 0 Taylor,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26166 HON100 C 2 Introduction to Honors
Reserved for Honors students only. Honors students must meet with an Honors advisor to register.
10 15 0 15 T 10:10AM 12:00PM Gauthier,Miranda 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
26167 HON100 D 2 Introduction to Honors
Reserved for Honors students only. Honors students must meet with an Honors advisor to register.
12 15 0 15 R 12:50PM 02:40PM Guinness,Drew 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 16 Tuition
26233 HON100 WH2 2 Introduction to Honors
Reserved for Honors student who are in Phi Theta Kappa. Honors students must meet with an Honors advisor to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
13 15 0 15 Platt,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
F 12:50PM 01:45PM Platt,Dan 01/17/25 05/02/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23223 HON200 WW2 2 Honors Capstone
Reserved for fully online Honors students. Honors students must meet with Honors advisor to register. Prerequisite: HON 100.
0 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26170 HON200 A 2 Honors Capstone
This section is reserved for students accepted into the Honors Program. Prerequisite: HON 100.
12 15 0 15 T 03:00PM 04:40PM Roosa,Julie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 02 Tuition
26172 HON200 BA 2 Honors Capstone
This section is reserved for students accepted into the Honors Program. Prerequisite: HON 100.
10 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:50PM van Aardt,Theunis 01/13/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 206 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20940 AGH112 E1 3 Intro to Turfgrass Management
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Prerequisite/Corequisite: AGH 146 and 147 OR Prerequisite: BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145.
10 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:45PM Alderman,Evan 01/13/25 03/26/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition
20226 AGH132 1 3 Introduction to Greenhouse
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite/Corequisite: AGH 146 and AGH 147 OR Prerequisite: BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145
13 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Riessen,Christina 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33 Tuition
T 08:00AM 11:15AM Riessen,Christina 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33
20309 AGH154 1 3 Residential Landscape Design
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: AGH 159
5 15 0 15 R 12:45PM 03:55PM Mason,Jim 01/16/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition
R 08:00AM 12:00PM Mason,Jim 01/16/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
20229 AGH233 1 3 Plant Propagation I
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: AGH 106 or BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 01:45PM Riessen,Christina 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33 Tuition
T 12:50PM 04:15PM Riessen,Christina 01/14/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33
20941 AGH276 1 3 Greenhouse Production II
Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: AGH 132 and AGH 133
9 15 0 15 M W 01:55PM 03:20PM Riessen,Christina 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33 Tuition
R 12:50PM 02:50PM Riessen,Christina 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33
20228 AGH281 1 3 Arboriculture
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AGH 106 or BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145.
8 15 0 15 M F 10:10AM 11:05AM Mason,Jim 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition
W 10:10AM 11:05AM Mason,Jim 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
M F 11:10AM 01:45PM Mason,Jim 03/24/25 04/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
20977 AGH291 1 3 Hort. Business Operations
This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AGH 106.
17 15 0 15 M W F 09:00AM 10:00AM Mason,Jim 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition
20227 AGH805 1 2 Horticulture Internship I
An additional meeting in March will be announced by instructor. Course has a prerequisite Reserved for Horticulture students. Prerequisite: Must be in program major.
16 15 0 15 Riessen,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Riessen,Christina 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -
W 08:00AM 08:45AM Riessen,Christina 01/22/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
20978 AGH912 1 1 Current Topics in Hort.
Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: AGH 106 or BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145.
18 15 0 15 W 11:15AM 12:15PM Riessen,Christina 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition

Hotel/Restaurant Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20259 HCM100 1 2 Sanitation & Safety
ICI first year student orientation required for all students, January 13, 8-9am, which coincides with time scheduled for HCM 143. In lieu of class on the week of January 21-24, attendance to French Chef Demonstrations will be required. Instructor will provide specific instructions at orientation.
6 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:00AM Havlovic,Andy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
21164 HCM231 NA 2 Nutrition
This class reserved for students admitted into the Baking program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee.
12 15 0 15 R 12:50PM 02:40PM Binney,Ryan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 208 Tuition
20607 HCM300 E2 2 Beverage Management
Students will be required to purchase course textbook/materials at total out-of-pocket cost of approximately $105. These items will not be available through the book store. Instructor will provide specific details.
2 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 08:00PM Taylor,Sandra 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition

Human Services

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20051 HSV109 A 3 Intro to Human Services
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
16 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Wood-Long,Annie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 202 Tuition
20653 HSV109 UAM 3 Intro to Human Services
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
20694 HSV109 WW1 3 Intro to Human Services
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
11 15 0 15 Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20778 HSV109 WW2 3 Intro to Human Services
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
6 15 0 15 Wood-Long,Annie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20053 HSV130 A 3 Interviewing/Interper Relation
16 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Wood-Long,Annie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 202 Tuition
20685 HSV130 WH2 3 Interviewing/Interper Relation
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
7 15 0 15 Wood-Long,Annie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 08:00PM Wood-Long,Annie 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20686 HSV130 WB3 3 Interviewing/Interper Relation
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
12 15 0 15 Rowat,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:40AM 11:05AM Rowat,Sarah 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
20909 HSV135 WW1 3 Gender Studies
3 15 0 15 Sanburn,Jeri 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20609 HSV185 A 3 Discrimination and Diversity
9 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 202 Tuition
23190 HSV185 UAM 3 Discrimination and Diversity
15 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
20052 HSV220 UAM 3 Intro to Counseling Theories
17 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Papian,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 232 Tuition
20754 HSV220 WW1 3 Intro to Counseling Theories
4 15 0 15 Berg-Theisen,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20202 HSV255 WW1 3 Addictive Disease Concepts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Harding,Natalie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22726 HSV286 A 3 Intervention Theories/Prac I
Prerequisite: HSV 109, 130
0 15 0 15 M 03:00PM 06:00PM Wood-Long,Annie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 202 Tuition
23157 HSV803 UAE 1 Seminar
Class meets on campus on the following dates: 1/13, 1/27, 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/24, 4/7, and 4/21. Prerequisite: HSV 109, HSV 130, HSV 286 (Minimum grade of "C"). Corequisite: HSV 804
15 15 0 15 M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/13/25 01/13/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/27/25 01/27/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 02/10/25 02/10/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 02/24/25 02/24/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 03/10/25 03/10/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 03/24/25 03/24/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 04/07/25 04/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
M 04:00PM 05:50PM Young-Dunn,Ilima 04/21/25 04/21/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236
21372 HSV804 UAM 2 Internship
Prerequisite: HSV 109, HSV 130, HSV 286. Corequisite: HSV 803
15 15 0 15 Young-Dunn,Ilima 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20048 HUM116 WW3 3 Encounters in Humanities
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Platt,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20495 HUM116 WA 3 Encounters in Humanities
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
10 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Doke-Kerns,Jennie 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 202C Tuition
20558 HUM116 WW2 3 Encounters in Humanities
5 15 0 15 Sutherland,Diane 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21425 HUM116 WW7 3 Encounters in Humanities
1 15 0 15 Platt,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22702 HUM116 A 3 Encounters in Humanities
9 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Gard,Jeff 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
22816 HUM116 B 3 Encounters in Humanities
15 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - Tuition
M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Cochran,Maria 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 14
22888 HUM116 WW1 3 Encounters in Humanities
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Kellen,Darci 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22889 HUM116 WW5 3 Encounters in Humanities
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Sutherland,Diane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27358 HUM116 WW4 3 Encounters in Humanities
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Sutherland,Diane 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20449 HUM120 WV1 3 Introduction to Film
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
11 15 0 15 T 04:00PM 06:00PM Brock,Jessi 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20803 HUM120 WW1 3 Introduction to Film
8 week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Simpson,Lindsay 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20980 HUM120 WB2 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements..
20 15 0 15 T 02:25PM 03:50PM Kahookele,Lisa 02/04/25 05/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 218 Tuition
Kahookele,Lisa 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21406 HUM120 WW3 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Lindberg,Carl 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21485 HUM120 WW2 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21559 HUM120 WW4 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week class; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 Hutchison,Alan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23159 HUM120 UAM 3 Introduction to Film
6 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:50PM Alberhasky,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 142 Tuition
24053 HUM120 A 3 Introduction to Film
3 15 0 15 M 11:15AM 02:15PM Cochran,Maria 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25B Tuition
W 11:15AM 12:10PM Cochran,Maria 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25B
27359 HUM120 WW5 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
11 15 0 15 Brock,Jessi 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20049 HUM121 A 3 America in the Movies
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 T 11:15AM 02:15PM Platt,Dan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25B Tuition
R 11:15AM 12:10PM Platt,Dan 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03
20050 HUM121 WH2 3 America in the Movies
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
9 15 0 15 Dickinson,Marc 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:30PM Dickinson,Marc 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20149 HUM121 BA 3 America in the Movies
Historical Films. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM McCaffrey,Jerrine 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 215 Tuition
20201 HUM121 WW2 3 America in the Movies
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21169 HUM121 WA 3 America in the Movies
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Doke-Kerns,Jennie 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 202C Tuition
21486 HUM121 WW1 3 America in the Movies
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Dickinson,Marc 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Industrial Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23581 IND114 EC3 1 General Industry Safety
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
2 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23582 IND114 EC1 1 General Industry Safety
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
20 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23583 IND114 EC2 1 General Industry Safety
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23584 IND114 EC4 1 General Industry Safety
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23577 IND146 EC3 3 Mech Power Transmission I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23578 IND146 EC1 3 Mech Power Transmission I
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
11 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23579 IND146 EC2 3 Mech Power Transmission I
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23580 IND146 EC4 3 Mech Power Transmission I
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23573 IND174 EC3 1 Manufacturing and Fabrication
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23574 IND174 EC1 1 Manufacturing and Fabrication
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
22 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23575 IND174 EC2 1 Manufacturing and Fabrication
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23576 IND174 EC4 1 Manufacturing and Fabrication
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23567 IND209 EC4 1 Basic Electrical
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23568 IND209 EC2 1 Basic Electrical
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
3 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23570 IND209 EC3 1 Basic Electrical
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23571 IND209 EC1 1 Basic Electrical
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
16 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23564 IND211 EC3 1 Basic Pneumatics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23565 IND211 EC1 1 Basic Pneumatics
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
18 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23566 IND211 EC2 1 Basic Pneumatics
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23569 IND211 EC4 1 Basic Pneumatics
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23560 IND230 EC1 1 Measurements & Drawings
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
21 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23561 IND230 EC2 1 Measurements & Drawings
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23562 IND230 EC3 1 Measurements & Drawings
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23563 IND230 EC4 1 Measurements & Drawings
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23556 IND241 EC3 1 Motor Controls - Industry Tech
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23557 IND241 EC1 1 Motor Controls - Industry Tech
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
15 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23558 IND241 EC2 1 Motor Controls - Industry Tech
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23559 IND241 EC4 1 Motor Controls - Industry Tech
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23552 IND243 EC3 3 Basic Hydraulics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23553 IND243 EC1 3 Basic Hydraulics
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
0 30 0 30 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23554 IND243 EC2 3 Basic Hydraulics
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23555 IND243 EC4 3 Basic Hydraulics
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 30 0 30 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23548 IND244 EC3 1 Hydraulic Maintenance
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
3 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23549 IND244 EC1 1 Hydraulic Maintenance
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
0 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23550 IND244 EC2 1 Hydraulic Maintenance
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23551 IND244 EC4 1 Hydraulic Maintenance
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23593 IND245 EC3 2 Sensor & Logic Systems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
3 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23594 IND245 EC1 2 Sensor & Logic Systems
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
1 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23595 IND245 EC2 2 Sensor & Logic Systems
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23596 IND245 EC4 2 Sensor & Logic Systems
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23589 IND246 EC3 3 Industry Tech Logic Controller
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23590 IND246 EC1 3 Industry Tech Logic Controller
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
3 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23591 IND246 EC2 3 Industry Tech Logic Controller
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23592 IND246 EC4 3 Industry Tech Logic Controller
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
23585 IND251 EC3 3 Maintenance Principles
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
4 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23586 IND251 EC1 3 Maintenance Principles
Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
19 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23587 IND251 EC2 3 Maintenance Principles
Late start. 11-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Utecht,Nick 02/10/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23588 IND251 EC4 3 Maintenance Principles
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Open lab times Mon/Thus 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM; Tues/Wed 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Fri 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM; closed MTWRF 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Ankeny Building 3W Room 20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class and schedule lab times.
5 15 0 15 Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Utecht,Nick 04/07/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20

Information Tech Network Admin

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21100 NET123 WB1 4 Computer Hardware Basics
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets at West Campus for scheduled portion.
8 15 0 15 Nickelson,Jay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:00AM 11:50AM Nickelson,Jay 01/14/25 05/06/25 West Campus Building 1 - 205E
21230 NET139 1 4 Microsoft Desktop Operate Sys
8 15 0 15 M W 09:30AM 12:00PM McQuade,Melanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
26771 NET139 3 4 Microsoft Desktop Operate Sys
12 15 0 15 T R 09:30AM 12:00PM McQuade,Melanie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
20954 NET166 WH1 3 Applied Computer Security
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone and reliable internet connection are required.
15 15 0 15 Nickelson,Jay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:05AM 10:35AM Nickelson,Jay 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21351 NET173 1 4 Configure Adv Windows Server
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
5 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 11:20AM Wagner,Rick 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51 Tuition
22373 NET202 1 3 Programming for Net Admins
10 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:55PM Bell,Chris 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
22374 NET202 2 3 Programming for Net Admins
10 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
24377 NET202 WW1 3 Programming for Net Admins
Restricted to Digital Forensics students. Please contact Bryan Burkhardt at to register for this section.
19 15 0 15 Burkhardt,Bryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23668 NET213 WB1 4 Cisco Networking
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Reserved for students in Information Tech/Network Admin and Network Tech-Telecommunications/Data Communications.
6 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:30PM Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36 Tuition
Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
22375 NET228 1 4 Cisco Networking II
Prerequisite: NET 213
5 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:55PM Anderson,Garrett 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36 Tuition
22376 NET228 2 4 Cisco Networking II
Prerequisite: NET 213
6 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:55PM Anderson,Garrett 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36 Tuition
23050 NET402 2 3 Linux Network Administration
Enrollment is restricted to ITNA students or with instructor approval.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:00AM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
23051 NET402 WB1 3 Linux Network Administration
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:00AM 12:00PM Howe,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51
21352 NET412 2 3 Linux System Administration
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: NET 402 or instructor permission
4 15 0 15 M W 10:00AM 11:55AM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
21194 NET432 2 3 Linux System Security
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
5 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Hoffmann,Jeremy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition

Interior Design

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23014 INT114 UAM 3 Interior Design Mat.& Finish
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: APP 209 
6 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Davidson,Pam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 238 Tuition
26119 INT114 UBA 3 Interior Design Mat.& Finish
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: APP 209 
10 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Davidson,Pam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 238 Tuition
23677 INT136 UAM 3 Lighting
13 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Porter,Charlotte 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 238 Tuition
23612 INT201 UAM 3 CAD REVIT for Interior Design
Prerequisite: INT 212 , INT 124
4 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Nguyen,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
23015 INT222 UAA 3 Residential II
Students will be required to purchase lab supplies throughout the semester. Supply list will be distributed on the first day of class. Prerequisite: INT 212 Corequisite: INT 201
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Davidson,Pam 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 238 Tuition
26120 INT222 UBA 3 Residential II
Prerequisite: INT 212 Corequisite: INT 201
8 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Davidson,Pam 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 238 Tuition
23611 INT223 UAA 3 Commercial II
Prerequisite: INT 213 Prerequisite or Corequisite: INT 136
12 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Nguyen,Stephanie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 212 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20386 JOU110 WB2 3 Intro to Mass Media
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor
18 15 0 15 Kahookele,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:40AM 10:35AM Kahookele,Lisa 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 118
20436 JOU110 WB1 3 Intro to Mass Media
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 Langager,Andrew 01/13/25 04/02/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Langager,Andrew 01/13/25 04/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02
20695 JOU110 WW2 3 Intro to Mass Media
Late start section. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Kahookele,Lisa 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21284 JOU110 WW3 3 Intro to Mass Media
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Kahookele,Lisa 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21419 JOU110 WW1 3 Intro to Mass Media
2 15 0 15 Wiser,Mike 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23772 JOU110 WB3 3 Intro to Mass Media
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
5 15 0 15 Langager,Andrew 02/18/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Langager,Andrew 02/19/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06
26759 JOU110 WW4 3 Intro to Mass Media
3 15 0 15 Kahookele,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21261 JOU113 A 3 Gender, Sexuality and Media
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
20 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Miller,Marie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
23927 JOU113 WW2 3 Gender, Sexuality and Media
1 15 0 15 Schares,Evan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22710 JOU114 WW1 3 Diversity and the Media
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
8 15 0 15 Langager,Aimee 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23622 JOU114 WW2 3 Diversity and the Media
13 15 0 15 Coberley,Denise 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22772 JOU115 WW1 3 Intro to Journalism
9 15 0 15 Langager,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20937 JOU122 A 3 Intro to News Production
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
19 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Langager,Andrew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1136 Tuition
23247 JOU124 UAM 3 Digital Media Production
11 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Langager,Aimee 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 212 Tuition
24265 JOU124 BB 3 Digital Media Production
15 15 0 15 MTWR 12:50PM 01:45PM Kahookele,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 115 Tuition
20886 JOU165 WW1 3 Principles of Advertising
20 15 0 15 Langager,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Library Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20509 SDV171 WW2 1 Library Instruction
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
3 15 0 15 Lane,Sarah 01/13/25 02/17/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20719 SDV171 WW4 1 Library Instruction
5-week course;1st 5-week session.
1 15 0 15 Lane,Sarah 01/13/25 02/17/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21184 SDV171 WW6 1 Library Instruction
Late-start. 5-week class; 3rd 5-week session.
0 15 0 15 Valpey,Natalie 04/01/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26844 SDV171 WW1 1 Library Instruction
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session.
0 15 0 15 Lane,Sarah 04/03/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20055 LIT101 C 3 Intro to Literature
9 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Thornton,Janelle 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
20427 LIT101 A 3 Intro to Literature
11 15 0 15 M W F 12:50PM 01:45PM McGary,Betty 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
20437 LIT101 WW4 3 Intro to Literature
1 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20557 LIT101 WW3 3 Intro to Literature
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Pearson,Eden 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20572 LIT101 WW5 3 Intro to Literature
0 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21376 LIT101 WW6 3 Intro to Literature
2 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23674 LIT101 D 3 Intro to Literature
8 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Dickinson,Marc 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02 Tuition
24403 LIT101 UAA 3 Intro to Literature
15 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Vogler,Nicole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
20056 LIT105 WW3 3 Children's Literature
1 15 0 15 Doke-Kerns,Jennie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20584 LIT105 WW2 3 Children's Literature
1 15 0 15 Kellen,Darci 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21259 LIT105 WW1 3 Children's Literature
3 15 0 15 Gard,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22555 LIT105 WW4 3 Children's Literature
1 15 0 15 Kellen,Darci 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22814 LIT105 WW5 3 Children's Literature
1 15 0 15 Kellen,Darci 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20839 LIT111 WW1 3 Amer Literature since Mid 1800
2 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21167 LIT130 WW1 3 African-American Literature
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Hogan,Colin 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22499 LIT150 WW1 3 World Literature I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20526 LIT166 WW1 3 Science Fiction
1 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21487 LIT166 WW2 3 Science Fiction
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Duke,Shaun 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26156 LIT166 B 3 Science Fiction
14 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Duke,Shaun 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 25A Tuition
20880 LIT185 WW1 3 Contemporary Literature
3 15 0 15 McBee,Ann 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20585 LIT188 WW1 3 Detective Fiction
5 15 0 15 McBee,Ann 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20926 LIT190 WW1 3 Women Writers
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Doke-Kerns,Jennie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22550 LIT190 WW2 3 Women Writers
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Meyer,Natalie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22683 LIT190 A 3 Women Writers
18 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Hogan,Colin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
20586 LIT193 WW1 3 Humor in Literature
3 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21025 LIT209 WW1 3 Literature Film Adaptation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20267 MGT101 C 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Canham,Ben 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 11B Tuition
20438 MGT101 WW1 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Mullihan,Tasha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20613 MGT101 WW2 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Crandon,Elizabeth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23672 MGT101 A 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Canham,Ben 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
24206 MGT101 WW3 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Sorensen,Broc 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26204 MGT101 D 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Canham,Ben 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17B Tuition
26544 MGT101 WW4 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Blaha,Katie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26545 MGT101 WW5 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Blaha,Katie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26803 MGT101 WW6 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Sorensen,Broc 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27319 MGT101 WW7 3 Principles of Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Boldt,Jacki 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24426 MGT128 WW1 3 Organizational Behavior
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Canham,Ben 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26540 MGT128 WW2 3 Organizational Behavior
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Hammer,Mary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21175 MGT130 A 3 Principles of Supervision
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Daines,Josh 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 13 Tuition
20268 MGT145 A 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Grantham,Vada 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
20269 MGT145 B 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Canham,Ben 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 11B Tuition
20497 MGT145 C 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Grantham,Vada 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
20958 MGT145 WB3 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
12 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 04:00PM 05:00PM Schulte,Jennifer 01/15/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 145
21035 MGT145 WW1 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Lindquist,Mitch 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21343 MGT145 WW2 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21540 MGT145 WW3 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Budd,Thomas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23257 MGT145 WW4 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23770 MGT145 UAM 3 Human Relations in Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. This section restricted for Ford Asset students until November 1.
11 15 0 15 T R 08:05AM 11:00AM Lindquist,Mitch 03/11/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 122 Tuition
24427 MGT145 1 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Lindquist,Mitch 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
26747 MGT145 WW5 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Sullivan,Sheena 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27274 MGT145 WW6 3 Human Relations in Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Sullivan,Sheena 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27417 MGT145 WW7 3 Human Relations in Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Seifert,Katie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21448 MGT147 A 3 Leadership Development
Reserved for students in the Fashion (2007, 201D) and Interior Design (2720, 272C) programs.
13 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Mintle,Alecia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09 Tuition
21449 MGT147 B 3 Leadership Development
3 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 17B Tuition
23694 MGT147 WW1 3 Leadership Development
1 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26508 MGT147 WW2 3 Leadership Development
1 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21450 MGT170 WW1 3 Human Resource Management
4 15 0 15 Canham,Ben 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26505 MGT170 WW2 3 Human Resource Management
7 15 0 15 Smith,Amanda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27199 MGT170 WW3 3 Human Resource Management
9 15 0 15 Smith,Amanda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21480 MGT174 WW1 3 Training and Employee Dev
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Canham,Ben 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23094 MGT266 WW1 3 Prin of Supply Chain Mgt.
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Coslin,Dave 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20270 MKT110 WB1 3 Principles of Marketing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
20 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:40AM 10:35AM Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 13
20589 MKT110 WW1 3 Principles of Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21344 MKT110 WW2 3 Principles of Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26674 MKT110 WW3 3 Principles of Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27216 MKT110 WB2 3 Principles of Marketing
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Kokemuller,Neil 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16
27280 MKT110 WW4 3 Principles of Marketing
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Bernhard,Tanner 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21028 MKT121 A 3 Digital Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
13 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Bernhard,Tanner 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
21163 MKT121 WW1 3 Digital Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26518 MKT121 WW2 3 Digital Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21519 MKT131 WW1 3 Social Media Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23115 MKT131 WW2 3 Social Media Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26748 MKT131 WW3 3 Social Media Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21520 MKT135 WW1 3 Content Marketing
Prerequisite: MKT 110 or MKT 121 or Instructor's Approval
6 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20271 MKT140 A 3 Selling
Course includes an online internship simulation.
17 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:30AM Gadbury,Ann 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16 Tuition
20439 MKT140 WW1 3 Selling
1 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26206 MKT140 UAM 3 Selling
Reserved for students in the Interior Design (2720, 272C) program until 12/1/2024.
11 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Hanson,Joe 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
26551 MKT140 WW2 3 Selling
3 15 0 15 Gadbury,Ann 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20272 MKT150 WB1 3 Principles of Advertising
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 08:55AM Kokemuller,Neil 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 16
22383 MKT160 A 3 Principles of Retailing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Mintle,Alecia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
20636 MKT182 WH1 3 Customer Relationship Mgmt
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
3 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Felix,Andrew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21101 MAT064 WV1 4 College Prep Math
College preparatory course - does not count in degree requirements. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with grade of C- or higher.
5 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:00PM Deatsch,Alynn 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21499 MAT064 UBM 4 College Prep Math
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with grade of C- or higher.
8 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Uy,Robert 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 108 Tuition
24451 MAT064 A 4 College Prep Math
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with grade of C- or higher.
14 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:05PM Shoomkamola,May 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 11A Tuition
23544 MAT099 A 5 Combined Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher.
11 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Niehaus,Jill 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01 Tuition
R 08:00AM 08:55AM Niehaus,Jill 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01
23702 MAT099 UAM 5 Combined Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher.
17 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:30PM McGary,Necole 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 112 Tuition
20678 MAT110 B 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
6 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Fraser,Susan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
20679 MAT110 C 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
9 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Hartzler,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
20690 MAT110 WW1 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
4 15 0 15 Kinney,Dajuan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20691 MAT110 WW2 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
10 15 0 15 Buse,Marie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20699 MAT110 BA 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
7 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Podlich,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 207 Tuition
20714 MAT110 UAA 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
16 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM McGary,Necole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 104 Tuition
20749 MAT110 WW4 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
6 15 0 15 Overton,Joel 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20827 MAT110 G 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
18 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Hartzler,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
21510 MAT110 WW8 3 Math for Liberal Arts
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
2 15 0 15 Betterton,Joel 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20917 MAT114 WW1 3 Elementary Educators Math I
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better
2 15 0 15 Rial,Tim 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20923 MAT114 WW2 3 Elementary Educators Math I
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better
7 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20627 MAT116 A 3 Elementary Educators Math II
Prerequisite: MAT 114 with a grade of "C-" or better
15 15 0 15 MTWR 12:50PM 01:45PM Haack,Pete 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
20963 MAT116 WW1 3 Elementary Educators Math II
Prerequisite: MAT 114 with a grade of "C-" or better
0 15 0 15 Rial,Tim 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21068 MAT116 WW2 3 Elementary Educators Math II
Prerequisite: MAT 114 with a grade of "C-" or better
13 15 0 15 Haack,Pete 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20490 MAT121 UAA 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
17 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM McGary,Necole 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 112 Tuition
20549 MAT121 WW1 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
9 15 0 15 Doyle,Chelsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20588 MAT121 WW2 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
12 15 0 15 Doyle,Chelsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20635 MAT121 A 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
8 15 0 15 MTWR 09:05AM 10:00AM Shoomkamola,May 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 11A Tuition
22549 MAT121 WW5 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
6 15 0 15 Shoomkamola,May 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23667 MAT121 B 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
8 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Shoomkamola,May 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 11A Tuition
20060 MAT129 A 5 Precalculus
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 130 with a C- or better
10 15 0 15 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Hartzler,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
22457 MAT129 WW1 5 Precalculus
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 130 with a C- or better
8 15 0 15 Everman,Taylor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26859 MAT129 WW2 5 Precalculus
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 130 with a C- or better
19 15 0 15 McGary,Necole 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20059 MAT130 A 3 Trigonometry
Prerequisite: Pre-requisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
3 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Yu,Tim 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
20813 MAT130 WW1 3 Trigonometry
Prerequisite: Pre-requisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
9 15 0 15 Doyle,Chelsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26860 MAT130 WW2 3 Trigonometry
Prerequisite: Pre-requisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
11 15 0 15 Doyle,Chelsy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20057 MAT141 C 4 Finite Math
Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
9 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:55AM Hartzler,Julie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
20456 MAT141 WW1 4 Finite Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
3 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20472 MAT141 WW2 4 Finite Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
4 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22880 MAT141 WW3 4 Finite Math
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
4 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22960 MAT141 WW4 4 Finite Math
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
22 15 0 15 Warren,Lindsay 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26654 MAT141 D 4 Finite Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
16 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Hartzler,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
23669 MAT148 WV1 4 Linear Algebra w/Applications
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent with a C- or better.
14 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Banjara,Shree 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23536 MAT156 WV1 3 Statistics
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
5 15 0 15 M W 03:00PM 04:25PM Gosch,Gayle 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23537 MAT156 A 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
5 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 08:55AM Haack,Pete 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
23538 MAT156 B 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
1 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Haack,Pete 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
23539 MAT156 C 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
2 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Petrak,Dan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
23540 MAT156 E1 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
2 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 09:00PM Kinney,Dajuan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
23541 MAT156 D 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
2 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Barrett,Trevor 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
23597 MAT156 AM1 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
6 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Staniger,Mary 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 112 Tuition
23600 MAT156 BA 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
11 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Podlich,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 218 Tuition
23603 MAT156 BB 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
12 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Podlich,Heather 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 218 Tuition
23642 MAT156 WA 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
15 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Connon,Melinda 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 123E Tuition
23666 MAT156 E 3 Statistics
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
2 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Petrak,Dan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
23698 MAT156 UAE 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
12 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 07:30PM Betterton,Joel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 108 Tuition
23699 MAT156 UAM 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
6 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Overton,Joel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
23700 MAT156 UBA 3 Statistics
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
5 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Doyle,Chelsy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition
23703 MAT156 UAA 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
13 15 0 15 M W 03:00PM 04:30PM Overton,Joel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 213A Tuition
23705 MAT156 WW1 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
5 15 0 15 Podlich,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23706 MAT156 WW2 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
4 15 0 15 Podlich,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23707 MAT156 WW3 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
4 15 0 15 Petrak,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23708 MAT156 WW4 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
3 15 0 15 Petrak,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23709 MAT156 WW6 3 Statistics
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
5 15 0 15 Jensen,Samantha 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23710 MAT156 WW7 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
2 15 0 15 Fara,Kimberly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23711 MAT156 WWB 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
5 15 0 15 Fara,Kimberly 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24156 MAT156 WW8 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
3 15 0 15 Haack,Pete 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24312 MAT156 WWC 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
11 15 0 15 Connon,Melinda 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26506 MAT156 F 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
17 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Kinney,Dajuan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02 Tuition
26775 MAT156 CA 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
6 15 0 15 M 01:25PM 02:15PM Buse,Marie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 125 Tuition
WRF 01:25PM 02:15PM Buse,Marie 01/15/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 147
26861 MAT156 WW5 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
7 15 0 15 Kinney,Dajuan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27126 MAT156 WW9 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
4 15 0 15 Warren,Lindsay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22657 MAT162 WW1 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
3 15 0 15 Shoomkamola,May 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22658 MAT162 WW2 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
2 15 0 15 Jensen,Samantha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22659 MAT162 A 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
2 15 0 15 M W 03:00PM 04:55PM Barrett,Trevor 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 11A Tuition
23671 MAT162 BA 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
8 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Podlich,Heather 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 207 Tuition
24096 MAT162 WW3 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
1 15 0 15 Hartgers,Deb 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24313 MAT162 WW4 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
24 15 0 15 Hartgers,Deb 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26735 MAT162 B 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
15 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Green,Lucinda 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01 Tuition
21338 MAT164 A 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Barrett,Trevor 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
21339 MAT164 WW1 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
1 15 0 15 Reynolds,Robert 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22757 MAT164 BA 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
11 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Staniger,Mary 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 207 Tuition
23777 MAT164 WW3 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
3 15 0 15 Barrett,Trevor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27278 MAT164 WW2 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. Check with your professor in class if the loose-leaf is required. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
20 15 0 15 Connon,Melinda 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20061 MAT211 A 5 Calculus I
Course has a prerequisite. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
12 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:20PM Stuart,Marshall 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 19 Tuition
T R 12:50PM 01:50PM Stuart,Marshall 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 19
20770 MAT211 WW1 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
4 15 0 15 Reynolds,Robert 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20781 MAT211 B 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
3 15 0 15 MTWRF 11:15AM 12:10PM Yu,Tim 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
21429 MAT211 WW2 5 Calculus I
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
5 15 0 15 Kinney,Dajuan 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23925 MAT211 WW3 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
3 15 0 15 Overton,Joel 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20361 MAT217 E1 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
0 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 08:45PM Yu,Tim 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
20418 MAT217 UAM 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
3 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:40PM Overton,Joel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231 Tuition
20771 MAT217 WW1 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
6 15 0 15 Reece,Brian 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20808 MAT217 A 5 Calculus II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
2 15 0 15 M W F 07:40AM 08:35AM Rial,Tim 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 147 Tuition
Rial,Tim 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21385 MAT217 BA 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
6 15 0 15 MTWRF 08:00AM 08:55AM Carpenter,Annie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 207 Tuition
26520 MAT217 WW2 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
4 15 0 15 Cui,Weipan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20680 MAT219 E1 4 Calculus III
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 217 or equivalent with a grade of C- or higher.
2 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 08:00PM Stuart,Marshall 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
23334 MAT219 AM 4 Calculus III
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 217 or equivalent with a grade of C- or higher.
11 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Banjara,Shree 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 202 Tuition
20809 MAT227 E1 4 Diff Equations with Laplace
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAT 217 with a grade of C- or better.
6 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:00PM McClure,Chris 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
21493 MAT227 WV1 4 Diff Equations with Laplace
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAT 217 with a grade of C- or better.
8 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Banjara,Shree 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20379 MAT772 WB8 3 Applied Math
Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion. This class is restricted to Newton Campus students enrolled in the Baking Program, ELT Program or Welding Program.
16 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 01:00PM 02:25PM DeHart,Rebecca 01/14/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 140
20664 MAT772 B 3 Applied Math
The above section is reserved for Diesel Technology students through December 1.
2 15 0 15 M W F 12:50PM 01:45PM Niehaus,Jill 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 20 Tuition
20740 MAT772 WB2 3 Applied Math
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Barrett,Trevor 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Barrett,Trevor 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02
20959 MAT772 WH2 3 Applied Math
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 Uy,Robert 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 07:30PM Uy,Robert 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21289 MAT772 A 3 Applied Math
Reserved for Culinary Arts and Hotel Restaurant Management students.
4 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Barrett,Trevor 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
21310 MAT772 WW1 3 Applied Math
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Huisinga,Maureen 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21311 MAT772 WW2 3 Applied Math
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Huisinga,Maureen 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21395 MAT772 WW3 3 Applied Math
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Tenboer,Heather 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21535 MAT772 WB5 3 Applied Math
The above section is reserved for Auto Mechanics Technology students through December 1. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 Pyburn,Kristi 01/13/25 03/10/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Pyburn,Kristi 01/14/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 17
21569 MAT772 WW5 3 Applied Math
6 15 0 15 Tenboer,Heather 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23778 MAT772 C 3 Applied Math
10-week course; 1st 10-week session.
10 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:35AM Green,Lucinda 01/13/25 03/26/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33 Tuition
26564 MAT772 WW4 3 Applied Math
2 15 0 15 Pyburn,Kristi 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20374 MAT773 A 3 Applied Math II
Course has a prerequisite. The above section is reserved for students in the Tool and Die and Machinist Technology programs through December 1. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 30% or MAT 099 with a C- or better.
11 15 0 15 T R 01:05PM 02:30PM Yu,Tim 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
22727 MAT773 WW1 3 Applied Math II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 30% or MAT 099 with a C- or better.
8 15 0 15 Doran,Jeffrey 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23175 MAT773 AM 3 Applied Math II
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 30% or MAT 099 with a C- or better.
14 15 0 15 M W 12:05PM 01:30PM Fraser,Susan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 221 Tuition
23543 MAT821 A 1 College Algebra Support Lab
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 35% or MAT 099 with a C- or better. Corequisite: MAT 121
22 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Shoomkamola,May 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 11A Tuition
23542 MAT856 A 1 Statistics Support Lab
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 20% or MAT 064 with a C- or better. Corequisite: MAT 156
16 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Haack,Pete 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
23846 MAT856 UAM 1 Statistics Support Lab
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 20% or MAT 064 with a C- or better. Corequisite: MAT 156
13 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Doyle,Chelsy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition

Medical Assistant

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
26122 MAP113 1 3 Medical Office Management II
RESERVED for students in the Medical Assistant Diploma and Certificate programs. Prerequisite: MAP 112
16 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 02:55PM Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
F 08:00AM 10:00AM Young,Cheryl 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114
20247 MAP228 1 3 Med Lab Procedures II
Course has a prerequisite Cost includes a $125 materials fee. Reserved for students in the Medical Assistant program. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in MAP 225. Corequisite: MAP 348
1 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Schroder,Stacey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
T R 09:05AM 10:00AM Schroder,Stacey 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
20248 MAP228 2 3 Med Lab Procedures II
Course has a prerequisite Cost includes a $125 materials fee. Reserved for students in the Medical Assistant program. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in MAP 225. Corequisite: MAP 348
2 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Schroder,Stacey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Schroder,Stacey 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
26139 MAP228 3 3 Med Lab Procedures II
Course has a prerequisite Cost includes a $125 materials fee. Prerequisite: Grade of "C" or better in MAP 225. Corequisite: MAP 348
4 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Schroder,Stacey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
T R 01:55PM 02:50PM Schroder,Stacey 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
23727 MAP264 WB1 4 Limited Radiography I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Cost includes $80 fee for ASRT membership and x-ray software. Reserved for Medical Assistant Diploma program students onl. Prerequisite: MAP 550 with a grade of C or better Corequisite: MAP 551 with a grade of C or better
5 15 0 15 Millard,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 12:50PM 03:05PM Millard,Matthew 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
25865 MAP346 1 3 Clinical Procedures II
Reserved for students accepted in the Medical Assistant programs. Prerequisite: Grade "C" or better in MAP 345 Corequisite: MAP 228
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 08:55AM Young,Cheryl 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
25866 MAP346 2 3 Clinical Procedures II
Reserved for students accepted in the Medical Assistant programs. Prerequisite: Grade "C" or better in MAP 345 Corequisite: MAP 228
2 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
T R 10:10AM 11:05AM Young,Cheryl 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
26140 MAP346 3 3 Clinical Procedures II
Reserved for students accepted in the Medical Assistant programs. Prerequisite: Grade "C" or better in MAP 345 Corequisite: MAP 228
4 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
T R 12:50PM 01:45PM Young,Cheryl 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 112
25869 MAP423 1 3 Professional Development
Reserved for students accepted in the Medical Assistant Programs.
18 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Young,Cheryl 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
22729 MAP551 1 3 Health & Disease:Human BodyII
Reserved for students in the Medical Assistance program. Prerequisite: MAP 550 with Grade of C or better
18 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Schroder,Stacey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition

Medical Laboratory Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20883 MLT180 1 1 Clinical Practicum I
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: MLT 115
20 0 0 0 MTWRF Campbell,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
20450 MLT232 1 5 Advanced Hematology & Coagulat
This course has prerequisites. Cost includes a $30 testing and supply fee. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in both MLT 115 and MLT 120
3 0 0 0 M F 10:10AM 11:35AM Kraushaar,Josh 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111 Tuition
T R 10:00AM 11:55AM Kraushaar,Josh 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111
T R 10:00AM 11:55AM Kraushaar,Josh 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 109
20536 MLT232 WB1 5 Adv. Hematology & Coagulation
Program Chair approval is required. Web registration is not available. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Cost includes a $30 lab fee. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in both MLT 115 and MLT 120
2 0 0 0 Kraushaar,Josh 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:30AM 01:25PM Kraushaar,Josh 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111
W 09:30AM 01:25PM Kraushaar,Josh 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 109
21240 MLT289 1 9 Adv. Clinical Lab Practicum
Course has a prerequisite. Students who enroll in this class MUST also enroll in MLT 292. Students must complete all required clinical hours for this course. Rotation days will include some Mondays and the week of Spring Break. Includes a $75 fee. Prerequisite: Prerequisite MLT 242 with a Grade 'C' or above; MLT 251 with a Grade 'C' or above; MLT 261 with a Grade 'C' or above; MLT 270 with a Grade 'C' or above: MLT 232 with a Grade 'C' or above. Corequisite: Co-requisite: MLT 292
1 0 0 0 Campbell,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21241 MLT292 1 3 Clinical Lab Professional & Re
Students who enroll in this course MUST also enroll in MLT 289. Students must successfully complete all clinical assessments for this course. Includes a $60 fee. Prerequisite: Prerequisite MLT 242 with a Grade 'C' or above; MLT 251 with a Grade 'C' or above; MLT 261 with a Grade 'C' or above; MLT 270 with a Grade 'C' or above: MLT 232 with a Grade 'C' or above Corequisite: Co-requisite: MLT 289
1 0 0 0 M 11:15AM 04:30PM Campbell,Karen 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111 Tuition

Medical Office Specialist

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21098 MAP806 WW1 1 Internship Sem. Medical Office
Contact Emily Noel at the semester prior to the start of the course for internship location coordination. Prerequisite: MAP 141, HIT 290, MAP 220 with a "C" or better or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MAP 807 and ADM 221
24 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21099 MAP807 WV1 2 Internship Medical Office Spec
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: MAP 141, HIT 290, MAP 220 with a "C" or better or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MAP 806 and ADM 221
24 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition

Mortuary Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21404 MOR215 WW1 3 Funeral Law I
This course requires proctored exams. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science or Funeral Services program, or admission to the Liberal Arts AA - Pre-Mortuary Science concentration.
1 15 0 15 Ash,Lisa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20974 MOR301 WW1 1 Intro to Funeral Service
Cost includes a $200 Proctoring fee. Registered students must complete an orientation. Contact Kevin Patterson at for details. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science program Advanced Standing Diploma or completion of general education courses required for the Funeral Services AAS program.
1 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23296 MOR301 WW2 1 Intro to Funeral Service
Cost includes a $200 Proctoring fee. Registered students must complete an orientation. Contact Kevin Patterson at for details. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science program Advanced Standing Diploma or completion of general education courses required for the Funeral Services AAS program.
3 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20805 MOR315 WW1 3 Funeral Law II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
2 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20942 MOR315 WW2 3 Funeral Law II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
1 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21378 MOR315 WW3 3 Funeral Law II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
4 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21319 MOR320 WW1 3 Thanatology
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MOR 301
3 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21320 MOR323 WW1 2 Funeral Directing I
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 324.
1 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23298 MOR323 WW2 2 Funeral Directing I
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 324.
3 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21432 MOR324 WW1 1 Funeral Home Operations I
Late start. 12 week course. Requires an Affiliation Agreement. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 323
4 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23299 MOR324 WW2 1 Funeral Home Operations I
Late start. 12 week course. Requires an Affiliation Agreement. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 323
6 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20943 MOR331 WW1 2 Funeral Home Management
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science or Funeral Services program, or admission to the Liberal Arts AA - Pre-Mortuary Science concentration.
1 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20944 MOR331 WW2 2 Funeral Home Management
This course requires proctored exams. Optional Streaming Lectures held on Tuesdays at 7:30 pm. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science or Funeral Services program, or admission to the Liberal Arts AA - Pre-Mortuary Science concentration.
1 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21291 MOR333 WW1 3 Funeral Directing II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 334.
1 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21292 MOR333 WW2 3 Funeral Directing II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 334.
1 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21377 MOR333 WW3 3 Funeral Directing II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 334.
2 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22398 MOR333 WW4 3 Funeral Directing II
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 334.
2 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21294 MOR334 WW1 1 Funeral Home Operations II
Late Start. 12 week course. Meets on the Ankeny Campus April 7-10, 2025 . Cost includes $95 fee for Arranger Training. Requires an Affiliation Agreement. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 333.
4 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21295 MOR334 WW2 1 Funeral Home Operations II
Late start. 12 week course. Meets on the Ankeny Campus April 8-11, 2025. Cost includes $95 fee for Arranger Training. Requires an Affiliation Agreement. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 333.
17 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22405 MOR334 1 1 Funeral Home Operations II
Late start. 12 week course. Meets on the Ankeny Campus April 7-11, 2025. Cost include $95 fee for Arranger Training. Corequisite: MOR 301 Corequisite: MOR 333.
4 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 02/04/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-To Be Arranged - Tuition
20746 MOR335 WW1 3 Embalming I
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science program. Pre/Corequisite: MOR 301 with either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 336
2 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21208 MOR335 WW2 3 Embalming I
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science program. Pre/Corequisite: MOR 301 with either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 336
1 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22397 MOR335 WW3 3 Embalming I
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science program. Pre/Corequisite: MOR 301 with either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 336
2 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20514 MOR336 WW1 1 Embalming I Clinical
Late start. 12-week course. Cost includes a $300 lab and materials fee. Require an Affiliation Agreement. Corequisite: MOR 301 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 335
6 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20834 MOR336 1 1 Embalming I Clinical
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets offsite March 24-28. Cost includes a $300 lab and materials fee. Corequisite: MOR 301 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 335
2 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
26772 MOR336 2 1 Embalming I Clinical
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets offsite March 10th-14th. Cost includes a $300 lab and materials fee. Corequisite: MOR 301 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 335
3 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
27140 MOR336 3 1 Embalming I Clinical
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets offsite March 31st - April 4th. Cost includes a $300 lab and materials fee. Corequisite: MOR 301 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 335
2 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
21498 MOR340 WW1 3 Embalming II
This course requires proctored exams. Optional Streaming Lectures held on Wednesday at 5:00 pm. Prerequisites: MOR 336, MOR 335 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 341
1 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22406 MOR340 WW2 3 Embalming II
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisites: MOR 336, MOR 335 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 341
10 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20939 MOR341 WW1 1 Embalming II Clinical
Late start. 12-week course. Requires an Affiliation Agreement. Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 340
12 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20933 MOR345 WW1 3 Restorative Art
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164.
3 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23093 MOR345 WW2 3 Restorative Art
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164.
18 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21133 MOR365 WW1 2 Survey of Infectious Diseases
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
1 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23650 MOR365 WW2 2 Survey of Infectious Diseases
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
1 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23651 MOR365 WW3 2 Survey of Infectious Diseases
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
3 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20945 MOR366 WW1 2 Funeral Pathology
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
0 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20946 MOR366 WW2 2 Funeral Pathology
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
4 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20617 MOR370 WW1 1 Iowa Funeral Law
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Approval of Program chair
17 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 01/13/25 02/17/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21328 MOR370 WW2 1 Iowa Funeral Law
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. This course requires a proctored exam. Prerequisite: Approval of Program chair
21 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 04/01/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20815 MUA101 A 1 Applied Voice
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Thompson,James 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20816 MUA101 B 1 Applied Voice
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Linn,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
27098 MUA101 D 1 Applied Voice
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
22 15 0 15 Basiletti,April 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20153 MUA120 BA 1 Applied Piano
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
24 15 0 15 Soeghay,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 112 Tuition
20366 MUA120 B 1 Applied Piano
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
3 15 0 15 Soeghay,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
21280 MUA120 AM 1 Applied Piano
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
15 15 0 15 Soeghay,Matthew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 218 Tuition
21575 MUA120 D 1 Applied Piano
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
2 15 0 15 Linn,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20069 MUA147 A 1 Applied Instrumental
Instructor availability is Mondays only. Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
2 15 0 15 Kennedy,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20359 MUA147 B 1 Applied Instrumental
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
25 15 0 15 Odem,Susan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20608 MUA147 C 1 Applied Instrumental
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
20 15 0 15 Miranda,Charles 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20855 MUA147 E 1 Applied Instrumental
Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
24 15 0 15 Davis,Scott 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
27265 MUA147 G 1 Applied Instrumental
Instructor availability is Thursday 12-2 pm only. Cost includes a $115 music lesson fee. It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to arrange lesson times for individualized music classes.
4 15 0 15 Kennedy,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
20064 MUS100 A 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Because all audio files for music listening are online, students use an internet connection of DSL or higher.
22 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Miranda,Charles 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
20065 MUS100 B 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Because all audio files for music listening are online, students use an internet connection of DSL or higher.
14 15 0 15 M W F 01:55PM 02:50PM Miranda,Charles 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
20066 MUS100 C 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Because all audio files for music listening are online, students use an internet connection of DSL or higher.
2 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Soeghay,Matthew 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
20282 MUS100 BA 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
22 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Soeghay,Matthew 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 204 Tuition
20371 MUS100 WW1 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13 , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
0 15 0 15 Thompson,James 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20391 MUS100 WW2 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13 , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
1 15 0 15 Thompson,James 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20820 MUS100 WW4 3 Music Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13 , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
1 15 0 15 Thompson,James 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21286 MUS100 WW3 3 Music Appreciation
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13 , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
3 15 0 15 Greene,Douglas 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23251 MUS100 WW5 3 Music Appreciation
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13, both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
4 15 0 15 Greene,Douglas 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23252 MUS100 WW6 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13, both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
3 15 0 15 Greene,Douglas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26231 MUS100 WC 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. The following information applies to all online sections of MUS 100. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, e13 , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the music links in CONNECT KAMIEN.
18 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Soeghay,Matthew 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 119E Tuition
27350 MUS100 WW7 3 Music Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, 13e , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the audio streaming content for exams as well as for CONNECT KAMIEN assignments.
5 15 0 15 Thompson,James 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20068 MUS102 B 3 Music Fundamentals
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Thompson,James 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
21515 MUS107 A 4 Music Theory II
Prerequisite: MUS 106
20 15 0 15 MTWRF 08:00AM 08:55AM Odem,Susan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
26245 MUS140 A 1 Concert Choir
No audition is required and no experience is necessary; however, it is expected that persons who enroll will have sufficient pitch-matching skills to accurately learn to sing the choral part to which they are assigned.
12 15 0 15 M W F 11:15AM 12:10PM Thompson,James 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
20859 MUS202 WW1 3 World Music
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Odem,Susan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21058 MUS204 A 3 History of Rock and Roll
16 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Davis,Scott 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14 Tuition
20919 MUS275 A 3 Chamber Ensemble
Instructor's approval required to enroll in this class. Prerequisite: Audition with conductor. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Audition with the conductor
26 15 0 15 M W F 12:50PM 01:45PM Thompson,James 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 29 Tuition

Network Tech-Tele/Data Commun

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20954 NET166 WH1 3 Applied Computer Security
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone and reliable internet connection are required.
15 15 0 15 Nickelson,Jay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:05AM 10:35AM Nickelson,Jay 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23668 NET213 WB1 4 Cisco Networking
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Reserved for students in Information Tech/Network Admin and Network Tech-Telecommunications/Data Communications.
6 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:30PM Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36 Tuition
Bell,Chris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20392 TEL220 WW1 4 Telecommunications II
All TEL classes reserved for Telecommunications students. Meets at West Campus for the scheduled portion. Corequisite: TEL 223
12 15 0 15 McQuade,Melanie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20542 TEL223 WB2 3 Telecom Transport Lab
Meets at West campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: TEL 210, TEL 213 Corequisite: TEL 220
1 15 0 15 M 12:50PM 04:40PM Nickelson,Jay 01/13/25 05/05/25 West Campus Building 1 - 108E Tuition
Nickelson,Jay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB

Nurse Aide Orderly

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20334 HSC172 A1 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
8 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Becker,Amanda 01/13/25 02/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Becker,Amanda 01/13/25 02/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
M W 07:00AM 03:05PM Becker,Amanda 02/19/25 03/05/25 Off Campus -
20335 HSC172 A3 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
4 15 0 15 T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Rhodes,Amber 01/14/25 02/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301 Tuition
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Rhodes,Amber 01/14/25 02/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
MT R 04:00PM 09:30PM Rhodes,Amber 02/24/25 03/10/25 Off Campus -
20336 HSC172 WB5 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Costs includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 0 15 Whitten,Tiffaney 03/11/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 04:30PM 09:30PM Whitten,Tiffaney 03/24/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
M W 04:30PM 09:30PM Whitten,Tiffaney 03/24/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
M W 04:30PM 09:30PM Whitten,Tiffaney 04/16/25 05/07/25 Off Campus -
20337 HSC172 A2 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
5 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Becker,Amanda 01/14/25 02/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Becker,Amanda 01/14/25 02/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Becker,Amanda 02/18/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
20416 HSC172 U1 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
2 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Muth,Melanie 01/13/25 02/05/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 104 Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Muth,Melanie 01/13/25 02/05/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 102
M W F 07:00AM 03:05PM Muth,Melanie 02/07/25 02/17/25 Off Campus -
21135 HSC172 N1 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
3 15 0 15 M WR 04:30PM 07:45PM Warner,Cindy 01/13/25 02/27/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 251 Tuition
M WR 04:30PM 07:45PM Warner,Cindy 01/13/25 02/27/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 251
M WR 04:00PM 09:30PM Warner,Cindy 03/03/25 03/10/25 Off Campus -
U 06:30AM 12:00PM Warner,Cindy 03/08/25 03/09/25 Off Campus -
21247 HSC172 W2 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 1 14 M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Fogue,Cindy 04/04/25 04/25/25 West Campus Building 1 - 207W Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Fogue,Cindy 04/04/25 04/25/25 West Campus Building 1 - 207W
M W F 07:00AM 03:05PM Fogue,Cindy 04/28/25 05/05/25 Off Campus -
21249 HSC172 W1 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Fogue,Cindy 01/13/25 02/05/25 West Campus Building 1 - 207W Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Fogue,Cindy 01/13/25 02/05/25 West Campus Building 1 - 207W
M W F 07:00AM 03:05PM Fogue,Cindy 02/07/25 02/17/25 Off Campus -
21365 HSC172 B1 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
2 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 01/13/25 02/17/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222C Tuition
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 01/13/25 02/17/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222B
M W 07:00AM 03:05PM Haines,Amy 02/19/25 03/05/25 Off Campus -
21478 HSC172 A4 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
4 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Becker,Amanda 03/11/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Becker,Amanda 03/11/25 04/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Becker,Amanda 04/22/25 05/06/25 Off Campus -
21545 HSC172 SO1 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
5 15 0 15 T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Rhodes,Amber 01/14/25 02/20/25 Southridge Center - 18 Tuition
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Rhodes,Amber 01/14/25 02/20/25 Southridge Center - 18
MT R 04:00PM 09:30PM Rhodes,Amber 02/24/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
21564 HSC172 WBF 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
2 15 0 15 Haines,Amy 04/03/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 04/07/25 04/21/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222B
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 04/07/25 04/21/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222C
M W 07:00AM 03:05PM Haines,Amy 04/23/25 05/07/25 Off Campus -
23788 HSC172 WB3 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
1 15 0 15 Vanden Wynboom,Amanda 01/13/25 02/17/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Vanden Wynboom,Amanda 01/14/25 01/30/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 201
MT R 04:00PM 09:30PM Vanden Wynboom,Amanda 02/03/25 02/14/25 Off Campus -
23986 HSC172 WB2 3 Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
8 15 0 15 Salonga,Maria Elena 01/13/25 03/10/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 04:30PM 09:30PM Salonga,Maria Elena 01/15/25 02/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
M W 04:30PM 09:30PM Salonga,Maria Elena 01/15/25 02/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
M W 04:30PM 09:30PM Salonga,Maria Elena 02/12/25 03/10/25 Off Campus -
24171 HSC172 U2 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Muth,Melanie 04/04/25 04/25/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 102 Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Muth,Melanie 04/04/25 04/25/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 104
M W F 07:00AM 03:05PM Muth,Melanie 04/28/25 05/07/25 -
26162 HSC172 B2 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
4 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 03/11/25 04/17/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222B Tuition
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 03/11/25 04/17/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222C
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Haines,Amy 04/22/25 05/06/25 Off Campus -
26184 HSC172 CA1 3 Nurse Aide
Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
5 15 0 15 M 04:00PM 08:05PM Schultes,Amy 01/13/25 03/03/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 125 Tuition
W 04:00PM 08:05PM Schultes,Amy 01/15/25 03/05/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
W 04:00PM 08:05PM Schultes,Amy 03/12/25 05/07/25 Off Campus -
26227 HSC172 WB4 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
1 15 0 15 Haines,Amy 01/13/25 02/17/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 01/14/25 01/28/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222B
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Haines,Amy 01/14/25 01/28/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222C
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Haines,Amy 01/30/25 02/13/25 Off Campus -
20338 HSC182 A1 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at: https:/javascript:;/ Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
12 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 01:30PM Norman,Dana 03/11/25 04/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 01:30PM Norman,Dana 03/11/25 04/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 307
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Norman,Dana 04/17/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
20515 HSC182 U1 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
6 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Muth,Melanie 02/19/25 03/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 104 Tuition
M W F 08:00AM 02:30PM Muth,Melanie 02/19/25 03/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 102
M W F 07:00AM 03:05PM Muth,Melanie 03/10/25 03/26/25 Off Campus -
20665 HSC182 A2 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
4 15 0 15 M W 04:30PM 10:00PM Nikkel,Leah 03/12/25 04/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309 Tuition
M W 04:30PM 10:00PM Nikkel,Leah 03/12/25 04/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 307
M W 04:30PM 10:00PM Nikkel,Leah 04/21/25 05/07/25 Off Campus -
20666 HSC182 A3 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
7 15 0 15 T R 04:30PM 10:00PM Nikkel,Leah 01/14/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 307 Tuition
T R 04:30PM 10:00PM Nikkel,Leah 01/14/25 02/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
T R 04:30PM 10:00PM Nikkel,Leah 02/13/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
22424 HSC182 SO1 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
3 15 0 15 T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Norman,Dana 03/11/25 04/15/25 Southridge Center - 18 Tuition
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Norman,Dana 03/11/25 04/15/25 Southridge Center - 18
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Norman,Dana 04/17/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -

Nursing - Associate Degree

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21145 ADN420 D 6 Concepts IIa
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: ADN 210 with a C or better, ADN 240 with a C or better, PSY 121 with a C or better, BIO 186 with a C or better, SPC 101 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 450 with a C or better.
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Day,Ann 03/12/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217 Tuition
RF 08:00AM 12:00PM Day,Ann 03/13/25 03/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217
RF 03:00PM 10:30PM Day,Ann 03/27/25 05/02/25 Off Campus -
21146 ADN420 C 6 Concepts IIa
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: ADN 210 with a C or better, ADN 240 with a C or better, PSY 121 with a C or better, BIO 186 with a C or better, SPC 101 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 450 with a C or better.
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Day,Ann 03/12/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217 Tuition
RF 08:00AM 12:00PM Day,Ann 03/13/25 03/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217
RF 07:00AM 02:30PM Day,Ann 03/27/25 05/02/25 Off Campus -
21147 ADN420 B 6 Concepts IIa
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: ADN 210 with a C or better, ADN 240 with a C or better, PSY 121 with a C or better, BIO 186 with a C or better, SPC 101 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 450 with a C or better.
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Day,Ann 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217 Tuition
RF 03:00PM 10:30PM Day,Ann 01/16/25 02/27/25 Off Campus -
21148 ADN420 A 6 Concepts IIa
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: ADN 210 with a C or better, ADN 240 with a C or better, PSY 121 with a C or better, BIO 186 with a C or better, SPC 101 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 450 with a C or better.
0 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Day,Ann 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217 Tuition
RF 07:00AM 02:30PM Day,Ann 01/16/25 02/27/25 Off Campus -
21158 ADN420 BA 6 Concepts IIa
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets on the Boone Campus on the dates above. All ADN courses are reserved for students accepted in the nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities. Dates and times TBA. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ADN 210 with a C or better, ADN 240 with a C or better, PSY 121 with a C or better, BIO 186 with a C or better, SPC 101 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 450 with a C or better.
2 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 01:00PM Harder,Kassi 01/13/25 03/10/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163 Tuition
TW 03:00PM 10:30PM Harder,Kassi 01/14/25 02/19/25 -
R 10:00AM 02:00PM Harder,Kassi 01/16/25 01/16/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
F 09:00AM 01:00PM Harder,Kassi 01/17/25 03/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
21149 ADN450 D 6 Concepts IIb
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Includes $675 fee for ATI. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: PSY 121 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 186 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 732 with a grade "C" or better, SPC 101 with a grade "C" or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 420 with a "C" or better.
0 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Adams,Carolyn 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216 Tuition
RF 03:00PM 10:30PM Adams,Carolyn 01/16/25 02/27/25 Off Campus -
F 08:00AM 12:00PM Adams,Carolyn 02/28/25 02/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216
21150 ADN450 B 6 Concepts IIb
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Includes $675 fee for ATI. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: PSY 121 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 186 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 732 with a grade "C" or better, SPC 101 with a grade "C" or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 420 with a "C" or better.
5 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Willey,Meredith 03/12/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216 Tuition
RF 08:00AM 12:00PM Willey,Meredith 03/13/25 03/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216
RF 03:00PM 10:30PM Willey,Meredith 03/27/25 05/02/25 Off Campus -
21151 ADN450 A 6 Concepts IIb
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Includes $675 fee for ATI. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: PSY 121 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 186 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 732 with a grade "C" or better, SPC 101 with a grade "C" or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 420 with a "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Willey,Meredith 03/12/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216 Tuition
RF 08:00AM 12:00PM Willey,Meredith 03/13/25 03/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216
RF 07:00AM 02:30PM Willey,Meredith 03/27/25 05/02/25 Off Campus -
21159 ADN450 BA 6 Concepts IIb
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Includes $675 ATI fee. Class meets on the Boone Campus on the dates above. All ADN courses are reserved for students accepted in the nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities. Dates and times TBA. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: PSY 121 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 186 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 732 with a grade "C" or better, SPC 101 with a grade "C" or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 420 with a "C" or better.
0 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 01:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/11/25 03/11/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160 Tuition
R 10:00AM 02:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/13/25 05/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
F 09:00AM 01:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/14/25 05/02/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
TW 07:00AM 02:30PM Tinius,Erica 03/25/25 04/30/25 -
M 09:00AM 01:00PM Tinius,Erica 05/05/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
21162 ADN450 C 6 Concepts IIb
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Includes $675 fee for ATI. This course is reserved for nursing students accepted into the Ankeny program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Students must register for the same lettered section in both ADN 420 and ADN 450. Prerequisite: PSY 121 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 186 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 732 with a grade "C" or better, SPC 101 with a grade "C" or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 420 with a "C" or better.
0 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:00PM Adams,Carolyn 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216 Tuition
RF 07:00AM 02:30PM Adams,Carolyn 01/16/25 02/27/25 Off Campus -
F 08:00AM 12:00PM Adams,Carolyn 02/28/25 02/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216
22674 ADN450 BB 6 Concepts IIb
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Includes $470 ATI Fee. Students to attend additional learning opportunities dates/times TBA. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: PSY 121 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 186 with a grade "C" or better, BIO 732 with a grade "C" or better, SPC 101 with a grade "C" or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 420 with a "C" or better.
3 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 01:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/11/25 03/11/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160 Tuition
R 10:00AM 02:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/13/25 05/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
F 09:00AM 01:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/14/25 05/02/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
TW 03:00PM 10:30PM Tinius,Erica 03/25/25 04/30/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 01:00PM Tinius,Erica 05/05/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
21141 ADN520 A 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Includes $675 ATI fee. This section reserved for students in Ankeny nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
0 15 0 15 TW 07:00AM 02:30PM Creason,Jessica 01/14/25 03/12/25 Off Campus - Tuition
RF 08:30AM 11:30AM Creason,Jessica 01/16/25 03/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
M 08:30AM 11:30AM Creason,Jessica 02/10/25 02/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
M 08:30AM 11:30AM Creason,Jessica 03/31/25 03/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
21142 ADN520 B 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Includes $675 ATI fee. This section reserved for students in Ankeny nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
1 15 0 15 TW 07:00AM 02:30PM Creason,Jessica 01/14/25 03/12/25 Off Campus - Tuition
RF 12:00PM 03:00PM Creason,Jessica 01/16/25 03/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
M 12:00PM 03:00PM Creason,Jessica 02/10/25 02/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
M 12:00PM 03:00PM Creason,Jessica 03/31/25 03/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
21154 ADN520 CA 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. This section is reserved for students in the Carroll nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Includes $675 ATI fee. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
4 15 0 15 MT 08:30AM 11:40AM Krutsch,Collette 01/13/25 03/31/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121 Tuition
WR 03:00PM 10:30PM Krutsch,Collette 01/15/25 01/23/25 Off Campus -
WR 07:00AM 02:30PM Krutsch,Collette 01/29/25 03/13/25 Off Campus -
21160 ADN520 BA 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Includes $675 ATI fee. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates and times TBA. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
4 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:00PM Namovicz,Katherine 01/13/25 01/13/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158 Tuition
TW 07:00AM 02:30PM Namovicz,Katherine 01/14/25 03/12/25 -
R 09:00AM 12:00PM Namovicz,Katherine 01/16/25 03/27/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
F 09:00AM 12:00PM Namovicz,Katherine 01/17/25 03/28/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
T 09:00AM 11:00AM Namovicz,Katherine 04/01/25 04/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
21246 ADN520 UAM 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. This section reserved for students in Urban nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Includes $675 ATI fee. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
2 15 0 15 TW 09:00AM 12:00PM Morgan,Kelly 01/14/25 03/26/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 204 Tuition
RF 07:00AM 02:30PM Morgan,Kelly 01/16/25 03/27/25 Off Campus -
W 09:00AM 12:00PM Morgan,Kelly 04/02/25 04/02/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 204
21358 ADN520 C 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. Includes $675 ATI fee. This section reserved for students in Ankeny nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
9 15 0 15 TW 03:00PM 10:30PM Creason,Jessica 01/14/25 03/12/25 Off Campus - Tuition
RF 12:00PM 03:00PM Creason,Jessica 01/16/25 03/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
M 12:00PM 03:00PM Creason,Jessica 02/10/25 02/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
M 12:00PM 03:00PM Creason,Jessica 03/31/25 03/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
22728 ADN520 CB 7 Complex Health Concepts
10-week course; 1st 10-week session. This section is reserved for students in the Carroll nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Includes $675 ATI fee. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
3 15 0 15 MT 08:30AM 11:40AM 01/13/25 03/31/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121 Tuition
WR 03:00PM 10:30PM 01/15/25 03/05/25 Off Campus -
WR 07:00AM 02:30PM 03/06/25 03/13/25 Off Campus -
24385 ADN520 UAE 7 Complex Health Concepts
Reserved for students in Urban Evening/Weekend nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Includes $587.50 ATI fee. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN-450 with a C or better, BIO 151 with a C or better, HSC 240 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN 550 with a C or better, ENG 106.
5 15 0 15 R 05:00PM 09:00PM Morgan,Kelly 01/16/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 204 Tuition
S 07:00AM 05:00PM Morgan,Kelly 01/18/25 05/03/25 Off Campus -
21140 ADN550 WB1 5 Professional Nursing Preceptor
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. This section reserved for students in Ankeny nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN 450 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN-520 with a C or better.
4 15 0 15 MTWRFS Fontana,Danielle 04/01/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Fontana,Danielle 04/01/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
F 08:30AM 11:15AM Fontana,Danielle 04/04/25 04/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
M 08:30AM 11:15AM Fontana,Danielle 04/07/25 04/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
M 08:30AM 12:30PM Fontana,Danielle 04/14/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
M 08:30AM 11:15AM Fontana,Danielle 04/21/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
21155 ADN550 WB4 5 Professional Nursing Preceptor
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Meets at Carroll campus for scheduled portion. This section is reserved for students in the Carroll nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN 450 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN-520 with a C or better.
15 15 0 15 R 08:30AM 11:15AM Krutsch,Collette 04/03/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 143 Tuition
Krutsch,Collette 04/03/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
MTWRFS Krutsch,Collette 04/03/25 05/08/25 Off Campus -
21161 ADN550 WB3 5 Professional Nursing Preceptor
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Class meets on the Boone Campus on the dates above. All ADN courses are reserved for students accepted in the nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities. Dates and times TBA. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN 450 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN-520 with a C or better.
4 15 0 15 Malone,Abbey 04/03/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
R 04:00PM 06:45PM Malone,Abbey 04/03/25 04/03/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
Malone,Abbey 04/03/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
W 04:00PM 08:00PM Malone,Abbey 04/09/25 04/09/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
W 04:00PM 06:45PM Malone,Abbey 04/16/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
21278 ADN550 WB6 5 Professional Nursing Preceptor
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. This section reserved for students in Urban nursing program. Students attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Meets at Urban Campus Building 1 for scheduled classes. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN 450 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN-520 with a C or better.
2 15 0 15 MTWRFS Hamilton,Nikki 04/01/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Hamilton,Nikki 04/01/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
R 04:00PM 07:00PM Hamilton,Nikki 04/03/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 204
21285 ADN550 WB2 5 Professional Nursing Preceptor
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. This section reserved for students in Ankeny nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN 450 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN-520 with a C or better.
6 15 0 15 MTWRFS Fontana,Danielle 04/01/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Fontana,Danielle 04/01/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
R 08:30AM 11:15AM Fontana,Danielle 04/03/25 04/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217
T 08:30AM 11:15AM Fontana,Danielle 04/08/25 04/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217
T 08:30AM 12:30PM Fontana,Danielle 04/15/25 04/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217
T 08:30AM 11:15AM Fontana,Danielle 04/22/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 217

Nursing - Practical

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
24368 PNN108 BA 2 Beginning Prin. of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI and $65 background check/document tracker fee. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Attendance at the Nursing Program Orientation is REQUIRED, date TBA. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 151
0 0 0 0 T 10:00AM 02:15PM Namovicz,Katherine 01/14/25 02/25/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163 Tuition
T 10:00AM 12:00PM Namovicz,Katherine 03/04/25 03/04/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
24387 PNN108 UAM 2 Beginning Prin. of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI and a $65 background check/document tracker fee. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Attendance at the Nursing Program Orientation is REQUIRED, date TBA. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 151
4 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:45PM Engstler,Heidi 01/13/25 03/10/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240 Tuition
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Engstler,Heidi 01/21/25 01/21/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240
24405 PNN108 A 2 Beginning Prin. of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI and a $65 background check/document tracker fee. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN108, PNN151 and PNN159. Attendance at the Nursing Program Orientation is REQUIRED, date TBA. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 151
0 15 0 15 R 09:00AM 12:45PM Ponsor,Michelle 01/16/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201 Tuition
M 01:00PM 02:30PM Ponsor,Michelle 03/10/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
24406 PNN108 B 2 Beginning Prin. of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI and a $65 background check/document tracker fee. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN108, PNN151 and PNN159. Attendance at the Nursing Program Orientation is REQUIRED, date TBA. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 151
0 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:45PM Ponsor,Michelle 01/15/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201 Tuition
M 01:00PM 02:30PM Ponsor,Michelle 03/10/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
24407 PNN108 C 2 Beginning Prin. of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI and a $65 background check/document tracker fee. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN108, PNN151 and PNN159. Attendance at the Nursing Program Orientation is REQUIRED, date TBA. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 151
0 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:45PM Ponsor,Michelle 01/15/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201 Tuition
M 01:00PM 02:30PM Ponsor,Michelle 03/10/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
21345 PNN140 PN1 2 Intro to Professional PN
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Fees include $600 ATI fee and $65 background check/immunization compliance record fee. This PNN course is reserved for students accepted into the Stand-Alone practical nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities. Dates and times TBA.
13 0 0 0 TW 09:00AM 12:00PM Abbott,Emily 01/14/25 02/12/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 206 Tuition
M 09:00AM 12:00PM Abbott,Emily 02/17/25 02/17/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 206
21346 PNN150 PN1 5 PN Concepts I
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This PNN course reserved for students accepted into the Stand Alone practical nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities. Dates and time: TBA. Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 140 with a C or better.
10 0 0 0 R 09:00AM 12:00PM Abbott,Emily 02/20/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 206 Tuition
MT 09:00AM 02:30PM Abbott,Emily 02/24/25 04/29/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 242
24369 PNN151 BA 4 Fundamentals of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section for PNN151 and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173, ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 108
0 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:45PM Wood,Kelsey 01/15/25 03/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158 Tuition
R 09:00AM 12:45PM Wood,Kelsey 01/16/25 03/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
M 07:00AM 02:30PM Wood,Kelsey 01/27/25 03/03/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 11:00AM Wood,Kelsey 03/10/25 03/10/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
24370 PNN151 BB 4 Fundamentals of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section for PNN151 and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173, ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 108
0 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:45PM Wood,Kelsey 01/15/25 03/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158 Tuition
R 09:00AM 12:45PM Wood,Kelsey 01/16/25 03/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
M 03:00PM 10:30PM Wood,Kelsey 01/27/25 02/24/25 Off Campus -
M 07:00AM 02:30PM Wood,Kelsey 03/03/25 03/03/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 11:00AM Wood,Kelsey 03/10/25 03/10/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
24391 PNN151 UAM 4 Fundamentals of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173, ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 108
4 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:45PM Hamilton,Nikki 01/15/25 03/05/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240 Tuition
R 09:00AM 12:45PM Hamilton,Nikki 01/16/25 03/06/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 242
T 07:00AM 02:30PM Hamilton,Nikki 01/28/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
F 09:00AM 12:45PM Hamilton,Nikki 03/07/25 03/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240
24408 PNN151 A 4 Fundamentals of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN108, PNN151, and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173, ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 108
0 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201 Tuition
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201
T 01:15PM 05:00PM Voshell,Luci 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/21/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
W 07:00AM 02:30PM Voshell,Luci 01/29/25 03/05/25 Off Campus -
24409 PNN151 B 4 Fundamentals of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN108, PNN151, and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173, ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 108
0 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203 Tuition
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
T 01:15PM 05:00PM Voshell,Luci 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/21/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
R 07:00AM 02:30PM Voshell,Luci 01/30/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
24410 PNN151 C 4 Fundamentals of Nursing
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN108, PNN151, and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173, ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 156 Corequisite: PNN 108
0 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203 Tuition
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
T 01:15PM 05:00PM Voshell,Luci 01/14/25 01/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
T 09:00AM 12:45PM Voshell,Luci 01/21/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
R 03:00PM 10:30PM Voshell,Luci 01/30/25 02/27/25 Off Campus -
R 07:00AM 02:30PM Voshell,Luci 03/06/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
24371 PNN159 BA 6 Fundamentals of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section for PNN151 and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 108 , MAT 156
1 15 0 15 W 10:00AM 02:15PM Risius,Karissa 03/12/25 04/30/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158 Tuition
R 11:30AM 03:45PM Risius,Karissa 03/13/25 05/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
R 09:00AM 11:00AM Risius,Karissa 03/13/25 05/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
MT 07:00AM 02:30PM Risius,Karissa 03/24/25 04/29/25 Off Campus -
T 09:00AM 11:00AM Risius,Karissa 05/06/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
24372 PNN159 BB 6 Fundamentals of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section for PNN151 and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 108 , MAT 156
0 15 0 15 W 10:00AM 02:15PM Risius,Karissa 03/12/25 04/30/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158 Tuition
R 11:30AM 03:45PM Risius,Karissa 03/13/25 05/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
R 09:00AM 11:00AM Risius,Karissa 03/13/25 05/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
M 07:00AM 02:30PM Risius,Karissa 03/24/25 03/24/25 Off Campus -
MT 03:00PM 10:30PM Risius,Karissa 03/25/25 04/29/25 Off Campus -
T 09:00AM 11:00AM Risius,Karissa 05/06/25 05/06/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
24392 PNN159 UAM 6 Fundamentals of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 108 , MAT 156
4 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:00PM Engstler,Heidi 03/12/25 04/30/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240 Tuition
WR 01:00PM 03:00PM Engstler,Heidi 03/12/25 05/01/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 242
R 09:00AM 12:00PM Engstler,Heidi 03/13/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240
F 01:00PM 03:00PM Engstler,Heidi 03/14/25 03/14/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 242
F 09:00AM 12:00PM Engstler,Heidi 03/14/25 03/14/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240
MT 07:00AM 02:30PM Engstler,Heidi 03/24/25 04/29/25 Off Campus -
24411 PNN159 A 6 Fundamentals of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN108, PNN151, and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 108 , MAT 156
1 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 01:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/12/25 03/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201 Tuition
R 09:00AM 11:00AM Fletchall,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201
R 11:30AM 03:15PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
M 11:30AM 03:15PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/24/25 04/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
M 09:00AM 11:00AM Fletchall,Ashley 03/24/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201
T 09:00AM 01:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/25/25 04/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 201
WR 07:00AM 02:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/26/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
24412 PNN159 B 6 Fundamentals of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN108, PNN151, and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 108 , MAT 156
1 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 01:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/12/25 03/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203 Tuition
R 09:00AM 11:00AM Fletchall,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
R 11:30AM 03:15PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
M 11:30AM 03:15PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/24/25 04/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
M 09:00AM 11:00AM Fletchall,Ashley 03/24/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
T 09:00AM 01:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/25/25 04/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
WR 07:00AM 02:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/26/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
24429 PNN159 C 6 Fundamentals of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN108, PNN151, and PNN159. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 108 , MAT 156
1 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 01:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/12/25 03/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203 Tuition
R 11:30AM 03:15PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
R 09:00AM 11:00AM Fletchall,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
M 09:00AM 11:00AM Fletchall,Ashley 03/24/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
M 11:30AM 03:15PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/24/25 04/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
T 09:00AM 01:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/25/25 04/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203
W 07:00AM 02:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/26/25 03/26/25 Off Campus -
WR 03:00PM 10:30PM Fletchall,Ashley 03/27/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
24373 PNN228 BA 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
0 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:45PM Patterson,Janelle 01/13/25 03/10/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160 Tuition
T 11:30AM 03:00PM Patterson,Janelle 01/14/25 03/04/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
T 09:00AM 11:00AM Patterson,Janelle 01/14/25 03/04/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
R 01:00PM 03:00PM Patterson,Janelle 01/23/25 01/23/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
R 09:30AM 12:30PM Patterson,Janelle 01/23/25 01/23/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 163
WR 07:00AM 02:30PM Patterson,Janelle 01/29/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
24393 PNN228 CA 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
0 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:30PM Mahrt,Amber 01/15/25 03/05/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121 Tuition
R 12:00PM 03:45PM Mahrt,Amber 01/16/25 03/06/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
R 12:00PM 03:45PM Mahrt,Amber 01/16/25 03/06/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121
R 09:00AM 11:15AM Mahrt,Amber 01/16/25 03/06/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121
MT 03:00PM 10:30PM Mahrt,Amber 01/27/25 01/28/25 Off Campus -
MT 07:00AM 02:30PM Mahrt,Amber 02/03/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 11:15AM Mahrt,Amber 03/10/25 03/10/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 116
24394 PNN228 CB 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
8 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 12:30PM 01/15/25 03/05/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121 Tuition
R 09:00AM 11:15AM 01/16/25 03/06/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121
R 12:00PM 03:45PM 01/16/25 03/06/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
R 12:00PM 03:45PM 01/16/25 03/06/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121
MT 07:00AM 02:30PM 01/27/25 02/25/25 Off Campus -
MT 03:00PM 10:30PM 03/03/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 11:15AM 03/10/25 03/10/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 116
24398 PNN228 NA 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN228 and PNN229. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
5 15 0 15 MT 01:00PM 03:00PM Seals,Jenna 01/13/25 03/04/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236 Tuition
MT 09:00AM 12:00PM Seals,Jenna 01/13/25 03/04/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
WR 07:00AM 02:30PM Seals,Jenna 01/29/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 10:30AM Seals,Jenna 03/10/25 03/10/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 114
24399 PNN228 NB 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN228 and PNN229. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
0 15 0 15 MT 09:00AM 12:00PM Seals,Jenna 01/13/25 03/04/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236 Tuition
MT 01:00PM 03:00PM Seals,Jenna 01/13/25 03/04/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
WR 03:00PM 10:30PM Seals,Jenna 01/29/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 10:30AM Seals,Jenna 03/10/25 03/10/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 114
24430 PNN228 A 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN228, PNN229 and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
1 15 0 15 WR 09:00AM 11:50AM Fonseca,Corinne 01/15/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213 Tuition
WR 12:30PM 02:20PM Fonseca,Corinne 01/15/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
MT 07:00AM 02:30PM Fonseca,Corinne 01/27/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 10:30AM Fonseca,Corinne 03/10/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
24431 PNN228 B 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN228, PNN229 and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
0 24 0 24 WR 12:30PM 02:20PM Fonseca,Corinne 01/15/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215 Tuition
WR 09:00AM 11:50AM Fonseca,Corinne 01/15/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
MT 07:00AM 02:30PM Fonseca,Corinne 01/27/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 10:30AM Fonseca,Corinne 03/10/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
24432 PNN228 C 6 Foundations of Nursing I
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes $825 fee for ATI. Students must register for the same-lettered section of PNN228, PNN229 and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 ,PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156
0 15 0 15 WR 09:00AM 11:50AM Fonseca,Corinne 01/15/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215 Tuition
WR 12:30PM 02:20PM Fonseca,Corinne 01/15/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
MT 03:00PM 10:30PM Fonseca,Corinne 01/27/25 03/04/25 Off Campus -
M 09:00AM 10:30AM Fonseca,Corinne 03/10/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214
24374 PNN229 BA 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
1 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 12:45PM Tinius,Erica 03/11/25 03/11/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158 Tuition
T 01:15PM 02:45PM Tinius,Erica 03/11/25 03/11/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
R 12:15PM 04:00PM Tinius,Erica 03/13/25 03/13/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
M 09:00AM 12:45PM Tinius,Erica 03/24/25 05/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160
T 09:00AM 01:45PM Tinius,Erica 03/25/25 04/29/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 158
R 07:00AM 02:30PM Tinius,Erica 03/27/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
24395 PNN229 CA 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
8 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 01:20PM Wernimont,Erin 03/11/25 04/29/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 143 Tuition
W 09:00AM 01:20PM Wernimont,Erin 03/12/25 04/30/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
W 09:00AM 01:20PM Wernimont,Erin 03/12/25 04/30/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121
M 07:00AM 02:30PM Wernimont,Erin 03/24/25 04/28/25 Off Campus -
24400 PNN229 NA 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228 and PNN229. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
5 15 0 15 TW 09:00AM 12:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/11/25 03/12/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236 Tuition
TW 01:00PM 04:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/11/25 03/12/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
T 09:00AM 01:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/25/25 04/29/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
W 09:00AM 01:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/26/25 04/30/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
R 07:00AM 02:30PM Hemann,Kari 03/27/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
T 09:00AM 10:30AM Hemann,Kari 05/06/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 114
24401 PNN229 NB 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228 and PNN229. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
0 15 0 15 TW 01:00PM 04:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/11/25 03/12/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236 Tuition
TW 09:00AM 12:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/11/25 03/12/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
T 09:00AM 01:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/25/25 04/29/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
W 09:00AM 01:00PM Hemann,Kari 03/26/25 04/30/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
R 03:00PM 10:30PM Hemann,Kari 03/27/25 05/01/25 Off Campus -
T 09:00AM 10:30AM Hemann,Kari 05/06/25 05/06/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
24433 PNN229 A 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228, PNN229, and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
1 15 0 15 WR 09:00AM 11:15AM Adams,Carolyn 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213 Tuition
WR 11:50AM 02:00PM Adams,Carolyn 03/12/25 05/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 213
T 07:00AM 02:30PM Adams,Carolyn 03/25/25 04/29/25 Off Campus -
24434 PNN229 B 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228, PNN229, and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
0 15 0 15 WR 09:00AM 11:15AM Adams,Carolyn 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215 Tuition
WR 11:50AM 02:00PM Adams,Carolyn 03/12/25 05/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
M 07:00AM 02:30PM Adams,Carolyn 03/24/25 04/28/25 Off Campus -
24435 PNN229 C 4 Foundations of Nursing II
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228, PNN229, and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 230
0 15 0 15 WR 11:50AM 02:00PM Adams,Carolyn 03/12/25 05/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215 Tuition
WR 09:00AM 11:15AM Adams,Carolyn 03/12/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 215
M 03:00PM 10:30PM Adams,Carolyn 03/24/25 04/28/25 Off Campus -
24378 PNN230 BA 2 NCLEX PN Review
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 229
1 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 01:15PM Namovicz,Katherine 03/12/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 160 Tuition
24397 PNN230 CA 2 NCLEX PN Review
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 229
8 15 0 15 R 09:00AM 01:20PM Mahrt,Amber 03/13/25 05/01/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121 Tuition
24402 PNN230 NA 2 NCLEX PN Review
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 229
5 15 0 15 R 09:00AM 01:30PM Adams,Ashley 03/13/25 03/13/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 118 Tuition
M 09:00AM 01:15PM Adams,Ashley 03/24/25 04/28/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 236
M 09:00AM 01:00PM Adams,Ashley 05/05/25 05/05/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 114
24436 PNN230 A 2 NCLEX PN Review
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228, PNN229, and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 229
1 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 01:20PM Klaver,Kali 03/11/25 03/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214 Tuition
M 09:00AM 01:20PM Klaver,Kali 03/24/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
24437 PNN230 B 2 NCLEX PN Review
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228, PNN229, and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 229
0 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 01:20PM Klaver,Kali 03/11/25 03/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214 Tuition
T 09:00AM 01:20PM Klaver,Kali 03/25/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216
24438 PNN230 C 2 NCLEX PN Review
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must register for the same lettered section of PNN228, PNN229, and PNN230. Students to attend additional learning opportunities; dates & times TBA (to be determined). Prerequisite: BIO 168 , BIO 173 , ENG 105 , PSY 121 , PNN 108 , PNN 151 , PNN 159 , MAT 156 Prerequisite or Corequisite: PNN 228 Corequisite: PNN 229
0 15 0 15 T 09:00AM 01:20PM Klaver,Kali 03/11/25 03/11/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 214 Tuition
T 09:00AM 01:20PM Klaver,Kali 03/25/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 216


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21560 PRL102 WV2 3 Intro to Paralegal Studies
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
5 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 09:00PM Anderson,Daryl 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21561 PRL103 WV2 3 Introduction to Law
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
5 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Anderson,Daryl 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21468 PRL104 WV1 3 Legal Tech and eDiscovery
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
5 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Wordehoff,Micki 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
22745 PRL105 WV1 1 Legal Ethics
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Corequisite: PRL 932
15 15 0 15 F 11:15AM 12:20PM Anderson,Daryl 01/17/25 05/02/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20178 PRL112 WV1 3 Legal Research & Writing I
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a C or better
3 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 09:00PM Vaitheswaran,Anu 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20179 PRL113 WV1 3 Legal Research & Writing II
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
4 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 09:00PM McCune,Lindsey 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21469 PRL135 WV1 3 Civil Litigation and Pro
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
0 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Becker,Michelle 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21471 PRL143 WV1 3 Business Organization Law
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
8 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Becker,Tom 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23064 PRL167 WV1 3 Probate Procedure
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
14 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 09:00PM Block,Craig 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21472 PRL184 WV1 3 Alternative Dispute Res
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
9 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 09:00PM Anderson,Daryl 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
22744 PRL932 UAM 3 Internship
Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 104, PRL 112, PRL 113, PRL 135, and a minimum grade of "C" in all PRL courses and completed a minimum of seven PRL courses. Corequisite: PRL 105
14 15 0 15 Anderson,Daryl 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Paramedic Specialist

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22459 EMS402 1 3 EMS LAB II
Prerequisite: EMS 401
2 0 0 0 M 09:00AM 12:00PM VanZee,Dottie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115 Tuition
M 01:05PM 04:00PM VanZee,Dottie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113
M 01:05PM 04:00PM VanZee,Dottie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115
M 09:00AM 12:00PM VanZee,Dottie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113
23238 EMS402 2 3 EMS LAB II
Prerequisite: EMS 401
1 0 0 0 W 09:00AM 12:00PM VanZee,Dottie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115 Tuition
W 01:00PM 03:30PM VanZee,Dottie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113
W 01:00PM 03:30PM VanZee,Dottie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115
W 09:00AM 12:00PM VanZee,Dottie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113
22458 EMS474 1 3 Patient Assessment
Prerequisite: EMS 466
2 0 0 0 T R 09:00AM 10:25AM Pontier,Nicole 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
22464 EMS477 1 5 Medical Emergencies
Includes $25.00 fee for PALS card. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: EMS 474
2 15 0 15 T 10:45AM 03:45PM Pontier,Nicole 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113 Tuition
T 10:45AM 03:45PM Pontier,Nicole 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115
22461 EMS479 1 5 Trauma
Includes $25.00 fee for PHTLS card. Prerequisite or Corequisite: EMS 477
2 15 0 15 R 10:45AM 03:45PM Pontier,Nicole 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113 Tuition
R 10:45AM 03:45PM Pontier,Nicole 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115
R 10:45AM 03:45PM Pontier,Nicole 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 302
22463 EMS501 1 2 EMS Clinical I
Includes $100.00 fee for NRP course. Prerequisite: EMS 401 Prerequisite or Corequisite: EMS 402
2 15 0 15 Glaza,Jason 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21152 PHR185 WW1 4 Pharmacology
3 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20154 PHI101 BA 3 Introduction to Philosophy
15 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Foltz,Tammie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 171 Tuition
20208 PHI101 UBM 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Dolinsek,Cody 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition
20409 PHI101 WB1 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
17 15 0 15 M 03:00PM 04:55PM Williams,Jeff 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 227 Tuition
Williams,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20463 PHI101 WW4 3 Introduction to Philosophy
5 15 0 15 Williams,Jeff 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20527 PHI101 WW2 3 Introduction to Philosophy
6 15 0 15 Hogan,Jacob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20541 PHI101 WB 3 Introduction to Philosophy
7 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Beacom,Nathan 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 116E Tuition
21565 PHI101 WW6 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week class; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 McIntyre,Robert 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23720 PHI101 UAA 3 Introduction to Philosophy
15 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Dolinsek,Cody 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 106 Tuition
23926 PHI101 WB3 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
11 15 0 15 Foltz,Tammie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 08:00AM 09:25AM Foltz,Tammie 01/16/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 200
23936 PHI101 WW1 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Hogan,Jacob 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24177 PHI101 WW3 3 Introduction to Philosophy
4 15 0 15 Hogan,Jacob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26637 PHI101 WW5 3 Introduction to Philosophy
1 15 0 15 Hogan,Jacob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27119 PHI101 WW7 3 Introduction to Philosophy
7 15 0 15 Dolinsek,Cody 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27287 PHI101 WW8 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Rozario Steinhagen,Skye 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20070 PHI105 A 3 Introduction to Ethics
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM McIntyre,Robert 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 19 Tuition
20071 PHI105 B 3 Introduction to Ethics
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM McIntyre,Robert 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
20155 PHI105 BA 3 Introduction to Ethics
0 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Foltz,Tammie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128 Tuition
20462 PHI105 WB3 3 Introduction to Ethics
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
2 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Foltz,Tammie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
Foltz,Tammie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20501 PHI105 WW1 3 Introduction to Ethics
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Preston,John 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20568 PHI105 WW2 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Foltz,Tammie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20752 PHI105 WW4 3 Introduction to Ethics
2 15 0 15 Hill,Clifford 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20830 PHI105 WW5 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Whitson,Ryan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21447 PHI105 UBM 3 Introduction to Ethics
11 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Dolinsek,Cody 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 121 Tuition
22441 PHI105 WW8 3 Introduction to Ethics
6 15 0 15 Hill,Clifford 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22556 PHI105 WW9 3 Introduction to Ethics
1 15 0 15 McIntyre,Robert 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23750 PHI105 WB1 3 Introduction to Ethics
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
3 15 0 15 Peters,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M R 01:25PM 02:15PM Peters,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 146
24178 PHI105 WW3 3 Introduction to Ethics
1 15 0 15 Hogan,Jacob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26634 PHI105 WW6 3 Introduction to Ethics
4 15 0 15 Peters,Sam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26635 PHI105 WW7 3 Introduction to Ethics
11 15 0 15 Dolinsek,Cody 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26777 PHI105 C 3 Introduction to Ethics
9 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM McIntyre,Robert 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
27156 PHI105 WWA 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Sweeney,Bethany 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27288 PHI105 WWB 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Hogan,Jacob 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23005 PHI111 WW1 3 Basic Reasoning
7 15 0 15 Roos,Adam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23006 PHI111 WW2 3 Basic Reasoning
3 15 0 15 Roos,Adam 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23106 PHI111 A 3 Basic Reasoning
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM McIntyre,Robert 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
23675 PHI111 B 3 Basic Reasoning
6 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM McIntyre,Robert 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
27157 PHI111 WW3 3 Basic Reasoning
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Rozario Steinhagen,Skye 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20488 ART186 A 3 Principles Digital Photography
Digital DSLR camera required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Frueh,Olivia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
21314 ART186 B 3 Principles Digital Photography
Digital DSLR camera required.
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Frueh,Olivia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
21096 ART190 WW1 3 History of Photography
7 15 0 15 Langager,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20975 ART194 A 3 Portfolio Photography 1
This course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ART 186, ART 225 Prerequisite or Corequisite: ART 292
1 15 0 15 T R 03:10PM 05:00PM Purdy,David 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
26149 ART194 B 3 Portfolio Photography 1
Prerequisite: ART 186, ART 225 Prerequisite or Corequisite: ART 292
1 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:55AM Purdy,David 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
26174 ART197 B 3 Photography Assistant Basics
Prerequisite: ART 186 , ART 225 ,
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 25
M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 55
M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 10
27249 ART222 WV1 3 Art Direction
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
12 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 10:00PM Hunter,Adam 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23664 ART225 B 3 Photoshop for Photography
6 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:00PM Braun,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
21347 ART227 A 3 Advanced Image Processing
Prerequisite: ART 186, ART 225
8 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Braun,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
23663 ART229 A 3 Photography for Social Media
Prerequisite: ART 186 , ART 225
0 15 0 15 T R 03:05PM 05:00PM Schuring,Alivia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
21036 ART283 A 3 Commercial Photography II
Digital DSLR camera required. This course has prerequisites. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Purdy,David 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
T R 10:10AM 12:00PM Purdy,David 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 10
21037 ART287 A 3 Portrait Photography II
This course has prerequisites. Digital DSLR camera required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ART 186, ART 225, ART 192, ART 292.
0 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Schuring,Alivia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 25 Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Schuring,Alivia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 55
T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Schuring,Alivia 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01
20710 ART292 A 3 Studio Photography
Course has a prerequisite. Digital DSLR camera required. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequsite: ART 186
0 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 10
M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 25
M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Purdy,David 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 55
26150 ART292 B 3 Studio Photography
Prerequsite: ART 186
8 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 10:00PM Hayworth,Justin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
W 06:00PM 10:00PM Hayworth,Justin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 55
W 06:00PM 10:00PM Hayworth,Justin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 25
W 06:00PM 10:00PM Hayworth,Justin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 10
26151 ART296 B 3 Commercial Video Basics
Prerequisite: ART 186
11 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 10:00PM McNab,James 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition

Physical Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20708 PHS152 WW1 4 Astronomy
4 15 0 15 Menges,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20772 PHS152 WW2 4 Astronomy
1 15 0 15 Yeager,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21243 PHS152 WW3 4 Astronomy
3 15 0 15 Vanden Heuvel,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21305 PHS152 WW4 4 Astronomy
6 15 0 15 Vanden Heuvel,Andrew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21315 PHS152 WW5 4 Astronomy
6 15 0 15 Yeager,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21420 PHS152 WW6 4 Astronomy
2 15 0 15 Yeager,Travis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21430 PHS152 WW7 4 Astronomy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Ostrem,Cory 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21512 PHS152 WW8 4 Astronomy
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Ostrem,Cory 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21452 PHS166 WB1 4 Meteorology, Weather & Climate
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 Loyd,Seth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 06:30PM 09:00PM Loyd,Seth 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01E


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21197 PHY106 WB4 4 Survey of Physics
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Stoianov,Stefan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Stoianov,Stefan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01
21516 PHY106 WW1 4 Survey of Physics
5 15 0 15 Jessen,Nadine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22446 PHY106 WW3 4 Survey of Physics
4 15 0 15 Boudjarane,Khaled 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26270 PHY106 WW2 4 Survey of Physics
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session.
4 15 0 15 Jessen,Nadine 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21189 PHY160 WB1 5 General Physics I
Webcam required for online exams. Meets at Urban campus for scheduled portion. Prerequisite: MAT 130 or H.S. equivalent
6 15 0 15 Boudjarane,Khaled 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 03:00PM 07:00PM Boudjarane,Khaled 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 312
26774 PHY160 WB2 5 General Physics I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: MAT 130 or H.S. equivalent
1 15 0 15 Jessen,Nadine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTW F 11:30AM 12:20PM Jessen,Nadine 01/13/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 148
R 11:30AM 12:20PM Jessen,Nadine 01/16/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 129
23739 PHY161 1 5 General Physics II
Prerequisite: PHY 160 or instructor's permission
21 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 10:55AM Marasinghe,Kevin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03 Tuition
T 09:05AM 10:55AM Marasinghe,Kevin 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03
R 09:40AM 10:55AM Marasinghe,Kevin 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A
20356 PHY213 AM 6 Classical Physics I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Corequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
12 15 0 15 M W 08:30AM 09:55AM Banjara,Shree 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 202 Tuition
T R 09:05AM 11:05AM Banjara,Shree 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 202
20875 PHY213 A 6 Classical Physics I
Corequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
10 15 0 15 MT R 12:50PM 02:30PM Marasinghe,Kevin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03 Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:50PM Marasinghe,Kevin 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03
21409 PHY213 B 6 Classical Physics I
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Corequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
1 15 0 15 M F 09:05AM 11:35AM Stoianov,Stefan 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01 Tuition
W 09:05AM 11:05AM Stoianov,Stefan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01
23077 PHY213 WB2 6 Classical Physics I
Webcam required for online exams. Meets at Urban Campus for scheduled portion. Corequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
10 15 0 15 Boudjarane,Khaled 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 08:00AM 12:00PM Boudjarane,Khaled 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 312
20812 PHY223 A 6 Classical Physics II
Prerequisite: PHY 213 or equivalent. Corequisite: MAT 217 must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
11 15 0 15 MT R 12:50PM 02:20PM Stoianov,Stefan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01 Tuition
W 12:50PM 02:50PM Stoianov,Stefan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01
22899 PHY223 BA 6 Classical Physics II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: PHY 213 or equivalent. Corequisite: MAT 217 must be taken concurrently or prior to this course
7 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 11:05AM Woods,Nancy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 223 Tuition
T R 09:05AM 10:35AM Woods,Nancy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 223
22794 PHY710 3 3 Technical Physics
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This section reserved for ASEP students until 12/1/2023. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772 or MAT 129 or MAT 130
7 15 0 15 MTWR 03:00PM 04:50PM Xiao,Teng 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03 Tuition

Political Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20073 POL111 D 3 American National Government
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Byrd,Paul 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
20156 POL111 WB2 3 American National Government
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
15 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156
20395 POL111 C 3 American National Government
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
10 15 0 15 M W F 09:05AM 10:00AM Byrd,Paul 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
20529 POL111 WW1 3 American National Government
3 15 0 15 Jones,Mady 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20530 POL111 WW2 3 American National Government
2 15 0 15 Shaw,Dennis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20648 POL111 WW3 3 American National Government
8-week course, 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20765 POL111 WW5 3 American National Government
2 15 0 15 Jones,Mady 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20987 POL111 UAM 3 American National Government
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
15 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Weiss,Jeffrey 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 106 Tuition
22558 POL111 WW4 3 American National Government
Late start class; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23635 POL111 WA 3 American National Government
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
14 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Manukyan,Alla 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 118E Tuition
26632 POL111 WW6 3 American National Government
1 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20605 POL112 WW1 3 Amer State & Local Government
6 15 0 15 Rial,Thomas 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21411 POL112 WW4 3 Amer State & Local Government
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20389 POL121 A 3 International Relations
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
4 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Byrd,Paul 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06 Tuition
20531 POL121 WW1 3 International Relations
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20867 POL121 WW2 3 International Relations
0 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26182 POL121 WB2 3 International Relations
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
18 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 12:50PM 03:00PM Schroeder,Jeffrey 02/10/25 05/05/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 222
26633 POL121 WW3 3 International Relations
6 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20074 POL125 A 3 Comparative Gov't & Politics
14 15 0 15 M W F 12:50PM 01:45PM Weiss,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02 Tuition
20532 POL129 WW1 3 Politics of Terrorism
7 15 0 15 Shaw,Dennis 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20591 POL171 WW1 3 Intro to Public Administration
8 15 0 15 Dennis,Pat 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Power Equipment Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22856 DSL145 BA 5 Basic Electricity
Reserved for Van Wall students ONLY. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
1 0 0 0 MT 01:30PM 04:15PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
MT 10:20AM 01:00PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus -
WR 01:30PM 04:20PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/15/25 03/06/25 Off Campus -
23237 DSL733 BA 3 Air Conditioning
This section is reserved for Van Wall Students. Class meets at Van Wall Cite Center in Boone. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
7 0 0 0 M W 07:55AM 10:15AM Kokemuller,Roy 03/12/25 05/07/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23768 DSL912 BA 2 Fuel Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
6 0 0 0 MT 07:30AM 10:15AM Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23236 DSL913 BA 3 Small Engines
This section is reserved for Van Wall Students. Class meets at Van Wall Cite Center in Boone. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
6 0 0 0 WR 08:00AM 12:50PM Kokemuller,Roy 01/15/25 03/06/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23235 IND901 BA 5 Technical Internship I
This section is reserved for Van Wall Students. Class meets at Van Wall Cite Center in Boone. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
6 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Roy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23234 IND904 BA 5 Technical Internship IV
This section is reserved for Van Wall Students. Class meets at Van Wall Cite Center in Boone 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
7 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Roy 01/13/25 03/10/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20592 PSY102 WW1 3 Human and Work Relations
1 15 0 15 Halverson,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23524 PSY102 WB1 3 Human and Work Relations
This section is reserved for students admitted to the Baking Program at Newton Campus. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:05AM 10:00AM Thomas,Tiffany 01/14/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 117
26178 PSY102 WW2 3 Human and Work Relations
5 15 0 15 Vaccaro,Michelle 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20075 PSY111 A 3 Introduction to Psychology
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Friederich,Shannon 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20076 PSY111 B 3 Introduction to Psychology
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Kotz,Victoria 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20077 PSY111 E 3 Introduction to Psychology
2 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Kotz,Victoria 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 20 Tuition
20078 PSY111 T 3 Introduction to Psychology
4 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Friederich,Shannon 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20079 PSY111 D 3 Introduction to Psychology
6 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Friederich,Shannon 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20159 PSY111 WB1 3 Introduction to Psychology
Meets on Boone campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
12 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Taylor,Sean 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 215 Tuition
Taylor,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20160 PSY111 WB2 3 Introduction to Psychology
Meets on Boone campus for scheduled portion. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Craft,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128
20210 PSY111 UAA 3 Introduction to Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Stevens,Anthony 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 121 Tuition
20211 PSY111 UBA 3 Introduction to Psychology
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Stevens,Anthony 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 121 Tuition
20274 PSY111 WH2 3 Introduction to Psychology
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
2 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 07:30PM Cheevers,Rebekah 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Cheevers,Rebekah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20332 PSY111 UAE 3 Introduction to Psychology
18 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 09:00PM Gogonas,Shelby 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 127 Tuition
20407 PSY111 WW1 3 Introduction to Psychology
1 15 0 15 Setvin,Trevor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20417 PSY111 E5 3 Introduction to Psychology
5 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 08:45PM Cheevers,Rebekah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20425 PSY111 WA 3 Introduction to Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Jerome,Marilyn 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20461 PSY111 WW2 3 Introduction to Psychology
3 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20474 PSY111 I 3 Introduction to Psychology
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Gibbons,Sean 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
20550 PSY111 WW3 3 Introduction to Psychology
7 15 0 15 Kuttler,Lori 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20551 PSY111 WW4 3 Introduction to Psychology
4 15 0 15 Jambor,Maggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20552 PSY111 WW5 3 Introduction to Psychology
3 15 0 15 Hall,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20553 PSY111 WW6 3 Introduction to Psychology
5 15 0 15 Cribari,Melissa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20603 PSY111 WW7 3 Introduction to Psychology
2 15 0 15 Hall,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20661 PSY111 WW9 3 Introduction to Psychology
4 15 0 15 Cribari,Melissa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20662 PSY111 WW8 3 Introduction to Psychology
7 15 0 15 Cribari,Melissa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20663 PSY111 WWA 3 Introduction to Psychology
8-week course, 1st 8-week session
6 15 0 15 Bakari,Rosenna 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20677 PSY111 R 3 Introduction to Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Friederich,Shannon 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20704 PSY111 WWB 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Bakari,Rosenna 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20857 PSY111 WWC 3 Introduction to Psychology
1 15 0 15 Hall,Katherine 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21321 PSY111 WWD 3 Introduction to Psychology
1 15 0 15 Harding,Natalie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21361 PSY111 C 3 Introduction to Psychology
5 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Kotz,Victoria 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
22528 PSY111 WWE 3 Introduction to Psychology
3 15 0 15 Larson,Justin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22634 PSY111 WWF 3 Introduction to Psychology
1 15 0 15 Lust,Kerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23002 PSY111 WWG 3 Introduction to Psychology
6 15 0 15 Setvin,Trevor 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23065 PSY111 UCA 3 Introduction to Psychology
6 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Snyders,Natalie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 110 Tuition
23335 PSY111 WWH 3 Introduction to Psychology
4 15 0 15 Ehrhardt,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23503 PSY111 WWJ 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Julich,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24300 PSY111 WWI 3 Introduction to Psychology
1 15 0 15 Lust,Kerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24304 PSY111 WWK 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
2 15 0 15 Julich,Jennifer 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27302 PSY111 WWL 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Lust,Kerry 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20080 PSY121 A 3 Developmental Psychology
5 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Gibbons,Sean 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
20081 PSY121 B 3 Developmental Psychology
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Taylor,Shannon 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
20082 PSY121 C 3 Developmental Psychology
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Halverson,Kate 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
20083 PSY121 D 3 Developmental Psychology
2 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Taylor,Shannon 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 20 Tuition
20084 PSY121 E1 3 Developmental Psychology
5 15 0 15 R 06:00PM 09:00PM Gurda,Merzudin 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20085 PSY121 F 3 Developmental Psychology
0 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Gibbons,Sean 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
20161 PSY121 BA 3 Developmental Psychology
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Craft,Michael 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 200 Tuition
20289 PSY121 UBA 3 Developmental Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Stevens,Anthony 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 121 Tuition
20304 PSY121 WB2 3 Developmental Psychology
Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
16 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 117
20480 PSY121 WW3 3 Developmental Psychology
3 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20508 PSY121 WW4 3 Developmental Psychology
3 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20540 PSY121 WA 3 Developmental Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Jerome,Marilyn 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20554 PSY121 WW5 3 Developmental Psychology
2 15 0 15 Dowell,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20570 PSY121 WW6 3 Developmental Psychology
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
4 15 0 15 Burrell Rice,Kate 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20593 PSY121 WW7 3 Developmental Psychology
8-week course, 2nd 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Burrell Rice,Kate 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20594 PSY121 WW8 3 Developmental Psychology
2 15 0 15 Dowell,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20643 PSY121 WW1 3 Developmental Psychology
4 15 0 15 Muleya,Kristen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20644 PSY121 WW2 3 Developmental Psychology
5 15 0 15 Muleya,Kristen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20692 PSY121 WWA 3 Developmental Psychology
2 15 0 15 Hensley,Bob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20701 PSY121 WWB 3 Developmental Psychology
5 15 0 15 Hensley,Bob 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20780 PSY121 WB3 3 Developmental Psychology
Meets on Boone campus for scheduled portion. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
7 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Craft,Michael 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 200
21183 PSY121 WB4 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 12-week course. Meets at Ames Hunziker Center for scheduled portion.
7 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 01:45PM Craft,Michael 02/04/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 221
21360 PSY121 E 3 Developmental Psychology
1 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Gibbons,Sean 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
21370 PSY121 WB5 3 Developmental Psychology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
10 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 07:30PM Jambor,Maggie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 145 Tuition
Jambor,Maggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23478 PSY121 WW9 3 Developmental Psychology
2 15 0 15 Bucklin,Gunnar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23845 PSY121 UAA 3 Developmental Psychology
4 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Stevens,Anthony 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 121 Tuition
24305 PSY121 WWC 3 Developmental Psychology
3 15 0 15 Bucklin,Gunnar 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
25870 PSY121 G 3 Developmental Psychology
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Jensen,Andrea 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
25871 PSY121 H 3 Developmental Psychology
4 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Jerome,Marilyn 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
26234 PSY121 WB6 3 Developmental Psychology
Meets face to face for schedule portion with additional online requirements.
12 15 0 15 Jambor,Maggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:30PM Jambor,Maggie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 206
26805 PSY121 WWD 3 Developmental Psychology
4 15 0 15 Owens,Kris 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27116 PSY121 WWE 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course, 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27195 PSY121 WWF 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
4 15 0 15 Way,Kendall 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27266 PSY121 WWG 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Johnston,Courtney 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27303 PSY121 WWH 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Johnston,Courtney 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27416 PSY121 WWI 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Hall,Katherine 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20595 PSY172 WW1 3 Stress & Stress Management
1 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23263 PSY172 WW2 3 Stress & Stress Management
6 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20086 PSY241 B 3 Abnormal Psychology
Recommend: PSY 111. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Kotz,Victoria 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
20087 PSY241 C 3 Abnormal Psychology
Recommend: PSY 111. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Jerome,Marilyn 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20343 PSY241 UAM 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Stevens,Anthony 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition
20479 PSY241 WW1 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Gibbons,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20706 PSY241 WW2 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Hill,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20707 PSY241 WW3 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Hill,Erin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20711 PSY241 WW4 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Gibbons,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20858 PSY241 WW5 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Graves,Laura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21567 PSY241 WW6 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Graves,Laura 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22870 PSY241 WW7 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Kotz,Victoria 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23336 PSY241 WW8 3 Abnormal Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Kotz,Victoria 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26179 PSY241 WA 3 Abnormal Psychology
Recommend: PSY 111. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
14 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Jerome,Marilyn 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20088 PSY251 A 3 Social Psychology
10 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Jensen,Andrea 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
20284 PSY251 WB2 3 Social Psychology
Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
20 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Thomas,Tiffany 01/13/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 117
20446 PSY251 B 3 Social Psychology
Recommend: PSY 111.
6 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Halverson,Kate 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20555 PSY251 WW1 3 Social Psychology
3 15 0 15 Lewey,Nathan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20702 PSY251 WW2 3 Social Psychology
2 15 0 15 Lewey,Nathan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21237 PSY251 BA 3 Social Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
11 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Taylor,Sean 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
22633 PSY251 WW3 3 Social Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Terzino,Kari 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22937 PSY251 WW4 3 Social Psychology
3 15 0 15 Terzino,Kari 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23327 PSY251 WW5 3 Social Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 Lewey,Nathan 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26180 PSY251 UAM 3 Social Psychology
15 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Stevens,Anthony 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 106 Tuition
27117 PSY251 WW6 3 Social Psychology
Late start. 8-week course, 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20089 PSY261 B 3 Human Sexuality
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
8 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Halverson,Kate 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13A Tuition
20596 PSY261 WW3 3 Human Sexuality
6 15 0 15 Behrens,Courtney 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20641 PSY261 WW1 3 Human Sexuality
0 15 0 15 Halverson,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20642 PSY261 WW2 3 Human Sexuality
12 15 0 15 Behrens,Courtney 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20478 PSY281 WW1 3 Educational Psychology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20703 PSY281 WW3 3 Educational Psychology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Rice,Berrett 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21574 PSY281 WW4 3 Educational Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Rice,Berrett 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24260 PSY281 WB3 3 Educational Psychology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Taylor,Sean 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 215

Real Time Reporting

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20990 CRC130 WH1 6 Machine Shorthand Theory II
This class reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Costs include $100 laptop fee. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at a specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. A Face-to-Face component is also expected, it is listed on the course with the anticipated meeting dates and location. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRC 100. Corequisite: CRC 132, CRC 165, CRC 195
2 15 0 15 MT R 09:00AM 10:50AM DuBuc,Deborah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
DuBuc,Deborah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
23207 CRC130 WH2 6 Machine Shorthand Theory II
This class reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Costs include $100 laptop fee. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at a specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. A Face-to-Face component is also expected, it is listed on the course with the anticipated meeting dates and location. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRC 100. Corequisite: CRC 132, CRC 165, CRC 195
3 15 0 15 DuBuc,Deborah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MT R 11:00AM 12:50PM DuBuc,Deborah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20989 CRC132 WH1 2 Machine Shrthnd Skill/Tech II
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. This class meets via virtual classroom at the specified day/time, with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 102. Corequisites: CRC 130, CRC 165, and CRC 195.
2 15 0 15 DuBuc,Deborah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:00AM 10:50AM DuBuc,Deborah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23174 CRC132 WH2 2 Machine Shrthnd Skill/Tech II
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. This class meets via virtual classroom at the specified day/time, with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 102. Corequisites: CRC 130, CRC 165, and CRC 195.
3 15 0 15 DuBuc,Deborah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 11:00AM 12:50PM DuBuc,Deborah 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20991 CRC165 WW1 3 Realtime Punct and Proof
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Corequisite: CRC 195
2 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21333 CRC180 WH1 3 Single-voice Speed Dev I
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Court Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 160. Corequisites: CRC 175, CRC 183 and CRC 190.
7 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
WR 09:00AM 10:00AM Sankey,Megan 01/15/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21387 CRC183 WH1 4 Multi-voice Speed Dev I
This class reserved for students admitted into the Real Time Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 160. Corequisites: CRC 180 and CRC 190.
5 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:00AM 10:15AM Sankey,Megan 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21190 CRC195 WW1 3 Realtime Medical Terminology
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Court Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register.
3 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21389 CRC220 WH1 3 Single-voice Speed Dev II
Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRC 180. Corequisites: CRC 222, 230.
5 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
WR 10:15AM 11:15AM Meyer,Brittani 01/15/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21388 CRC223 WH1 4 Multi-voice Speed Dev II
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Real Time Court Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. CRC223 and CRC253 sit in each other's classes for extra practice. Hope to improve student progression by having sit-in time on a different day than class practice. Prerequisite: CRC 183. Corequisites: CRC 220 and CRC 230
3 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 10:15AM Meyer,Brittani 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Meyer,Brittani 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21120 CRC230 WH1 4 Realtime Court Reprtg Proc II
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Realtime Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRC 190. Corequisites: CRC 220 and CRC 223.
0 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 08:50AM Sankey,Megan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21334 CRC250 WH1 3 Single-voice Speed Dev III
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This class is restricted to students enrolled in the realtime court reporting program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRC 220.
6 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
WR 09:00AM 10:00AM Meyer,Brittani 01/15/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21386 CRC253 WH1 4 Multi-voice Speed Development
This class is reserved for students admitted into the Real Time Court Reporting Program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: CRC 223. Corequisites: CRC 250 and CRC 275.
6 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 09:00AM 10:15AM Meyer,Brittani 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21276 CRC275 WW1 3 Internship
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the realtime court reporting program. Contact Deb DuBuc at to register. Prerequisites: CRC 220, CRC 223 and CRC 230. Prerequisite OR Corequisites: CRC 250 and CRC 253. Corequisites: CRC 250 and CRC 253.
19 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
Sankey,Megan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20072 REL101 A 3 Survey of World Religions
12 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 11:05AM Rendon,Julia 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
20528 REL101 WW1 3 Survey of World Religions
3 15 0 15 McCabe,Daishin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20639 REL101 UAM 3 Survey of World Religions
14 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Davidson,Chad 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 127 Tuition
20640 REL101 WW2 3 Survey of World Religions
4 15 0 15 Lawson,Jeffrey 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20651 REL101 B 3 Survey of World Religions
7 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM McCabe,Daishin 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 21 Tuition
20747 REL101 WW3 3 Survey of World Religions
1 15 0 15 Davidson,Chad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20864 REL101 G 3 Survey of World Religions
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Davidson,Chad 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 21 Tuition
22557 REL101 WW5 3 Survey of World Religions
3 15 0 15 Davidson,Chad 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22846 REL101 WW6 3 Survey of World Religions
Late start 12-week section.
4 15 0 15 Choi,Anna 02/04/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27158 REL101 WW4 3 Survey of World Religions
5 15 0 15 Bunton,Jim 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Renewable Energy

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20303 ELT387 1 3 Electric Circuit Analysis II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: ELT 383, 384. Corequisite: ELT 388
14 15 0 15 M W 02:00PM 03:30PM Gordon,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 30 Tuition
21113 ELT642 1 4 Pro. Control & Instrumentation
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ELT 303, ELT 324, and ELT 325 or ELT383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 644
13 15 0 15 T R 08:30AM 10:20AM Helleso,Ryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 43 Tuition
20114 ELT644 1 2 Process Control Instr Lab
Prerequisite: ELT 303, ELT 324 and ELT 325 or ELT 383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 642
10 15 0 15 T R 10:30AM 12:20PM Helleso,Ryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 101 Tuition
23905 ELT951 ADS 4 Applied Photovoltaic Systems
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Requires directed study contract to register. Contact Erin Gauer, 515-964-6867 to enroll in this course.
3 15 0 15 Hull,Andy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Hull,Andy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 39
23638 WTT247 EC1 4 Controls & Troubleshooting
Open lab times Mon-Thurs 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Fri 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM3 AN03W20. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. Contact Erin Gauer, 515-964-6867 to enroll in this course. Corequisite: WTT 245
5 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20

Respiratory Therapy

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20252 RCP360 1 5 Cardio/Pulmonary Renal Pathoph
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: RCP 250 and either BIO 173 or BIO 164
2 0 0 0 M W 10:10AM 12:35PM Boeckmann,Amy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
22686 RCP401 1 2 Airway Pharmacology
Prerequisite or Corequisite: RCP 250
2 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Reiland,Colleen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
22687 RCP701 1 3 Respiratory Care Clinic I
Costs include a $188 fee for trajecsys and scrubs. Prerequisite: RCP 110, RCP 250 Corequisite: RCP 360, RCP 401
0 0 0 0 T 06:30AM 03:00PM Reiland,Colleen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Off Campus - Tuition
W 01:00PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106
22688 RCP701 2 3 Respiratory Care Clinic I
Costs include a $188 fee for trajecsys and scrubs. Prerequisite: RCP 110, RCP 250 Corequisite: RCP 360, RCP 401
0 0 0 0 T 06:30AM 03:00PM Reiland,Colleen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Off Campus - Tuition
W 01:00PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106
22689 RCP701 3 3 Respiratory Care Clinic I
Costs include a $188 fee for trajecsys and scrubs. Prerequisite: RCP 110, RCP 250 Corequisite: RCP 360, RCP 401
0 0 0 0 T 06:30AM 03:00PM Reiland,Colleen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Off Campus - Tuition
W 01:00PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106
26129 RCP701 4 3 Respiratory Care Clinic I
Costs include a $188 fee for trajecsys and scrubs. Prerequisite: RCP 110, RCP 250 Corequisite: RCP 360, RCP 401
2 0 0 0 T 06:30AM 03:00PM Reiland,Colleen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Off Campus - Tuition
W 01:00PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106
23164 RCP704 1 8 Respiratory Care Clinic IV
Prerequisite: RCP 605 and RCP 703
0 15 0 15 M WR 06:30AM 03:00PM Boeckmann,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
F 09:05AM 10:00AM Boeckmann,Amy 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 105
23165 RCP704 2 8 Respiratory Care Clinic IV
Prerequisite: RCP 605 and RCP 703
2 15 0 15 M WR 06:30AM 03:00PM Boeckmann,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
F 09:05AM 10:00AM Boeckmann,Amy 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 105
23166 RCP805 1 2 Comprehensive Resp Care
Includes $840 fee for SAE TMC, SAE CSE, credentialing exams voucher, and credentialing review seminar.
16 15 0 15 F 10:10AM 12:10PM Reiland,Colleen 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition

Robotics & Control Sys Eng Tec

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
26469 ELT123 1 3 Programmable Controllers
8 15 0 15 M W 08:30AM 10:20AM Sheaff,Elliot 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 101 Tuition
21251 ELT125 1 3 Advanced PLC
Prerequisite: ELT 123
10 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:00PM Sheaff,Elliot 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 101 Tuition
20833 ELT131 WB1 3 Motor Controls
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
8 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 08:55AM 10:55AM Ehler,Dan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 143
W 08:55AM 10:55AM Ehler,Dan 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
20303 ELT387 1 3 Electric Circuit Analysis II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: ELT 383, 384. Corequisite: ELT 388
14 15 0 15 M W 02:00PM 03:30PM Gordon,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 30 Tuition
21134 ELT388 1 2 Elec Circuit Analysis II Lab
Prerequisite: ELT 383, 384. Corequisite ELT 387
4 15 0 15 M W 11:05AM 01:00PM Gordon,William 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 40 Tuition
21250 ELT393 1 4 Fabrication Techniques
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ELT 383 or Prerequisite: ELT 325.
2 15 0 15 T R 09:05AM 11:55AM Sheaff,Elliot 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 41 Tuition
21113 ELT642 1 4 Pro. Control & Instrumentation
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ELT 303, ELT 324, and ELT 325 or ELT383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 644
13 15 0 15 T R 08:30AM 10:20AM Helleso,Ryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 43 Tuition
20114 ELT644 1 2 Process Control Instr Lab
Prerequisite: ELT 303, ELT 324 and ELT 325 or ELT 383 and ELT 384 Corequisite: ELT 642
10 15 0 15 T R 10:30AM 12:20PM Helleso,Ryan 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 101 Tuition
21392 ELT722 1 4 Advanced Robotics
Prerequisite: ELT 721 with a C or better or Instructor Approval; ELT 123 with a C or better or Instructor Approval Corequisite: ELT 125 or Instructor Approval.
10 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:55AM Helleso,Ryan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 06 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
26496 SCI255 WH1 4 Intro. to Scientific Computing
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: MAT 156 , any one science course (e.g. , BIO 112 , CHM 165 , PHY 160)
13 15 0 15 Guinness,Drew 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
F 10:10AM 12:05PM Guinness,Drew 01/17/25 05/02/25 Online Virtual Classroom -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20090 SOC110 B 3 Introduction to Sociology
3 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Hartsfield,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12B Tuition
20091 SOC110 D 3 Introduction to Sociology
4 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Titchener,Gary 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20095 SOC110 F 3 Introduction to Sociology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
2 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Titchener,Gary 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20096 SOC110 H 3 Introduction to Sociology
5 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Linhart,Laurie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12B Tuition
20097 SOC110 L 3 Introduction to Sociology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Titchener,Gary 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20098 SOC110 J 3 Introduction to Sociology
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Linhart,Laurie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20163 SOC110 BA 3 Introduction to Sociology
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
12 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Taylor,Sean 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 173 Tuition
20164 SOC110 WB1 3 Introduction to Sociology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
15 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 01:45PM Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128 Tuition
Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20166 SOC110 WB8 3 Introduction to Sociology
Honors Credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets on Boone campus for scheduled portion.
3 15 0 15 Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128
20214 SOC110 UAE 3 Introduction to Sociology
15 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 09:00PM Mikel,Douglas 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 104 Tuition
20215 SOC110 UBM 3 Introduction to Sociology
1 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Mitchell,Katie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
20275 SOC110 WV1 3 Introduction to Sociology
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
8 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Niman,Kate 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20331 SOC110 WW1 3 Introduction to Sociology
0 15 0 15 McGough,Constance 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20440 SOC110 WW2 3 Introduction to Sociology
1 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20455 SOC110 WW3 3 Introduction to Sociology
8-week course, 1st 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 Linhart,Laurie 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20458 SOC110 WW4 3 Introduction to Sociology
8-week course, 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Surratt,Jason 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20492 SOC110 WA 3 Introduction to Sociology
3 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Hartsfield,Stacy 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 210E Tuition
20597 SOC110 WW6 3 Introduction to Sociology
1 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21204 SOC110 WW9 3 Introduction to Sociology
0 15 0 15 Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21323 SOC110 WWB 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
1 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21414 SOC110 WWC 3 Introduction to Sociology
0 15 0 15 Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22642 SOC110 WWD 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week class; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Linhart,Laurie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22751 SOC110 WH1 3 Introduction to Sociology
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
7 15 0 15 Beeman,Steven 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:30PM Beeman,Steven 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23066 SOC110 UAM 3 Introduction to Sociology
5 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Mitchell,Katie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
23100 SOC110 WB4 3 Introduction to Sociology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
1 15 0 15 Tuxhorn,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:30PM 01:20PM Tuxhorn,Rebecca 01/14/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 145
23311 SOC110 WW5 3 Introduction to Sociology
3 15 0 15 McGough,Constance 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23751 SOC110 WB3 3 Introduction to Sociology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
5 15 0 15 Tuxhorn,Rebecca 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:10PM 07:40PM Tuxhorn,Rebecca 01/15/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 121
24233 SOC110 WWE 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Dahlem,Elizabeth 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24306 SOC110 WWF 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
4 15 0 15 McGough,Constance 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
25872 SOC110 E1 3 Introduction to Sociology
3 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 09:00PM Lamoreux,Tom 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
26235 SOC110 WB2 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 12-week course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
7 15 0 15 Niman,Kate 02/04/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Niman,Kate 02/04/25 05/08/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 218
26830 SOC110 WWG 3 Introduction to Sociology
1 15 0 15 Peralta-Cornejo,Jaime 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27120 SOC110 WWH 3 Introduction to Sociology
2 15 0 15 King,Alissa 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27317 SOC110 WWI 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Dahlem,Elizabeth 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27412 SOC110 WWJ 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
4 15 0 15 Dahlem,Elizabeth 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20099 SOC115 A 3 Social Problems
4 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Linhart,Laurie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20100 SOC115 B 3 Social Problems
8 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Peralta-Cornejo,Jaime 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12B Tuition
20299 SOC115 UAA 3 Social Problems
11 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Mitchell,Katie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
20496 SOC115 WW1 3 Social Problems
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20512 SOC115 WW2 3 Social Problems
1 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20533 SOC115 WW3 3 Social Problems
0 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20573 SOC115 WW4 3 Social Problems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20673 SOC115 WH2 3 Social Problems
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Niman,Kate 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 07:30PM Niman,Kate 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20753 SOC115 WW7 3 Social Problems
8-week class; 2nd 8-week session. Late start class.
1 15 0 15 Hartsfield,Stacy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21066 SOC115 C 3 Social Problems
7 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Linhart,Laurie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12B Tuition
22803 SOC115 WW5 3 Social Problems
8-week class; 2nd 8-week session. Late start class.
1 15 0 15 Hartsfield,Stacy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23121 SOC115 WB1 3 Social Problems
Meets at Boone Campus for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 08:55AM Foltz,Tammie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128 Tuition
Foltz,Tammie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
24308 SOC115 WW8 3 Social Problems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
0 15 0 15 Titchener,Gary 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27318 SOC115 WW9 3 Social Problems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Hartsfield,Stacy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20101 SOC120 B 3 Marriage & Family
0 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Hartsfield,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
20388 SOC120 C 3 Marriage & Family
1 15 0 15 T R 11:15AM 12:40PM Stam,Lucy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
20441 SOC120 B1 3 Marriage & Family
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
20 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Foltz,Tammie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 204 Tuition
20534 SOC120 WW1 3 Marriage & Family
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 Mitchell,Katie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20535 SOC120 WW2 3 Marriage & Family
7 15 0 15 Mitchell,Katie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20556 SOC120 WW3 3 Marriage & Family
8-week course, 1st 8-week session
2 15 0 15 Fineran,Sarah 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21205 SOC120 WW4 3 Marriage & Family
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Titchener,Gary 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21579 SOC120 WW5 3 Marriage & Family
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Stam,Lucy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23365 SOC120 WW6 3 Marriage & Family
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
1 15 0 15 Fineran,Sarah 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27413 SOC120 WW7 3 Marriage & Family
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
12 15 0 15 Mitchell,Katie 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20102 SOC200 A 3 Minority Group Relations
Course has a prerequisite.
10 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Frette,Sarah 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
20598 SOC200 WW1 3 Minority Group Relations
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Titchener,Gary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20599 SOC200 WW2 3 Minority Group Relations
1 15 0 15 Titchener,Gary 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26656 SOC200 WW3 3 Minority Group Relations
4 15 0 15 Frette,Sarah 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20619 FLS151 WB2 5 Elementary Spanish I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
5 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:00PM Estling,Andrea 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 03 Tuition
Estling,Andrea 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20624 FLS151 WB1 5 Elementary Spanish I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
7 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:15AM 11:05AM Morris,Carrie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 202
20625 FLS151 WH1 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
3 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:40PM Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20626 FLS151 WB3 5 Elementary Spanish I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:55AM Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13 Tuition
Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21368 FLS151 WH2 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
1 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:15PM Gonzalez,Valerie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22552 FLS151 WH3 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This is a fully online class with a required weekly one-hour meeting (online) through blackboard collaborate during the Wednesday evening block of time. Your specific time slot will be determined during week 1 of the semester.
3 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 07:15PM Gonzalez,Valerie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23613 FLS151 WH4 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
0 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 07:30PM 08:45PM Gonzalez,Valerie 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23725 FLS151 WH5 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
1 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 07:30PM 08:45PM Gonzalez,Valerie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23947 FLS151 WH6 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
4 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Gonzalez,Valerie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20628 FLS152 WB2 5 Elementary Spanish II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
6 15 0 15 Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13
21359 FLS152 WH3 5 Elementary Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
5 15 0 15 Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 05:30PM 06:45PM Amling,Stacy 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23059 FLS152 WB1 5 Elementary Spanish II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
14 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:15AM 11:05AM Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 202
23224 FLS152 WB3 5 Elementary Spanish II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
9 15 0 15 Estling,Andrea 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 06:00PM 08:00PM Estling,Andrea 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04
23614 FLS152 WH5 5 Elementary Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
3 15 0 15 Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 07:00PM 08:15PM Amling,Stacy 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
24445 FLS152 WH6 5 Elementary Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
8 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 12:50PM 02:40PM Morris,Carrie 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21506 FLS241 WH3 4 Intermediate Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 152 or instructor approval
3 15 0 15 M 07:30PM 08:45PM Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
21507 FLS241 WH2 4 Intermediate Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 152 or instructor approval
4 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 06:00PM 07:15PM Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22417 FLS242 WH3 4 Intermediate Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor approval
2 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 07:15PM Morris,Carrie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22418 FLS242 WH4 4 Intermediate Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor approval
5 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 07:30PM 08:45PM Morris,Carrie 01/15/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
24446 FLS242 WB1 4 Intermediate Spanish II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor approval
13 15 0 15 Amling,Stacy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Amling,Stacy 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 13


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20103 SPC101 WH4 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
7 15 0 15 Rahn,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 08:05AM 09:30AM Rahn,Amy 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20104 SPC101 C 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
4 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:25AM Egdorf,Dee 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 16 Tuition
20106 SPC101 WB6 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
3 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 08:00PM Long,Brooke 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
Long,Brooke 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20107 SPC101 B 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
3 15 0 15 M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Christiansen,Karen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 21 Tuition
20108 SPC101 WB3 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
2 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:10AM 11:05AM Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06
20109 SPC101 WB4 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06
20110 SPC101 E 3 Fund of Oral Communication
3 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Hayes,Erich 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
20111 SPC101 WB5 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
1 15 0 15 Christiansen,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Christiansen,Karen 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23
20169 SPC101 BA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
15 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Mueller,Kay 01/14/25 05/08/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 152 Tuition
20217 SPC101 WB1 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:00AM Aunspach,Chase 02/18/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 110 Tuition
Aunspach,Chase 02/18/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
20219 SPC101 UAM 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
4 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Aunspach,Chase 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 110 Tuition
20220 SPC101 UAE 3 Fund of Oral Communication
10 15 0 15 W 06:00PM 09:00PM Gaines,Ruth 01/15/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 108 Tuition
20281 SPC101 WG 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session.
10 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:55PM Walker,Tiesha 02/18/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20293 SPC101 WBJ 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets at Newton campus for scheduled portion.
14 15 0 15 Franzen,Monica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 03:10PM 05:10PM Franzen,Monica 01/15/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 118
20415 SPC101 WH5 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Advisor.
4 15 0 15 Franzen,Monica 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 11:15AM 12:10PM Franzen,Monica 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
20423 SPC101 WC 3 Fund of Oral Communication
10 15 0 15 T R 09:40AM 11:05AM Walker,Tiesha 01/14/25 05/08/25 West Campus Building 1 - 219E Tuition
20431 SPC101 WE 3 Fund of Oral Communication
11 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:25AM Walker,Tiesha 01/13/25 05/07/25 West Campus Building 1 - 213W Tuition
20502 SPC101 WB8 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
4 15 0 15 Hayes,Erich 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 02:25PM 03:20PM Hayes,Erich 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23
20516 SPC101 T 3 Fund of Oral Communication
0 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Bringa,Sheena 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
20871 SPC101 WWF 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Prochaska,Amy 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21000 SPC101 WBI 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets as Ames Hunziker for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor.
6 15 0 15 Prochaska,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:15PM Prochaska,Amy 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 227
21362 SPC101 WW1 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Weeks,Adrienne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21363 SPC101 WW2 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Gehrie,Cynthia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21390 SPC101 WW3 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Gehrie,Cynthia 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21426 SPC101 WW4 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Walker,Tiesha 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21427 SPC101 WW5 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Duncan,Elizabeth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21524 SPC101 WW6 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Kormos,Erik 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21525 SPC101 WW7 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Criswell,Brooke 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21526 SPC101 WW8 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Kormos,Erik 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21556 SPC101 WW9 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Duncan,Elizabeth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21557 SPC101 WWA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Weeks,Adrienne 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21558 SPC101 WWB 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Peavy,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22400 SPC101 WWC 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Parrish,Maggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22401 SPC101 WWD 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 Tipton,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22402 SPC101 WWE 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Askin,Jerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22526 SPC101 WWG 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Criswell,Brooke 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22554 SPC101 WWH 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Tipton,Jennifer 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22612 SPC101 WWJ 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Johnson,Cherise 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22614 SPC101 WWK 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Johnson,Cherise 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22926 SPC101 WWL 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Ottati,Jorge 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23111 SPC101 WWM 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Ottati,Jorge 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23112 SPC101 WWN 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Rahn,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23113 SPC101 WWP 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23221 SPC101 UAA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
5 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Aunspach,Chase 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 110 Tuition
23228 SPC101 WWQ 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
7 15 0 15 Jackson,Brenda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23244 SPC101 UBA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
3 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:15PM Langager,Aimee 01/14/25 05/08/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
23673 SPC101 BB 3 Fund of Oral Communication
13 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Mueller,Kay 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 205 Tuition
23695 SPC101 A 3 Fund of Oral Communication
2 15 0 15 M W 02:25PM 03:50PM Miller,Marie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
23919 SPC101 WBA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
10 15 0 15 Jackson,Brenda 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 08:00PM Jackson,Brenda 01/16/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 12
24074 SPC101 WWR 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 Murdock,Rachel 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24075 SPC101 WWS 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
2 15 0 15 Schares,Evan 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24183 SPC101 WWT 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Parrish,Maggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24194 SPC101 WWV 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
3 15 0 15 Duncan,Elizabeth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24195 SPC101 WWU 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Jackson,Brenda 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24268 SPC101 WWX 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Duncan,Elizabeth 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26154 SPC101 WBB 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 M W 09:05AM 10:00AM Prochaska,Amy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 128 Tuition
Prochaska,Amy 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB
27138 SPC101 WWY 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 Askin,Jerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27207 SPC101 WWZ 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
1 15 0 15 Duncan,Elizabeth 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27313 SPC101 WWO 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Coberley,Denise 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22423 SPC120 WW1 3 Intercultural Communication
15 15 0 15 Peavy,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21253 SPC122 B 3 Interpersonal Communication
1 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:15PM Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 14 Tuition
21254 SPC122 WB2 3 Interpersonal Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
8 15 0 15 Christiansen,Karen 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:50PM 02:15PM Christiansen,Karen 01/14/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01
21255 SPC122 WB3 3 Interpersonal Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
1 15 0 15 Bringa,Sheena 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Bringa,Sheena 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 21
21256 SPC122 A 3 Interpersonal Communication
5 15 0 15 T R 02:25PM 03:50PM Egdorf,Dee 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 04 Tuition
21495 SPC122 WW1 3 Interpersonal Communication
2 15 0 15 Conway,Anna 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22403 SPC122 WW2 3 Interpersonal Communication
3 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22404 SPC122 WW3 3 Interpersonal Communication
5 15 0 15 Aunspach,Chase 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22712 SPC122 WW5 3 Interpersonal Communication
2 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23114 SPC122 WW6 3 Interpersonal Communication
6 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26776 SPC122 WW7 3 Interpersonal Communication
1 15 0 15 Bringa,Sheena 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
26858 SPC122 WW8 3 Interpersonal Communication
4 15 0 15 Aunspach,Chase 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27315 SPC122 WW9 3 Interpersonal Communication
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session.
1 15 0 15 Salo,Nicole 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Student Development

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20965 SDV165 WW2 1 Transfer Planning
8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
10 15 0 15 Stepleton Hardin,Nicole 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20745 SDV197 CA 1 SAC Experience
Requires Maggie Steinkamp’s signature to enroll ( Must be CCAB member. Corequisite: Must be an appointed member of a DMACC campus Student Activities Council
22 0 0 0 Steinkamp,Maggie 01/13/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - Tuition
20756 SDV197 UAA 1 SAC Experience
Corequisite: Must be an appointed member of a DMACC campus Student Activities Council
24 0 0 0 T 12:50PM 01:45PM Davis,Lee Ann 01/14/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 315 Tuition
20789 SDV197 WA 1 SAC Experience
Corequisite: Must be an appointed member of a DMACC campus Student Activities Council
14 0 0 0 M Page,Leslie 01/13/25 05/05/25 - Tuition
Page,Leslie 01/13/25 05/08/25 -
20811 SDV197 A 1 SAC Experience
Requires Erin Smith's signature to enroll. Contact her at 515-964-6376 or Must be SAC member. Corequisite: Must be an appointed member of a DMACC campus Student Activities Council
25 0 0 0 W 03:00PM 04:00PM Smith,Erin 01/15/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-To Be Arranged - Tuition

Study Strategies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20432 SDV115 WW3 2 Study Strategies
10-week class; 1st 10-week session.
3 15 0 15 Nelson,Daniel 01/13/25 03/26/25 Online - WEB Tuition
20579 SDV115 B 2 Study Strategies
12 15 0 15 M W 11:15AM 12:10PM Pugh,Allison 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
20580 SDV115 WWC 2 Study Strategies
2 15 0 15 Nelson,Daniel 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
21502 SDV115 WWD 2 Study Strategies
Late start. 10-week course; 2nd 10-week session.
5 15 0 15 Castaneda,Abigail 02/18/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Surgical Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22776 SUR130 U1 2 Intro to Surgical Technology
Prerequisite: BIO 168, SUR 105, SUR 150. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
2 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 10:10AM Ortega,Joyce 01/17/25 05/02/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209 Tuition
23197 SUR200 U1 5 Surg Procedures/Techniques I
Program Chair approval required for students in the Surg Tech program to register. Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO 173, BIO 186, SUR105, SUR, 130, SUR 150, SUR 109, SUR 140. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
7 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 10:30AM Hadley,John 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209 Tuition
M W 10:40AM 12:40PM Hadley,John 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209
23198 SUR200 U2 5 Surg Procedures/Techniques I
Program Chair approval required for students in the Surg Tech program to register. Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO 173, BIO 186, SUR105, SUR, 130, SUR 150, SUR 109, SUR 140. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
8 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 10:30AM Hadley,John 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209 Tuition
M W 01:00PM 03:00PM Hadley,John 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209
20672 SUR420 U1 2 Pharmacology for Surg Tech.
Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO 173, BIO 186, SUR 015, SUR 130, SUR 150, SUR 109, SUR 140. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
15 15 0 15 M W 07:50AM 08:50AM Ortega,Joyce 01/13/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209 Tuition
23203 SUR805 U1 5 Clinical Practicum I
Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO173, BIO 186, SUR105, SUR130, SUR 150, SUR 109, SUR 140. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
15 15 0 15 T R 06:30AM 03:00PM Fraser,Esther 01/14/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
23206 SUR910 U1 2 Certification Review I
Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO 173, BIO 186, SUR 105, SUR 130, SUR 150, SUR 109 , SUR 140. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
15 15 0 15 F 09:00AM 11:20AM Fraser,Esther 01/17/25 05/02/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 200 Tuition

Tool & Die Making

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20979 MFG105 M1 3 Machine Shop Measuring
11 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:45PM Knittel,Dennis 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
20117 MFG132 1 3 Machine Trade Printreading II
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: MFG 121
15 15 0 15 M W 12:30PM 02:55PM Rosenberry,Mark 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
22717 MFG132 2 3 Machine Trade Printreading II
Prerequisite: MFG 121
17 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:25AM Peffers,Charley 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
21219 MFG250 M1 1 Engine Lathe Theory
Corequisite: MFG 251
14 15 0 15 F 12:50PM 01:55PM Knittel,Dennis 01/17/25 05/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
21220 MFG251 M1 2 Engine Lathe Operations Lab
Corequisite: MFG 250
13 15 0 15 T R 12:50PM 02:45PM Knittel,Dennis 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
20411 MFG252 1 2 Engine Lathe Theory II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 250. Corequisite: MFG 253
7 15 0 15 MTWR 10:50AM 11:50AM Knittel,Dennis 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
24349 MFG252 2 2 Engine Lathe Theory II
An advanced-level course explaining complex setups and procedures for lathes. Prerequisite: MFG 250. Corequisite: MFG 253. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 250. Corequisite: MFG 253
6 15 0 15 MTWR 10:50AM 11:50AM Knittel,Dennis 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
20412 MFG253 1 3 Engine Lathe Operations Lab II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 251. Corequisite: MFG 252
7 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:40AM Knittel,Dennis 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
24350 MFG253 2 3 Engine Lathe Operations Lab II
An advanced course for the metal cutting lathe. During this course, students will become familiar with advanced setups as well as safe operation and care of a lathe. Prerequisite: MFG 251. Corequisite: MFG 252. Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 251. Corequisite: MFG 252
7 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 10:45AM Knittel,Dennis 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
20413 MFG273 1 2 Mill Operations II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 260. Corequisite: MFG 274
7 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 09:00AM Rosenberry,Mark 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
24347 MFG273 2 2 Mill Operations II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. An advanced course for the vertical and horizontal milling machines. During this course, students will become familiar with advanced setups and machining concepts as well as the safe operation and care of milling machines. Prerequisite: MFG 260. Corequisite: MFG 274 Prerequisite: MFG 260. Corequisite: MFG 274
7 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 08:55AM Rosenberry,Mark 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
20414 MFG274 1 3 Mill Operations Lab II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 261. Corequisite: MFG 273
6 15 0 15 MTWR 09:05AM 11:50AM Rosenberry,Mark 03/11/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
24348 MFG274 2 3 Mill Operations Lab II
An advanced course for the vertical and horizontal milling machines. During this course, students will become familiar with advanced setups and machining concepts as well as the safe operation and care of milling machines.8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 261. Corequisite: MFG 273 Prerequisite: MFG 261. Corequisite: MFG 273
7 15 0 15 MTWR 09:00AM 11:45AM Rosenberry,Mark 01/13/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
20118 MFG290 1 1 Heat Treatments
13 15 0 15 T R 12:30PM 01:00PM Rosenberry,Mark 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
20094 MFG381 1 3 EDM Fundamentals
14 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Neumayer,John 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Neumayer,John 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122
20092 MFG412 1 4 Advanced Die Making Theory
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: MFG 402
10 15 0 15 MTWR 10:30AM 11:30AM Neumayer,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
20093 MFG413 1 6 Advanced Diemaking Lab
Course has a prerequisite Prerequisite: MFG 403. Corequisite: MFG 412
6 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:55PM Neumayer,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:55PM Neumayer,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104
22666 MFG414 1 3 Intro to Tool Design
Prerequisite: CAD 184 Corequisite: MFG 412
15 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:25AM Neumayer,John 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106 Tuition

Veterinary Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21137 AGV109 1 2 Pharmacy Skills
Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
14 0 0 0 T 04:40PM 05:35PM Fertig,Amy 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
R 04:40PM 05:35PM Fertig,Amy 01/16/25 05/08/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215
21383 AGV145 1 3 Animal Nutrition
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
5 0 0 0 MTW 02:30PM 03:25PM Schumacher,DeeDee 01/13/25 05/07/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
20796 AGV151 2 3 Intro Vet Tech Clinical Skills
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
5 0 0 0 M 08:00AM 08:55AM Bean-Rask,Becky 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
M 12:20PM 02:20PM Bean-Rask,Becky 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
T 03:35PM 04:30PM Bean-Rask,Becky 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215
20797 AGV151 1 3 Intro Vet Tech Clinical Skills
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
3 0 0 0 M 08:00AM 08:55AM Bean-Rask,Becky 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
M 10:10AM 12:10PM Bean-Rask,Becky 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
T 03:35PM 04:30PM Bean-Rask,Becky 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215
20505 AGV160 2 4 Anesthesia/Surgical Assistance
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology students. Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 133 , AGV 140 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 170 , AGV 245
0 0 0 0 MT 01:25PM 02:20PM Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
R 08:00AM 12:00PM Fertig,Amy 01/16/25 05/08/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
20506 AGV160 1 4 Anesthesia/Surgical Assistance
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology students. Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 133 , AGV 140 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 170 , AGV 245
1 0 0 0 MT 01:25PM 02:20PM Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
W 08:00AM 12:00PM Fertig,Amy 01/15/25 05/07/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
20504 AGV165 1 2 Clin Mgmt Lab/Exotic Species
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
5 15 0 15 M 03:35PM 04:30PM Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255 Tuition
R 12:20PM 02:20PM Fertig,Amy 01/16/25 05/08/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255
26261 AGV165 2 2 Clin Mgmt Lab/Exotic Species
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
8 15 0 15 M 03:35PM 04:30PM Fertig,Amy 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
R 02:30PM 04:30PM Fertig,Amy 01/16/25 05/08/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255
20452 AGV166 1 3 Veterinary Nursing Care
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
8 0 0 0 M 09:05AM 10:00AM Hahn,Sarah 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
T 10:10AM 12:10PM Hahn,Sarah 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
W 12:20PM 02:20PM Hahn,Sarah 01/15/25 05/07/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
20453 AGV166 2 3 Veterinary Nursing Care
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
8 0 0 0 M 09:05AM 10:00AM Hahn,Sarah 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
T 12:20PM 02:15PM Hahn,Sarah 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
W 03:35PM 05:35PM Hahn,Sarah 01/15/25 05/07/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
26262 AGV234 1 2 Clinical Pathology Skills
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology students. Prerequisite: AGV 134, AGV 164, AGV 172 and AGV 266.
3 15 0 15 M 08:00AM 08:55AM Schumacher,DeeDee 01/13/25 05/05/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 214 Tuition
T 11:15AM 01:15PM Schumacher,DeeDee 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255
20870 AGV238 1 2 VTNE Review Course I
Prerequisite: Instructor approval
5 0 0 0 T 03:35PM 04:30PM Fertig,Amy 01/14/25 05/06/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 255 Tuition
W 03:35PM 04:30PM Fertig,Amy 01/15/25 05/07/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215
26263 AGV245 1 2 Intro to Animal Disease
This course is reserved for Veterinary Technology and Veterinary Assistant students. Prerequisite: AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 164
24 15 0 15 TW 08:00AM 08:55AM Schumacher,DeeDee 01/14/25 05/07/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
23011 MMS217 B 3 Sound for Film and Video II
Prerequisite or Corequisite: MMS 208
7 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:00PM West,Jason 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 06A Tuition
23008 MMS237 B 3 Producing & Directing Techniq
Prerequisite or Corequisite: MMS 482
11 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:55AM West,Jason 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 06A Tuition
21335 MMS480 E1 3 Video Production I
Open to all students. No major restrictions.
9 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 10:15PM Carstens,Ian 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 05 Tuition
M 06:00PM 10:15PM Carstens,Ian 01/13/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 17
21336 MMS481 2 3 Video Production II
Reserved for students in the Video Production program. Prerequisite or instructor approval needed. Prerequisite: MMS 480
5 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Tarango,Miguel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 05 Tuition
M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Tarango,Miguel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 17
21437 MMS481 1 3 Video Production II
Reserved for students in the Video Production program. Prerequisite: MMS 480
6 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:50PM Tarango,Miguel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 17 Tuition
M W 01:00PM 02:50PM Tarango,Miguel 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 05
23009 MMS485 A 3 Video Production IV
Prerequisite or Corequisite: MMS 482
9 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Tarango,Miguel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 17 Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:50PM Tarango,Miguel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 05
23010 MMS485 B 3 Video Production IV
Prerequisite or Corequisite: MMS 482
15 15 0 15 T R 03:05PM 05:00PM Tarango,Miguel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 05 Tuition
T R 03:05PM 05:00PM Tarango,Miguel 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 17
21337 MMS486 2 3 Premiere/Video Editing II
Reserved for students enrolled in the Video Production program. Prerequisite: MMS 484
8 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:05PM Fritschi,Tommy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 06A Tuition
21438 MMS486 1 3 Premiere/Video Editing II
Reserved for students enrolled in the Video Production program. Prerequisite: MMS 484
8 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:50PM Fritschi,Tommy 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 06A Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
27373 IND144 2 4 Pump Overhaul and Repair
Late start. 12-week course.
14 15 0 15 W 05:30PM 05:45PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/05/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18 Tuition
W 03:00PM 05:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/05/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
M 03:00PM 06:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/10/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
22377 WAT121 WV1 2 Water Treatment 30-Hour
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
10 0 0 0 T R 09:00AM 12:00PM Propes,Philip 01/21/25 02/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
T R 01:00PM 03:00PM Propes,Philip 01/21/25 02/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22378 WAT122 WW1 1 Water Treatment Lab
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: WAT 121
9 15 0 15 Propes,Philip 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22379 WAT123 WB1 4 WAT Treatment Math, Analysis
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
9 15 0 15 Tonarelli,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 01:00PM 04:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/25/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
T 08:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/25/25 03/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
T 08:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 03/25/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
T 01:00PM 04:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 03/25/25 04/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
T 09:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 04/15/25 04/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
T 01:00PM 03:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 04/15/25 04/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
22380 WAT124 1 5 Technical Internship II
12 15 0 15 Tonarelli,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
22685 WAT251 WV1 2 WW Collection 30-Hour
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
8 0 0 0 T R 01:00PM 03:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 01/21/25 02/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
T R 09:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 01/21/25 02/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
22769 WAT252 WW1 1 WW Collection Lab
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: WAT 251
8 15 0 15 Tonarelli,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22770 WAT253 WB1 4 WW Collection Math, Lift/Equi
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Tonarelli,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 01:00PM 04:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/27/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
R 08:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 02/27/25 03/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
R 08:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 03/27/25 04/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
R 01:00PM 04:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 03/27/25 04/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
R 01:00PM 03:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 04/17/25 05/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
R 09:00AM 12:00PM Tonarelli,Anthony 04/17/25 05/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18
22758 WAT254 1 5 Technical Internship V
9 15 0 15 Tonarelli,Anthony 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition
24168 WAT302 1 2 30 Hr. Grade 3&4 WW T Exam Pr
Prerequisite: Grade 2 Wastewater operator's license.
23 15 0 15 W 01:00PM 03:00PM Putney,Maclaine 04/02/25 04/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 10 Tuition
W 08:00AM 12:00PM Putney,Maclaine 04/02/25 04/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 10

Web Development

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
20845 WDV101 WV1 3 Intro HTML and CSS
Open to all students. No major restrictions. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
1 15 0 15 M W 10:05AM 12:00PM Cutsforth,Kerry 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20846 WDV101 WH3 3 Intro HTML and CSS
Open to all students. No major restrictions. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 Hall,Larry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 08:30PM Hall,Larry 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21550 WDV101 WW1 3 Intro HTML and CSS
6 15 0 15 Murphy,Carin 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22847 WDV101 WW2 3 Intro HTML and CSS
10 15 0 15 Massey,David 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
24231 WDV101 WW3 3 Intro HTML and CSS
9 15 0 15 Burkheimer,Eric 01/13/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22431 WDV130 WV1 3 Intro Photoshop for Web
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
4 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Cutsforth,Kerry 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20854 WDV151 WH1 3 Intro Web Design
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101, WDV 130 or Instructor Approval.
12 15 0 15 Cutsforth,Kerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 03:30PM 05:00PM Cutsforth,Kerry 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21272 WDV205 WV1 3 Advanced CSS
Honors may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor approval.
15 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 02:55PM Murphy,Carin 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20874 WDV221 WV1 3 Intro Javascript
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor permission
7 15 0 15 M W 03:05PM 05:00PM Matheis,Luke 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
21060 WDV221 WH1 3 Intro Javascript
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor permission
3 15 0 15 Hall,Matt 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 09:00PM Hall,Matt 01/16/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21049 WDV240 WH1 3 Intro WordPress
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor approval.
15 15 0 15 Cutsforth,Kerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:30PM Cutsforth,Kerry 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
21216 WDV321 WV1 3 Advanced Javascript
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 221 or instructor permission
16 15 0 15 M 06:00PM 09:00PM Schellekens,Bill 01/13/25 05/05/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20847 WDV341 WH2 3 Intro PHP
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 and WDV 221 or instructor permission
15 15 0 15 White,John 01/13/25 05/08/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 09:00PM White,John 01/14/25 05/06/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
23328 WDV446 WV2 3 Intro Drupal
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 341 or instructor approval.
20 15 0 15 M W 03:00PM 04:55PM Cutsforth,Kerry 01/13/25 05/07/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
23329 WDV490 WV2 3 Website Applications Seminar
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/times. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Instructor permission
21 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:05PM Cutsforth,Kerry 01/14/25 05/08/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
20935 WDV932 1 3 Web Development Internship
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Advisor. Prerequisite: Instructor permission
8 15 0 15 Cutsforth,Kerry 01/13/25 05/08/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
21581 MFG172 1 3 Related Welding - Indust Maint
2 15 0 15 M W F 12:00PM 02:00PM Vander Wert,Nathan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
M W F 12:00PM 02:00PM Vander Wert,Nathan 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
24354 MFG172 P1 3 Related Welding - Indust Maint
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at
10 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Tapia,Alexander 01/13/25 02/20/25 Perry VanKirk Center - Tuition
22676 WEL228 2 1 Welding Safety/Health: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older
5 0 0 0 MTWR 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 01/13/25 01/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
TW F 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 01/14/25 01/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 06
22677 WEL233 2 3 Print Read/Sym Inter: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:20AM Vander Wert,Nathan 01/23/25 02/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
22679 WEL244 2 2 GMAW Sh Cir Transfer: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/27/25 04/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/27/25 04/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
26130 WEL244 P1 2 GMAW Sh Cir Transfer: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 02/25/25 03/27/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
27310 WEL244 C1 2 GMAW Sh Cir Transfer: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
3 0 0 0 M 05:00PM 10:05PM Schlueter,Brock 01/27/25 04/28/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
21076 WEL245 N1 2 GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:00PM Kingery,Jared 01/13/25 02/03/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
21086 WEL245 C1 2 GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 0 0 0 M 05:00PM 10:05PM Schlueter,Brock 01/13/25 04/21/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
22680 WEL245 2 2 GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 04/16/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 04/16/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
26131 WEL245 P1 2 GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 01/13/25 02/10/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
27282 WEL245 P2 2 GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
12 0 0 0 M W 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 03/31/25 04/23/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
T R 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 04/01/25 04/24/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105
27384 WEL245 C2 2 GMAW Spray Transfer: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Kristina Soyer at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 09:50PM Renze,Ryan 03/06/25 04/24/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
21039 WEL251 PM1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 0 0 0 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
21077 WEL251 N1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:00PM Kingery,Jared 02/04/25 02/26/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
23117 WEL251 P1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
9 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 02/24/25 03/27/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
23177 WEL251 4 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 03/25/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 03/25/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
24180 WEL251 C1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
13 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 10:15PM Renze,Ryan 01/14/25 02/25/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
26132 WEL251 P2 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
12 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 03/24/25 04/23/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
21078 WEL252 N1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:05PM Kingery,Jared 02/27/25 03/10/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
23103 WEL252 P1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
8 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 03/31/25 04/10/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
23178 WEL252 4 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 04/15/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 04/15/25 04/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
23337 WEL252 C1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
13 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 10:15PM Renze,Ryan 02/25/25 03/12/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
26127 WEL252 PM1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
11 15 0 15 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 03/10/25 04/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 03/10/25 04/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
26133 WEL252 P2 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
12 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 04/24/25 05/07/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
21079 WEL253 N1 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:05PM Kingery,Jared 03/11/25 03/27/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
23104 WEL253 P1 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
8 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 04/14/25 04/24/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
23179 WEL253 4 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 04/25/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 04/25/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
26128 WEL253 PM1 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
11 15 0 15 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 04/14/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 04/14/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
22678 WEL254 2 1 Inspection/Test Princ: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 233
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 02/07/25 02/18/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
27311 WEL254 C1 1 Inspection/Test Princ: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 233
4 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 10:05PM Renze,Ryan 01/14/25 02/04/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
22681 WEL262 2 2 OFC-I Manual & Mech: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 02/19/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 02/19/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
23631 WEL262 P1 2 OFC-I Manual & Mech: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 01/13/25 02/10/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
23893 WEL262 PM2 2 OFC-I Manual & Mech: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
9 0 0 0 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Quanbeck,Keith 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Quanbeck,Keith 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
27314 WEL262 C1 2 OFC-I Manual & Mech: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 0 0 0 W 05:00PM 10:05PM Gehling,Austin 01/15/25 04/16/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
22682 WEL266 2 1 Thermal Cutting Processes II
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/11/25 03/26/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/11/25 03/26/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
23632 WEL266 P1 1 Thermal Cutting Processes II
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 02/11/25 02/24/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
23896 WEL266 PM2 1 Thermal Cutting Processes II
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 0 0 0 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Quanbeck,Keith 03/10/25 04/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Quanbeck,Keith 03/10/25 04/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
27316 WEL266 C1 1 Thermal Cutting Processes II
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 10:00PM Renze,Ryan 02/11/25 03/04/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
21041 WEL274 3 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 02/26/25 04/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 02/26/25 04/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
21082 WEL274 N1 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:05PM Kingery,Jared 02/04/25 03/07/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
21087 WEL274 C1 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 10:05PM Renze,Ryan 01/14/25 03/13/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
21412 WEL274 1 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Samson,Marcus 02/28/25 04/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Samson,Marcus 02/28/25 04/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
23022 WEL274 4 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
8 15 0 15 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 01/13/25 02/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 01/13/25 02/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
26134 WEL274 P1 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
10 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 02/24/25 04/09/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
21042 WEL275 4 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 02/13/25 03/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 02/13/25 03/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
21043 WEL275 3 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 04/07/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 04/07/25 05/06/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
21083 WEL275 N1 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
6 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:05PM Kingery,Jared 03/10/25 04/16/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
21088 WEL275 C1 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
8 0 0 0 T R 05:00PM 09:50PM Renze,Ryan 03/25/25 05/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
W 05:00PM 09:50PM Renze,Ryan 04/23/25 05/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
M 05:00PM 09:50PM Renze,Ryan 04/28/25 05/05/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
21413 WEL275 1 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
Late start. 5-week course; 3rd 5-week session. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Samson,Marcus 04/08/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Samson,Marcus 04/08/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
26135 WEL275 P1 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
6 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 01/13/25 02/20/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
26136 WEL275 P2 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
12 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:35PM Blaker,Andrew 02/25/25 04/10/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
21044 WEL280 1 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 10:50AM Samson,Marcus 01/13/25 02/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 10:50AM Samson,Marcus 01/13/25 02/04/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
21089 WEL280 C1 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
9 0 0 0 W 05:00PM 10:05PM Gehling,Austin 01/15/25 04/21/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
21572 WEL280 3 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 01/13/25 02/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 01/13/25 02/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
23248 WEL280 PM1 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
11 0 0 0 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 01/13/25 03/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
23797 WEL280 P1 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
10 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 02/25/25 03/31/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
24137 WEL280 4 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
15 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 03/25/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 03/25/25 04/14/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
26137 WEL280 P3 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
10 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 04/14/25 05/07/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
26629 WEL280 2 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
15 15 0 15 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/03/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/03/25 03/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/11/25 03/26/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:35AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/11/25 03/26/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
R 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/27/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
R 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/27/25 03/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
27320 WEL280 N2 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
11 0 0 0 M W F 07:30AM 09:30AM Kingery,Jared 04/07/25 05/07/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
MTWRF 10:00AM 12:00PM Kingery,Jared 04/17/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124
27321 WEL280 N3 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
11 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:30AM 09:00AM Kingery,Jared 04/14/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
MTWRF 10:00AM 12:00PM Kingery,Jared 04/17/25 05/08/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124
21514 WEL281 1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 10:50AM Samson,Marcus 02/05/25 02/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 10:50AM Samson,Marcus 02/05/25 02/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
21573 WEL281 3 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 02/04/25 02/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 02/04/25 02/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
23323 WEL281 C1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
13 0 0 0 M 05:00PM 10:05PM Schlueter,Brock 01/13/25 04/21/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
23796 WEL281 P1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
12 0 0 0 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 03/11/25 04/14/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
23895 WEL281 PM1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
10 0 0 0 M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 03/10/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
M W 06:10PM 10:20PM Griffith,Megan 03/10/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
24235 WEL281 4 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
15 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 04/15/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 02:10PM 06:20PM Carpenter,Wyatt 04/15/25 05/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
26138 WEL281 P2 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
To register for this course, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
10 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 09:30PM Blaker,Andrew 04/01/25 04/28/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
26141 WEL281 N1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
6 15 0 15 MTWRF 10:00AM 02:00PM Kingery,Jared 01/13/25 02/03/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
26630 WEL281 2 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
16 15 0 15 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/28/25 04/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:25AM Vander Wert,Nathan 03/28/25 04/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
21350 WEL341 1 6 Fabrication I
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older and WEL 233 , WEL 253 , WEL 254 , WEL 262 , WEL 266 , WEL 275 , WEL 280 , WEL 281 , MFG 276 , MFG 121 , MFG 105 , MFG 250 , MFG 251 , MFG 260 , MFG 261 , MFG 356 , MFG 354 , MFG 337 , MFG 338 , MAT 772 . In addition, CAD 182 or CAD 184 . Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 132
7 0 0 0 M W 11:30AM 02:10PM Peffers,Charley 01/13/25 05/07/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
T R 11:30AM 02:10PM Peffers,Charley 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
T R 11:30AM 02:10PM Peffers,Charley 01/14/25 05/08/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03

Work-Based Learning

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
22490 WBL100 WW2 1 Exploring Careers
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
4 15 0 15 Oppel,Sam 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
22527 WBL100 WW1 1 Exploring Careers
8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
7 15 0 15 Miller,Sveta 01/13/25 03/10/25 Online - WEB Tuition
23215 WBL100 WW3 1 Exploring Careers
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This section is reserved for students in the Paraeducator Certificate Program. Contact Program Chair for registration approval. Patsy Steffen
2 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 03/11/25 05/08/25 Online - WEB Tuition
27275 WBL100 UAM 1 Exploring Careers
25 15 0 15 T 09:40AM 10:50AM Goins,Alexis 02/04/25 05/06/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 315 Tuition
27102 WBL110 UAM 2 Employability Skills
12 week late start session
25 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:15AM Goins,Alexis 02/05/25 05/07/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 231 Tuition

ASEP - General Motors

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30032 ATG326 1 3 GM Auto AC Systems
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP), ATG 312 and AUT 114
8 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:45AM 10:00AM Wersinger,Keith 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWRF 07:45AM 10:00AM Wersinger,Keith 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B
30033 ATG327 1 3 Minor Svc/Repair/GM Engines
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program, AUT 114
8 0 0 0 MTWRF 01:10PM 03:25PM Olesen,Bjarne 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38 Tuition
MTWRF 01:10PM 03:25PM Olesen,Bjarne 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
30075 ATG330 1 3 Technical Internship II
Prerequisite: ATG 329, 328
8 0 0 0 Davis,Dave 05/09/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30086 ATG336 1 3 GM Fuel Systems
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisite: Admission to Automotive Service Educational Program and ATG 328
8 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:10AM 12:25PM Olesen,Bjarne 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 25 Tuition
MTWRF 10:10AM 12:25PM Olesen,Bjarne 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23

ASSET - Ford

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30801 ATF326 1 3 Ford Automotive Climate Ctrl
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
7 15 0 15 MTWRF 01:00PM 03:45PM Langner,Eric 06/25/25 07/31/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109 Tuition
MTWRF 01:00PM 03:45PM Langner,Eric 06/25/25 07/31/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
30802 ATF333 1 4 Ford Engine Diagnosis/Repair
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite: ATF 328 and ATF 317
7 15 0 15 T R 09:30AM 12:00PM Langner,Eric 05/20/25 06/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109 Tuition
T R 09:30AM 12:00PM Langner,Eric 05/20/25 06/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130
MTWRF 01:00PM 03:30PM Langner,Eric 05/20/25 06/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 109
MTWRF 01:00PM 03:30PM Langner,Eric 05/20/25 06/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 130


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30884 ACC104 WW1 3 Fundamentals of Bookkeeping
Proctored exams required.
19 15 0 15 Klinker,Kristine 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30663 ACC124 WW1 3 Accounting Professionalism
Proctored exams required.
0 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30730 ACC124 WW2 3 Accounting Professionalism
Proctored Exams Required.
9 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30951 ACC124 WW3 3 Accounting Professionalism
Proctored exams required.
25 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30002 ACC131 1 4 Principles of Accounting I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
6 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 12:00PM Murphy,John 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
30109 ACC131 WW1 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored exams required. Exams are closed book and closed notes. This course uses an eBook. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Bond,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30117 ACC131 WW2 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored exams required. Exams are closed book and closed notes. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Bond,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30352 ACC131 WW3 4 Principles of Accounting I
Proctored exams required. Exams are closed book and closed notes. This course uses an eBook. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
22 15 0 15 Bond,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30131 ACC132 1 4 Principles of Accounting II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
11 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 01:10PM Bond,William 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 12 Tuition
30215 ACC132 WW2 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored exams required. Exams are closed book. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
5 15 0 15 Murphy,John 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30258 ACC132 WW1 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored exams required. Exams are closed book. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
0 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30483 ACC132 WW3 4 Principles of Accounting II
Proctored exams required. Exams are closed book. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
23 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30092 ACC161 WW1 3 Payroll Accounting
Proctored exams required.
12 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30971 ACC161 WW2 3 Payroll Accounting
Proctored exams required.
18 15 0 15 Reed,Lauren 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30597 ACC165 WW1 2 Payroll Certification Review
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
14 15 0 15 Westphal Murphy,Kelly 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30792 ACC237 WW1 4 Intermediate Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ACC 132 with a grade of "C" or above
10 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30579 ACC252 WW1 4 Gov't & Nonprofit Accounting
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 131 with a grade of "C" or above
16 15 0 15 Murphy,John 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30512 ACC314 WW1 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored exams required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
3 15 0 15 Nasereddin,Samar 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30989 ACC314 WW2 3 QuickBooks Accounting
Proctored Exams Required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: ACC 104 with a C or better or ACC 131 with a C or better.
25 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30513 ACC353 WW1 4 Excel for Entrepreneurs
Proctored exams required. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACC 104 or ACC 131
0 15 0 15 Murphy,John 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32536 ACC353 WW2 4 Excel for Entrepreneurs
Proctored exams required. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ACC 104 or ACC 131
21 15 0 15 Murphy,John 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30159 ADM105 WW1 1 Intro to Keyboarding
Reserved for students accepted into the following programs: Accounting Specialist, Accounting & Bookkeeping Diploma, Hotel/Restaurant Management, Hospitality Management, Health Information Technology, Patient Access.
10 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31089 ADM154 WW1 3 Business Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30547 BCA212 WW1 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Johnston,Toni 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30959 BCA212 WW2 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
20 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32516 BCA212 WW3 3 Intro Computer Business Appl
Uses Microsoft Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
25 15 0 15 Young,Casey 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30061 AGA381 WB1 3 Crop Scouting
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 TWR 08:00AM 10:00AM Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm - Tuition
Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB
30101 AGA381 WB2 3 Crop Scouting
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 TWR 10:10AM 12:10PM Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm - Tuition
Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB
30369 AGA381 WB3 3 Crop Scouting
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 TWR 12:50PM 02:50PM Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm - Tuition
Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB
30370 AGA381 WB4 3 Crop Scouting
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
2 15 0 15 TWR 03:00PM 05:00PM Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm - Tuition
Doud,Timothy 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB
30077 AGB331 WW1 3 Entrepreneurship in Agricult
0 25 0 25 Campbell,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32501 AGB331 WW2 3 Entrepreneurship in Agricult
1 15 0 15 Campbell,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30941 AGB802 1 2 Agribusiness Internship I
3 15 0 15 Campbell,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30803 AGB812 1 2 Agribusiness Internship II
Prerequisite: AGB 802
2 0 0 0 Campbell,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30105 AGP333 WB1 3 Precision Farming Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 10:10AM 12:10PM Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -
30106 AGP333 WB2 3 Precision Farming Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 08:00AM 10:00AM Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -
30371 AGP333 WB3 3 Precision Farming Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 03:00PM 05:00PM Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -
30372 AGP333 WB4 3 Precision Farming Systems
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
0 15 0 15 TWR 12:50PM 02:50PM Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm - Tuition
Rouse,Andrea 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB
30447 AGS225 WB2 3 Swine Science
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGS 319 or AGS 113 or Instructor permission.
0 15 0 15 Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 08:00AM 09:35AM Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -
30063 AGS226 WB1 3 Beef Cattle Science
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGS 319 or AGS 113 or Instructor permission.
0 15 1 14 Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 01:00PM 02:35PM Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -
30291 AGS226 WB2 3 Beef Cattle Science
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Class meets at Dallas County Farm for scheduled portion. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGS 319 or AGS 113 or Instructor permission.
0 15 0 15 Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 10:10AM 11:45AM Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -
32477 AGS226 WB3 3 Beef Cattle Science
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGS 319 or AGS 113 or Instructor permission.
5 15 0 15 Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 03:10PM 04:50PM Lautner,Travis 05/20/25 06/26/25 Dallas County Farm -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30880 ANI410 1 3 Illustration 1
20 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Khalandovskiy,Igor 05/20/25 07/31/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
30683 ANI465 WA 3 3D Modeling and Texturing
Reserved for students in Animation Program. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 439 and ANI 483
17 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:55PM Sinclair,Christopher 05/20/25 07/31/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
30684 ANI477 WA1 3 Storyboarding & Scriptwriting
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
17 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 08:55PM Foss,Robert 05/20/25 07/31/25 West Campus Building 1 - 125E Tuition
30685 ANI479 E2 3 Audio Recording & Edit
Reserved for students in the Animation Program.
16 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 08:55PM West,Jason 05/20/25 07/31/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
30686 ANI494 WA1 5 Capstone Group Project
Reserved for students in Animation Program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: ANI 487
19 15 0 15 M W F 10:00AM 12:00PM Sinclair,Christopher 05/21/25 07/30/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E Tuition
M W F 01:00PM 03:05PM Sinclair,Christopher 05/21/25 07/30/25 West Campus Building 1 - 223E


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30278 ANT105 WW1 3 Cultural Anthropology
15 15 0 15 Simmons-Curtis,Emma 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30671 ANT105 WW2 3 Cultural Anthropology
23 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31081 ANT105 A 3 Cultural Anthropology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 09:20AM Lahart,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23 Tuition
30376 ANT202 WW1 3 Human Origins
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 McDowell,Jennifer 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30484 ANT202 WW2 3 Human Origins
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32468 ANT202 A 3 Human Origins
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 MTWR 09:35AM 10:55AM Lahart,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition

Architectural Technologies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30888 ARC144 1 3 Fundamentals of BIM Management
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ""C" or higher in ARC 134 or instructor approval. "
24 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 11:20AM Gatzke,Mike 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
30404 ARC183 1 2 Materials and Assemblies V
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ARC-173 with a C or better or Instructor Approval
24 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:45AM Gatzke,Mike 05/20/25 07/15/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition
30405 ARC188 1 2 Contract Doc Tech II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Prerequisite: ARC-187 with a C or better or Instructor Approval
24 15 0 15 T R 09:55AM 11:40AM Gatzke,Mike 05/20/25 07/15/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 216 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30001 ART101 A 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session.
23 15 0 15 M W F 09:40AM 12:40PM Lundberg,Michael 06/25/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 20 Tuition
30392 ART101 WW1 3 Art Appreciation
0 15 0 15 Wolter,Krista 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30525 ART101 WW2 3 Art Appreciation
18 15 0 15 Wolter,Krista 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30572 ART101 WW3 3 Art Appreciation
23 15 0 15 Wolter,Krista 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30974 ART101 WW6 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 Gebhart,Nancy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32523 ART101 WB1 3 Art Appreciation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
25 15 0 15 Flattery,Karla 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 04:10PM 06:00PM Flattery,Karla 06/02/25 07/28/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 146
30435 ART143 A 3 Painting
10 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:30PM Lundberg,Michael 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 15 Tuition

Auto Collision Repair

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31114 CRR311 1 3 Vehicle Estimating
16 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 12:00PM Staff,* 06/09/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22 Tuition
31115 CRR409 1 3 Advanced Collision Repair
Prerequisite: CRR 150
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 10:30AM Wellik,Nicholas 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22 Tuition
MTWRF 10:30AM 01:00PM Wellik,Nicholas 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 20
31116 CRR409 2 3 Advanced Collision Repair
Prerequisite: CRR 150
9 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:00AM 01:30PM Wellik,Nicholas 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04 Tuition
MTWRF 11:00AM 01:30PM Wellik,Nicholas 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B
MTWRF 08:00AM 10:30AM Wellik,Nicholas 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22
31117 CRR522 1 4 Advanced Refinishing
Prerequisite: CRR 150 , CRR 520
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 10:30AM 01:30PM Wellik,Nicholas 06/09/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 20 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 10:30AM Wellik,Nicholas 06/09/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22
31118 CRR522 2 4 Advanced Refinishing
Prerequisite: CRR 150 , CRR 520
9 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:00AM 02:00PM Wellik,Nicholas 06/09/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04 Tuition
MTWRF 11:00AM 02:00PM Wellik,Nicholas 06/09/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04B
MTWRF 08:00AM 10:30AM Wellik,Nicholas 06/09/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22
31119 CRR523 1 3 Paint Correction & Detailing
Prerequisite: CRR 150
7 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 01:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 07/07/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 20 Tuition
MTWRF 09:00AM 11:30AM Wellik,Nicholas 07/07/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 20
MTWRF 08:00AM 09:00AM Wellik,Nicholas 07/07/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22
31120 CRR523 2 3 Paint Correction & Detailing
Prerequisite: CRR 150
9 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 09:00AM Wellik,Nicholas 07/07/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 22 Tuition
MTWRF 09:00AM 11:30AM Wellik,Nicholas 07/07/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 04
MTWRF 12:00PM 01:15PM Wellik,Nicholas 07/07/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 20

Auto Mechanics Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30036 AUT163 1 3 Automotive Engine Repair
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: AUT 114 or AUT 111.
4 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:55AM Olesen,Bjarne 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 38 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:55AM Olesen,Bjarne 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 23
30584 AUT163 2 3 Automotive Engine Repair
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite: AUT 114 or AUT 111.
0 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 10:55AM Wersinger,Keith 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 10:55AM Wersinger,Keith 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B
30039 AUT173 1 3 Adv Automotive Engine Repair
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Course has prerequisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 163
8 0 0 0 MTWR 12:00PM 03:40PM Davis,Dave 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 03:40PM Davis,Dave 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 44
30341 AUT173 2 3 Adv Automotive Engine Repair
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 163
2 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:50AM Grems,Tyler 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 11:50AM Grems,Tyler 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42
30585 AUT173 3 3 Adv Automotive Engine Repair
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 163
0 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:40AM Grems,Tyler 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 16B Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 11:40AM Grems,Tyler 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 42
30894 AUT709 2 3 Auto Heating & AC
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session.
0 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:40AM Russell,Aaron 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 11:40AM Russell,Aaron 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B
31121 AUT709 1 3 Auto Heating & AC
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Reserved for students accepted into the Auto Mechanics Technology program.
0 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:30AM Russell,Aaron 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 11:30AM Russell,Aaron 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 18A
30037 AUT823 1 4 Advanced Automotive Tune-up
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Course has prerequisite. Prerequisite or Corequisite: AUT 842
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
30799 AUT847 2 3 Electrical Systems Diagnosis
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session Prerequisite: AUT 615 , AUT 652
3 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 03:45PM Wersinger,Keith 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 22B Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 03:45PM Wersinger,Keith 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 12
31122 AUT849 1 3 Electric Vehicle and ADAS
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Reserved for students accepted in to the Auto Mechanics Technology programs. Prerequisite: AUT 615, AUT 652
3 0 0 0 MTWR 08:00AM 11:30AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 11:30AM Linkenmeyer,Logan 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
32524 AUT849 2 3 Electric Vehicle and ADAS
Prerequisite: AUT 615, AUT 652
6 15 0 15 MTWR 12:30PM 04:00PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20A Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 04:00PM Linkenmeyer,Logan 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 14
30038 AUT870 1 2 Automotive Service Management
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
0 0 0 0 MTWR 01:00PM 03:10PM Davis,Dave 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 13 - 20B Tuition
30542 AUT933 1 3 Technical Internship I
Prerequisites: AUT 114, AUT 615, AUT 404, AUT 524
20 15 0 15 Davis,Dave 05/09/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30727 AUT934 1 3 Technical Internship II
Prerequisite: Completion of all of the following courses: AUT 933 , AUT 255 , AUT 842 , AUT 847
19 0 0 0 Davis,Dave 05/09/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30226 BIO104 WB1 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:50AM Gonzalez,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
Gonzalez,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30326 BIO104 WB2 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
8-week class; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
13 15 0 15 M W 10:10AM 12:00PM Gonzalez,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
Gonzalez,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30344 BIO104 WB8 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face-to-face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
8 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:15PM Fitzgerald,Nicole 05/20/25 07/15/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205 Tuition
Fitzgerald,Nicole 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB
30394 BIO104 NA 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
23 15 0 15 T R 09:50AM 12:50PM Abbott,Matthew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 136 Tuition
30396 BIO104 WW1 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30482 BIO104 WB3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Late start. 8 week class; 2nd 8 week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Williams,Caroline 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 06:00PM 08:00PM Williams,Caroline 06/03/25 07/24/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 205
30734 BIO104 WBN 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:10PM 08:10PM Judson,Savanna 05/21/25 07/30/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 136
30766 BIO104 WW2 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
5 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30922 BIO104 WB4 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
20 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 02:20PM 04:20PM Walkup,Kristina 06/03/25 07/24/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E
30986 BIO104 WB6 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:00PM Schwalbach,Nicole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
Schwalbach,Nicole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30993 BIO104 WW3 3 Introductory Biology w/lab
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
21 15 0 15 Walkup,Kristina 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30313 BIO112 UA 4 General Biology I
1st 5-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
20 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Goodrich,Tony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 209 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 09:50AM Goodrich,Tony 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 213
30646 BIO112 WB3 4 General Biology I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
13 15 0 15 Reimer,Amy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 08:00AM 10:30AM Reimer,Amy 06/02/25 07/28/25 West Campus Building 1 - 132E
32496 BIO112 WB1 4 General Biology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology & H.S. Chemistry or equivalent
9 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 10:00AM Alford,Aaron 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
Alford,Aaron 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
R 08:00AM 11:00AM Alford,Aaron 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
30776 BIO113 A 4 General Biology II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. biology and H.S. chemistry or equivalent
2 5 0 5 Alford,Aaron 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:20PM 03:20PM Alford,Aaron 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
R 12:20PM 02:20PM Alford,Aaron 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02
30618 BIO145 WW1 3 Ecology of Iowa
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
24 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30420 BIO151 WW1 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
2 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Nicole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30434 BIO151 WW2 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
21 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30451 BIO151 WW3 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
25 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30452 BIO151 WW4 3 Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: BIO 168 or CHM 122 with a grade of "C" or better.
17 15 0 15 Lawton,Amber 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30428 BIO164 WB1 5 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: H.S. Biology and H.S. Chemistry or equivalent.
9 15 0 15 Moe,Jenna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:00AM 12:25PM Moe,Jenna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
30239 BIO168 WB7 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face-to-face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
9 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:05AM Points,Lauren 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
Points,Lauren 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30319 BIO168 WB2 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
15 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:20AM 01:40PM Davis,Michael 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
30385 BIO168 WB3 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
5 15 0 15 Davis,Michael 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:00AM 11:00AM Davis,Michael 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
30390 BIO168 WB4 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
17 15 0 15 M W 04:00PM 06:20PM Davis,Michael 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07 Tuition
Davis,Michael 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30391 BIO168 WB1 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
0 15 0 15 Reimer,Amy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:30AM Reimer,Amy 06/03/25 07/24/25 West Campus Building 1 - 126E
30633 BIO168 WB6 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
1 15 0 15 Kness,Danielle 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 06:00PM 08:00PM Kness,Danielle 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212
30891 BIO168 UA 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Late start. 8 week class; 2nd 8 week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
18 15 0 15 MTWRF 10:40AM 12:30PM Borth,Leahann 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
30994 BIO168 WB5 4 Anatomy & Physiology I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 157 or a grade of "C" or better in BIO 112 or a "C" or better in high school Anatomy within the last five years Prerequisite or Corequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 104
18 15 0 15 Gilkeson,Luke 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:40AM 01:05PM Gilkeson,Luke 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05
30349 BIO173 WB2 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
0 15 3 12 Fitzgerald,Nicole 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:30AM Fitzgerald,Nicole 05/20/25 07/15/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
30427 BIO173 WB3 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
1 15 0 15 T R 01:15PM 03:25PM Moe,Jenna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07 Tuition
Moe,Jenna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30450 BIO173 WB5 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
9 15 0 15 McFadgen,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 05:00PM 07:15PM McFadgen,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 07
30634 BIO173 WB8 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
0 15 3 12 Keomanivong,Faithe 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 05:30PM 07:30PM Keomanivong,Faithe 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 208
30962 BIO173 WB1 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
5 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 03:15PM Goodrich,Tony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 212 Tuition
Goodrich,Tony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30995 BIO173 WB4 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
2 15 0 15 O'Donnell,Juliet 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M WR 09:00AM 11:00AM O'Donnell,Juliet 06/02/25 07/28/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 225
32490 BIO173 WB6 4 Anatomy & Physiology II
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in BIO 168 - Anatomy & Physiology I
8 15 0 15 T R 05:30PM 08:00PM Lawton,Amber 05/20/25 07/31/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 136 Tuition
Lawton,Amber 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30397 BIO186 WB6 4 Microbiology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
22 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 12:10PM 02:00PM Judson,Savanna 05/21/25 07/30/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 136
30479 BIO186 WB2 4 Microbiology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
16 15 0 15 Larscheid,Mary 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:30AM Larscheid,Mary 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 308
30546 BIO186 WB3 4 Microbiology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. However, laboratory courses typically require the purchase of a lab manual and additional items specific to the course. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
13 15 0 15 T R 11:10AM 01:40PM Larscheid,Mary 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 308 Tuition
Larscheid,Mary 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30769 BIO186 E1 4 Microbiology
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in one of the following courses with lab within the past five years: BIO 112 General Biology I, BIO 164 Essentials Anatomy/Physiology, BIO 168 Anatomy & Physiology I, BIO 173 Anatomy & Physiology II, CHM 132 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry, or CHM 165 Gen Chemistry I, OR Both BIO 733 Health Science Anatomy AND BIO 734 Health Science Physiology
9 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 09:35PM Delvaux,Michelle 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 02 Tuition
30098 BIO249 A 3 Biotechnology Internship
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
11 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Business Administration

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30111 BUS102 WW4 3 Introduction to Business
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
24 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30114 BUS102 WW1 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
1 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30155 BUS102 WW2 3 Introduction to Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
22 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30221 BUS102 WW3 3 Introduction to Business
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
22 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30152 BUS112 WW1 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
12 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30960 BUS112 WW2 3 Business Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 14%.
21 15 0 15 Daines,Josh 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30197 BUS220 WW1 3 Intro International Business
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
20 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30229 BUS231 WW1 4 Quantitative Methods/Bus Decns
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: MAT 099 or intermediate Algebra or 2 years of H.S. algebra or department permission
16 15 0 15 Fitzgerald,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32456 BUS295 WW1 2 Workplace Professionalism
10 15 0 15 Wendelin,Kara 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30346 BUS902 WW1 1 Career Seminar
Department chair and Instructor approval and concurrent enrollment in BUS 932 required. Prerequisite: ADM 221 - Career Development Skills Completed 30 credit hours towards degree, and Instructor or Advisor Approval Corequisite: BUS 932
13 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30347 BUS932 WW1 2 Internship
Department chair and Instructor approval and concurrent enrollment in BUS 902 required. Prerequisite: Completed 30 credit hours towards degree, and Instructor or Advisor Approval Corequisite: BUS 902
13 15 0 15 Schulte,Jennifer 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30267 FIN121 WW1 3 Personal Finance
17 15 0 15 Sinha,Reggie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30314 FIN121 WW2 3 Personal Finance
19 15 0 15 Keime,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Business Entrepreneurship

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30304 BUS131 WW1 3 Small Business Mgmt Strategies
9 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30160 BUS138 WW1 3 Small Business Marketing
10 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30228 BUS141 WW1 3 Small Business Start-Up
19 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30257 BUS148 WW1 3 Small Business Management
13 15 0 15 Grantham,Vada 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Business Law

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30108 BUS185 WW1 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
0 15 0 15 Ash,Lisa 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30127 BUS185 WW2 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
9 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30437 BUS185 WW4 3 Business Law I
Hardcopy texts are allowed during exams, webcam is required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
23 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30969 BUS185 WW3 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32455 BUS185 WW5 3 Business Law I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
24 15 0 15 Weber,Thomas 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30449 CHM105 WW1 3 Survey of Chemistry
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
18 15 0 15 Vanderlinden,David 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30003 CHM122 WW2 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
17 15 0 15 Kosgei,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
Kosgei,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB
30004 CHM122 WB3 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
16 15 0 15 Gamble,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 09:00PM Gamble,William 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
30034 CHM122 WB1 4 Intro to General Chemistry
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
23 15 0 15 van Aardt,Theunis 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 08:30AM 12:00PM van Aardt,Theunis 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
30121 CHM122 WB2 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
23 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 08:00AM 10:15AM Guerra,Anthony 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
30345 CHM122 WB7 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
21 15 0 15 Kosgei,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 10:05AM 12:35PM Kosgei,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 315
W 10:05AM 12:35PM Kosgei,Peter 06/04/25 07/23/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 313
30536 CHM122 WB5 4 Intro to General Chemistry
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. There is also a Face-to-Face component with meeting on campus as indicated. Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
21 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:15AM Guerra,Anthony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 24
30626 CHM122 WW1 4 Intro to General Chemistry
Prerequisite: Placement score and/or prerequisite required. Minimum ALEKS scores of 30 or minimum ACT math score of 19 or minimum SAT math score of 510 or MAT 099 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099/064 must be no more than 5 years old.
14 15 0 15 Jessen,Nadine 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30073 CHM132 WB1 4 Intro to Organic/Biochemistry
Prerequisite: CHM 122 or Equivalent
15 15 0 15 Vanderlinden,David 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 11:15AM 12:10PM Vanderlinden,David 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A
W 12:20PM 03:20PM Vanderlinden,David 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
30008 CHM165 B 4 General Chemistry I
Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
20 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:10AM Zhou,Lan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13A Tuition
M W 08:00AM 10:10AM Zhou,Lan 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20
30373 CHM165 WB1 4 General Chemistry I
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: One year H.S. Chem. OR CHM 122 with a grade of C or better; and either a minimum placement score of: ALEKS 46, ACT math score of 22, SAT math score of 530 or complete MAT 099 with a C- or higher. Score from ALEKS/ACT/SAT and grade from MAT 099 must be no more than 5 years old.
15 15 0 15 van Aardt,Theunis 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWR 01:00PM 03:30PM van Aardt,Theunis 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 225
30212 CHM175 A 4 General Chemistry II
Prerequisite: CHM 165 or Equivalent
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:10AM Karunatilaka,Chandana 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 10:10AM Karunatilaka,Chandana 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03
30293 CHM175 B 4 General Chemistry II
Prerequisite: CHM 165 or Equivalent
19 15 0 15 T R 10:25AM 12:30PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 20 Tuition
M W 10:25AM 12:40PM Karunatilaka,Chandana 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03

Chrysler Automotive Program

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30172 ATC330 1 3 Technical Internship II
The above class is reserved for students in the Chrysler Automotive program. Prerequisite: AUT 114, 615, 404 and 524
17 0 0 0 MTWRF Grems,Tyler 05/09/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30726 ATC340 1 3 Technical Internship III
Corequisite: Admission to Chrysler Program
19 0 0 0 Grems,Tyler 05/09/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30640 ATC350 1 3 Technical Internship IV
Prerequisite: ATC 340
17 0 0 0 Grems,Tyler 05/09/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Civil Engineering Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30714 CET260 WB1 4 Roadway Design with CAD
To register for this section, contact Karin Lawton-Dunn, Includes $120 CET equipment fee. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: CET 158 or instructor approval
20 15 0 15 Wahl,Jamison 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 05/20/25 05/20/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 06/03/25 06/03/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 06/17/25 06/17/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142
T 08:00AM 05:00PM Wahl,Jamison 07/01/25 07/01/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 142

College: Planning Your Success

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30084 SDV108 B 1 The College Experience
16 15 0 15 W 11:15AM 12:40PM Linhart,Laurie 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 20B Tuition
30087 SDV108 WWJ 1 The College Experience
19 15 0 15 Schneiderman,Matthew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30088 SDV108 UAA 1 The College Experience
21 15 0 15 W 11:15AM 12:40PM Nelson,Meridith 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 236 Tuition
30186 SDV108 WW1 1 The College Experience
4 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30331 SDV108 WW2 1 The College Experience
0 15 0 15 Schneiderman,Matthew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30354 SDV108 WV1 1 The College Experience
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone and reliable internet connection are required.
15 15 0 15 M 05:30PM 07:00PM Herold,Josh 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30361 SDV108 WW3 1 The College Experience
7 15 0 15 Ploeger,Alyssa 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30362 SDV108 WW4 1 The College Experience
24 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30364 SDV108 A 1 The College Experience
18 15 0 15 T 10:10AM 11:35AM Linhart,Laurie 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 20B Tuition
30454 SDV108 WW5 1 The College Experience
25 15 0 15 Ferreira Julio de Paula,Fabiana 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30455 SDV108 WW6 1 The College Experience
25 15 0 15 Stepleton Hardin,Nicole 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30837 SDV108 WWA 1 The College Experience
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Ferreira Julio de Paula,Fabiana 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32500 SDV108 WWB 1 The College Experience
25 15 0 15 Ploeger,Alyssa 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32529 SDV108 C 1 The College Experience
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 W 01:15PM 03:15PM Nelson,Meridith 06/04/25 07/23/25 West Campus Building 1 - 116E Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30348 COM703 WH2 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Toledo Parada,Carlos 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Toledo Parada,Carlos 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30423 COM703 WB2 3 Communication Skills
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 Kenkel,Jordan 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 03:00PM 03:55PM Kenkel,Jordan 06/02/25 07/14/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 145
30550 COM703 WH3 3 Communication Skills
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
12 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 02:05PM Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30782 COM703 WB4 3 Communication Skills
Ford Asset Program Course (but open to all students interested). Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Sandoval,Lorenzo 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTW 08:00AM 10:00AM Sandoval,Lorenzo 06/25/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208
30791 COM703 WB3 3 Communication Skills
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 2 13 Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 02:30PM 03:55PM Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11

Computer Aided Design Tech

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31106 CAD119 2 3 Intro Computer-Aided Drafting
Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy
20 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Green,Travis 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition
31107 CAD119 3 3 Intro Computer-Aided Drafting
Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy
20 15 0 15 T R 05:30PM 08:25PM Martindale,Patrick 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 102 Tuition
32457 CAD119 1 3 Intro Computer-Aided Drafting
Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy
20 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 04:00PM Green,Travis 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition
31108 CAD149 1 3 Basic Modeling SolidWorks
20 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 12:00PM Green,Travis 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition
32463 CAD149 3 3 Basic Modeling SolidWorks
19 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:45PM Green,Travis 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 105 Tuition

Computer Information Systems

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30122 CIS125 WW1 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/l
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30553 CIS125 WW2 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
21 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30668 CIS125 WW3 3 Intro to Programming Logic w/L
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
25 15 0 15 Koel,Peter 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30374 CIS161 WW1 3 C++
A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Wagner,Rick 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30932 CIS164 WW1 3 Advanced C++
Prerequisite: CIS 161 with a minimum grade of C-
23 15 0 15 Struss,Joseph 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30375 CIS169 WW1 3 C#
Prerequisite or Corequisite: CIS 125
20 15 0 15 Ruse,Michelle 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30637 CIS171 WW1 3 Java
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: CIS 125 OR NET 202 OR CIS 189 OR Instructor Approval
17 15 0 15 Muriel,Sergio 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30641 CIS174 WH1 3 Advanced C# Programming
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CIS 169 with a minimum grade of C-
23 15 0 15 Hennis,Evan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 08:00PM Hennis,Evan 05/22/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
32475 CIS175 WW1 3 Java II
Prerequisite: CIS 171 with a minimum grade of C-
18 15 0 15 Patton,Belinda 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30612 CIS189 WW1 3 Python
10 15 0 15 Jennings,Scott 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30718 CIS189 WW3 3 Python
25 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30817 CIS189 WW2 3 Python
25 15 0 15 Triveri,James 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30638 CIS289 WW1 3 Python II
Prerequisite: CIS 189 with a minimum grade of C-
3 15 0 15 Buys,Jonathan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30120 CIS303 WH1 3 Introduction to Database
Part of this class is delivered via virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone and reliable internet connection are required.
18 15 0 15 Julius,Matthew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 06:00PM 08:00PM Julius,Matthew 05/26/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30161 CIS303 WW1 3 Introduction to Database
20 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30818 CIS303 WW2 3 Introduction to Database
4 15 0 15 Macuga,Stephanie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30384 CIS332 WW1 3 Database and SQL
Prerequisite: CIS 303
10 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30728 CIS338 WW1 3 SQL/Oracle
Prerequisite: CIS 332
19 15 0 15 Riley,Kimberly 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30575 CSC116 WW2 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
13 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30576 CSC116 WW4 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Deitenbeck,Becky 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30642 CSC116 WW5 3 Information Computing
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30643 CSC116 WW3 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
16 15 0 15 Hanson,Joe 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30954 CSC116 WW1 3 Information Computing
This course requires Office 2021/365 in a Windows environment. A Chromebook does not support the textbook software in the course. A PC or Mac is required. Office is available as a free student download and is installed in campus computer labs. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 1 14 Christian,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30617 DAT201 WW1 3 Data Science I
18 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Construction Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30040 CON481 1 5 Constr Proc & Applications II
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. The above class is reserved for Building Trades and Construction Management students. Prerequisite: CON 480
11 15 0 15 MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Negrete,Adam 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 10 Tuition
MTWRF 12:45PM 02:45PM Negrete,Adam 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02
30041 CON482 1 5 Constr Proc & Applications III
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. The above class is reserved for Building Trades and Construction Management students. Prerequisite or Corequisite: CON 481
12 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:45PM 02:45PM Negrete,Adam 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Negrete,Adam 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 16 - 10
30690 CON616 1 5 Technical Internship II
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. The above class is reserved for Building Trades and Construction Management students.
14 15 0 15 Negrete,Adam 05/20/25 06/24/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30691 CON616 2 5 Technical Internship II
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. The above class is reserved for Building Trades and Construction Management students.
22 15 0 15 Negrete,Adam 05/20/25 06/24/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30692 CON617 1 5 Technical Internship III
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. The above class is reserved for Building Trades and Construction Management students.
12 15 0 15 Negrete,Adam 06/25/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30693 CON617 2 5 Technical Internship III
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. The above class is reserved for Building Trades and Construction Management students.
22 15 0 15 Negrete,Adam 06/25/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Criminal Justice

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30147 CRJ100 WW1 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
22 15 0 15 Galien,Danielle 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30674 CRJ100 WW2 3 Intro to Criminal Justice
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Martin,Steven 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30699 CRJ101 WW1 3 Ethics in Criminal Justice
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
17 15 0 15 Hartsfield,Stacy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30598 CRJ107 WW1 3 Survey Crim Justice Agencies
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 O'Bryan,Patrick 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30779 CRJ128 WW1 3 Victimology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
17 15 0 15 Sakanovic,Emma 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30358 CRJ178 WW1 3 E-Crime Investigative Methods
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30650 CRJ197 WW1 2 Crime Scene Investigation 2
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. $80 lab supplies fee is included in the cost of this course.
22 15 0 15 Galien,Danielle 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30599 CRJ200 WW1 3 Criminology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
8 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32520 CRJ200 A 3 Criminology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:30PM Galien,Danielle 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 10 Tuition
30600 CRJ201 WW1 3 Juvenile Delinquency
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Peck,Mike 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31046 CRJ245 WW1 3 Scientific Investigation
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 Galien,Danielle 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30601 CRJ294 WW1 3 CJ Communication Strategies
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: CRJ 100 or instructor approval
18 15 0 15 O'Hara,Jim 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31047 CRJ305 WW1 3 Intro to Cyber Terrorism
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
22 15 0 15 Balas,Mike 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30733 CRJ325 WW1 3 Intro to Emergency Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Titze,Tina 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30012 CRJ932 A 3 Internship
This course has a prerequisite. Instructor approval required. Visit the Criminal Justice Internship website for more information.
25 15 0 15 O'Hara,Samantha 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
O'Hara,Samantha 05/20/25 07/31/25 -

Culinary Arts

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30201 HCM110 2 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
0 15 1 14 T 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30259 HCM110 3 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
0 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30260 HCM110 4 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
0 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30261 HCM110 5 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
2 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30067 HCM152 1 2 Food Preparation II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144, any AAS Core Math. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 153
4 15 0 15 M 08:15AM 11:50AM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30227 HCM152 2 2 Food Preparation II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144, any AAS Core Math. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 153
0 15 0 15 M 08:15AM 11:50AM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30068 HCM153 3 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
1 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30181 HCM153 2 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
0 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30316 HCM153 4 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
0 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30621 HCM153 5 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
0 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30202 HCM240 1 2 Menu Planning & Design
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: Any AAS Core Math
4 15 0 15 M 12:30PM 04:05PM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30622 HCM240 2 2 Menu Planning & Design
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: Any AAS Core Math
2 15 0 15 M 12:30PM 04:05PM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30066 HCM270 3 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30074 HCM270 4 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30174 HCM270 5 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30217 HCM270 2 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30069 HCM510 1 3 Work Experience
Student must be employed in the foodservice industry prior to enrolling in this course. Please see program director and/or DMACC career center for assistance.
27 15 0 15 Jensen,Tim 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30578 HCM510 NA 3 Work Experience
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program.
11 15 0 15 Binney,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30758 HCM515 NA 2 Chocolate and Sugar
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116 , HCM 224 , HCM 347 and HCM 514
7 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 12:00PM Binney,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 249 Tuition
32494 HCM515 NB 2 Chocolate and Sugar
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116 , HCM 224 , HCM 347 and HCM 514
10 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 12:00PM Binney,Ryan 05/21/25 07/30/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 249 Tuition
30759 HCM516 NA 2 Cake Decorating
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116, HCM 224 , HCM 347 and HCM 514
7 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 04:00PM Binney,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 249 Tuition
32495 HCM516 NB 2 Cake Decorating
Restricted to students admitted to the Baking Diploma program. Fee includes $15 uniform fee. Prerequisite: HCM 116, HCM 224 , HCM 347 and HCM 514
10 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 04:00PM Binney,Ryan 05/21/25 07/30/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 249 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31099 NET182 WW1 3 IT and Security Fundamentals
5 15 0 15 McQuade,Melanie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30462 NET315 WB1 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
12 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Howe,Jeffrey 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51
30463 NET315 WB3 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 11:55AM Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51 Tuition
Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30464 NET315 WB2 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 03:55PM Howe,Jeffrey 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51
30324 NET932 1 3 Internship
12 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Dental Assistant

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30005 DEA297 1 1 Ethics/Jurisprudence Seminar
This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 , DEA 615 , DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 707 Corequisite: DEA 579
8 0 0 0 F 01:00PM 02:45PM Bouma,Sarah 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
32498 DEA579 1 5 Dental Assisting-Clinicals
Prerequisite: DEA 507 , DEA 314 , DEA 256 , DEA 413 , DEA 249 , DEA 615 , DEA 323 , DEA 260 , DEA 265 , DEA 417 , DEA 707 Corequisite: DEA 297
8 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 04:15PM Bouma,Sarah 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Dental Hygiene

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30011 DHY133 1 3 Pharmacology
The above class is reserved for students in the Dental Hygiene program. Prerequisite: CHM 132, DHY 114, 181, 182
10 0 0 0 M W 12:50PM 03:05PM Johnson,Mary 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
30010 DHY211 1 2 Periodontology
This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DHY 121, 181, 182. Corequisite: DHY 282
10 0 0 0 T R 01:30PM 03:00PM Hoffman,Melissa 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
30007 DHY281 1 2 Dental Hygiene II
This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DHY 181, 182. Corequisite: DHY 282
10 0 0 0 M W 10:30AM 12:00PM Kollasch,Jacquelyn 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 03 Tuition
30009 DHY282 A 2 Clinical Dental Hygiene II
Cost includes a $375 Dental Hygiene lab fee. This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: DHY 181, DHY 182. Corequisite: DHY 281
10 0 0 0 T R 08:00AM 12:30PM Kollasch,Jacquelyn 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 02D Tuition

Diesel Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30302 DSL356 1 6 Diesel Engines I
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:30PM 03:00PM Holloway,Michael 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04 Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 03:00PM Holloway,Michael 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A
MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A
MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
30301 DSL366 1 6 Diesel Engines II
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisite: DSL 356
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:30PM 02:45PM Holloway,Michael 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 02:45PM Holloway,Michael 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 05A
MTWRF 08:00AM 12:00PM Holloway,Michael 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 04
30043 DSL733 1 3 Air Conditioning
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. The above class is reserved for students in the Diesel Technology programs.
1 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 10:50AM Ward,Scott 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 06 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 10:50AM Ward,Scott 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 07
30044 DSL733 2 3 Air Conditioning
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. The above class is reserved for students in the Diesel Technology programs.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:30AM 02:20PM Ward,Scott 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 11:30AM 02:20PM Ward,Scott 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 06
30045 DSL830 1 5 Operation & Maintenance
The above course is reserved for students in the Diesel Technology programs.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 11:30AM 02:15PM Parsons,Shea 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09B Tuition
MTWRF 11:30AM 02:15PM Parsons,Shea 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14
30046 DSL830 2 5 Operation & Maintenance
The above course is reserved for students in the Diesel Technology programs.
0 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 10:45AM Parsons,Shea 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 14 Tuition
MTWRF 08:00AM 10:45AM Parsons,Shea 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 14 - 09B

Digital Forensic Investigation

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
32528 NET180 WW2 3 Digital Forensic Analysis II
Prerequisite: NET 179
19 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 06/02/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30324 NET932 1 3 Internship
12 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30453 DRA101 WW1 3 Introduction to Theatre
23 15 0 15 Lindberg,Carl 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30765 DRA127 A 3 Stage Combat
15 15 0 15 T R 03:00PM 05:05PM Brockshus,Brandon 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
30602 DRA180 A 1 Theatre Lab I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Must be assigned a role onstage or off in a production. Contact Carl Lindberg at for more info.
20 15 0 15 MTWR 05:30PM 06:30PM Lindberg,Carl 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
30603 DRA181 A 1 Theatre Lab II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: DRA 180
20 15 0 15 MTWR 06:30PM 07:30PM Lindberg,Carl 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
30604 DRA280 A 1 Theatre Lab III
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: DRA 181
20 15 0 15 MTWR 07:30PM 08:30PM Lindberg,Carl 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition
30605 DRA281 A 1 Theatre Lab IV
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: DRA 280
20 15 0 15 MTWR 08:30PM 09:30PM Lindberg,Carl 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 5 - 1203 Tuition

Early Childhood Education

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30332 ECE103 WW1 3 Intro to Early Childhood Ed
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course requires a face-to-face observation in an instructor approved site. Please contact course instructor with questions.
17 15 0 15 Parmerlee,Catherine 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30334 ECE106 UAE 1 Child Dev Associate Standard
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course is for students currently working with children 0-5 seeking the Child Development Associate Credential. Prerequisites: ECE 103, 133, 243, 343, and 158 or ECE 221, or instructor permission
4 15 0 15 Winslow,Amanda 06/02/25 07/28/25 Off Campus - Tuition
T Winslow,Amanda 06/03/25 07/22/25 DMACC Capitol Center -
30350 ECE133 WW1 3 Child Health,Safety &Nutrition
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31034 ECE158 WW1 3 Early Childhood Curriculum I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
15 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30310 ECE159 WW1 3 Early Childhood Curriculum II
Students registering for this class must also register for ECE 359. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade or "C" or better or instructor approval. Corequisite: ECE 359 or instructor approval.
20 15 0 15 Seybert,Janette 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31005 ECE170 WW1 3 Child Growth & Development
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Parmerlee,Catherine 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30337 ECE221 WW1 3 Infant/Toddler Care and Educ.
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course requires a face-to-face observation in an instructor approved site. Please contact course instructor with questions. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Champlin,Katherine 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30911 ECE268 WB1 4 Early Childhood Field Exper
Application due April 4. Mandatory orientation May 5. Cost includes an additional $65 fee. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisites: ECE-103, ECE-133, ECE-170, ECE-158 C or better, ECE-159 C or better, ECE-243 C or better, ECE-343 C or better, ECE-359 C or better; 2.0 GPA; Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions and Mandatory Reporter Certification. Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ECE-221
0 15 0 15 Clark,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 05:00PM 07:15PM Clark,Julie 05/20/25 05/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28
T 05:00PM 07:15PM Clark,Julie 06/03/25 06/03/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28
T 05:00PM 07:15PM Clark,Julie 06/17/25 06/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28
T 05:00PM 07:15PM Clark,Julie 07/01/25 07/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28
T 05:00PM 07:15PM Clark,Julie 07/15/25 07/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28
T 05:00PM 07:15PM Clark,Julie 07/29/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 28
30311 ECE359 WW1 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Students in this section must be working with children ages 2-5 in a group setting or request placement. Students are required to use video for teaching observations. Contact Julie Clark for information at Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
10 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30312 ECE359 B 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must also register for ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
2 0 0 0 T 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 06/03/25 07/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
30441 ECE359 C 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students must also register for ECE 159. Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
4 0 0 0 W 08:00AM 12:30PM Clark,Julie 06/04/25 07/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 21 Tuition
32427 ECE359 WW2 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Students in this section must be working with children ages 2-5 in a group setting or request placement. Students are required to use video for teaching observations. Contact Julie Clark for information at Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
12 0 0 0 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32473 ECE359 WW3 1 ECE Curriculum II Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Students enrolled in this section must also be enrolled in ECE 159. Students in this section must be working with children ages 2-5 in a group setting or request placement. Students are required to use video for teaching observations. Contact Julie Clark for information at Prerequisite: ECE 158 with a grade of "C" or better. Corequisite: ECE 159 or instructor approval
11 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30421 ECE930 1 1 Administrative Practicum
Applications due April 18. Contact Julie Clark for information at Prerequisite: 12 credits in ECE or Current Child Development Associate (CDA) credential OR Must be admitted to the ECE program OR instructor approval.
5 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30295 ECE932 1 2 Internship
Application due March 29. Mandatory orientation April 26. Prerequisites: ECE 103, 133, 170; "C" or better in ECE 159, 243, 343, and 359; 2.5 program GPA. Current CPR/First Aid, Universal Precautions and Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Certification. Internship application is required the semester prior to enrollment in the course. Criminal background check required. Prerequisite OR corequisite: ECE 215, 221, or instructor approval
7 0 0 0 Clark,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30095 ECN120 1 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
18 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 10 Tuition
30115 ECN120 WW1 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
1 15 0 15 Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30128 ECN120 WW2 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
24 15 0 15 Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30173 ECN120 WH1 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
23 15 0 15 Cook,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 09:00PM Cook,Kevin 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30222 ECN120 WW4 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
20 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30968 ECN120 WW3 3 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
24 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30053 ECN130 WW6 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
25 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30125 ECN130 WW1 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
0 15 0 15 Cook,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30363 ECN130 WW4 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
25 15 0 15 Cook,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30879 ECN130 1 3 Principles of Microeconomics
5 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 02:45PM Jeddi Balabaygloo,Behzad 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 04 Tuition
30963 ECN130 WW2 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
17 15 0 15 Cook,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30980 ECN130 WW3 3 Principles of Microeconomics
ECN 120 is not a prerequisite for ECN 130. Webcam may be required.
25 15 0 15 Karim,Reza 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30461 EDU210 WH1 3 Foundations of Education
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
14 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 09:50AM Steffen,Patsy 06/03/25 07/24/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30165 EDU245 WW1 3 Exceptional Learner
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
13 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30177 EDU245 WW2 3 Exceptional Learner
Late Start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session
22 15 0 15 Steffen,Patsy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32497 EDU255 WW1 3 Technology in the Classroom
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
15 15 0 15 Darling,Dominique 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Electric Utility Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30875 ELE272 2 3 Line Maintenance
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: ELE 249 
3 15 0 15 MTWRF 07:30AM 12:35PM Finn,Don 05/09/25 05/30/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition

Electrical Construction Trades

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30353 ELT178 WW1 2 Electrical Grounding
2 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30357 ELT217 WB1 3 Advanced Motor Controls
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: ELT 303, 131
6 15 0 15 T 09:30AM 01:00PM Ehler,Dan 05/20/25 07/29/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 144 Tuition
Ehler,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
T 09:30AM 01:00PM Ehler,Dan 05/20/25 07/29/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
30653 ELT217 WB2 3 Advanced Motor Controls
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: ELT 303, 131
6 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 09:30AM 01:00PM Ehler,Dan 05/22/25 07/31/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
R 09:30AM 01:00PM Ehler,Dan 05/22/25 07/31/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 144

Electronics Engineering

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30395 ELT652 1 4 Computer Repair & Networking
18 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:45PM Helleso,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
30639 ELT728 1 4 Motor and Power Electronics
7 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 11:45AM Helleso,Ryan 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 40 Tuition
30457 ELT932 1 3 Internship
Students should contact instructor before enrolling course to understand Institutional safety protocols essential for internship placements Prerequisite: Instructor Approval
1 15 0 15 Helleso,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Emergency Medical Services

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31057 EMS214 E1 6 Emergency Medical Technician
Starts prior to regular summer term courses. The above class meets 5:30 pm- 10:00 pm every Monday and Wednesday all semester. Students must show proof of successful and current completion of AHA BLS or Red Cross BLS training. Students cannot enroll after the first class meeting. Students not present for the first class night will be dropped from the course. Costs include $70.00 background check fee. RESERVED for students in Fire Science and Emergency Technician programs. Prerequisite: High School Diploma or GED, American Red Cross BLS (Basic Life Support)Card or American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) Card, 17 years of age, and must attend an information session.
2 15 0 15 Burrell,Jill 05/12/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
M W 05:30PM 10:05PM Burrell,Jill 05/12/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115
M W 05:30PM 10:05PM Burrell,Jill 05/12/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113
31058 EMS214 E2 6 Emergency Medical Technician
Starts prior to regular summer term courses. The above class meets 5:30 pm- 10:00 pm every Monday and Wednesday all semester. Students must show proof of successful and current completion of AHA BLS or Red Cross BLS training. Students cannot enroll after the first class meeting. Students not present for the first class night will be dropped from the course. Costs include $70.00 background check fee. RESERVED for students in Fire Science and Emergency Technician programs. Prerequisite: High School Diploma or GED, American Red Cross BLS (Basic Life Support)Card or American Heart Association BLS (Basic Life Support) Card, 17 years of age, and must attend an information session.
5 15 0 15 VanZee,Dottie 05/13/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
T R 05:30PM 09:55PM VanZee,Dottie 05/13/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 115
T R 05:30PM 09:55PM VanZee,Dottie 05/13/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113
30785 EMS505 1 6 EMS Clinical II
Prerequisite: EMS 501
14 0 0 0 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31113 EGR180 AM 3 Statics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: PHY 213. Corequisite: MAT 217 must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
28 15 0 15 T R 09:30AM 11:55AM Tenboer,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 221 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30348 COM703 WH2 3 Communication Skills
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Toledo Parada,Carlos 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Toledo Parada,Carlos 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30423 COM703 WB2 3 Communication Skills
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
10 15 0 15 Kenkel,Jordan 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 03:00PM 03:55PM Kenkel,Jordan 06/02/25 07/14/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 145
30550 COM703 WH3 3 Communication Skills
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
12 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 02:05PM Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30782 COM703 WB4 3 Communication Skills
Ford Asset Program Course (but open to all students interested). Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Sandoval,Lorenzo 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTW 08:00AM 10:00AM Sandoval,Lorenzo 06/25/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 208
30791 COM703 WB3 3 Communication Skills
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 2 13 Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 02:30PM 03:55PM Platt,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11
30102 ENG060 UCA 3 College Preparatory Writing I
17 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 02:45PM Castaneda,Abigail 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240 Tuition
30013 ENG105 WH5 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
15 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 08:00AM 10:30AM Chesmore,Cody 06/03/25 07/22/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30014 ENG105 WB1 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
7 15 0 15 Hogan,Colin 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:35AM 10:55AM Hogan,Colin 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 07
30015 ENG105 A1 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Rhodes,Ellen 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 07 Tuition
30016 ENG105 WH4 3 Composition I
Keyboarding skills required. 5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 Dickinson,Marc 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 05:30PM 09:00PM Dickinson,Marc 05/21/25 06/18/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30054 ENG105 WB6 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
11 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:45AM 01:15PM Alberhasky,Matthew 06/03/25 07/22/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 105
30071 ENG105 WB5 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
16 15 0 15 M W 10:40AM 01:05PM Hyatt,Valerie 06/02/25 07/28/25 West Campus Building 1 - 125E Tuition
Hyatt,Valerie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30078 ENG105 WWB 3 Composition I
4 15 0 15 Meyer,Natalie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30083 ENG105 WB4 3 Composition I
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
16 15 0 15 M W 12:50PM 02:20PM Grout,Bradley 06/25/25 07/30/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 112 Tuition
Grout,Bradley 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30133 ENG105 WW1 3 Composition I
2 15 0 15 Zhang,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30144 ENG105 WW2 3 Composition I
14 15 0 15 Toledo Parada,Carlos 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30198 ENG105 WW3 3 Composition I
9 15 0 15 Gard,Jeff 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30209 ENG105 WW4 3 Composition I
0 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30230 ENG105 WW5 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
15 15 0 15 Rhodes,Ellen 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30286 ENG105 WW7 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
13 15 0 15 Tisdale,Heather 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30292 ENG105 WW8 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
16 15 0 15 Foote,Alexandra 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30294 ENG105 WW9 3 Composition I
17 15 0 15 Davenport,Joanne 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30327 ENG105 WWD 3 Composition I
20 15 0 15 Zhang,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30658 ENG105 UBM 3 Composition I
13 15 0 15 M W F 11:30AM 01:00PM Sharp,Holly 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 202 Tuition
30689 ENG105 WB2 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
5 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 09:40AM Tisdale,Heather 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11 Tuition
Tisdale,Heather 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30835 ENG105 WW6 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Dickinson,Marc 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30921 ENG105 WB7 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
18 15 0 15 Soloy,BJ 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 04:10PM 06:00PM Soloy,BJ 06/03/25 07/22/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 145
30972 ENG105 WWA 3 Composition I
19 15 0 15 Grout,Bradley 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31001 ENG105 WWC 3 Composition I
18 15 0 15 Nelles,Lisa 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31020 ENG105 WWE 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Fandel,Nancy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31059 ENG105 WB8 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
5 15 0 15 Brummel,Cassidy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 08:30PM Brummel,Cassidy 06/05/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01
31060 ENG105 WWF 3 Composition I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 Duke,Shaun 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30017 ENG106 WB4 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
11 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 08:00AM 10:30AM Staff,* 06/03/25 07/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 11
30029 ENG106 WH7 3 Composition II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
13 15 0 15 Pettit,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 08:00PM Pettit,Amy 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30055 ENG106 WB1 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 01:30PM 04:00PM Alberhasky,Matthew 06/05/25 07/24/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 232
30103 ENG106 WB2 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
9 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:45AM 01:15PM Staff,* 06/03/25 07/22/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12B
30118 ENG106 WW1 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
4 15 0 15 Zhang,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30138 ENG106 WW2 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 Zhang,William 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30199 ENG106 WW3 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
8 15 0 15 Davenport,Joanne 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30210 ENG106 WW4 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
20 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30211 ENG106 WW9 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
17 15 0 15 Tisdale,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30246 ENG106 WW7 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
11 15 0 15 Kellen,Darci 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30247 ENG106 WW6 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30317 ENG106 WB5 3 Composition II
Late start. 5-week session; 2nd-5 week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 Bonnstetter,Jesup 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M 05:30PM 09:00PM Bonnstetter,Jesup 06/30/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 01
30321 ENG106 WWA 3 Composition II
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
20 15 0 15 Tisdale,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30322 ENG106 WWB 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
17 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30836 ENG106 WW5 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
15 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30887 ENG106 WBA 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
17 15 0 15 T 01:30PM 04:00PM Chesmore,Cody 06/03/25 07/22/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 219 Tuition
31061 ENG106 WB3 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
13 15 0 15 Doke-Kerns,Jennie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:45AM 12:15PM Doke-Kerns,Jennie 06/02/25 07/28/25 West Campus Building 1 -
31062 ENG106 WWD 3 Composition II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in ENG 105
18 15 0 15 Duke,Shaun 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30303 ENG108 WW1 3 Comp II: Technical Writing
Prerequisite: ENG 105
6 15 0 15 Borell,Melissa 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

English Language Learner

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
32483 ELL098 UAA 4 Reading and Comm Fluency
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score 50-81
20 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:15PM Gay,Jenny 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - Tuition
32484 ELL099 UAA 4 Grammar and Writing Fluency
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score 50-81
20 15 0 15 MTWR 02:30PM 04:45PM Fulton,Tamara 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition
30629 ELL108 WV1 4 Reading and Comm Accuracy
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of a "C" or higher in ELL 098 and ELL 099.
18 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:15PM Bassis,Irina 05/20/25 07/16/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30814 ELL109 UAM 4 Grammar and Writing Accuracy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This section is reserved for newly graduated high school students. (Contact Gail Zehr (gmzehr@dmacc) for for information.) Prerequisite: ESL Accuplacer minimum score of 82-110 or successful completion of ELL 098 and ELL 099 with a "C" or higher.
18 15 0 15 MTWR 09:30AM 11:45AM Scott,Micaela 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 232 Tuition

Environmental Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30296 ENV103 WW1 1 Sustainable Living
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Abbott,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30132 ENV115 WW1 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
4 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30164 ENV115 WW2 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Abbott,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30184 ENV115 WW3 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
21 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30996 ENV115 WW5 3 Environmental Science
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30185 ENV116 WW1 1 Environmental Science Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
12 15 0 15 Sadeghpour,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30231 ENV116 WW2 1 Environmental Science Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
21 15 0 15 Abbott,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30323 ENV116 WW3 1 Environmental Science Lab
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or prior completion of ENV 115 or equivalent
23 15 0 15 Judson,Savanna 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31091 APP109 1 3 Creative Design Foundations
This course requires the purchase of art supplies for various projects.
11 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 03:25PM Gadbury,Ann 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 20 Tuition
30587 APP209 WW1 3 Textile Science
23 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30613 APP235 WB1 3 Visual Merchandising Studio
Includes a $30 lab and materials fee. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Gadbury,Ann 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:45AM 11:15AM Gadbury,Ann 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09
30588 APP602 1 3 Internship I
Fashion Internship. Students complete 180 hrs of work experience. Prerequisite or Corequisite: APP 600
17 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
31092 APP602 2 3 Internship I
Interior Design Internship. Students complete 180 hrs of work experience. Prerequisite or Corequisite: APP 600
18 15 0 15 Davidson,Pam 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30589 APP700 1 2 Internship Seminar & Capstone
Industry experience component may require students to be off-campus. Prerequisite: APP 600
15 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Gadbury,Ann 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 09 Tuition
30590 APP702 1 3 Internship II
Fashion Internship. Students complete 180 hrs of work experience. Prerequisite: APP 600, APP 602
20 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30438 MKT160 WW1 3 Principles of Retailing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
19 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Fire Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30763 FIR199 1 8 Firefighter I
Reserved for student in Fire Science programs. Costs include a $600 equipment rental fee. Prerequisite: FIR 101, FIR 127 , FIR 124 , FIR 129 and EMS 214 . All of these courses can also be waived as prerequisites by Instructor Approval
26 15 0 15 MTWR 10:00AM 12:10PM Conklin,Brent 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 01 Tuition
MTWR 08:00AM 09:50AM Conklin,Brent 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 02

Fitness & Sports Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30538 PEC110 WW2 1 Coaching Ethics, Tech & Theory
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30378 PEH102 WW1 3 Health
15 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30407 PEH110 WW1 2 Personal Wellness
20 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30170 PEH920 BA 2 Field Experience
25 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30537 PET110 WW1 2 Intro to Athletic Training
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
14 15 0 15 Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30166 GEO111 WW1 3 Intro to Geography
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Balichek,Brooke 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30187 GEO111 WW2 3 Intro to Geography
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 Glass,Caroline 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30268 GEO111 WW3 3 Intro to Geography
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Lund,Carl 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30167 GEO124 WW1 3 Reg Geog of the NonWest World
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
24 15 0 15 Allen,Chadrick 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Global Studies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30487 GLS200 BA 3 Country Study: Belize
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
25 0 0 0 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Graphic Design

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30047 GRD301 1 3 Intro to Desktop Publishing
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. Open to all students.
12 15 0 15 M W 12:05PM 03:00PM Gadbury,Ann 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 04 Tuition
30042 GRD424 1 3 Graphic Design Internship
Reserved for Graphic Design students. Contact instructor to arrange individualized meeting times. . Prerequisite: instructor approval
19 15 0 15 Sumners-Purdy,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
T R 08:05AM 08:50AM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03
30885 GRD464 1 3 Digital Artistry
Prerequisite: GRD 459, GRD 463
4 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Blair,Michael 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
30886 GRD464 2 3 Digital Artistry
Prerequisite: GRD 459, GRD 463
3 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:55PM Blair,Michael 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 02 Tuition
30297 GRD470 1 3 Interactive Media I
Reserved for students accepted into the Graphic Design, Graphic Technologies and Visual Communications programs. Prerequisite: GRD 463 or instructor permission
4 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:55PM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition
30305 GRD470 2 3 Interactive Media I
Reserved for students accepted into the Graphic Design, Graphic Technologies and Visual Communications programs. Prerequisite: GRD 463 or instructor permission
0 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Sumners-Purdy,Heather 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 15 - 03 Tuition

Health Administration

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30832 ADM147 WW2 3 Customer Service Health Care
24 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30926 HIT121 WW1 2 Pharmacology
15 15 0 15 Christian,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30582 HIT125 WW1 2 Essentials of Health Records
15 15 0 15 Uknes,Carole 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32446 HIT280 WW1 3 CPT-4 Coding
Prerequisite: HSC 114. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAP 141
14 15 0 15 Uknes,Carole 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30580 HSC114 WW2 3 Medical Terminology
0 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30581 HSC114 WW3 3 Medical Terminology
17 15 0 15 Turner,Christina 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30823 HSC114 WW4 3 Medical Terminology
25 15 0 15 Eide,Joshua 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30770 HSC128 WW1 3 Anatomy & Phys for Allied
Prerequisite OR Corequisite: HSC 114
11 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30583 MAP141 WW1 3 Medical Insurance
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HSC 114 with a "C" or better
18 15 0 15 Tosunbegovic,Maya 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30771 MAP150 WW1 3 Adv. Medical Billing/Coding
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Medical Billing & Coding diploma, Medical Insurance & Coding certificate, the Medical Office Specialist program and Health Information Technology. Prerequisite: MAP 141, HIT 233 and HIT 280 with a "C" or better
15 15 0 15 Toomsen,Susan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30701 MAP220 WW1 3 Medical Administrative Proc
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Medical Billing & Coding diploma, Medical Office Specialist, Medical Insurance and Coding certificate. and Patient Access certificate. Students will need to purchase an access code to EHRGo.
12 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30204 MAP532 WW1 3 Human Body - Health & Disease
This class is reserved for students accepted into the Health Information Technology, Medical Office Specialist and Medical Insurance and Coding programs. Students not in these programs may take the course with completion of the prerequisite and permission from the instructor. Prerequisite: HSC 114 with a "C" or better
14 15 0 15 Lockridge,Bekah 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30711 MAP547 WW1 3 Professional Practice Exp
Prerequisite: Completion of the first two semesters of MAP and HIT courses with a GPA of 2.0 and a 2.0 in all MAP and HIT courses, or instructor approval. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAP 532 Corequisite: MAP 150 , MAP 220
20 15 0 15 Noel,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
Noel,Emily 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB

Health Sciences

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30567 HSC101 1 1 Emergency Care
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
23 15 0 15 R 12:00PM 03:25PM Spry-Knutson,Jennifer 05/22/25 06/19/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 203 Tuition
30694 HSC300 WW1 2 Med Term for Health Sciences
28 15 0 15 Schroder,Stacey 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Heating AC & Refrigeration

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30090 HCR256 1 5 Applied Heating & AC
The above course is reserved for students in the Heating, AC and Refrigeration program. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: HCR 253
5 15 0 15 MT 08:00AM 12:00PM Smith,Scott 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 05 Tuition
MT 08:00AM 12:00PM Smith,Scott 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 07
MT 12:30PM 02:55PM Smith,Scott 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 05
MT 12:30PM 02:55PM Smith,Scott 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 07
30091 HCR932 1 4 Internship
The above course is reserved for students in the Heating, AC and Refrigeration program. Prerequisite: HCR 253, 440 and 515. Students must have a 2.0 grade point average or better in the HACR Technology program and a valid driver's license.
5 15 0 15 WRF Smith,Scott 05/21/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - TBA Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30744 HIS110 WW1 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30745 HIS110 WW2 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30746 HIS110 WW3 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30747 HIS110 WW4 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Imbarak,Lilia 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31082 HIS110 A 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 MTWR 11:10AM 12:30PM Lahart,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 12C Tuition
31083 HIS110 UAM 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:30PM Wilson,Ryan 06/03/25 07/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 108 Tuition
32469 HIS110 WA 3 West Civ: Ancient to Early Mo
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:45AM Danielson,Joseph 06/03/25 07/24/25 West Campus Building 1 - 118E Tuition
30748 HIS111 WW1 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30749 HIS111 WW2 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Griffin,Tom 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30750 HIS111 WW3 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Seagle,Scott 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31084 HIS111 A 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 M W F 10:05AM 11:55AM Danielson,Joseph 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06 Tuition
31085 HIS111 BA 3 Western Civilization: Early..
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:15PM Irwin,Charles 06/03/25 07/24/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 156 Tuition
30751 HIS151 WW1 3 U.S. History to 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30752 HIS151 WW2 3 U.S. History to 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 Sibbel,Megan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30753 HIS151 WW3 3 U.S. History to 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30757 HIS151 A 3 U.S. History to 1877
23 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Byrd,Paul 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 21 Tuition
30754 HIS152 WW1 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30755 HIS152 WW2 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 Walsh,Matt 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30756 HIS152 WW3 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Irwin,Charles 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30768 HIS152 WA 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 T R 10:55AM 01:40PM Danielson,Joseph 06/03/25 07/24/25 West Campus Building 1 - 213W Tuition
32470 HIS152 WW4 3 U.S. History since 1877
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30107 HIS201 WW1 3 Iowa History
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Kromrie,Brad 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30488 HIS211 WW1 3 Modern Asian History
23 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30232 HIS257 WW1 3 African-American History
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 Kinker,Matt 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30667 HIS257 WW2 3 African-American History
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Kinker,Matt 06/25/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32471 HIS257 A 3 African-American History
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 09:50AM Danielson,Joseph 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 06 Tuition
30717 HIS274 WW1 3 Women's History: United States
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
18 15 0 15 Schmidt,Olivia 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30806 HON100 WW1 2 Introduction to Honors
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for students in the honors program.
15 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32450 HON200 WW1 2 Honors Capstone
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Reserved for Honors Students only. Honors students must meet with Honors advisor to register. Prerequisite: HON 100.
11 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30113 AGH120 2 3 Herbaceous Plant Materials
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 TW 12:30PM 02:05PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition
W 08:00AM 11:35AM Staff,* 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
30826 AGH156 WB2 3 Landscape Design II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: AGH 154, 159.
11 15 0 15 M 09:00AM 12:00PM Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34 Tuition
M 12:30PM 02:15PM Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30366 AGH253 1 3 Insects and Diseases
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
6 15 0 15 R 02:45PM 06:00PM Staff,* 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 05 Tuition
RF 01:00PM 02:35PM Staff,* 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 34
30064 AGH262 1 3 Fruit and Vegetable Science
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: AGH 106 or BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145.
15 15 0 15 T 02:15PM 04:05PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33 Tuition
R 08:00AM 12:00PM Staff,* 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33
30140 AGH272 1 3 Nursery Production I
Prerequisite: AGH 106 or BIO 104 or BIO 112 or BIO 135 or BIO 138 or BIO 145.
15 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 12:00PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33 Tuition
F 09:05AM 11:05AM Staff,* 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 33
30289 AGH805 1 2 Horticulture Internship I
Prerequisite: Must be in program major.
10 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Hotel/Restaurant Management

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30201 HCM110 2 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
0 15 1 14 T 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30259 HCM110 3 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
0 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30260 HCM110 4 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
0 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30261 HCM110 5 2 Baking (lab)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144 or instructor permission
2 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 04:00PM Havlovic,Andy 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 132 Tuition
30067 HCM152 1 2 Food Preparation II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144, any AAS Core Math. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 153
4 15 0 15 M 08:15AM 11:50AM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30227 HCM152 2 2 Food Preparation II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144, any AAS Core Math. Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 153
0 15 0 15 M 08:15AM 11:50AM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30068 HCM153 3 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
1 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30181 HCM153 2 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
0 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30316 HCM153 4 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
0 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30621 HCM153 5 2 Food Preparation II Lab
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, HCM 144 Prerequisite or Corequisite: HCM 152
0 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 04:00PM Kim,Jake 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30202 HCM240 1 2 Menu Planning & Design
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: Any AAS Core Math
4 15 0 15 M 12:30PM 04:05PM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30622 HCM240 2 2 Menu Planning & Design
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17. Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: Any AAS Core Math
2 15 0 15 M 12:30PM 04:05PM Kohl,Rebekah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 131 Tuition
30066 HCM270 3 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30074 HCM270 4 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 R 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30174 HCM270 5 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 F 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/23/25 07/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30217 HCM270 2 2 Garde Manger (lab/lec)
All Clean Day will take place on Thursday July 31, and is a required departmental lab final for all HCM lab classes; specific times to be communicated by the instructor. ICI Special Event scheduled for the evening of Thursday, July 17.  Attendance is required for all ICI students. Prerequisite: HCM 143, 144
0 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 04:00PM Jensen,Tim 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 7 - 105 Tuition
30069 HCM510 1 3 Work Experience
Student must be employed in the foodservice industry prior to enrolling in this course. Please see program director and/or DMACC career center for assistance.
27 15 0 15 Jensen,Tim 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Human Services

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30276 HSV109 WW1 3 Intro to Human Services
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
14 15 0 15 Young-Dunn,Ilima 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30975 HSV109 WW2 3 Intro to Human Services
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Wood-Long,Annie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30377 HSV135 WW1 3 Gender Studies
12 15 0 15 Young-Dunn,Ilima 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30619 HSV185 WV1 3 Discrimination and Diversity
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
16 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:15PM Dennis,Brian 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30308 HSV220 WW1 3 Intro to Counseling Theories
16 15 0 15 Berg-Theisen,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30277 HSV255 WW1 3 Addictive Disease Concepts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
14 15 0 15 Harding,Natalie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30517 HSV803 UAM 1 Seminar
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets 6/5, 6/19, 7/3, 7/17. Prerequisite: HSV 109, HSV 130, HSV 286 (Minimum grade of "C"). Corequisite: HSV 804
17 15 0 15 W 09:00AM 01:20PM Wood-Long,Annie 06/04/25 06/04/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 141 Tuition
W 09:00AM 01:20PM Wood-Long,Annie 06/18/25 06/18/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 141
W 09:00AM 01:20PM Wood-Long,Annie 07/02/25 07/02/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 141
W 09:00AM 01:20PM Wood-Long,Annie 07/16/25 07/16/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 141
30516 HSV804 UA 2 Internship
Prerequisite: HSV 109, HSV 130, HSV 286. Corequisite: HSV 803
17 15 0 15 Wood-Long,Annie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30168 HUM116 WW1 3 Encounters in Humanities
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30526 HUM116 WW3 3 Encounters in Humanities
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30918 HUM116 WW4 3 Encounters in Humanities
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Chesmore,Cody 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30298 HUM120 WW1 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30491 HUM120 WW2 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Simpson,Lindsay 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30615 HUM120 WW3 3 Introduction to Film
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Platt,Dan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30444 HUM121 WW1 3 America in the Movies
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Industrial Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30870 IND114 EC1 1 General Industry Safety
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
11 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
31049 IND146 EC1 3 Mech Power Transmission I
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
15 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
31050 IND174 EC1 1 Manufacturing and Fabrication
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
13 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
31051 IND209 EC1 1 Basic Electrical
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
14 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
31052 IND211 EC1 1 Basic Pneumatics
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
14 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
30871 IND230 EC1 1 Measurements & Drawings
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
11 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
31053 IND241 EC1 1 Motor Controls - Industry Tech
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
13 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
31054 IND243 EC1 3 Basic Hydraulics
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
15 30 0 30 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
30872 IND244 EC1 1 Hydraulic Maintenance
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
13 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
31055 IND245 EC1 2 Sensor & Logic Systems
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
15 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
31056 IND246 EC1 3 Industry Tech Logic Controller
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
15 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20
30873 IND251 EC1 3 Maintenance Principles
Open lab times Tues 8:00am-12:00pm; 12:3pm-5:00pm; Wed & Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm in AN03W-20. Please contact Erin Gauer at to enroll in this class.
7 15 0 15 Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 20 Tuition
Klein,Jesse 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB

Information Tech Network Admin

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31098 NET166 WB1 3 Applied Computer Security
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
21 15 0 15 M W 01:30PM 03:40PM McQuade,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50 Tuition
32451 NET166 WB2 3 Applied Computer Security
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
22 15 0 15 McQuade,Melanie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:30PM 03:40PM McQuade,Melanie 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 50
30630 NET229 1 4 Cisco Networking III
Prerequisite: NET 228
3 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:45PM Anderson,Garrett 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
30631 NET229 2 4 Cisco Networking III
Prerequisite: NET 228
8 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:45PM Anderson,Garrett 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 35 Tuition
30462 NET315 WB1 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
12 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Howe,Jeffrey 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51
30463 NET315 WB3 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
9 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 11:55AM Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51 Tuition
Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30464 NET315 WB2 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 Howe,Jeffrey 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 03:55PM Howe,Jeffrey 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 51
32452 NET315 WB4 3 Cloud Systems Admin
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
21 15 0 15 Hoffmann,Jeremy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MT 05:00PM 07:55PM Hoffmann,Jeremy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 36
31100 NET402 WB1 3 Linux Network Administration
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:00PM 03:30PM Elrick,Doug 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44
31101 NET402 WB2 3 Linux Network Administration
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
12 15 0 15 Elrick,Doug 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 09:00AM 11:30AM Elrick,Doug 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44
32453 NET402 WB4 3 Linux Network Administration
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
20 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
WR 05:00PM 07:00PM Staff,* 06/04/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 44

Interior Design

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31094 INT201 UAM 3 CAD REVIT for Interior Design
Reserved for students in the Interior Design (2720, 272C) program. Prerequisite: INT 212 , INT 124
17 15 0 15 M W 09:15AM 12:10PM Nguyen,Stephanie 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 234 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30351 JOU110 WW1 3 Intro to Mass Media
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
13 15 0 15 Kahookele,Lisa 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30780 JOU114 WW1 3 Diversity and the Media
17 15 0 15 Coberley,Denise 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Library Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30287 SDV171 WW1 1 Library Instruction
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session.
22 15 0 15 Lane,Sarah 06/25/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30300 SDV171 WW2 1 Library Instruction
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
17 15 0 15 Lane,Sarah 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30153 LIT101 WW1 3 Intro to Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
2 15 0 15 Dickinson,Marc 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30263 LIT101 WW3 3 Intro to Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Dickinson,Marc 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30264 LIT101 WW2 3 Intro to Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Waddle,Sarah 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30535 LIT101 WW6 3 Intro to Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31063 LIT101 WB1 3 Intro to Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
18 15 0 15 Duke,Shaun 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:45AM 12:15PM Duke,Shaun 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 02
30213 LIT105 WW1 3 Children's Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
6 15 0 15 Doke-Kerns,Jennie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30673 LIT105 WW2 3 Children's Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Doke-Kerns,Jennie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30333 LIT111 WW1 3 Amer Literature since Mid 1800
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30554 LIT111 WW2 3 Amer Literature since Mid 1800
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Alberhasky,Matthew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30627 LIT150 WW1 3 World Literature I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
22 15 0 15 Vogler,Nicole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30628 LIT166 WW1 3 Science Fiction
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Duke,Shaun 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30688 LIT180 WW1 3 Mythology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30329 LIT185 WW1 3 Contemporary Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
16 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30233 LIT193 WW1 3 Humor in Literature
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Cochran,Maria 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30146 MGT101 WW1 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
13 15 0 15 Canham,Ben 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30440 MGT101 WW2 3 Principles of Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
21 15 0 15 Mullihan,Tasha 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31090 MGT101 WW3 3 Principles of Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
12 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30439 MGT128 WW1 3 Organizational Behavior
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
14 15 0 15 Canham,Ben 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30142 MGT145 WB2 3 Human Relations in Management
This class is reserved for Electrical Trades students. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
8 15 0 15 Wolgamott,Gena 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 01:15PM 02:45PM Wolgamott,Gena 05/21/25 07/30/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 258
30383 MGT145 WW1 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
0 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30594 MGT145 WW3 3 Human Relations in Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30916 MGT145 2 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Section reserved for Electrical Utility Technology Students.
10 15 0 15 MTWRF 01:00PM 04:10PM Finn,Don 05/09/25 05/30/25 Iowa Municipal Utilities Train - Tuition
32525 MGT145 WW4 3 Human Relations in Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Sullivan,Sheena 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32526 MGT145 WW5 3 Human Relations in Management
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
18 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30386 MGT147 WW1 3 Leadership Development
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
14 15 0 15 Gadbury,Ann 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30700 MGT170 WW1 3 Human Resource Management
14 15 0 15 Canham,Ben 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30595 MGT190 WW1 3 Employee Comp & Benefit Mgt
19 5 0 5 Crandon,Elizabeth 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30881 MGT801 1 3 Business Internship
The above class is reserved for students accepted into the Marketing AAS (code #2011) Management AAS program (code #2010), and Sales and Management Diploma program (code #2015). Students are responsible for locating and selecting their own internship. The DMACC Career Center can offer assistance to students in searching for an internship in their field. Must also enroll in the co-requsitie course, MGT 802. Corequisite: MGT 802
10 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30238 MGT802 WH1 2 Bus. Internship Seminar I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. The above class is reserved for students accepted into the Marketing and Management programs (code #2011 #2010,# 2015). This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Corequisite: MGT 800
10 15 0 15 M 04:00PM 05:00PM Felix,Andrew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Felix,Andrew 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30189 MKT110 WW1 3 Principles of Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
13 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30387 MKT121 WW1 3 Digital Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
18 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30593 MKT131 WW1 3 Social Media Marketing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
20 15 0 15 Felix,Andrew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30508 MKT150 WW1 3 Principles of Advertising
18 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30438 MKT160 WW1 3 Principles of Retailing
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore
19 15 0 15 Mintle,Alecia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30406 MKT182 WW1 3 Customer Relationship Mgmt
13 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Neil 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30762 MAT064 WH2 4 College Prep Math
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with grade of C- or higher.
22 15 0 15 Uy,Robert 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:45PM 03:30PM Uy,Robert 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30923 MAT099 A 5 Combined Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 10% or MAT 045 with a C- or higher or MAT 064 with a C- or higher.
21 15 0 15 MTWR 09:40AM 11:30AM Green,Lucinda 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
30273 MAT110 A 3 Math for Liberal Arts
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
21 15 0 15 M W F 09:45AM 11:15AM Magazinovic,Marko 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15 Tuition
30274 MAT110 WW1 3 Math for Liberal Arts
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
15 15 0 15 Buse,Marie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30282 MAT110 WW2 3 Math for Liberal Arts
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
19 15 0 15 Warren,Lindsay 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30306 MAT110 WW4 3 Math for Liberal Arts
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore . Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
22 15 0 15 McGary,Necole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31064 MAT110 WW3 3 Math for Liberal Arts
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 810 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite
25 15 0 15 McGary,Necole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30485 MAT116 WW1 3 Elementary Educators Math II
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: MAT 114 with a grade of "C-" or better
18 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30205 MAT121 WW1 4 College Algebra
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
14 15 0 15 Bell,Rachel 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30218 MAT121 WW2 4 College Algebra
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
19 15 0 15 Warren,Lindsay 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30379 MAT121 WW4 4 College Algebra
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
25 15 0 15 McGary,Necole 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31065 MAT121 WW3 4 College Algebra
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 821 with a minimum ALEKS score of 35%
24 15 0 15 McGary,Necole 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30632 MAT129 WW1 5 Precalculus
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 130 with a C- or better
23 15 0 15 Everman,Taylor 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31008 MAT129 WW2 5 Precalculus
Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 130 with a C- or better
22 15 0 15 Warren,Lindsay 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30020 MAT130 A 3 Trigonometry
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: Pre-requisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
16 15 0 15 MTWR 09:35AM 10:55AM Hartzler,Julie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 11 Tuition
30162 MAT141 WW1 4 Finite Math
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
19 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30566 MAT141 WW2 4 Finite Math
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% OR MAT 064 with at least a C- OR MAT 099 with at least a C- OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 841 as a corequisite OR ALEKS score of 20% and take MAT 093 as a corequisite. Business Majors deciding to take an option of a prerequisite course with at least a C- are strongly encouraged to take MAT 099 and not MAT 064.
24 15 0 15 DeHart,Rebecca 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30854 MAT156 A 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
19 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:45AM Petrak,Dan 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 15 Tuition
30856 MAT156 WW1 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
10 15 0 15 Podlich,Heather 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30857 MAT156 WW3 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
25 15 0 15 Hartgers,Deb 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30859 MAT156 WW8 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
24 15 0 15 Fara,Kimberly 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30860 MAT156 WW4 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
0 15 0 15 Petrak,Dan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30861 MAT156 WW5 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
21 15 0 15 Petrak,Dan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30862 MAT156 WV1 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
24 15 0 15 M W F 10:05AM 11:55AM Connon,Melinda 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30863 MAT156 WH1 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
16 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 07:50PM Betterton,Joel 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Betterton,Joel 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30864 MAT156 WW6 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
21 15 0 15 Petrak,Dan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30865 MAT156 WW7 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
24 15 0 15 Fara,Kimberly 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30866 MAT156 WW9 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
25 15 0 15 Cui,Weipan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30867 MAT156 WWA 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a book from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
25 15 0 15 Cui,Weipan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30868 MAT156 WW2 3 Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
23 15 0 15 Hartgers,Deb 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31066 MAT156 B 3 Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
20 15 0 15 M W F 11:30AM 01:00PM Shoomkamola,May 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 11A Tuition
31067 MAT156 WB2 3 Statistics
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS score of 30% or MAT 064 with a C- or better or Corequisite of MAT 856 with a minimum ALEKS score of 20%.
10 15 0 15 Buse,Marie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 10:45AM 12:10PM Buse,Marie 05/21/25 07/30/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 147
30680 MAT162 WW1 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
21 15 0 15 Everman,Taylor 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30681 MAT162 WW2 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
24 15 0 15 Everman,Taylor 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30682 MAT162 WW4 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
20 15 0 15 Jensen,Samantha 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30742 MAT162 WW3 4 Prin. of Business Statistics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 46% or MAT 099 with a C- or better or MAT 156 with a C- or better.
18 15 0 15 Jensen,Samantha 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30503 MAT164 WW1 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
0 15 0 15 Reynolds,Robert 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30504 MAT164 WW2 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
16 15 0 15 Bell,Rachel 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30505 MAT164 WW3 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
21 15 0 15 Carpenter,Annie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30506 MAT164 WW5 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
17 15 0 15 Niehaus,Jill 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30507 MAT164 WW6 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
25 15 0 15 Barrett,Trevor 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30571 MAT164 WW7 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
19 15 0 15 Kinney,Dajuan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30679 MAT164 WW8 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
23 15 0 15 Tran,Duy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30825 MAT164 WW9 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
25 15 0 15 Tran,Duy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30833 MAT164 WWA 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
25 15 0 15 Hartgers,Deb 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31023 MAT164 WW4 4 Calculus for Busn/Social Sci
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 61% or MAT 121 with a C- or better.
21 15 0 15 Barrett,Trevor 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30266 MAT211 WW1 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
20 15 0 15 Shoomkamola,May 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30290 MAT211 WW2 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
23 15 0 15 Reynolds,Robert 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30320 MAT211 UAA 5 Calculus I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
22 15 0 15 TWR 02:00PM 04:45PM Overton,Joel 06/03/25 07/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 106 Tuition
30460 MAT211 WW3 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
19 15 0 15 Shoomkamola,May 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31068 MAT211 A 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
22 15 0 15 MTWRF 08:00AM 09:30AM Yu,Tim 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 16 Tuition
31069 MAT211 WW4 5 Calculus I
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: Minimum ALEKS scores of 76% or MAT 121 and MAT 130 both with a grade of C- or higher or MAT 129 with a grade of C- or higher.
24 15 0 15 Connon,Melinda 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30335 MAT217 WW2 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
23 15 0 15 Reece,Brian 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30365 MAT217 A 5 Calculus II
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
17 15 0 15 MTWRF 09:40AM 11:10AM Overton,Joel 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 03 Tuition
30403 MAT217 WW3 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
25 15 0 15 Reece,Brian 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30570 MAT217 WW4 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
25 15 0 15 Reece,Brian 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31070 MAT217 WW1 5 Calculus II
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 211 with a C- or better.
5 15 0 15 Overton,Joel 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30272 MAT219 E1 4 Calculus III
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 217 or equivalent with a grade of C- or higher.
23 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 09:15PM Barrett,Trevor 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
30919 MAT219 WV1 4 Calculus III
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 217 or equivalent with a grade of C- or higher.
19 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:00PM Woods,Nancy 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30393 MAT227 WV1 4 Diff Equations with Laplace
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 217 with a grade of C- or better.
18 15 0 15 MTW 09:10AM 11:35AM Banjara,Shree 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
31071 MAT227 E1 4 Diff Equations with Laplace
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. Prerequisite: MAT 217 with a grade of C- or better.
21 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 09:25PM Banjara,Shree 05/20/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 10 Tuition
30156 MAT772 A 3 Applied Math
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
15 15 0 15 M W F 10:05AM 11:55AM Huisinga,Maureen 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 13B Tuition
30456 MAT772 WW1 3 Applied Math
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Exams in online [MAT] courses may require proctoring, see the course syllabus for details.
14 15 0 15 Huisinga,Maureen 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30999 MAT772 WW2 3 Applied Math
14 15 0 15 Pyburn,Kristi 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Medical Assistant

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
32423 MAP265 WW1 2 Limited Radiography II
Restricted to Medical Assistant students. Prerequisite: MAP 264
32 15 0 15 Millard,Matthew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30729 MAP603 1 1 Employment Seminar
Includes $125 certification exam fee. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session.
31 15 0 15 W 08:00AM 11:00AM Schroder,Stacey 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114 Tuition
32425 MAP620 1 4 Practicum
Reserved for Medical Assistant Certificate Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in all MAP courses in first two terms
32 15 0 15 MT R 01:00PM 05:05PM Schroder,Stacey 05/20/25 07/16/25 Off Campus - Tuition
MT R 08:00AM 12:05PM Schroder,Stacey 05/20/25 07/15/25 Off Campus -
W 12:30PM 02:05PM Schroder,Stacey 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 114
30874 MAP624 1 5 Practicum
This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C in all MAP courses in first two terms
31 15 0 15 MT RF 08:00AM 12:00PM Schroder,Stacey 05/20/25 07/31/25 - Tuition
MT RF 01:00PM 05:00PM Schroder,Stacey 05/20/25 07/31/25 -

Medical Laboratory Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30271 MLT180 1 1 Clinical Practicum I
Course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: MLT 115
20 0 0 0 Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
30018 MLT261 1 5 Immunohematology
8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Cost includes a $50 lab fee. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MLT 232; MLT 270 must be taken prior to or concurrently & Serology must be taken prior to or concurrently with MLT 261. Successful completion of the following courses: BIO 164 or equivalent; BIO 732 or equivalent; CHM 132 or equivalent
19 0 0 0 MT RF 02:30PM 06:00PM Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 109 Tuition
MT RF 02:30PM 06:00PM Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111
30910 MLT261 WB1 5 Immunohematology
Course has a pre-requisite. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Program Chair or Instructor approval is required to register for this class. Web registration is not available. Cost includes a $50 lab fee. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MLT 232; MLT 270 must be taken prior to or concurrently & Serology must be taken prior to or concurrently with MLT 261. Successful completion of the following courses: BIO 164 or equivalent; BIO 732 or equivalent; CHM 132 or equivalent
10 0 0 0 Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 12:00PM 06:00PM Campbell,Karen 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 109
W 12:00PM 06:00PM Campbell,Karen 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111
30141 MLT270 1 2 Immunology & Serology
Cost includes a $50 lab fee. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. This section is not for the distance learning MLT students. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in MLT 232
20 0 0 0 T R 10:30AM 01:30PM Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 109 Tuition
T R 10:30AM 01:30PM Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/15/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111
30909 MLT270 WB1 2 Immunology & Serology
Course has a pre-requisite. 8-week course; 1st 8-week session. Program Chair or Instructor approval is required to register for this class. Web registration is not available. Cost includes a $50 lab fee. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in MLT 232
11 0 0 0 Campbell,Karen 05/20/25 07/16/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 08:00AM 11:00AM Campbell,Karen 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 109
W 08:00AM 11:00AM Campbell,Karen 05/21/25 07/16/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 111

Medical Office Specialist

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30418 MAP806 WW1 1 Internship Sem. Medical Office
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAP 141, HIT 290, MAP 220 with a "C" or better or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MAP 807 and ADM 221
9 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30419 MAP807 WV1 2 Internship Medical Office Spec
Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: MAP 141, HIT 290, MAP 220 with a "C" or better or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MAP 806 and ADM 221
9 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition

Mortuary Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31076 MOR302 WW1 2 Cremation Services
This course requires proctored exams. This course meets from May 12-23, 2025. Corequisite: MOR 301.
0 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 05/12/25 05/23/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31077 MOR302 WW2 2 Cremation Services
This course requires proctored exams. This course meets from May 12-23, 2025. Corequisite: MOR 301.
4 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 05/12/25 05/23/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31078 MOR302 WW3 2 Cremation Services
This course requires proctored exams. This course meets from May 12-23, 2025. Corequisite: MOR 301.
24 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 05/12/25 05/23/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31079 MOR302 WW4 2 Cremation Services
This course requires proctored exams. This course meets from May 12-23, 2025. Corequisite: MOR 301.
24 15 0 15 Patterson,Kevin 05/12/25 05/23/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30398 MOR315 WW1 3 Funeral Law II
Corequisite: MOR 301.
22 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30380 MOR331 WW1 2 Funeral Home Management
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science or Funeral Services program, or admission to the Liberal Arts AA - Pre-Mortuary Science concentration.
7 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30737 MOR331 WW2 2 Funeral Home Management
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science or Funeral Services program, or admission to the Liberal Arts AA - Pre-Mortuary Science concentration.
21 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30402 MOR335 WW1 3 Embalming I
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: Admission to the Mortuary Science program. Pre/Corequisite: MOR 301 with either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 336
6 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30401 MOR336 WW1 1 Embalming I Clinical
Cost includes a $300 lab and materials fee. Corequisite: MOR 301 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 335
32 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30299 MOR340 WW1 3 Embalming II
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisites: MOR 336, MOR 335 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 341
10 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30476 MOR340 WW2 3 Embalming II
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisites: MOR 336, MOR 335 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 341
25 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30183 MOR341 1 1 Embalming II Clinical
This course meets on the Ankeny campus May 20-23, 2025. Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 340
4 15 0 15 TWRF 09:00AM 12:00PM Lohman,Ryan 05/20/25 05/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 18 Tuition
Lohman,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 To Be Announced -
TWRF 12:30PM 05:00PM Lohman,Ryan 05/20/25 05/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 18
30336 MOR341 WW1 1 Embalming II Clinical
Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 340
35 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32474 MOR341 2 1 Embalming II Clinical
This course meets on the Ankeny Campus June 9-13, 2025 Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and BIO 733 or BIO 164. Corequisite: MOR 340
4 15 0 15 Lohman,Ryan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
MTWRF 12:30PM 03:00PM Lohman,Ryan 06/09/25 06/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 18
MTWRF 09:00AM 12:00PM Lohman,Ryan 06/09/25 06/13/25 Ankeny-Bldg 17 - 18
30307 MOR345 WW1 3 Restorative Art
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164.
16 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30477 MOR345 WW2 3 Restorative Art
This course requires proctored exams. Prerequisite: MOR 335, MOR 336 and either BIO 733 or BIO 164.
24 15 0 15 Evans,Dixie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30399 MOR365 WW1 2 Survey of Infectious Diseases
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
16 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30953 MOR365 WW2 2 Survey of Infectious Diseases
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
25 15 0 15 Angell,Steven 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30400 MOR366 WW1 2 Funeral Pathology
This course requires proctored exams. Corequisite: MOR 301.
18 15 0 15 Carrico,Travis 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30022 MUA101 A 1 Applied Voice
21 15 0 15 Thompson,James 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
30023 MUA120 B 1 Applied Piano
22 15 0 15 Linn,Steven 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
30099 MUA147 A 1 Applied Instrumental
25 15 0 15 Kennedy,Steven 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
30224 MUA147 B 1 Applied Instrumental
25 15 0 15 Odem,Susan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
30225 MUA147 C 1 Applied Instrumental
24 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 30 Tuition
30339 MUA147 E 1 Applied Instrumental
25 15 0 15 Davis,Scott 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - Tuition
30112 MUS100 WW1 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, 13e, both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the audio streaming content for exams as well as for CONNECT KAMIEN assignments. Cost includes a $115 lesson fee.
10 15 0 15 Thompson,James 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30116 MUS100 WW2 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, 13e , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the audio streaming content for exams as well as for CONNECT KAMIEN assignments.
21 15 0 15 Thompson,James 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30774 MUS100 WW3 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, 13e , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the audio streaming content for exams as well as for CONNECT KAMIEN assignments.
25 10 0 10 Thompson,James 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30775 MUS100 WW4 3 Music Appreciation
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore. IncludEd allows students immediate access to CONNECT KAMIEN PLUS for the eBook (digital) copy of Kamien, MUSIC, AN APPRECIATION, 13e , both by McGraw-Hill. A DSL or faster internet connection is required because of the audio streaming content for exams as well as for CONNECT KAMIEN assignments.
23 15 0 15 Thompson,James 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30499 MUS102 WW1 3 Music Fundamentals
Reliable internet connection is required. Hard copy textbook required. This class uses the music software Artusi as a supplemental material, which is an additional $25 cost. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
24 15 0 15 Odem,Susan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30343 MUS202 WW1 3 World Music
An Internet connection of DSL or faster is required when taking tests and the final exam because of the music clips they contain. A hard copy of the text is required for this course. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
20 15 0 15 Odem,Susan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Network Tech-Tele/Data Commun

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30050 TEL230 WW1 4 Advanced Topics in Telecom
Late start. 8-week course/co-hort class; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: TEL 220, TEL 223 Corequisite: TEL 233
22 15 0 15 Nickelson,Jay 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30355 TEL233 WA 3 Advanced Topics in Telecom Lab
Late start. 8-week course/co-hort class; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Prerequisite: TEL 220, TEL 223 Corequisite: TEL 230
12 15 0 15 Nickelson,Jay 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 10:00AM 03:00PM Nickelson,Jay 06/03/25 07/22/25 West Campus Building 1 - 108E

Nurse Aide Orderly

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30093 HSC172 WB8 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
2 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MT R 04:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
MT R 04:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
MT R 04:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/09/25 06/23/25 Off Campus -
30094 HSC172 WB4 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 2 13 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 05/21/25 06/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 205
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 05/21/25 06/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 207
M W 07:00AM 03:05PM Staff,* 06/11/25 06/23/25 Off Campus -
30096 HSC172 WB7 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 06/26/25 07/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 06/26/25 07/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Staff,* 07/15/25 07/24/25 Off Campus -
30240 HSC172 WBB 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
12 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/03/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 201
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Staff,* 06/05/25 06/17/25 Off Campus -
30523 HSC172 WB1 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
2 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MTW F 01:45PM 10:00PM Staff,* 06/13/25 06/18/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
MT RF 01:45PM 10:00PM Staff,* 06/19/25 06/24/25 Off Campus -
30552 HSC172 WBA 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
0 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/22/25 06/10/25 Southridge Center - 18
MT R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/12/25 06/24/25 Off Campus -
30647 HSC172 P1 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Students must attend ALL class sessions and complete all assignments in Canvas. Students must also complete ALL required forms, which can be found on Canvas. For more information, visit our website at:
7 15 0 15 TWR 07:30AM 01:30PM Tuel,Katie 06/25/25 07/17/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 206 Tuition
TWR 07:30AM 01:30PM Tuel,Katie 06/25/25 07/17/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 206
MTWR 06:00AM 02:30PM Tuel,Katie 07/21/25 07/24/25 Off Campus -
30648 HSC172 WB3 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
3 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 08:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 07/02/25 07/16/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 251
M W 07:00AM 03:05PM Staff,* 07/21/25 07/30/25 Off Campus -
30672 HSC172 WBD 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
5 15 0 15 T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222C Tuition
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/05/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 222B
Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/10/25 06/19/25 Off Campus -
SU 06:00AM 11:30AM Staff,* 06/14/25 06/15/25 Off Campus -
32480 HSC172 WB2 3 Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
7 15 0 15 T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/05/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 201 Tuition
T R Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB
T R 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/10/25 06/19/25 Off Campus -
SU 06:00AM 11:30AM Staff,* 06/14/25 06/15/25 Off Campus -
32488 HSC172 WB5 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
5 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
TWRF 01:45PM 10:00PM Staff,* 07/22/25 07/25/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
MTWR 01:45PM 10:00PM Staff,* 07/28/25 07/31/25 Off Campus -
32489 HSC172 WB6 3 Nurse Aide
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
5 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
S 01:30PM 09:40PM Staff,* 05/31/25 06/21/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 128
S 01:30PM 08:35PM Staff,* 06/28/25 07/26/25 Off Campus -
32499 HSC172 WB9 3 Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $15 background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at:
19 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MT R 04:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/26/25 07/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 301
MT R 04:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/26/25 07/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 303
MT R 04:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 07/14/25 07/28/25 Off Campus -
30241 HSC182 WB2 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
9 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 01:30PM Staff,* 05/22/25 05/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 307
T R 08:00AM 01:30PM Staff,* 05/22/25 05/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Staff,* 06/03/25 06/17/25 Off Campus -
30645 HSC182 WB4 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
0 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 04:00PM 09:30PM Staff,* 07/01/25 07/15/25 Southridge Center - 18
T R 07:00AM 03:05PM Staff,* 07/17/25 07/29/25 Off Campus -
31105 HSC182 WB3 3 Advanced Nurse Aide
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements. Students are required to open and start assignments on Canvas on day 1 and attend ALL class sessions. Cost includes a $60 state/national background check fee and a $20 medical document manager fee. Student must also submit ALL required forms. For more information, visit our website at: Prerequisite: Successful completion of HSC 172 : Basic Nurse Aide
7 0 0 0 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 04:30PM 10:00PM Staff,* 05/21/25 06/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 307
M W 04:30PM 10:00PM Staff,* 05/21/25 06/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 309
M W 04:30PM 10:00PM Staff,* 06/04/25 06/23/25 Off Campus -

Nursing - Associate Degree

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31097 ADN550 UAE 5 Professional Nursing Preceptor
Reserved for students in Urban Evening/Weekend nursing program. Students to attend additional learning opportunities at dates/times TBA. Prerequisite: ADN 420 with a C or better, ADN 450 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ADN-520 with a C or better.
12 0 0 0 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
R 05:00PM 08:00PM Staff,* 05/22/25 06/19/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 240

Nursing - Practical

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30522 PNN250 PN1 4 PN Concepts II
Section reserved for Practical Nursing students at Urban campus. Includes $600 ATI fees. materials. Prerequisite: BIO 173 with a C or better and PNN 150 with a C or better. Prerequisite or Corequisite: ENG 105 with a C or better.
21 0 0 0 T 12:30PM 04:00PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/29/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 204 Tuition
R 12:30PM 04:00PM Staff,* 05/22/25 06/05/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 1 - 204
R 07:00AM 02:30PM Staff,* 06/12/25 07/17/25 Off Campus -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30623 PRL102 WV1 3 Intro to Paralegal Studies
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
18 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:15PM Anderson,Daryl 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30080 PRL103 WV1 3 Introduction to Law
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
18 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 07:05PM Anderson,Daryl 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30706 PRL105 WV1 1 Legal Ethics
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Corequisite: PRL 932
18 15 0 15 F 11:30AM 01:05PM Anderson,Daryl 05/23/25 07/25/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30081 PRL112 WV1 3 Legal Research & Writing I
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a C or better
21 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:15PM Vaitheswaran,Anu 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30705 PRL174 WV1 3 Contracts
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
18 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:15PM Staff,* 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
32422 PRL188 WV1 3 Immigration Law
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 112
16 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 07:05PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30707 PRL932 WV1 3 Internship
This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: PRL 102, PRL 103, PRL 104, PRL 112, PRL 113, PRL 135, and a minimum grade of "C" in all PRL courses and completed a minimum of seven PRL courses. Corequisite: PRL 105
18 15 0 15 Anderson,Daryl 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition

Paramedic Specialist

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30783 EMS481 1 1 Special Considerations
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: EMS 479
14 0 0 0 R 09:15AM 12:00PM Pontier,Nicole 05/22/25 06/19/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113 Tuition
30784 EMS484 1 1 Operations
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: EMS 481
14 0 0 0 R 01:00PM 03:45PM Pontier,Nicole 05/22/25 06/19/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 113 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30448 PHR185 WW1 4 Pharmacology
19 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30495 PHR185 WW2 4 Pharmacology
30 15 0 15 Guerra,Anthony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30163 PHI101 WW1 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. 8-week course. 1st 8-week session.
7 15 0 15 McIntyre,Robert 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30262 PHI101 WW3 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 McIntyre,Robert 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30649 PHI101 UAA 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 M W F 12:10PM 02:00PM Dolinsek,Cody 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 102 Tuition
32472 PHI101 WW2 3 Introduction to Philosophy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30169 PHI105 WW1 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
12 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30175 PHI105 WW2 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Foltz,Tammie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30216 PHI105 WW3 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
12 15 0 15 Foltz,Tammie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30223 PHI105 WW4 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
19 15 0 15 McIntyre,Robert 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30704 PHI105 A 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:30PM McIntyre,Robert 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02 Tuition
31009 PHI105 WW5 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Foltz,Tammie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31086 PHI105 BA 3 Introduction to Ethics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:30AM Foltz,Tammie 06/03/25 07/24/25 Boone Campus Main Bldg - 171 Tuition
30764 PHI111 WW1 3 Basic Reasoning
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
14 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30381 ART186 A 3 Principles Digital Photography
The above course requires an SLR digital camera with inter-changeable lenses.
14 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 11:55AM Frueh,Olivia 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
30890 ART186 B 3 Principles Digital Photography
17 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 08:55PM Hayworth,Justin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
30180 ART225 A 3 Photoshop for Photography
15 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:55PM Braun,Michael 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 20 - 06A Tuition
32449 ART229 A 3 Photography for Social Media
Prerequisite: ART 186 , ART 225
18 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Schuring,Alivia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 01 Tuition
31093 ART255 A 3 Storytelling through Photo
Prerequisite or Corequisite: ART 186
15 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:55PM Purdy,David 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition
30049 ART292 A 3 Studio Photography
Requires DSLR Camera and completion of ART 186. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequsite: ART 186
22 15 0 15 T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Purdy,David 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 10 Tuition
T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Purdy,David 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 55
T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Purdy,David 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35
T R 09:00AM 11:55AM Purdy,David 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 25
30878 ART294 B 3 Architectural Photography
Prerequisite: ART 186, ART 225.
14 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 11:55AM Purdy,David 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 18 - 35 Tuition

Physical Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30279 PHS152 WW1 4 Astronomy
22 15 0 15 Almukahhal,Raja 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30288 PHS152 WW2 4 Astronomy
15 15 0 15 Vanden Heuvel,Andrew 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30492 PHS152 WW4 4 Astronomy
25 15 0 15 Ostrem,Cory 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30738 PHS152 WW5 4 Astronomy
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30947 PHS166 WW1 4 Meteorology, Weather & Climate
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
13 15 0 15 Loyd,Seth 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30478 PHY106 WW1 4 Survey of Physics
14 15 0 15 Jessen,Nadine 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30568 PHY106 WW2 4 Survey of Physics
21 15 0 15 Buse,Marie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30635 PHY106 WW3 4 Survey of Physics
23 15 0 15 Boudjarane,Khaled 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30446 PHY160 A 5 General Physics I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: MAT 130 or H.S. equivalent
7 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:30AM Stoianov,Stefan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 10:45AM Stoianov,Stefan 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01
30076 PHY213 B 6 Classical Physics I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course is a prerequisite to PHY223 and cannot be taken concurrently with PHY223. Corequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
15 15 0 15 MTWR 12:30PM 03:30PM Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ames Hunziker Center - 202 Tuition
30182 PHY213 A 6 Classical Physics I
Corequisite: MAT 211 or equivalent must be taken concurrently with or prior to this course
14 15 0 15 MTWR 06:00PM 08:40PM Marasinghe,Kevin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03 Tuition
30031 PHY710 1 3 Technical Physics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772 or MAT 129 or MAT 130
0 15 3 12 MTWR 11:50AM 01:40PM Stoianov,Stefan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01 Tuition
30089 PHY710 2 3 Technical Physics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course has a prerequisite. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772 or MAT 129 or MAT 130
0 15 0 15 MTWR 02:25PM 04:15PM Stoianov,Stefan 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 01 Tuition
30561 PHY710 3 3 Technical Physics
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772 or MAT 129 or MAT 130
0 15 0 15 M W 01:45PM 03:35PM Xiao,Teng 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03 Tuition
T R 01:45PM 03:35PM Xiao,Teng 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 4 - 03
30761 PHY710 UAA 3 Technical Physics
Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772 or MAT 129 or MAT 130
14 15 0 15 M W F 10:10AM 12:10PM Cai,Min 05/21/25 07/30/25 Urban Campus- Bldg 7 - 312 Tuition

Political Science

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30190 POL111 WW1 3 American National Government
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Byrd,Paul 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30325 POL111 WW3 3 American National Government
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Shaw,Dennis 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30760 POL111 UAM 3 American National Government
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 M W F 10:05AM 11:55AM Weiss,Jeffrey 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 106 Tuition
30368 POL112 WW2 3 Amer State & Local Government
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
19 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30148 POL121 WW1 3 International Relations
5-week course. 1st 5-week session.
14 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30157 POL121 WW2 3 International Relations
5-week course. 1st 5-week session.
24 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30486 POL129 WW1 3 Politics of Terrorism
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
17 15 0 15 Schroeder,Jeffrey 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Power Equipment Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30812 DSL541 BA 6 Equipment Power Trains
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Please contact Lennie Clement to register, Class meets off campus at Cite Center in Boone.
11 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 12:00PM Kokemuller,Roy 05/20/25 06/24/25 Off Campus - Tuition
MTWR 12:30PM 04:00PM Kokemuller,Roy 05/20/25 06/24/25 Off Campus -
30736 IND902 BA 5 Technical Internship II
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Please contact Lennie Clement to register, Class meets off campus at Internship location.
6 15 0 15 Kokemuller,Roy 06/25/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30214 PSY102 WW1 3 Human and Work Relations
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 Halverson,Kate 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30808 PSY102 WW2 3 Human and Work Relations
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Halverson,Kate 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30048 PSY111 WV1 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
20 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 07:45PM Stevens,Anthony 06/03/25 07/24/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30056 PSY111 UAM 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 M W F 10:05AM 11:55AM Stevens,Anthony 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition
30124 PSY111 WW1 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
0 15 0 15 Jambor,Maggie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30154 PSY111 WW2 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
8 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30191 PSY111 WW3 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Jambor,Maggie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30206 PSY111 WW4 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Jambor,Maggie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30220 PSY111 WW5 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
13 15 0 15 Harding,Natalie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30234 PSY111 WW6 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Bone,Erin 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30281 PSY111 D 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 M W 10:40AM 01:15PM Friederich,Shannon 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 20 Tuition
30574 PSY111 WW7 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 Hall,Katherine 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30710 PSY111 WA 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:35AM Julich,Jennifer 06/02/25 07/28/25 West Campus Building 1 - 213W Tuition
30725 PSY111 B 3 Introduction to Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:30AM Jerome,Marilyn 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
30058 PSY121 WV1 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
20 15 0 15 M W 05:00PM 07:30PM Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
30123 PSY121 C 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 10:30AM Behrens,Courtney 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
30149 PSY121 WW1 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30158 PSY121 WW2 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Craft,Michael 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30235 PSY121 WW3 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
16 15 0 15 Gibbons,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30245 PSY121 WW4 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 Gibbons,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30283 PSY121 WW5 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 Kotz,Victoria 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30822 PSY121 WW6 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Kotz,Victoria 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30956 PSY121 WW7 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Bucklin,Gunnar 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30961 PSY121 WW8 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
25 15 0 15 Dowell,Jesse 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30967 PSY121 WW9 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31018 PSY121 WWA 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 Staff,* 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
31087 PSY121 A 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
5 15 0 15 M W 10:40AM 01:15PM Gibbons,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
31088 PSY121 UAM 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
12 15 0 15 M W F 08:00AM 09:50AM Stevens,Anthony 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 127 Tuition
32482 PSY121 CA 3 Developmental Psychology
5 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Jambor,Maggie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 148 Tuition
32492 PSY121 P1 3 Developmental Psychology
22 15 0 15 T R 05:00PM 07:05PM Jambor,Maggie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 206 Tuition
32493 PSY121 UBA 3 Developmental Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 M W F 12:10PM 02:00PM Stevens,Anthony 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition
30285 PSY172 WW1 3 Stress & Stress Management
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Thomas,Tiffany 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30192 PSY241 WW1 3 Abnormal Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Jerome,Marilyn 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30284 PSY241 WW2 3 Abnormal Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
22 15 0 15 Jerome,Marilyn 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30573 PSY241 WW3 3 Abnormal Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 Jerome,Marilyn 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30897 PSY241 A 3 Abnormal Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
23 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:15PM Jerome,Marilyn 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14A Tuition
30193 PSY251 WW1 3 Social Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
3 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30236 PSY251 WW2 3 Social Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30898 PSY251 A 3 Social Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
24 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:35AM Halverson,Kate 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 13B Tuition
30194 PSY261 WW1 3 Human Sexuality
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
13 15 0 15 Gibbons,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30644 PSY261 WW3 3 Human Sexuality
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
22 15 0 15 Gibbons,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30150 PSY281 WW1 3 Educational Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
15 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30176 PSY281 WW2 3 Educational Psychology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
24 15 0 15 Taylor,Sean 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Real Time Reporting

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30445 CRC150 WH1 3 Intro to Realtime Tech
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Corequisite: CRC 160
23 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 08:00AM 08:50AM Sankey,Megan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30388 CRC160 WH1 6 Intro to Speed Development
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisites: CRC 130, CRC 132, CRC 165. Corequisite: CRC 150.
23 15 0 15 MTWR 11:00AM 12:50PM DuBuc,Deborah 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
DuBuc,Deborah 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30666 CRC180 WH1 3 Single-voice Speed Dev I
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 160. Corequisites: CRC 175, CRC 183 and CRC 190.
25 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MT 09:00AM 10:15AM Sankey,Megan 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30544 CRC183 WH1 4 Multi-voice Speed Dev I
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 160. Corequisites: CRC 180 and CRC 190.
24 15 0 15 Sankey,Megan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
WR 09:00AM 10:50AM Sankey,Megan 05/21/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30501 CRC220 WH1 3 Single-voice Speed Dev II
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 180. Corequisites: CRC 222, 230.
24 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
MT 11:00AM 12:15PM Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30543 CRC223 WH1 4 Multi-voice Speed Dev II
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 183. Corequisites: CRC 220 and CRC 230
12 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:00AM 10:50AM Meyer,Brittani 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30502 CRC250 WH1 3 Single-voice Speed Dev III
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 220.
24 15 0 15 MT 09:00AM 10:15AM Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30545 CRC253 WH1 4 Multi-voice Speed Development
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: CRC 223. Corequisites: CRC 250 and CRC 275.
12 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 09:00AM 10:50AM Meyer,Brittani 05/22/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30432 CRC275 WW1 3 Internship
This class is restricted to students enrolled in the Realtime Court Reporting program. Contact Deb Dubuc at to register. Prerequisites: CRC 220, CRC 223 and CRC 230. Prerequisite OR Corequisites: CRC 250 and CRC 253. Corequisites: CRC 250 and CRC 253.
24 15 0 15 Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/31/25 To Be Announced - Tuition
Meyer,Brittani 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30143 REL101 WH3 3 Survey of World Religions
Part of this class is delivered via virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone and reliable internet connection are required.
26 15 0 15 Bunton,Jim 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
R 06:00PM 07:50PM Bunton,Jim 05/22/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30145 REL101 WW1 3 Survey of World Religions
4 15 0 15 Davidson,Chad 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30269 REL101 WW3 3 Survey of World Religions
21 15 0 15 Lawson,Jeffrey 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Respiratory Therapy

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31074 RCP500 1 5 Advanced Respiratory Therapy
Costs include $15 fee for ACLS e-card. Prerequisite: RCP 360 and RCP 401
2 0 0 0 T F 09:00AM 12:00PM Reiland,Colleen 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
R 08:00AM 10:45AM Reiland,Colleen 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 105
31075 RCP500 2 5 Advanced Respiratory Therapy
Costs include $15 fee for ACLS e-card. Prerequisite: RCP 360 and RCP 401
2 0 0 0 T F 09:00AM 12:00PM Reiland,Colleen 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
R 12:00PM 02:45PM Reiland,Colleen 05/22/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 105
30709 RCP702 1 4 Respiratory Care Clinic II
Prerequisite: RCP 701
1 0 0 0 T 12:30PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
M W 06:30AM 03:10PM Reiland,Colleen 05/21/25 07/30/25 Off Campus -
30735 RCP702 2 4 Respiratory Care Clinic II
Prerequisite: RCP 701
2 0 0 0 T 12:30PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
M W 06:30AM 03:10PM Reiland,Colleen 05/21/25 07/30/25 Off Campus -
31072 RCP702 3 4 Respiratory Care Clinic II
Prerequisite: RCP 701
2 15 0 15 T 12:30PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
M W 06:30AM 03:10PM Reiland,Colleen 05/21/25 07/30/25 Off Campus -
31073 RCP702 4 4 Respiratory Care Clinic II
Prerequisite: RCP 701
1 15 0 15 T 12:30PM 01:55PM Reiland,Colleen 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 24 Health Sciences - 106 Tuition
M W 06:30AM 03:10PM Reiland,Colleen 05/21/25 07/30/25 Off Campus -

Robotics & Control Sys Eng Tec

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30356 ELT123 WB1 3 Programmable Controllers
This class is restricted to student enrolled in the Electrical Construction Trades Program. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
13 15 0 15 Ehler,Dan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 09:30AM 01:00PM Ehler,Dan 05/21/25 07/30/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 142
30639 ELT728 1 4 Motor and Power Electronics
7 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 11:45AM Helleso,Ryan 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3W - 40 Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30024 SOC110 D 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 T R 10:45AM 01:25PM Titchener,Gary 06/03/25 07/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 12A Tuition
30059 SOC110 WW1 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Niman,Kate 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30060 SOC110 UAA 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 T R 01:30PM 04:00PM Linhart,Laurie 06/03/25 07/24/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 129 Tuition
30119 SOC110 WW2 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
4 15 0 15 Tuxhorn,Rebecca 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30129 SOC110 WW3 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 Linhart,Laurie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30139 SOC110 WW4 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
16 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30207 SOC110 WW5 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
23 15 0 15 Titchener,Gary 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30208 SOC110 WW6 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Linhart,Laurie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30494 SOC110 WW7 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
22 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30899 SOC110 A 3 Introduction to Sociology
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 10:35AM Titchener,Gary 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 14B Tuition
30151 SOC115 WW1 3 Social Problems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
9 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30655 SOC115 WW2 3 Social Problems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
21 15 0 15 Conis,Peter 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30987 SOC115 WW3 3 Social Problems
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
20 15 0 15 Linhart,Laurie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30195 SOC120 WW1 3 Marriage & Family
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
0 15 0 15 Mitchell,Katie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30196 SOC120 WW2 3 Marriage & Family
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
13 15 0 15 Mitchell,Katie 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30676 SOC200 WW1 3 Minority Group Relations
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
17 15 0 15 Titchener,Gary 06/02/25 07/28/25 Online - WEB Tuition


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30249 FLS151 WB1 5 Elementary Spanish I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
13 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:30PM Estling,Andrea 06/02/25 07/28/25 Ankeny-Bldg 6 - 14 Tuition
Estling,Andrea 06/02/25 07/28/25 Web Blended - WEB
30252 FLS151 WH5 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
9 15 0 15 MTWR 09:40AM 11:05AM Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30481 FLS151 WH3 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 T 05:30PM 07:00PM Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30524 FLS151 WH4 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 T 07:30PM 09:00PM Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30562 FLS151 WH1 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
4 15 0 15 T 10:20AM 12:25PM Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30563 FLS151 WH2 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
6 15 0 15 Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 12:40PM 02:45PM Amling,Stacy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30824 FLS151 WH6 5 Elementary Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
17 15 0 15 T R 12:40PM 02:45PM Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30892 FLS151 WB2 5 Elementary Spanish I
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
6 15 0 15 MTWR 09:40AM 11:05AM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 200 Tuition
Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30253 FLS152 WH1 5 Elementary Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. If you have questions regarding the course format, contact Carrie Morris at Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
6 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 07:30PM Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30338 FLS152 WH2 5 Elementary Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
16 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30893 FLS152 WH3 5 Elementary Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. If you have questions regarding the course format, contact Carrie Morris at Prerequisite: FLS 151 or instructor permission
5 15 0 15 Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 07:45PM 09:15PM Gonzalez,Valerie 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30533 FLS241 WH1 4 Intermediate Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: FLS 152 or instructor approval
7 15 0 15 T 06:00PM 07:30PM Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB
30687 FLS241 WH2 4 Intermediate Spanish I
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: FLS 152 or instructor approval
8 15 0 15 T 07:45PM 09:15PM Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended -
30459 FLS242 WH1 4 Intermediate Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor permission Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor approval
5 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 06:00PM 07:30PM Morris,Carrie 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30719 FLS242 WH2 4 Intermediate Spanish II
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor permission Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor approval
6 15 0 15 Morris,Carrie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
W 07:45PM 09:15PM Morris,Carrie 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30025 SPC101 WB8 3 Fund of Oral Communication
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
17 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 11:00AM Simanski,Julie 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 01 Tuition
Simanski,Julie 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB
30026 SPC101 WB5 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
14 15 0 15 Hayes,Erich 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 09:40AM 11:05AM Hayes,Erich 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23
30027 SPC101 WH6 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
16 15 0 15 Kormos,Erik 06/25/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 05:30PM 08:30PM Kormos,Erik 06/26/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30028 SPC101 WHA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
14 15 0 15 Rahn,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 11:15AM 12:40PM Rahn,Amy 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30030 SPC101 WB4 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
19 15 0 15 Hayes,Erich 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 10:10AM 11:30AM Hayes,Erich 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 23
30072 SPC101 WH8 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
11 15 0 15 Rahn,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T 06:00PM 09:00PM Rahn,Amy 05/20/25 07/29/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30079 SPC101 WBA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
19 15 0 15 Franzen,Monica 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:15PM 04:15PM Franzen,Monica 05/21/25 06/23/25 Newton Campus Main Building - 114
30359 SPC101 WB1 3 Fund of Oral Communication
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Meets face to face for scheduled portion with additional online requirements.
13 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 05/20/25 06/24/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 05:00PM 08:00PM Simanski,Julie 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 2 - 02
30529 SPC101 WW1 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
0 15 0 15 Gehrie,Cynthia 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30530 SPC101 WW2 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
16 15 0 15 Kim Cho,Erin 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30555 SPC101 WW3 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Salo,Nicole 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30565 SPC101 WW4 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
9 15 0 15 Criswell,Brooke 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30569 SPC101 WW5 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
16 15 0 15 Duncan,Elizabeth 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30606 SPC101 WW7 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
16 15 0 15 Weeks,Adrienne 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30607 SPC101 WW8 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 Tipton,Jennifer 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30664 SPC101 UBM 3 Fund of Oral Communication
12 15 0 15 T R 10:10AM 12:10PM Miller,Marie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 102 Tuition
30708 SPC101 UAA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session.
18 15 0 15 M W 06:00PM 08:45PM Ouya,Veronica 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Bldg 4 - BETTS - 106 Tuition
30740 SPC101 WW9 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
11 15 0 15 Kormos,Erik 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30819 SPC101 WWA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Coberley,Denise 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30820 SPC101 WWB 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
17 15 0 15 Jackson,Brenda 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30914 SPC101 WWC 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
19 15 0 15 Johnson,Cherise 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30917 SPC101 WWD 3 Fund of Oral Communication
This course uses an eBook. The discounted cost of the book and digital access is included in the fees for the course. You do not have to purchase a textbook from the bookstore.
20 15 0 15 Ottati,Jorge 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
32485 SPC101 WA 3 Fund of Oral Communication
20 15 0 15 T R 10:20AM 12:25PM Bringa,Sheena 05/20/25 07/31/25 West Campus Building 1 - 210E Tuition
30608 SPC122 WW1 3 Interpersonal Communication
2 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30609 SPC122 WW2 3 Interpersonal Communication
17 15 0 15 Simanski,Julie 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30610 SPC122 WW3 3 Interpersonal Communication
16 15 0 15 Conway,Anna 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition
30777 SPC122 WW5 3 Interpersonal Communication
16 15 0 15 Murdock,Rachel 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Study Strategies

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30130 SDV115 WW3 2 Study Strategies
17 15 0 15 Nelson,Daniel 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online - WEB Tuition

Surgical Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30804 SUR205 U1 5 Surg Procedures/Techniques I
Late start. 8-week course; 2nd 8-week session. Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO 173, BIO 186, SUR 105, SUR 130, SUR 150, SUR 109, SUR 140, SUR 200, SUR 420, SUR 805, SUR 910. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
0 15 0 15 M 08:00AM 02:40PM Hadley,John 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209 Tuition
M 02:50PM 06:10PM Hadley,John 06/02/25 07/28/25 Urban Campus-Bldg 2 - 209
31038 SUR811 U1 7 Clinical Practicum II
Prerequisite: BIO 168, BIO 173, BIO 186, SUR 105, SUR 130, SUR 150, SUR 109, SUR 140, SUR 200, SUR 420, SUR 805, SUR 910. All completed with a "C", or better prior to enrollment in this course.
16 15 0 15 TWRF 07:00AM 03:30PM Ortega,Joyce 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition

Tool & Die Making

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30171 MFG140 1 1 Geometric Dimensioning/Toleran
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
20 15 0 15 MTWR 08:00AM 08:50AM Rosenberry,Mark 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
30442 MFG250 1 1 Engine Lathe Theory
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Reserved for students in the Advanced Manufacturing program Corequisite: MFG 251
8 15 0 15 MTWR 03:00PM 03:50PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
30443 MFG251 1 2 Engine Lathe Operations Lab
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Reserved for students in the Advanced Manufacturing program Corequisite: MFG 250
8 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:55PM Knittel,Dennis 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:55PM Knittel,Dennis 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121
30242 MFG260 1 1 Mill Operations Theory
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Reserved for students in the Advanced Manufacturing program Corequisite: MFG 261
8 15 0 15 MTWR 02:50PM 03:35PM Rosenberry,Mark 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
30243 MFG261 1 2 Milling Operations Lab
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Reserved for students in the Advanced Manufacturing program Corequisite: MFG 260 or instructor approval.
8 15 0 15 MTWR 12:00PM 02:45PM Knittel,Dennis 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121 Tuition
MTWR 12:00PM 02:45PM Knittel,Dennis 06/25/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103
30134 MFG270 1 1 Grinders Theory
Corequisite: MFG 271
8 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 01:45PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
31039 MFG270 2 1 Grinders Theory
Theoretical explanation of procedures in surface grinding. Corequisite: MFG 271 Corequisite: MFG 271
11 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 01:45PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122 Tuition
30135 MFG271 1 3 Grinders Lab
Corequisite: MFG 270
8 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:40PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103C Tuition
M W 08:00AM 12:40PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103
31040 MFG271 2 3 Grinders Lab
During this course, students will become familiar with basic setups as well as the safe operation and care of a surface grinder in a lab environment. Corequisite: MFG 270 Corequisite: MFG 270
11 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:30PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103C Tuition
T R 08:00AM 12:30PM Rosenberry,Mark 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103
30519 MFG337 2 2 CNC Mill Programming Theory
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisite: MFG 260 or Instructor Approval. Corequisite: MFG 338
8 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 06/26/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 06/26/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
31041 MFG337 1 2 CNC Mill Programming Theory
An introductory level course explaining the theory behind the basic programming of a CNC machining center. Prerequisite: MFG 260 or Instructor Approval. Corequisite: MFG 338 Prerequisite: MFG 260 or Instructor Approval. Corequisite: MFG 338
12 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 06/25/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 06/25/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
30520 MFG338 2 1 CNC Mill Setup and Oper Lab
Late start. 5-week course; 2nd 5-week session. Prerequisiste: MFG 261 or Instructor Approval
8 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 06/26/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
T R 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 06/26/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
31042 MFG338 1 1 CNC Mill Setup and Oper Lab
An introductory level course for setting up and operating Vertical and Horizontal CNC Mills in a lab environment. Prerequisiste: MFG 261 or Instructor Approval Prerequisiste: MFG 261 or Instructor Approval
12 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 06/25/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106 Tuition
M W 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 06/25/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104
30592 MFG354 2 1 CNC Lathe Setup and Oper Lab
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 251 or Instructor Approval
8 15 0 15 T R 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106 Tuition
T R 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104
31043 MFG354 1 1 CNC Lathe Setup and Oper Lab
An introductory level course for set-up and operating a CNC lathe in a lab environment. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 251 or Instructor Approval Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 251 or Instructor Approval
12 15 0 15 M W 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 05/21/25 06/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
M W 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 05/21/25 06/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
F 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 06/13/25 06/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
F 01:00PM 03:45PM Peffers,Charley 06/13/25 06/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104
30518 MFG356 2 2 CNC Lathe Programming Theory
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 250 or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MFG 354
8 15 0 15 T R 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
T R 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
31044 MFG356 1 2 CNC Lathe Programming Theory
An introductory level course explaining the theory behind the basic operation and programming of a CNC lathe. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 250 or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MFG 354 Prerequisite or Corequisite: MFG 250 or Instructor Approval Corequisite: MFG 354
12 15 0 15 M W 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 05/21/25 06/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106 Tuition
M W 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 05/21/25 06/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104
F 08:00AM 12:20PM Peffers,Charley 06/13/25 06/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 106
30065 MFG452 1 3 Moldmaking
5-week course; 1st 5-week session. This course has a prerequisite. Prerequisite: MFG 402, 403
12 15 0 15 MTWR 09:05AM 12:00PM Stall,Joshua 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 104 Tuition
MTWR 09:05AM 12:00PM Stall,Joshua 05/20/25 06/24/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 122

Veterinary Technology

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
31123 AGV133 1 3 Veterinary Clinic Pathology I
Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 120, AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 164 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 245 , Acceptance as a DMACC Veterinary Technology Student.
0 15 0 15 W 01:25PM 04:00PM Fertig,Amy 05/21/25 07/30/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
R 08:00AM 11:00AM Fertig,Amy 05/22/25 07/31/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
31124 AGV133 2 3 Veterinary Clinic Pathology I
Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 120, AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 164 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 245 , Acceptance as a DMACC Veterinary Technology Student.
7 15 0 15 W 01:25PM 04:00PM 05/21/25 07/30/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215 Tuition
R 01:00PM 04:00PM 05/22/25 07/31/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160
31125 AGV140 1 3 Veterinary Pharmacology
Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 164 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 245 , Acceptance as a DMACC Veterinary Technology Student.
7 15 0 15 TWR 11:15AM 12:45PM Fertig,Amy 05/20/25 07/31/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160 Tuition
31126 AGV170 1 3 Veterinary Anesthesiology
Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 164 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 245 , Acceptance as a DMACC Veterinary Technology Student.
0 15 0 15 T 08:00AM 11:00AM Fertig,Amy 05/20/25 07/29/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160 Tuition
W 08:00AM 11:00AM Fertig,Amy 05/21/25 07/30/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215
31127 AGV170 2 3 Veterinary Anesthesiology
Prerequisite: AGV 109 , AGV 120 , AGV 128 , AGV 129 , AGV 231 , AGV 145 , AGV 151 , AGV 164 , AGV 165 , AGV 166 , AGV 245 , Acceptance as a DMACC Veterinary Technology Student.
8 15 0 15 T 01:00PM 04:00PM 05/20/25 07/29/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 160 Tuition
W 08:00AM 11:00AM 05/21/25 07/30/25 FFA Center- Ankeny Campus - 215


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30510 MMS482 1 3 Video Production III
Prerequisite: MMS 481
11 15 0 15 M W 09:00AM 11:55AM Tarango,Miguel 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 17 Tuition
M W 09:00AM 11:55AM Tarango,Miguel 05/21/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 19 - 05


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30723 WAT115 1 1 15 Hr. WW T Activated Sludge
23 0 0 0 TW 08:00AM 04:30PM Tonarelli,Anthony 07/22/25 07/23/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18 Tuition
30724 WAT125 1 1 15 Hr Surface Water Treatment
24 0 0 0 TW 08:00AM 04:30PM Staff,* 07/29/25 07/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18 Tuition
30620 WAT131 1 5 Technical Internship III
29 15 0 15 Tonarelli,Anthony 05/20/25 07/31/25 Off Campus - Tuition
31016 WAT401 A 2 Water and Wastewater Mgmt
22 15 0 15 T 05:15PM 08:10PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/29/25 Ankeny-Bldg 9 - 18 Tuition

Web Development

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30342 WDV101 WH1 3 Intro HTML and CSS
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
15 15 0 15 Cutsforth,Kerry 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:00PM 03:05PM Cutsforth,Kerry 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30382 WDV101 WH2 3 Intro HTML and CSS
Open to all students. Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor.
22 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 03:05PM Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30654 WDV130 WB1 3 Intro Photoshop for Web
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required.
19 15 0 15 Cutsforth,Kerry 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 03:30PM 05:30PM Cutsforth,Kerry 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30436 WDV205 WH1 3 Advanced CSS
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Honors credit may be available. If interested in Honors credit, see a DMACC Honors Advisor. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor approval.
23 15 0 15 Cutsforth,Kerry 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
T R 01:00PM 02:30PM Cutsforth,Kerry 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30651 WDV221 WH1 3 Intro Javascript
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor permission
12 15 0 15 Staff,* 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB Tuition
M W 01:00PM 03:20PM Staff,* 05/21/25 07/30/25 Online Virtual Classroom -
30652 WDV240 WH1 3 Intro WordPress
Part of this class is delivered via a virtual classroom at the specified days/time with additional online content. A computer or tablet with webcam/video, microphone, and reliable internet connection are required. Prerequisite: WDV 101 or instructor approval.
23 15 0 15 T R 03:30PM 05:00PM Cutsforth,Kerry 05/20/25 07/31/25 Online Virtual Classroom - Tuition
Cutsforth,Kerry 05/20/25 07/31/25 Web Blended - WEB


CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30722 WEL228 1 1 Welding Safety/Health: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:05PM Braune,Joe 05/20/25 05/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:05PM Braune,Joe 05/20/25 05/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
WRF 12:00PM 04:05PM Braune,Joe 05/21/25 05/30/25 Ankeny-Bldg 8 - 05
30721 WEL233 1 3 Print Read/Sym Inter: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MAT 772
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 03:55PM Braune,Joe 06/02/25 06/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 03:55PM Braune,Joe 06/02/25 06/17/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
30408 WEL251 1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Samson,Marcus 05/20/25 06/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Samson,Marcus 05/20/25 06/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
30413 WEL251 2 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:15PM 06:00PM Carpenter,Wyatt 05/20/25 06/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 02:15PM 06:00PM Carpenter,Wyatt 05/20/25 06/12/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
30424 WEL251 N1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
15 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:50AM Kingery,Jared 06/12/25 07/03/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30429 WEL251 C1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 0 0 0 T R 04:00PM 08:25PM Renze,Ryan 05/20/25 06/12/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
W 04:00PM 08:25PM Renze,Ryan 05/21/25 06/11/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
M 04:00PM 08:25PM Renze,Ryan 06/02/25 06/09/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
31110 WEL251 P1 2 GTAW Carbon Steel: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 15 0 15 M 07:35PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/23/25 06/23/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
MTWRF 05:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/24/25 07/15/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105
30409 WEL252 1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:05AM Samson,Marcus 06/11/25 06/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:05AM Samson,Marcus 06/11/25 06/20/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
30416 WEL252 2 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:15PM 06:00PM Carpenter,Wyatt 06/13/25 06/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 02:15PM 06:00PM Carpenter,Wyatt 06/13/25 06/25/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
30425 WEL252 N1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
15 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:35AM Kingery,Jared 07/07/25 07/17/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30430 WEL252 C1 1 GTAW Aluminum: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 253
11 0 0 0 W 04:00PM 08:35PM Renze,Ryan 06/18/25 06/25/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
T R 04:00PM 08:35PM Renze,Ryan 06/26/25 07/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
M 04:00PM 08:35PM Renze,Ryan 06/30/25 07/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
30410 WEL253 1 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
4 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:05AM Samson,Marcus 06/23/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:05AM Samson,Marcus 06/23/25 07/02/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
30417 WEL253 2 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 02:15PM 06:00PM Carpenter,Wyatt 06/26/25 07/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
MTWRF 02:15PM 06:00PM Carpenter,Wyatt 06/26/25 07/09/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
30426 WEL253 N1 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
15 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:35AM Kingery,Jared 07/18/25 07/30/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30431 WEL253 C1 1 GTAW Stainless Steel: SENSE1
Prerequisite: WEL 228 and Students must be 16 years or older Corequisite: WEL 251 , WEL 252
10 0 0 0 T R 04:00PM 08:35PM Renze,Ryan 06/26/25 07/08/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
M 04:00PM 08:35PM Renze,Ryan 06/30/25 07/07/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
W 04:00PM 08:35PM Renze,Ryan 07/02/25 07/02/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
30720 WEL254 1 1 Inspection/Test Princ: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 233
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:05PM Braune,Joe 06/18/25 06/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:05PM Braune,Joe 06/18/25 06/27/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02
32491 WEL254 N1 1 Inspection/Test Princ: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 233
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:50AM Kingery,Jared 05/30/25 06/11/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30411 WEL262 1 2 OFC-I Manual & Mech: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 06/30/25 07/21/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 06/30/25 07/21/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
31111 WEL262 P1 2 OFC-I Manual & Mech: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 15 0 15 MTWRF 05:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/02/25 06/19/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
M 05:30PM 07:25PM Staff,* 06/23/25 06/23/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105
31109 WEL266 P1 1 Thermal Cutting Processes II
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
11 15 0 15 MTWRF 05:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 05/30/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
30412 WEL274 E1 3 SMAW I: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228
9 15 0 15 T R 06:00PM 10:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11 Tuition
T R 06:00PM 10:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07
30790 WEL275 E1 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
13 0 0 0 T R 06:00PM 10:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 07 Tuition
T R 06:00PM 10:15PM Carpenter,Wyatt 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11
30930 WEL275 P1 3 SMAW II: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 274
12 0 0 0 MTWRF 05:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/12/25 07/15/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
30414 WEL280 AM2 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Vander Wert,Nathan 05/20/25 06/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Vander Wert,Nathan 05/20/25 06/10/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
30816 WEL280 P1 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
12 15 0 15 MTWRF 05:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 05/20/25 06/10/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
W 05:30PM 07:30PM Staff,* 06/11/25 06/11/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105
30912 WEL280 N1 2 FCAW Self-Shielded: SENSE 1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:40AM Kingery,Jared 06/12/25 07/03/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30415 WEL281 AM2 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
3 0 0 0 MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Vander Wert,Nathan 06/11/25 07/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 07:00AM 11:10AM Vander Wert,Nathan 06/11/25 07/01/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
30433 WEL281 N1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Reserved for students admitted to the Newton Campus Welding Program. Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
15 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:50AM Kingery,Jared 05/20/25 06/11/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30534 WEL281 C1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
11 0 0 0 W 04:00PM 08:25PM Renze,Ryan 07/09/25 07/30/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195 Tuition
T R 04:00PM 08:25PM Renze,Ryan 07/10/25 07/31/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
M 04:00PM 08:25PM Renze,Ryan 07/14/25 07/28/25 Carroll Campus Main Bldg - 195
30950 WEL281 1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
16 15 0 15 MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 07/11/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 02 Tuition
MTWRF 12:00PM 04:10PM Braune,Joe 07/11/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 03
31112 WEL281 P1 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
To register for this class, please contact Connie Saenz at Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
12 15 0 15 W 07:35PM 09:35PM Staff,* 06/11/25 06/11/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105 Tuition
MTWRF 05:30PM 09:30PM Staff,* 06/12/25 07/02/25 Perry VanKirk Center - 105
32519 WEL281 N2 2 FCAW Gas-Shielded: SENSE1
Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 228 , WEL 244 , WEL 245
16 0 0 0 MTWRF 08:00AM 11:50AM Kingery,Jared 07/07/25 07/30/25 Newton Campus Building 2 - 124 Tuition
30521 WEL342 1 6 Fabrication II
Reserved for students in the Advanced Manufacturing program Prerequisite: Students must be 16 years or older Prerequisite or Corequisite: WEL 341
12 15 0 15 MTWR 09:00AM 11:00AM Vander Wert,Nathan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 103 Tuition
MTWR 09:00AM 11:00AM Vander Wert,Nathan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 3E - 121
T RF 11:30AM 02:10PM Vander Wert,Nathan 05/20/25 07/31/25 Ankeny-Bldg 10 - 11

Work-Based Learning

CRN Course # Sec Credits Title Seats Avail WL Cap WL Act WL Rem Days Start Time End Time Instructor Start Date End Date Location Cost
30670 WBL100 A1 1 Exploring Careers
5-week course; 1st 5-week session.
18 0 0 0 Staff,* 05/20/25 06/24/25 Online - WEB Tuition