Student Activities

Participate in campus activities, clubs, or join the campus SAC!

DMACC Student Activities

DMACC offers a wide range of student activities designed to enhance campus life and foster engagement. From student clubs and organizations to recreational sports and cultural events, DMACC provides opportunities for students to connect, learn, and grow outside the classroom. Whether students are looking to pursue personal interest, volunteer, or build new friendships, DMACC's Student Activities cater a variety of passions and goals.

Why should you get involved in student activities at DMACC?

  • Meet New People - Activities and clubs are a great way to meet new people and make new friends who share your social, professional, political, recreational or educational interest, which will make you feel more comfortable and at home in college!
  • The Cure for Homesickness - First-semester students especially can feel disconnected and even a little lonely. Diving into some student activities is a proven antidote for homesickness.
  • Explore Your Interests - College is an ideal time to branch out! Student activities and clubs are a great way to explore new interests and can even help you figure out what you want to do for a career.
  • Build Professional Connections and Your Resume - Professional groups help you develop connections with fellow DMACC students and even members of the professional community outside the college.
  • Cheap Entertainment! - Money is always tight for college students, so rather than sitting your apartment, staring at your phone or snap chatting about food, take advantage of low-cost or free student activities.

It's easy to get involved. Just click on your campus on the left to see everything that's offered! If you have a question or an idea for a campus club or event, Contact Us!

Don't just get involved … take charge by joining Student Activities Council!

Many student activities on every DMACC campus are governed by a Student Activity Council made up of students. Click your campus link to see how you can get involved in SAC to develop leadership and teamwork skills, meet people, have fun and plan a wide variety of activities and services on your campus!