High School Students
High School Students
DMACC offers the opportunity for high school and home schooled students to earn college credits by enrolling in credit courses or take part in our Career Advantage through concurrent / dual enrollment, which offers no-cost college credit classes at local high schools. You can explore what's next after high school or pursue a high school completion program.

Earn college credits
DMACC and area high schools have formed a partnership to offer high school students the opportunity to earn college credits. High school students are able to enroll and complete Career Advantage classes either at their home high school, at DMACC or online.

DMACC is the answer
Every year, college degree seeking students ask themselves many questions: What do I want to do? What can I afford? What college has what I'm looking for? Last year, nearly 30,000 students answered all those questions with a common answer… DMACC!

Selected Training Received in Vocational Education
STRIVE is a support program on the Des Moines Area Community College Ankeny campus for students in special education requiring transition assistance from high school to a vocational program at DMACC. STRIVE’s ultimate goal is for students to develop the skills needed to gain employment in the career field for which they are being trained.

Earn your high school diploma
We offer you non-traditional settings for high school completion that allows you to take advantage of a strong curriculum and our dedicated faculty. The High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) is an alternative for those who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to finish high school.

Build upon your interests & strengths
Work Based Learning (WBL) courses help students identify and build upon their interests and strengths. Students will gain skills and experience that support future success in their chosen career field. WBL courses are perfect for students who are still deciding on a career pathway or are interested in learning more about a career area through hands on experiences.