DMACC Newton Activities

Get involved in campus life at Newton


Becky DeHart​, 641-791-1745

This group is for all people seeking fellowship, encouragement, and prayer. The group meets weekly to read from the Bible or a Christian devotional and pray. Although this is a Christian group based on belief in Jesus for salvation, people of all faiths are welcome to attend. The meeting time and location varies each semester based on the needs of the group.


Tiffany Thomas, 641-791-1733​ 
Sveta Miller​, 641-791-1720​

The purpose of this group is to foster understanding, support, and social justice for LGBTQA individuals. Various educational and social activities are used to accomplish these goals. The group meets every other Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in Room 213. Contact the Advisors or stop by the front desk for specific meeting dates.


Matt Abbott​, 641-791-1775

Help raise awareness of how we can reduce our environmental impact by participating in activities such as cleaning up local waterways and highways, sharing ideas for upcycling, encouraging recycling on campus, planning Earth Week activities, and more.

Joe Hanson, (515) 248-7228

Build a portfolio of achievements to complement your academic experience. Demonstrate your ability to apply your learning in real-world scenarios. Serve in a leadership position for the largest collegiate business student organization in the world. Participate in professional competitive events against college students from across the state and nation. Develop leadership, communication, and networking skills while you interact with other likeminded professionals at the local, state, and national level. Don’t let this incredible opportunity pass you by—join FBLA today!

FBLA Website

The Hospitality Club is a group of students who like to make people smile – they cook, bake, entertain and have fun. The Club is open to all students and no experience is necessary. Contact the advisor for meeting dates/times and event information.


​Bethany Sweeney​

The LGBTQ+ Affinity Group is open to all DMACC employees and students. The group meets the 4th Friday of each month at noon on Zoom. Anyone who is interested in participating in a meeting or getting more information can reach out through email to


​Kari Hemann​, 641-791-1739

NANDA is dedicated to maintaining the excellence of the DMACC Newton nursing program, expanding the Newton DMACC nursing program, and supporting and encouraging students in the program. NANDA holds activities that promote both the profession of nursing and the DMACC Newton nursing program. NANDA meets at least once a month during the academic year.


Brittany Tiffey, 641-791-1720
Dr. Nancy Woods, 515-433-5061

Phi Theta Kappa is an international scholastic society whose mission is to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students. DMACC Phi Theta Kappa members also enjoy the benefits of eligibility to numerous scholarships, attendance to conferences, recognition at graduation, and more!



Nicole Kalkwarf​, 641-791-1723

This student-run group is open to all students who want to make Newton campus a fun, eventful, and active place. You can volunteer a little or a lot - whatever works for you.

The Student Court Reporting Association is open to all DMACC-Newton court reporting students. The purpose of the organization is to promote the court reporting profession, foster student motivation, and build community among the students. Past activities have included national and state guest speakers; field trips to Jasper County Courthouse, Polk County Courthouse, and the Iowa Supreme Court; and service activities in Newton.