Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society

Welcome to DMACC's 6 Chapters of Phi Theta Kappa!

Phi Theta Kappa is an international scholastic society whose mission is to recognize and encourage among two-year college students. To achieve this purpose, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) provides opportunities for the development of leadership, scholarship, and service. DMACC Phi Theta Kappa members also enjoy the benefits of eligibility to numerous scholarships, attendance to conferences, recognition at graduation, and more!



To be eligible for membership a student must complete a minimum of twelve (12) hours of associate degree course work (community college credits) with an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher. Students generally must maintain a high academic standing throughout their enrollment in the two-year college. NOTE: if a student has (poor) grades older than 5 years old, then we can re-calculate your cumulative GPA and consider only those accrued in the last 5 years. Please contact a chapter advisor or Dr. Nancy Woods if you would like to find out if you’re eligible for this consideration.

Paying for Phi Theta Kappa at DMACC

Note: to complete your PTK membership online you will need to submit payment for the $85 membership fees.

However, the DMACC Foundation realizes that an $85 membership fee is often prohibitive! DON’T LET THE PTK MEMBERSHIP FEE STOP YOU FROM JOINING PHI THETA KAPPA! 

Rather than joining online, please FIRST consider applying for a DMACC Foundation PTK Membership Award.


At DMACC, students can self-select which of our six (6) locations they wish to join Phi Theta Kappa.

Please feel free to contact ANY of our PTK Advisors!  We all want to help you find opportunities for scholarship, leadership, and service!

Where can I find additional information?

Here are some interesting sites about Phi Theta Kappa you might find useful:

Is Phi Theta Kappa and the “Honors Program” the same thing?

No! Phi Theta Kappa is an International Organization that offers unique opportunities and scholarships that you are strongly encouraged to join. DMACC’s Honors Program is unique to our College! There are additional benefits for you to join the Honors Program. NOTE: All members of DMACC’s Phi Theta Kappa chapters are eligible and strongly encouraged to consider joining the DMACC Honors Program to provide further enhancement to their academic experiences.

Please check out more information about the DMACC Honors Program.

Questions? Contact Dr. Nancy Woods, 515-433-5061