DMACC Planning


Changing lives. Empowering communities.

A Message from Leadership

The College is committed to communication and collaboration in all of our planning activities. With President Denson’s recent announcement of his retirement, we feel it is an appropriate time to sunset the current strategic plan. Much has been accomplished under that plan. We want to celebrate those accomplishments and share them with all DMACC stakeholders. This page will house information on all current planning activities as well as our successes through the years and from our current strategic plan. Please check back often as we chart this course towards DMACC’s future.

Our Story

What is the DMACC story? It’s a story that began on March 18, 1966 when the college was founded in a former supermarket building in West Des Moines and launched its first vocational training program to 28 students. Over six decades the college expanded both its footprint and its offerings. DMACC’s district now spans 6,560 square miles and the college now offers education and training at thirteen college-owned campuses and sites, in numerous high schools, at two correctional facilities and online to tens of thousands of students annually. Our story, from its humble beginnings to today, is our foundation.

DMACC History

Wrap up the Current Strategic Plan

February 2025

Besides the announcement of President Denson’s retirement, there are several additional reasons why now is an appropriate time to wrap up this current plan.

  1. The last full planning process was started in late 2019; the world and the context of higher education have changed immensely over the past five-plus years.
  2. Although that plan was approved in 2022 and an update to that plan was approved just under a year ago, it has been over five years since the College began a planning process. The planning process itself is a healthy exercise that institutions should participate in on a regular basis.
  3. Forty-seven percent of all DMACC full-time employees, or 441 of our colleagues, are new to the College since that last strategic planning process began. DMACC needs current employees to provide input.

Results from Current Strategic Plan

February 2025 – October 2025

The college is beginning to gather all the successful results related to the current strategic plan, Changing Lives. Empowering Communities. This process, beginning immediately and lasting through October, will serve as a celebration of everything we have accomplished over the last five years. Watch for more information forthcoming.

Scenario Planning

March 2025 – September 2025

In January, 70 leaders from across the College were sent a questionnaire asking them to rank the probability and impact of a series of 37 possible scenarios that could impact the College. Ten scenarios were identified as high probability and high impact; another five were identified as lower probability but would likely have an outsized impact should they occur. Further details can be found in the Scenario Planning Report. Several Tiger Teams will be convened beginning March 1 to address some of the risks that were collectively identified.

Strategic Realignment of Resources Initiative

February 2025 through December 2025

A budget planning process where leadership seeks input from individuals, units and shared governance groups to recommend creative and innovative ideas to increase efficiencies, decrease spending or streamline processes. We also want to hear ideas that could generate structural changes to enhance the student or employee experience that will both contain costs while also providing better services, growth opportunities, or improved student success. Please access this questionnaire to submit your ideas.

New Strategic Planning Process to Start in 2026

Beginning in 2026, DMACC’s new president will set the overarching vision for the institution. The new strategic plan will translate that vision into actionable goals and initiative.