An overview of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is provided by the Department
of Justice:
On June 23, 1972, the President signed Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., into law. Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits
discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity.
The principal objective of Title IX is to avoid the use of federal money to support
sex discrimination in education programs and to provide individual citizens effective
protection against those practices. Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions,
to all aspects of federally funded education programs or activities. In addition to
traditional educational institutions such as colleges, universities, and elementary
and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training program
operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance. The Department of Education
has issued regulations on the requirements of Title IX, 34 C.F.R. § 106.1et seq. The
Title IX common rule published on August 30, 2000 covers education program providers/recipients
that are funded by other federal agencies.
Gender discrimination and sexual harassment are prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, in any federally funded education program or activity. It is unlawful for an institution that receives federal funds to discriminate on the basis of sex against students, faculty and staff.
Gender discrimination is unequal or disadvantageous treatment of a group or an individual
based on gender. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination.
Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, sexual assaults, or requests
for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Verbal: sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, insults, threats, jokes or derogatory comments based on gender, sexual propositions or advances, pressure for sexual favors.
Nonverbal: posting of sexually suggestive or derogatory pictures, cartoons or drawings, making suggestive or insulting noises, leering, whistling, or making obscene gestures.
Physical: touching, pinching, squeezing, patting, brushing against body; impeding or blocking normal work or movement; coercing sexual intercourse; stalking or assault.
Sexual violence refers to physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent (due to age, use of drugs or alcohol, or because of an intellectual or other disability). Sexual violence includes rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse, and sexual coercion.
Sexual intimidation, includes, but is not limited to threatening to sexually assault another person, stalking, cyber-stalking and engaging in indecent exposure.
Relationship violence includes threats or a pattern of abusive behavior of a physical or sexual nature by one partner intended to control, intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, frighten, coerce or injure the other.
The Office of Civil Rights provides further insight about sexual assault in a Dear Colleague letter dated 4/4/2011
For further information, review the Loading...DMACC Educational Procedure ES4645 Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure
Mutual consent must occur before initiating any type of sexual contact, and no act of sexual engagement should be initiated without a considered decision to consent by the individuals involved. Consensual sexual activity happens when each partner willingly chooses to participate and indicates "Yes, I want to engage in sexual activity". Verbally and openly communicating about expectations and desires is critical to obtaining consent. Consent can only be given by a person who has control of his or her mental and physical capabilities. Sex without consent is sexual assault. Use of force, intimidations, or coercion is a denial of a person's right to freely give his/her consent. Even if someone has agreed to engage sexually, that person has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time. Saying “no” at any time before or during sexual engagement indicates the absence of consent and by law initiates the requirement to end sexual contact.
Yes. The Office of Civil Rights provides information for pregnant and parenting students.
The Office of Civil Rights provides further insight in a Dear Colleague letter dated 6/25/2013 .
Yes. Debbie McKittrick is the Title IX Coordinator at DMACC. She can be reached at dkmckittrick@dmacc.edu. DMACC Ankeny campus, Building 1, room 31, 515-964-6574.
In order to take appropriate corrective action, the College must be made aware of misconduct or related retaliation. Therefore, anyone who believes that he/she has experienced or witnessed misconduct or related retaliation should promptly report such behavior to one of the following DMACC Locations:
- Judicial Officer/Title IX Coordinator:
515-964-6574 - Ames
515-663-6708 - Boone:
515-433-5020 - Capitol Center:
515-248-7200 - Carroll:
712-792-8308 - Des Moines (Urban):
515-248-7200 - Evelyn K. Davis:
515-248-7200 - Newton:
641-791-1721 - Perry:
515-428-8120 - Southridge:
515-287-8701 - Transportation Institute:
515-262-1680 - West Des Moines:
515-633-2439 - Security After Hours & Weekends:
If you are a student and you report your concern to a college employee, most employees (except counselors) have a responsibility to inform the Title IX Coordinator that an incident has occurred, even if you are choosing to remain anonymous.
If you are an employee and you report to a supervisor, your supervisor is required to report the information to the Title IX Coordinator.
- person(s) involved - name, age, sex, height, weight, clothing, and distinguishing characteristics.
- property involved with as complete description as possible.
- vehicles involved with as complete description as possible.
If you are a victim of a crime, always press charges.
If you witness any violation of the law notify Campus Security or the Campus Provost's Office.
Sometimes people are afraid to report sexual harassment or violence because drugs or alcohol are involved. The College's highest priority is the safety of everyone on campus. Any other rule violations will be handled separately from the sexual harassment complaint. The use of alcohol or drugs never makes the victim at fault for sexual violence.
The College prohibits any form of retaliation against a complainant or respondent. Any allegations of retaliation will result in an immediate investigation and appropriate action consistent with DMACC's due process procedures.
Retaliation is any adverse action taken because you complained or a person thinks you complained. These are examples:
- Lowering your grade
- Poor performance rating
- Changing work duties or assignments
- Exclusion from meetings
- Not being called on in class
- Change of work schedule
- Being threatened
Yes, DMACC has a non-discrimination statement that addresses Title IX regulations. You can read the entire statement here: DMACC Nondiscrimination Statement