

Manage, Lead, Market, Discover Trends, Support

DMACC’s Management program offers flexibility for students that are currently employed in the workforce to complete coursework and utilize their current career experiences to help them gain the skills and experiences necessary to assist with career development. 

Graduates of the program have achieved career success as general managers, supervisors, human resource recruiters and assistants, office managers, manufacturing and distribution managers, production supervisors, parts and inventory managers, entrepreneurs, customer service representatives, training coordinators, sales managers, buyers and purchasing agents.

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Business Pathway
Pathway Success Team

Disclaimer: This Job Market Outlook tool uses third party national and regional aggregated data, some of which may be estimates when values or data are missing. Results may not reflect local or timely trends. Some careers listed may require additional education or degrees beyond those DMACC offers. Completing a program degree, diploma or certificate that shows pathways job market outlook information does not guarantee employment or a specific salary. Questions? We’d love to talk with you! Please call us at 800-362-2127 or email us to connect.

Management Faculty

Name Title Phone Email
Felix, Andrew Assoc Prof, Marketing/Manageme (515) 965-7005