DMACC President Rob Denson recently released the names of the Career Advantage High School students eligible for the Fall Semester Dean's List. To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of six credits and earned a 3.5 to 3.99 grade point average for that semester.
Those recognized from your area include:
- Sydney Abram, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Eden Adams, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Jacob Adams, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Erin Ades, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Madelyn Adkison, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Caitlyn Aeschliman, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Scarlett Aeschliman, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Chidera Agu, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Emily Aguilar, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Aurelio Aguirre, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Zara Ahmed, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Kadance Ahn, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Gabrielle Akin, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Davis Albaugh, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Brooke Albers, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Eleanor Albert, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Brian Alejandro, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Thea Alexander, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Aaron Alferink, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Raahim Ali, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Madeline Allard, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Camren Allen, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Anna Allison, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Kaitlyn Allspach, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Ian Alonzo, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Vyas Amalkar, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Kennedy Amos, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Cade Amundsen, Liberal Arts, Colfax
- Grant Anderegg, Liberal Arts, Rhodes
- Amanda Anderson, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Erik Anderson, Liberal Arts, Ames
- James Anderson, Pathway-Math & Science, Johnston
- Lauren Anderson, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Evelyn Anhalt, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Madelynn Anthony, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Logan Arauz, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Amalia Arellano, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Amalia Arellano, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Mia Armantrout, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Sarah Armstrong, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Presley Arnold, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Aubree Arthur, Liberal Arts, Lynnville
- Ella Ashworth, Liberal Arts, Cambridge
- Grant Aspengren, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Kassidy Atwell, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Seamus Auen-Ryan, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Nora Ausman, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Olivia Axmear, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Jonah Ayres, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Josephine Babcock, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Wesley Baber, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Addisyn Baca, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Lily Badeaux, Pathway-Health Science/Fitness, Urbandale
- Cody Bair, Liberal Arts, Westside
- Allison Baker, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Isaac Baker, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Janae Baker, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Joscelyn Baker, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Kate Baker, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Aravind Balaji, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Quinton Ballou, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Maddie Baltes, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Ella Bandy, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Kaelyn Banks, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Kiya Barlow, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Brody Barnes, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Abigail Barry, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Addison Bartels, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Emmett Bartels, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Kristina Bartlett, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Violet Bartlett, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Noah Bass, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Mary Battani, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Brooklyn Baumgardner, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Reed Beard, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Sydney Bears, Liberal Arts, Prole
- Anna Bechtel, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Amina Becirovic, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Sara Beckwith, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Dakota Beener, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jasmina Beganovic, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Hailee Behrens, Liberal Arts, Templeton
- Jaxton Bejarno, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Zara Bejarno, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Abigail Belden, Liberal Arts, Stuart
- Abby Bell, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Sydney Bell, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Brynne Bellaire, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Carson Bellamy, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Sydney Bellinghausen, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Christopher Bellizzi, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Sean Bendinger, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jenna Benkufsky, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Julia Bennett, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Taylor Bennett, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Bailie Bennien, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Spencer Bentson, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Katie Bergstrom, Liberal Arts, Elkhart
- Lauren Berkey, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Sietje Beukelman, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Jack Bianco, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jessica Biede, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ava Binstock, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Avery Bird, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Brandon Birech, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Erin Birler, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Bailey Birmingham, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Patrick Bishara, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Lauren Black, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Brodie Blackford, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Makenzie Blackford, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Peyton Blackford, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Aidan Blackman, Liberal Arts, Westside
- Lucas Blake, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Anya Blass, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Sophia Bleich, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Autumn Blink, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Gracie Block, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kierra Bloomquist, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Elijah Boatman, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Jada Boatman, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Karly Boatman, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jaiden Bobo, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Addison Boell, Liberal Arts, Glidden
- Regan Boelman, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Amelia Boender, Liberal Arts, Oskaloosa
- Gage Boersma, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Jackson Boesen, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Tyme Boettcher, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Liberty Boettger, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Adalyn Boggs, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Andrew Bogue, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Josephine Bond, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Hailie Bonz, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Genevieve Book, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Hannah Book, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Sophia Boonstra, Liberal Arts, New Sharon
- Shaun Bos, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Hunter Boswell, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Sara Both, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Stevie Bouchard, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Victoria Bouchard, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Aaron Bowers, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Jackson Bowers, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Brynn Bowman, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Cael Bracewell, Liberal Arts, Colfax
- Colton Brady, Liberal Arts, Kellogg
- Kylie Brand, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Avery Brandt, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Ashlyn Brasel, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Samuel Braucher, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Devin Brauer, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Madison Braun, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Beau Brazeau, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Ella Breazeale, Liberal Arts, Melcher Dallas
- Adyson Brecht, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Gunnar Breding, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Molly Breeding, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Zoey Breeding, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Lucas Brekke, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Klayton Bremer, Liberal Arts, Redfield
- Ben Brenizer, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Adelaide Brennan, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Benjamin Breuer, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Claire Breuklander, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- James Bridenstine, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ashlyn Briggs, Liberal Arts, New Virginia
- Caleb Briggs, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Gavin Bright, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ethan Brill, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Gracie Briney, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Klein Brock, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Sloan Brodersen, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Adeline Brody, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Carsen Broich, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Emilia Broich, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Jadin Brooks, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Alexia Brown, Liberal Arts, Hartford
- Ashlyn Brown, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Cooper Brown, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Emily Brown, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Emma Brown, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Gracelynn Brown, Liberal Arts, Dexter
- Madison Brown, Early Childhood Education, Carroll
- Simon Brown, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Wyatt Bruch, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Ella Bruchert, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Megan Brunia, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Alivia Brunner, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Jaina Brunscheon, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Aidan Bryan, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Lexie Bryan, Liberal Arts, Oskaloosa
- Logan Bryngelson, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Adam Bryte, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Anne Buchholz, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Cooper Bueltel, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Madison Bui, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Ana Bull, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Charlie Bunkers, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Neah Bunkers, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Gabrielle Buresh, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Averi Burke, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Anna Burkle, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Elise Burnett, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Carter Burns, Liberal Arts, Monroe
- Payton Burt, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Blake Busch, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Xavier Bush, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Dzevad Busnov, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Landyn Buster, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Ella Butler, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Kiara Butler, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Simon Buttery, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Nicholas Buzzell, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Alexandra Bylund, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Amelia Bylund, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Caleb Byrnes, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Nicholas Byrum, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Alexandra Cabello, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Rebeca Cacheo, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Olivia Caligiuri, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Emma Camarata, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Logan Campbell, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Nile Campbell, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Alex Cantor, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Anna Cantrell, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Kennedy Capman, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Cheyenne Capps, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Lauren Capps, Liberal Arts, Prole
- Jennifer Cardenas-Hernandez, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Devon Carlile, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Claire Carlson, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ella Carlson, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kaylee Carlson, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Taylor Carlson, Liberal Arts, Prole
- Nicholas Carmichael, Liberal Arts, Yale
- Jeremiah Carpenter, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Katelyn Carr, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Reid Carr, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Addison Carroll, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jacob Carson, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Madelyn Carstens, Liberal Arts, Bagley
- Tristen Carter, Liberal Arts, Bussey
- Rockne Carver, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Titus Casebeer, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Jack Cavan, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Nicholas Cavazos, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Nathan Chacon, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Amelia Chadwick, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Liberty Chally, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Landon Chance, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Nathaniel Chance, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Pralunk Chanthaphon, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Gage Chapman, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Aidan Charlson, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Elizabeth Chase, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Christian Chelsvig, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Arthur Chen, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Jacob Chickering, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Elizabeth Chin, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Sarah Chittum, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Anisha Choudhary, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Karly Christensen, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Adelyn Church, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Sage Churchill, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Kaley Claiser, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Braelyn Clark, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Caleb Clark, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ella Clark, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Justin Clark, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Gavin Clarkson, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Graclynn Clayton, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Ryan Cleverley, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Payton Cobler, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Kate Coffey, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Hayden Coffman, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Ryan Cogil, Liberal Arts, Jamaica
- Lillian Cola, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Genesis Colbeck, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Kaylee Collins, Pathway-Education/Communications/Humanities, Mingo
- Trenton Colyn, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Emerson Combe, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Sophie Comegys, Liberal Arts, Collins
- Jack Condon, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Morgan Conklin, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Josiah Conner, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Camryn Conrad, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Lily Conry, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Abby Cook, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Aidan Cooper, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ellen Corbett, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Eva Corcoran, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Carter Corn, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Isabella Correa, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Avery Corso, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Briley Corwin, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Bradyn Cory, Liberal Arts, Alleman
- Lola Costello, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Rhya Cowden, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Madison Cowie, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Marlea Cox, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Trevor Coyle, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Bode Craig, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Cory Crall, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Garrett Cramer, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Ava Crane, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Jacelyn Crane, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Cadyn Crawford, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Carson Crigger, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Emily Croft, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Callie Cross, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Jermaine Cross, Liberal Arts, Colfax
- Bertin Cruz Santiago, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Alexander Cue, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Annie Cummins, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Colin Cummins, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Jack Cunningham, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Jacob Cunningham, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Laney Cunningham, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Ceira Current, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Talon Currie, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Olivia Curtis, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Adelei Cutler, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Clay Cuva, Liberal Arts, State Center
- Lucas Daggett, Liberal Arts, Zearing
- Lily Dahlen, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Noah Dahm, Liberal Arts, Gilbert
- Gabriel Dalby, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- JosieMae Daleske, Liberal Arts, Radcliffe
- Jake Dalmer, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kaden Dalton, Liberal Arts, Colfax
- Katherine Daly, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Julie Damman, Liberal Arts, Melbourne
- Alyssa Danner, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Meredith Dante, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Moustafa Daoud, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Savannah Dara, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Maci Darr, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Emma Dautovic, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Avery Davenport, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Emma Davidson, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Aubrie Davis, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Casey Davis, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Kaelan Davis, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Tyler Davis, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Massamo Dawassa, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Gavin Day, Liberal Arts, Lorimor
- Madison DeBruin, Liberal Arts, Otley
- Landry DeCamp, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Anida Dedic, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- James Deeds, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Grady Deering, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Madison Deignan, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Eli Deist, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Isabel DeJoode, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Itzel Delgado - Rubio, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Gabriela Delgado-Vasquez, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Laurelle Delice, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Max DeRocher, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Zoey Dickson, Liberal Arts, Menlo
- Kaylie Diercksen, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Coye Dietrich, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Ryan Dinh, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Celia DiNitto, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Cassidy Dinkin, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Allison Dittmer, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Aaron Dix, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Autumn Dobbins, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Marissa Dodds, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Gracie Dodson, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Nathan Doering, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Austin Donald, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Bennett Donnelly, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Hallie Donovan, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Erik Doolittle, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Mia Doonan, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Elizabeth Doty, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Amber Dougherty, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Beauregard Dougherty, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Grace Dowling, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Charlie Downing, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Aiden Downs, Liberal Arts, State Center
- Jenna Doyle, Liberal Arts, Menlo
- Matthew Draur, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Payton Drefke, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ava Driscoll, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Lainey Drown, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ellie Dueland, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Carson Duey, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Natalia Duggan, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Josie Dukes, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Connor Duong, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sai Sashank Durbha, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Abby Dutchuk, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Zoie Dye, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Lily Earl, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Andrew Eastman, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kaydence Eaton, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Paige Ebert, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Samuel Ebinger, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Leila Eddington, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ethan Eddy, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Isabelle Edge, Liberal Arts, Bondurant
- Dylan Egan, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Kelsie Eggers, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Addyson Eginoire, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Sydney Ehresman, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Blake Eichmeier, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Connor Eigenheer, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Makayla Eischeid, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Dinela Ejubovic, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Caden Endres, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Luke Engebretson, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Greta Engelbert, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Avery Enright, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Keegan Epps, Liberal Arts, Cambridge
- Kyle Erickson, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Oscar Erickson, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Perla Espino, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- James Esqueda, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Emma Ethington, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Emma Eubanks, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Olivia Ewing, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Belle Fagan, Liberal Arts, Adair
- Tiffany Fang, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Coen Farley, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Alyssa Farrell, Pathway-Design, Media, the Arts, Clive
- Allie Fegenbush, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Clara Feilmeier, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Luka Felbapov, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Mollie Feld, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Avery Feldman, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Drew Fenton, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Jake Ferguson, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Lillie Ferguson, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Ava Ferguson-Sampson, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Jinaidy Fernandez Sanabria, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- William Ferree, Liberal Arts, Oskaloosa
- MaKenna Fetters, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Abby Fickbohm, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Isabella Fiedler, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Brodie Figgins, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Genavieve Finley, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Benjamin Fischer, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Mia Fischer, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Brady Fitz, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Declan Fitzgerald, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Keegan Fitzgerald, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Thomas Fitzsimmons, Liberal Arts, Vail
- Matthew Fletcher, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Maryann Floden, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Sarah Florez, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Evan Flynn, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Vitoria Fonseca, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Bella Ford, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Catherine Ford, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sydney Ford, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Dylan Forget, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Blane Forinash, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Bensen Foster, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Reid Foster, Liberal Arts, Bondurant
- Ahmed Fouad, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Sam Frankl, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Sienna Franklin, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Robert Franks, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Benjamin Franzeen, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Luca Fratella, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Zackary Frease, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Suzanne Fredricks, Liberal Arts, Milo
- Audrey Freese, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Jenna Freeseman, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Arianna Freitas, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Logan Frelund, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Nicholas Frerichs, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Karsten Freund, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Elizabeth Friesen, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Karley Friesen, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Caitlyn Friesleben, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jamie Froelich, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Lucas Frohwein, Liberal Arts, Colo
- Hallie Fucaloro, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Easton Fuller, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Michael Fuller, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Lauren Furnal, Liberal Arts, Ackworth
- Harley Gabrielson, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Gabriella Gaffney, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Damon Gahan, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Macie Galivan, Liberal Arts, New Virginia
- Ethan Gallegos, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ava Gannon, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Mary Gano, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Nautica Garces, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Alexa Garcia, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Lily Garcia, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Cecelia Gardiner, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Kayley Gardner, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Isaac Garner, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Gabriel Gasche, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Adalyn Gauck, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Nathan Geckler, Liberal Arts, Bagley
- Michael Gerety, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Nathaniel Gerling, Liberal Arts, Dexter
- Brynnly German, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Campbell German, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Andrew Geyer, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Madisyn Gholson, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Desirae Gifford, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Bruce Giles, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Matthew Giles, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- William Giles, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Sarafina Gituma, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Landry Glasgow, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Sophia Glenn, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Lucy Glomski, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Rebekah Glosser, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Kylee Goering, Liberal Arts, New Virginia
- Caitlyn Goff, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Ava Goldsberry, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Tyler Good, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Tristan Gordon, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Paige Gossard, Liberal Arts, Bondurant
- Landon Grabau, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Sophia Graber, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Jesse Grams, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Hunter Gray, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Taylor Gray-Mikesell, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Tristin Green, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Amelia Grice, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kyler Griffis, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Aidan Griffith, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Cassidy Griggs, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Alexis Groenenboom, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Noah Grogan, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Alayna Gronseth, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Jayson Gronstal, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Colby Grubb, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Jackson Guddall, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Dylan Gustafson, Liberal Arts, Zearing
- Tyler Guy, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Kylee Gyles, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Evelyn Haas, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Andrew Haase, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Alysa Hagen, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Colton Hagen, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Tahlia Hahn, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Bailey Hainline, Liberal Arts, Bondurant
- Nikki Halferty, Liberal Arts, Ogden
- Elijah Halfpap, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Abbigail Hall, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Alexis Halsted, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Jackson Halverson, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Brooke Hamers, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Evan Hammer, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Matthew Hammerand, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Alexander Hammerstrom, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Elijah Hammerstrom, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Sydney Hand, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Cole Handlos, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Trinity Handy, Liberal Arts, Redfield
- Jaxon Hanselman, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Benjamin Hansen, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Holden Hansen, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Trenten Hansen, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Amelia Hanson, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Carsten Hanson, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Nash Hanson, Liberal Arts, Gilbert
- Colton Harder, Liberal Arts, Mingo
- Zakary Haring, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Brayden Harmon, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Teal Harmsen, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Heidi Harper, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Tyler Harper, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Daniel Harringa, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Sydney Harrington, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Abigail Harris, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Ella Harris, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Maddison Harrison, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Orson Harrop, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Chloey Hart, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Sydney Harter, Pathway-Health Science/Fitness, Mitchellville
- Colin Hartl, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Keira Hasstedt, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Cooper Hastings, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Michael Hatch, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Kaylin Hauber, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Payton Hauersperger, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Lilliana Hauser, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Grace Havlicek, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Erin Hayertz, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Mason Hayes, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Emma Hazel, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Cael Hazen, Liberal Arts, Stuart
- Dawson Heath, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Rachael Heaton, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Stephanie Heck, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Elijah Heckert, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Kennadie Heckinger, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Reyna Heer, Liberal Arts, Mingo
- Cora Heeter, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Tate Heidemann, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Cadence Heilman, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Tanner Heithoff, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Emily Heitzman, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jorden Held, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Jada Hennessy, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Mary Hensley, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Avah Herbel, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Bryanah Hernandez, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Itzel Hernandez, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Aiden Herout, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Aryanna Hewlett, Liberal Arts, Osceola
- Brayden Hick, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Michael Hicklin, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kyli Hiemstra, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Hannah Hildebrand, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Caleb Hill, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Sienna Hill, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Mia Hilleman, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Tyler Hinde, Liberal Arts, Van meter
- Keira Hine, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Serena Hinners, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Zoe Hinze, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Abigail Hitchcock, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Judee Hmawe, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Addesyn Hocker, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Grace Hockett, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Lane Hockett, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Andrew Hoeck, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Morgen Hoffman, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jacob Hogan, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Abigail Hol, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Liliana Holcomb, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Madelynn Hollingsworth, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Conrad Hollister, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Abbigale Holm, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Benjamin Holmbeck, Liberal Arts, Oskaloosa
- Emmet Holschlag, Liberal Arts, Mitchellville
- Lilly Holt, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Cora Holzer, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Kate Hoover, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Colton Horn, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Anthony Horness, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Dylan Hosenfelt, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Jason Hoskins, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Caiden Host, Pathway-Business, Grimes
- Tessa Houdeshell, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Erica Houge, Liberal Arts, Collins
- Abigail Houston, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Brice Howard, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Jonathan Howard, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Christopher Howie, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ella Hron, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Khaine Htet, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Ryan Hubbard, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Emma Hudnall, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Lillian Hudson, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Kasche Huehn, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Carol Huffer, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Emily Hughes, Liberal Arts, Martensdale
- Elicee Hummel, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Madison Hummel, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Calyn Hunderdosse, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Emma Hunger, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Alexandra Hunter, Liberal Arts, Colo
- Emily Huston, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Ciera Hutton-Spieker, Liberal Arts, Saint Charles
- Emma Hyden, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Lauren Igou, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Addison Ihle, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Benjamin Imhoff, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Gabriel Ireland, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jacob Irlbeck, Liberal Arts, Arcadia
- Kerrigan Irlbeck, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Eleanor Jackson, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Andrew Jacob, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Asia Jahangir, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Manab Jaily, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Deja James, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Kheria James, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kiya James, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Leena Jameson, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Jordyn Jamison, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Kaitlynn Jansen, Liberal Arts, Kellogg
- Clare Janson, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Katie Janssen, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Makayla Janssen, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Cailyn Jasmer, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Kadence Jaworski, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Kacie Jeffs, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Evan Jeno, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Abigail Jensen, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Mariah Jensen, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Claire Jepsen, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Wyatt Jessen, Liberal Arts, Brayton
- Brady Jimenez, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Nayeli Jimenez, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sadie Jimenez, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Amogh Jithendra, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Evan Joens, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Amara Johansen, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Bella Johnson, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Cael Johnson, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Caleb Johnson, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Camden Johnson, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Cassandra Johnson, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Clark Johnson, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Emily Johnson, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Ethan Johnson, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Gavin Johnson, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Gentry Johnson, Liberal Arts, Saint Charles
- Kaitlin Johnson, Liberal Arts, Stuart
- Kyler Johnson, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Leo Johnson, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Noelle Johnson, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Samuel Johnson, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Spencer Johnson, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sydney Johnson, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Aidan Jones, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Aidan Jones, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Ava Jones, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jaden Jones, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Lundyn Jones, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Phoenix Jones, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Reid Jones, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Tanner Jones, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Wyatt Jones, Liberal Arts, Hartford
- Xavier Jones, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Dillon Jordan, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Anya Jorgensen, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Cale Josten, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Taylor Judas, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Davison Juhnke, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Cael Julander, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Floramaria Juliano, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Natasha Jurado, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Gentry Jurgensen, Liberal Arts, Prole
- Evan Kaduce, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jenna Kalk, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Caleb Kalkwarf, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Anya Kallenbach, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Lejla Kandzic, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Carson Kanne, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Palak Kapadia, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Halle Karaidos, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Halie Karnatz, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Mackenzie Karr, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Amaney Kashoob, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Mia Kayser, Liberal Arts, Cambridge
- Makenzie Keenan, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Alex Kehoe, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Libbie Keith, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Kate Keller, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Noah Kelley, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Nicholas Kemp, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Hannah Kenkel, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Karah Kenney, Liberal Arts, Mitchellville
- Oaklee Keomala, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Gavin Kercheval, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Nolan Kerkhoff, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Colin Kerndt, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Amelie Kerrigan, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Benjamin Keyte, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Vivian Keyte, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Maryum Khan, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Kahne Kiburz, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Benjamin Kickbush, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Kain Killmer, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Brayden Kilstofte, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Noah Kimpston, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Kale Kincaid, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Boston King, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Kyle Kingsbury, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Cameron Kinkade, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Ava Kintzle, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Cierra Kinzie, Liberal Arts, Stuart
- Gracie Kirk, Liberal Arts, Peru
- Megan Kirkham, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Brianna Kirkpatrick, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Landon Kirtley, Liberal Arts, Yale
- Andrew Kivlin, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jayden Kline, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Caden Klinge, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Kylie Knief, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Cailyn Knight, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Lauren Knights, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Elsa Knobloch, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Claire Knudsen, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Lexi Kockler, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Madeline Koenigs, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Leyton Kolln, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Mattie Kompsie, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Ezekiel Konkler, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Halle Koppin, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Lillian Korkie, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Andrew Korns, Liberal Arts, Otley
- Chloe Koster, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Maximus Kostner, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Delvis Kouete, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Elizabeth Kraft-Daisy, Liberal Arts, Rockwell City
- Kaiya Kralik, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Emily Kramer, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Kendall Krichau, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Owen Krichau, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Alexander Kruger, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Braden Kubichek, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Lucas Kueter, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sreehari Kumaresh, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Elaina Labertew, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Owen Lacey, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- James Lackamp, Liberal Arts, Monroe
- Julie Lackamp, Liberal Arts, Monroe
- Caleigh Lafrenz, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Grace Lahey, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Sophie Laib, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Peter LaMasters, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ashlyn Lamb, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Nathanael Lamb, Pathway-Education/Communications/Humanities, Carthage
- Nathan Lampe, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Zach Landin, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Grace Landmesser, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Tye Landrum, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Charlotte Landwehr, Liberal Arts, Prairie City
- Amber Lange, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Kerrigan Larsen, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Kristin Larsen, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Leah Larsen, Liberal Arts, Coon Rapids
- Elle Larson, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Max Lauman, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Luke Lavana, Pathway-Design, Media, the Arts, Westside
- Jameson Lawler, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Breanna Leaming, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Carson Leathers, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Kambria Leazer, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Justin Lee, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Bianca Leerhoff, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Tanner Lehtinen, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Harrison Leinen, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Leland Lem, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kelsey Lemke, Liberal Arts, Otley
- Madelyn Leo, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Alexander Leon, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Asa Leonard-Newton, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Maci Lerseth, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Alison Lester, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Sarah Lester, Liberal Arts, Milo
- Mallory Lettington, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Brady Lettow, Liberal Arts, Roland
- Jaxxon Levang, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Ryan Lewis, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Owen Leyser, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- William Licht, Liberal Arts, Roland
- Emma Liechti, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Colin Lies, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Klaire Lietz, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sadey Lietz, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sydney Light, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Haidyn Lilly, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Mason Lin, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sydney Lindner, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Madison Lindquist, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Kaitlynn Lindsay, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Owen Line, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kaysar Lines, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Hayleigh Lingo, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Summer Little, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Jada Livingston, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Ava Loch, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Maribelle Loeb, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sophia Loeffler, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- James Loggins, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Brayden Lohr, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Gabriella Lombardi, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Madelyn Lonergan, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Kamryn Long, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Kennedy Long, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Landen Long, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Riess Long, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Haley Loonan, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Lauren Loots, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jacqueline Lopez Hernandez, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Naomi Lors, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Salina Lovan, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Jazmin Love, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Haden Lovig, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Antonio Loving, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Lucas Ludwick, Liberal Arts, Prairie City
- Soraya Lugo, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Jaiden Luke, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Parker Lundstrom, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Drake Luong, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jacob Luster, Liberal Arts, Elkhart
- Nate Lutterman, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Ellie Lyles, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Chloe Lynn, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Karsyn Lyons, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Taylor Maach, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Keelie Maas, Nurse Aide, Polk City
- Lauren Mace, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Jessica Mackie, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Calvin Macklin, Liberal Arts, Redfield
- Adeline Madole, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Elijah Madsen, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Rayla Madsen, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Quin Mahler-Moreno, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Keenan Mahmutagic, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Kaitlyn Malcom, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Erikah Maness, Liberal Arts, Redfield
- Jadah Manning, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Emerson Manus, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ashlynn Marks, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Zoe Marquez, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Macy Mart, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Trenton Mart, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- August Martinez, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Becca Martinez, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Natalie Martinez, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Noah Martinez, Liberal Arts, Alleman
- Sofia Martinez Soriano, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Jennifer Martinez-Martinez, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Aden Maschino-Gustafson, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Luke Mash, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Teagan Mash, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Wyatt Massoth, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Carson Maston, Liberal Arts, Kilduff
- Paige Mattes, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Dayne Mauk, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Julie Maylum, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Madelyn Maynes, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Finley McAndrew, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Jarrett McClain, Liberal Arts, Bayard
- Jayden McClelland, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Evan McClinton, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sienna McClutchey, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Jordyn McConkey, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Annmarie McConville, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Jenna McCuddin, Liberal Arts, St. Charles
- Aubrey McDaniel, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Ainslee McDowell, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Rose McGill, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Keira McGrane, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Mason McGrann, Liberal Arts, Bondurant
- Connor McGraw, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Madison McGraw, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Megan McGuire, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Sam McGuire, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Alik McIlravy, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Aubrey McKasson, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Ava McKay, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Trey McKillip, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Avery McKinney, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Savannah McKnight, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Jaiden McLaren, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Camryn McLeod, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Kayla McLeod, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Marley McMahon, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Annalyse McNeeley, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Cami McNeeley, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- River McNeeley, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Sutton McNelly, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Aaron McPartland, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jackson McQuistan, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Bayn McTavish, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Nakayla McVay, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sophie Meekma, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Peyton Meier, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Tori Meinecke, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Madeline Meiners, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Airis Melendez-Rubio, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Jose Melo-Garcia, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Porter Mendenhall, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jaden Mendias, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Carter Menke, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kennedy Menke, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Landon Menninga, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Nick Meredith, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Wyatt Merk, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Adonawit Meshesha, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Jaelyn Messer, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Alexander Metcalf, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Liam Metcalf, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Gabriel Methum, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Abhinav Mettapalli, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Brooklyn Metz, Liberal Arts, Dallas
- Abigail Meyer, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Faith Meyer, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Grace Meyer, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Katelyn Meyer, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Tyler Mifflin, Liberal Arts, Otley
- Jaia Mikels, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Kirsten Milczski, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Skyler Milheiser, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Abigail Miller, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Delaney Miller, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Edward Miller, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Kaden Miller, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Kaylyn Miller, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kerigan Miller, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Lincoln Miller, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Maci Miller, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Sophia Miller, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Thomas Miller, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- William Mills, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Jennifer Millsap, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Cassandra Milner, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Avery Minter, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Austin Mitchell, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Jaycie Mitchell, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Gabrielle Mixdorf, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ma Moe, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Kaylie Moes, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Fardowsa Mohamed, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Zakariya Mohamed, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Trenton Mohn, Liberal Arts, Woodbine
- Zachary Moir, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Luella Montgomery, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- La Moo, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ethan Moon, Liberal Arts, Elkhart
- Ashlyn Moore, Liberal Arts, State Center
- Gabrielle Moore, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Gavin Moore, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jonathan Moore, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Naliyah Moore, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Quintin Moore, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Amelia Moorlach, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Emma Moorman, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Leah Morales, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Kenna Moranville, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Gianna Mordini, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Maria Mordini, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Caitlyn Moroney, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Rylee Morris, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Jenna Morrison, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Tanner Morrison, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Gabrielle Mortensen, Liberal Arts, Dexter
- Adrian Mosqueda, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Eiley Mueller, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Zain Mueller, Liberal Arts, Gilbert
- Hallie Muhlbauer, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Mya Muhlbauer, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Leah Mulder, Liberal Arts, Oskaloosa
- Cadence Mulhern, Pathway-Math & Science, West Des Moines
- Lauren Muller, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Austin Mumm, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Samuel Mumma, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Thomas Mundil, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Landon Murch, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Ayden Murenzi, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jesus Murillo, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Elyse Murphy, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Grace Murphy, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Jordan Murray, Liberal Arts, Swan
- Amer Music, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Kerry Myers, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Lea Myers, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Joshua Nabiliwa, Liberal Arts, Windsor Heights
- Abhishek Nalam, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Sydney Namminga, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Sophie Navarro, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Vaishnavi Nayaka, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Blake Neldeberg, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Jeta Nelson, Liberal Arts, St. Charles
- Madilyn Nelson, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Carden Nerem, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Claire Neuendorf, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Emmett Neumann, Liberal Arts, Westside
- Reed Newcomb, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Alison NewGard, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Claire Newton, Liberal Arts, Windsor Heights
- Nejra Nezic, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Allison Nguyen, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Anh Nguyen, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Jimmy Nguyen, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Ellery Nichols, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Emily Nichols, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Hannah Nichols, Liberal Arts, Bagley
- Katie Nichols, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Makayla Nichols, Liberal Arts, Saint Charles
- Katherine Nickel, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Camrie Niemeyer, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Colton Niemeyer, Liberal Arts, Zearing
- Makayla Nikkel, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Taylor Noah, Liberal Arts, Woodward
- Anna Noble, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Noah Noland, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Lauren Nook, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Landen Norris, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Olivia Norrish, Liberal Arts, Lynnville
- Ryan North, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Nathan Northcutt, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Leah Nystrom, Liberal Arts, Jefferson
- Mora Nystrom, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Isabella Oberbroeckling, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Alexis Obermeier, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Alayna O'Connor, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Kolson O'Donnell, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kaden Ofstad, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Kadyn Olberding, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Spencer Olesen, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Madison Olney, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Stefi Olsen, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Kjersten Olson, Liberal Arts, Kelley
- Paige Olson, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Jenna Oltman, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Isabella Omeara, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Kyden O'Neill, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Claire Onsrud, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Bryant Oriho, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Jocelyn Orr, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Austin Ort, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Cooper Ortega, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Corbin Oswald, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Harrison Oswalt, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Avery Overland, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- McKenna Overton, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Abigail Owen, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Madison Ozimek, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Ilhana Palic, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Zuly Parcher, Liberal Arts, Marion
- Danika Park, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Joshua Parrish, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Spencer Parrish, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Emily Partlow, Liberal Arts, Menlo
- Lily Passer, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Franklin Pastorino, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Vivian Patch-Quates, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Alia Patterson, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Morgan Patterson, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Ryan Patterson, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Anthony Pawlosky, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Trent Pearson, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Katherine Peck, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Lillie Pendroy, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jenna Penner, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Marshall Penning, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Elizabeth Perkins, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Tate Perrin, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Alaynah Perry, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Bodie Peters, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Samuel Peters, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Christopher Petersen, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Olivia Petersen, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Alexis Peterson, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Samantha Peterson, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Leonard Petillo, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Leah Philby, Liberal Arts, Sully
- Brooklyn Philipsen, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Katelyn Phillips, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Cole Pieper, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Emerson Pierce, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Isabella Pierce, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Matthew Pierson, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Aubri Pingel, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Ryleigh Pinion, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Mirabel Pinkerton, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Josh Pinnick, Liberal Arts, State Center
- Halie Piper, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Hayley Plahn, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Kytilin Plate, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Delaney Platt, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Tate Platte, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Rhett Pleggenkuhle, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Meadow Pliler, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Weston Ploeger, Liberal Arts, Linden
- Kayla Pocernich, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Jada Podey, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Rachel Poehlman, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Dakota Poen, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Katelyn Pogue, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Jenna Polich, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Laikyn Popken, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Alexander Porath, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jordan Porsch, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Ava Porter, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Lucas Porter, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Reggie Postel, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Oliver Potter, Liberal Arts, Woodward
- Atticus Pottratz, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Benjamin Powers, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sierra Pradhan, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Claire Praska, Liberal Arts, Woodward
- Karter Prellwitz-Liebhart, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Charla Preston, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Chloe Prewitt, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Elizabeth Proctor, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kayla Quach, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jayden Quillen, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Alex Quintanilla, Liberal Arts, Vail
- Dalila Rahmanovic, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Isabelle Rahn, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Eryn Ramsey, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Leva Ramsey, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Colin Randolph, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Casey Rankin, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Chloe Rankin, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Averi Ransom, Liberal Arts, Truro
- Aden Rasmussen, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Carly Rau, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jaya Reddy, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Keira Reed, Liberal Arts, Adair
- Preston Reese, Liberal Arts, State Center
- Chloe Reiling, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Milo Reinhart, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Owen Reinier, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Lauren Reinsvold, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Abigail Reis, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Christian Rempe, Liberal Arts, Leighton
- Owen Renaud, Liberal Arts, Alden
- Sophialliah Renteria, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Isabella Reutter, Liberal Arts, Ogden
- Dayne Rew, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Annabelle Reynolds, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Andrew Rhinehart, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Nolan Rhoad, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Derrick Rhoads, Liberal Arts, Cambridge
- Sayler Ribich, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Gavin Rice, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Ashton Richey, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Camdyn Richter, Liberal Arts, Adair
- Maya Richter, Liberal Arts, Stuart
- Mersadez Richter, Liberal Arts, Adair
- Madelyn Ricke, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Addelinn Rickertsen, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Stefany Riera Ramones, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Carter Riesberg, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Justin Riesberg, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Cole Riley, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Alexandra Riney, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Gannon Ripley, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Sebastian Rivera, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Adrien Robbins, Liberal Arts, Monroe
- Jenna Roberts, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Piper Robie, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kyra Robins, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Addison Robinson, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Brooke Robison, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Adrian Rochford, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Luke Rockhold, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Madison Rodgers, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Gerardo Rodriguez-Flores, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Abigail Rodriguez-Lewis, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Siddalee Roetman, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Hanora Romain, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Marinza Roosa, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Chloe Rorabaugh, Liberal Arts, Colfax
- Lainey Rose, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Henry Rosener, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Eli Roske, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Isabella Ross, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Samuel Rotert, Liberal Arts, Halbur
- Nathan Rotherham, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Tanith Roush, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Benton Rowe, Liberal Arts, Minburn
- Cecelia Rowe, Liberal Arts, Minburn
- Haley Rowe, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Cole Rowley, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Rian Rowley, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Jordin Royster, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Madalyn Rozell, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Alaina Rozenboom, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Victoria Runyan, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Colin Rush, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Abigail Rusher, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Landon Russell, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Noelle Russell, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Silas Russell, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kameryn Rutter, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Chase Ryburn, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Grant Rychnovsky, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Avalon Saddoris, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Carmen Saidat, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Aryam Salah, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sara Saleh, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Lauren Salmon, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Zofia Salter, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Lane Sams, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Cody Samson, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Riley Samuelson, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Karime Sanchez, Liberal Arts, Vail
- Abigail Sander, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Brissa Sandoval, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Ethan Sanger, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Maseeta Sanoe, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Paola Santiago-Martinez, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Javier Santos, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Anna Sash, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Riley Savage, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Aslan Schaeffer, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Emma Schafer, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Leah Schafer, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Suki Scheffler, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Raegan Scheib, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Zachary Schemper, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Carly Schettler, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Tyson Schlicher, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Torianna Schmidt, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Brady Schmitz, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Ellia Schmitz, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Kate Schneider, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Molly Schock, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Nathan Scholl, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Charles Schon, Liberal Arts, Coon Rapids
- Kerigan Schreck, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Anderson Schrim, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Madalynn Schroder, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Macy Schroeder, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Eden Schuchart, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Lauren Schultz, Liberal Arts, Windsor Heights
- Alyssa Schultzen, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Brady Schulz, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Elijah Schumacher, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Eliana Schuster, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Calvin Schwab, Pathway-Building Trades/Transportation, Colfax
- Carmen Schwalen, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Ada Schwarz, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Sylvia Scrignoli, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Emma Scully, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Amanda Seeliger, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Jacqueline Segura, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Jaxson Seidl, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Maxwell Seiler, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Taylor Semini, Liberal Arts, Oskaloosa
- Carter Sepanski, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Tate Sepanski, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Joseph Sernett, Liberal Arts, Kelley
- Madison Shannon, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Ojas Sharma, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Trenton Shawler, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Caden Shay, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Emma Sheeler, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- MaKenna Sheffield, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Daniel Shenouda, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Noah Shin, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Caden Shockey, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Avery Short, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Drew Showalter, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Penelope Shriver, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Kaidyn Shull, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Adhiraj Sidhu, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Addyson Siepker, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Ava Sievers, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Georgia Simmons, Liberal Arts, Woodward
- Madilyn Simoens, Liberal Arts, Elkhart
- Jenana Sinanovic, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Adriane Sinclair, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Jude Skinner, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Lilian Skinner, Liberal Arts, Zearing
- Chloe Sloan, Liberal Arts, Monroe
- Aidan Smith, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Ava Smith, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Carter Smith, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Cora Smith, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Evan Smith, Liberal Arts, Knoxville
- Gavin Smith, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Hunter Smith, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Lillian Smith, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Lily Smith, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Lydia Smith, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Maysen Smith, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Payton Smith, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Reese Smith, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Sammy Smith, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Trevor Smith, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Walker Smith, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Claire Smock, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Cecilia Snider, Liberal Arts, Madrid
- Jena Snyder, Liberal Arts, Auburn
- Wyatt Snyder, Liberal Arts, Halbur
- James Soliday, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Fatima Solis Flores, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Anthony Solorzano, Liberal Arts, Guthrie Center
- Eva Solseth, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Carson Sommerfeld, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Emilie Sorensen, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Norah Southwick, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Jamisen Sparks, Liberal Arts, Monroe
- Micah Speichinger, Liberal Arts, Dexter
- Natalie Spencer, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Mya Sposeto, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Caeley Springer, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Olivia Sprouse, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Emmalee Spurgeon, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Evan St. Clair, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Reginald St. Romain, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kent Sta. Maria, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Emmerson Stahn, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Luke Standfest, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Kate Stangl, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Taylor Stanley, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Addison Starr, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Austin Staudt, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Keira Steenhoek, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Cooper Stein, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ellie Steinhelper, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Laura Steinkamp, Liberal Arts, Wall Lake
- Henry Stence, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Camden Stephens, Liberal Arts, Gilbert
- Avery Sterk, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Abbie Stern, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Skylar Stessman, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Savannah Stevenson, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Katie Steward, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Elijah Stewart, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Emilie Stewart, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Hope Stice, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Callie Stiles, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Addilyn Stine, Liberal Arts, Dallas Center
- Jaxson Stocker, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Kelli Storck, Liberal Arts, Adel
- Jaxon Stoulil, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Tyler Stout, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Jayden Stover, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Rachael Stratton, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Hale Strawhecker, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Parker Strawn, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Matej Strbac, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Zachary Streeter, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Josephine Strohbehn, Liberal Arts, Melrose
- Mackenzie Strohbehn, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Vianne Stroope West, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Elaine Struthers, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Laina Subbert, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Hailey Sumpter, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Kyle Sundrup, Liberal Arts, Arcadia
- Morgan Sutton, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Lola Svec, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Andrew Swanson, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Morgan Swartzlander, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Jacob Sweeney, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Samuel Symonds, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Andrew Sytsma, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Ermin Tabakovic, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Jalen Taha, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ava Tallant, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Emma Tannenbaum, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ledibabari Taoh, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Christian Taylor, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Jackson Temple, Liberal Arts, Clive
- John Tenhundfeld, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Daniel Tessman, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Kinsley Theobald, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Carly Thephavong, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ashley Thomas, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Jacob Thomas, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Launa Thomas, Liberal Arts, Earlham
- Makenzie Thomas, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kayleigh Thomasson, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Faith Thompson, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ian Thompson, Liberal Arts, Woodward
- Maya Thompson, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Trent Thompson, Pathway-Building Trades/Transportation, Grinnell
- Leo Thornton, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Hannah Tice, Liberal Arts, Story City
- Jaidey Tiedt, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Harrison Tiefenthaler, Liberal Arts, Breda
- Addison Tigges, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Camryn Tigges, Nurse Aide, Redfield
- Samuel Tigges, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Bianca Tiller, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Keegan Tilley, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Olivia Timmermans, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Sophia Timmermans, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Ella Tobey, Liberal Arts, Runnells
- Emlda Tombe, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Aiden Topalovich, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Gwenyth Tousey, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Ellah Townsley, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Danny Tran, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Cainan Travis, Liberal Arts, Collins
- Marin Tribolet, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Bryce Trilk, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Darby Trilk, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Reece Trinder, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Ella Troen, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- John Trosper, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Audrey Troutman, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Cael Trudo, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Addison Tucker, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Brandon Turner, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Abby Tuttle, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Kaylie Tverberg, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Peyton Twelmeyer, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Zoey Uetz, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Carson Uitermarkt, Liberal Arts, Leighton
- John Ulveling, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Clair Underhill, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Emmie Underwood, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Daniel Urpia, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Akshat Valse, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Rylee Van Beek, Liberal Arts, Baxter
- Alyssa Van Der Molen, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Elizabeth Van Dyke, Liberal Arts, Boone
- Ella Van Dyke, Liberal Arts, New Virginia
- Trenner Van Dyke, Liberal Arts, Prairie City
- Addison Van Maanen, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Grace Van Oosbree, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Isabella Van Oosbree, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Aunya Van Zetten, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Nicholas VanArkel, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Avelyn Vance, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Lainey Vander Schel, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Corbin Vander Weerdt, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Tyke Vander Wilt, Liberal Arts, Sully
- Gwenneth Vanderah, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Megan VanDeVoorde, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Remington VandeVoort, Liberal Arts, Tracy
- Jonas VanDis, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Benjamin VanGorp, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Gracelyn VanGundy, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Jose Vargas, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Leishka Vargas Cornier, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Owen Vasey, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Audrey Vaske, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Carter Vaughan, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- John Vedder, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Alan Vega Nunez, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Rodrigo Verastegui, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Zachary Verbrugge, Liberal Arts, Polk City
- Marissa Vernon, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Jack Vinyard, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Tori Vogel-Welchen, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Kamryn Vogt, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Ellie Volkmann, Liberal Arts, Cambridge
- Aria Volz, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Jenna Volz, Liberal Arts, Elkhart
- Brookelyn Vongxay, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Denver Vongxay, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Louis Vonnahme, Liberal Arts, St. Charles
- Carson Vorm, Liberal Arts, Audubon
- Isaac Vos, Liberal Arts, Sully
- Lydia Vos, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Autumn Vymetal, Liberal Arts, Indianola
- Emily Waddle, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Kira Wagner, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Samuel Wahman, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- James Wakefield, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Kara Walker, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Taylor Walker, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Gabrielle Walsh, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Stephen Walters, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Brady Walton, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Blair Walz, Liberal Arts, Pella
- David Wang, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Adeline Wangler, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Luke Ward, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Audrey Warren, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Colton Waterhouse, Liberal Arts, Carlisle
- Erica Waters, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Sarah Watkins, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Lucas Weathers, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Logan Webb, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Aundrea Weber, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Jackson Weber, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Lauren Weber, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Loren Weber, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Lucy Weber, Liberal Arts, Clive
- Elizabeth Weeklund, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Savannah Welch, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Mackenzie Wells, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Rylee Wells, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Callie Welsch, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Luke Wernimont, Liberal Arts, Auburn
- Tyton Westemeier, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Sarah Westergaard, Liberal Arts, Panora
- Addison White, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Danielle White, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Della White, Liberal Arts, Cumming
- Genevieve White, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Hala White, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Madison White, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Talan White, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Sarah Wieczorek, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Cloey Wiederin, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Kennedy Wiedman, Liberal Arts, Van Meter
- Kadence Wigant, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Adrienne Wiley, Liberal Arts, Carroll
- Ava Wille, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Shaylee Williams, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Tate Williams, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Avery Williamson, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Isabelle Wilson, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Ollie Wilson, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Maraya Wiltfang, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Hayden Winchell, Liberal Arts, Newton
- Joshua Wing, Liberal Arts, Prairie City
- Kaylee Winter, Liberal Arts, Johnston
- Zoie Winward, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Charley Wirt, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Ryann Wisecup, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Ivy Wishman, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Paige Witt, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Katelyn Wittrock, Liberal Arts, Manning
- Courtney Wojtowicz, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Andrew Wolfe, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Leah Wolff, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Summer Wolff, Liberal Arts, Pleasantville
- Natalie Wood, English-Transfer, Nevada
- Oliver Wood, Liberal Arts, Pella
- Tyler Woods, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Xavier Woods, Liberal Arts, Colfax
- Kaylin Woosley, Liberal Arts, Winterset
- Kaleb Wrigley, Liberal Arts, Altoona
- Kaylee Wuebker, Liberal Arts, Perry
- Kiley Wuebker, Liberal Arts, Grimes
- Mallory Wurth, Liberal Arts, Waukee
- Reese Wyckoff, Liberal Arts, Norwalk
- Joseph Yacavona, Liberal Arts, Pleasant Hill
- Muhannad Yaseen, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jessica Yates, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Jonathan Yates, Liberal Arts, Ames
- Noah Yeager, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- DaMarion Yin, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Hannah Young, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Gabrielle Younts, Liberal Arts, Granger
- Ashlyn Yu, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Isaiah Zeigler, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Zana Zeleke, Liberal Arts, West Des Moines
- Jordan Zeliadt, Liberal Arts, Des Moines
- Jacob Zimmerman, Liberal Arts, Urbandale
- Kale Zimmerman, Liberal Arts, Huxley
- Kyra Zinn, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Isaac Zoske, Liberal Arts, Slater
- Gwendolyn Zrostlik, Liberal Arts, Nevada
- Jordan Zuber, Liberal Arts, Ankeny
- Emilia Zula, Liberal Arts, Pella