Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion at DMACC
DMACC has the distinction of enrolling the most culturally diverse student population in the Iowa higher education system. Our responsibility to our students, and to the staff and faculty that serve them, is articulated in the diversity vision statement: DMACC will create a culture in which all people are valued and supported, and will celebrate the similarities and differences among us. In doing so, we will prepare the DMACC community to live, to learn, and to work together in a global society.
At its on April 8, 2024 meeting, the DMACC Board of Directors approved an update to the Strategic Plan.
In November 2023, President Denson convened a task force to review Strategic Goal 2 in the strategic plan to ensure it aligned with the Higher Learning Commission’s accreditation expectations related to diversity. The task force completed that work last month and created a new Strategic Goal 2 with four subgoals. The task force will continue to meet to assess the progress DMACC makes towards its goals.
The new Strategic Goal 2 is as follows:
Key Strategies for Diversity and Inclusion
2.1: DMACC will strive to ensure that the overall composition of its faculty and staff reflects human diversity as appropriate within its mission, vision, and values for the constituencies it serves.
2.2: DMACC will strive to improve student retention, persistence and completion using goals that are ambitious, attainable, and appropriate to our mission, vision, and values, our student populations, and our educational offerings.
2.3: DMACC will build and implement educational programs that recognize human and cultural diversity and provide students with growth opportunities and lifelong skills to live and work in a multicultural world.
2.4: DMACC will foster a climate of respect among all students, faculty, staff and administrators from a range of diverse backgrounds, ideas, and perspectives.
The task force also made a minor change to one of DMACC’s Values to reflect the institution’s deliberate engagement in partnerships with regional businesses. The previous and new wording of the value are below.
Previous: DMACC fosters partnerships in and with the communities we serve.
New: DMACC fosters partnerships in and with the businesses and communities we serve.
Questions about the Strategic Plan Task Force can be directed to Institutional Effectiveness at institutionaleffectiveness@dmacc.edu.
For any student concerns regarding access, belonging and success, please reach out to Wesley Harris, Coordinator of Student Access and Success at lwharrisjr@dmacc.edu.
For questions regarding educational activities at the College and in the community and guest speakers, please reach out to DMACC Diversity Commission co-chairs at diversitycommission@dmacc.edu.
Anyone who has concerns/complaints about sex-based or gender-based discrimination or sexual misconduct is encouraged to contact Debbie McKittrick, Judicial Officer & Title IX Coordinator at dkmckittrick@dmacc.edu.
Diversity in classrooms
Making faculty and staff more aware of diversity in their classrooms and in the content of their courses, to develop new approaches for teaching course content with a perspective of diversity, and to promote an attitude in the DMACC community and an atmosphere on our campus that demonstrates a valuing of diversity.
Bringing us together
Tools and services that help promote diversity and inclusion at DMACC and provide intercultural bridge building and community participation.
DMACC One Community
Diversity awareness is the full recognition and appreciation of human value. DMACC will actively advocate for diversity awareness and ensure the integration of diversity into all aspects of institutional life.