Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) and subsequent legislation require an institution of higher education (IHE) to provide a biennial program review of alcohol and other drug prevention programs to be eligible to receive funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, including participation in any federally funded or guaranteed student loan program. In compliance, Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) conducts a biennial review in all even years.

DMACC counselors provide education and prevention programming and are available on a confidential basis to assist students with substance-abuse assessment, evaluation and referrals for treatment. Additional information and contact information for community resources can be found on DMACC's Counseling website.

Faculty and staff can access substance-abuse resources and services through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Employee and Family Resources, 515-244-6090 or 1-800-327-4692.

DMACC strives to provide an educational environment that promotes the health and safety of students, faculty and staff. Accordingly, DMACC complies with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act (EDGAR Part 86).

Loading...BS 5551 – DMACC's Compliance with Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act

Additional Information regarding Alcohol/Tobacco/Substance Abuse Information as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act can be found in the Human Resources Annual Compliance Information for Employees. This information includes:

  • Standards of Conduct
  • Applicable Legal Sanctions and Penalties
  • Health Risks
  • Drug and Alcohol Related Resources


The College shall take appropriate action, to the extent possible, to provide a work environment free of drugs and other illegal substances. The manufacture, possession, use and/or distribution of illegal substances is forbidden on any College property or at any College-sponsored activity. No employee or student may appear on College property if, as a result of the use of drugs or other illegal substances, he/she cannot adequately perform normal functions or if he/she impedes the normal operation of the College. (Board Policy 2016, Drug-Free Workplace)

Compliance with this policy shall be a condition of employment. Any workplace-related violation leading to conviction shall be reported to Human Resources. Prior to reinstatement of any employee so convicted, or as a condition of continuing employment, completion of a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program shall be required. Educational information on drug abuse shall be made available to employees and students. (Board Policy 2016, Drug-Free Workplace)

DMACC's Student Conduct, Discipline and Appeals Procedure, ES 4630, and Tobacco-Free Campus, ES 4635, state that the following behaviors are prohibited:

  • Using, possessing, misusing or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or other intoxicating beverage on College property or at College-sponsored functions except as authorized by College regulations or College authority.
  • Manufacturing, processing, selling, delivering, providing, using, purchasing, misusing or possessing any narcotic drug, marijuana or other addictive, dangerous or controlled substance on College property or at College sponsored functions. Drug paraphernalia is also prohibited.
  • The use of tobacco products, which include smokeless or smoking tobacco, is prohibited on all campuses and all attendance facilities in compliance with state law.

Offenses of controlled substances and penalties are described in full in Chapter 124 of the State of Iowa Code. Information about alcohol/drug laws and penalties in the state of Iowa can be found in the annual security and fire safety report. Violations may result in simple, aggravated, or serious misdemeanors, or class C and D felony charges. For a chart of Federal Trafficking Penalties, visit https://www.dea.gov/drug-information.

Iowa Alcohol Related Laws:

Underage possession/purchase/consumption: 1st offense—simple misdemeanor $100.00 fine; 2nd offense— simple misdemeanor $500.00 fine + loss of driving privileges not to exceed one year or substance abuse evaluation; Subsequent violations—simple misdemeanor $500.00 fine + loss of driving privileges not to exceed one year.

OWI: 1st offense 48 hours jail/$1,250 fine; 2nd offense 7 days jail/$1,850 fine; 3rd offense 30 days jail or commitment to prison (5 years maximum)/$3,125 fine.

The unlawful possession, use, distribution or misuse of illicit drugs or alcohol by students may result in sanctions including suspension from DMACC. More information about the DMACC Student Conduct Code and possible sanctions can be found at Loading... SA 511 - Student Conduct.

Additional information regarding disciplinary sanctions is available within the DMACC Drug-Free Schools and Campuses information is available here: Loading... BS 5551 - DMACC's Compliance with Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act.

DMACC HR Procedure Loading... HR 3320 outlines general information regarding employee conduct, appearance, and attendance. This policy states that in addition to the qualities that are implied expectations for maintaining employment with the College, the College may establish specific conduct, appearance and attendance expectations that bear on an employee's ability to be effective in his/her job. This includes observing all health and safety rules.